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his work was finally published in extenso wherein he consented to recount the episodes of his mad

attempt to... drawing an analogy between.

irenicism amidst the hullabaloo

“the libidinal economy”

constraints continue to weigyh on us.

Whether we like it or not, to fall in love is to slip back into an ancient, magical humus, to revive
childhood fears, excessive hopes, and a mixture of servitude and cruelty.

assign a political or spiritual purpose to our emotional excitement.

it is Rousseau who started us down this path.

drew an infrangible line between.

Freud says somewhere that when we make love there are always at least six people involved
because to each partner must be added the ghosts of their fathers and the mothers. In
contemporary couples there are even more.

This is the lover’s naïve dream: to erase all predecessors, to relegate them to the status of rough
drafts of which he is the final version.

But love does not correspond to the notion of progress, the last one does not recapitulate all the
The ex can dampen our enthusiasm by inappropriate revelations, for example by suggesting that
with the beloved we are engaging in repetition pure and simple: the same formulas, the same
attentions, the same audacities. We have just refilled a slot that pre-existed us

our love-lives are governed by the principle of addition.

Ultimately, we feel an unfathomable gratitude to this group of men and women whom we have
cherished, scarred, wounded, and failed to love as we should: they have made us what we are and a
bit of their substance remains in our flesh right up to the end.

Every person shines with a false splendor in the eyes of someone else; everyone is envied while he

Mystics use the term explesis to refer to this aesthetic delight in the manifestations of the divine.

To observe is to evaluate

“There are two catastrophes in life,” George Bernard Shaw said, “when our desires are satisfied and
when they are not.”

A whole school of thought emphasizes the beauty of anticipation at the expense of realization.

“Only that which does not exist is beautiful,” Rousseau said

you are what you seem to be, nothing more.

To desire is first of all to exclude, to measure faces and bodies by the standards of the code of
stereotyped beauty.

Some people have made seduction a way of life. Incapable of resisting opportunities, they give
priority to the nascent state; they are collectors of beginnings.

excitation then execution

Their calculated nonchalance protects them

There are strategies of silence and simplicity that captivate more than gratuitous volubility.

Every shy person thus nourishes two contradictory dreams: that of an immediate accord of
epidermises and that of an instantaneous communion of souls.


In a dark time, the eye begins to see . . . —Theodore Roethke, “In a Dark Time”

when we try to resist feeling something painful, we often protract the very pain we’re trying to
There’s also something about the action of searching that blocks us from what we seek. The
constant looking outside of ourselves can keep us from knowing when we hit the target.

a satsang—a meeting with a spiritual master.

Adam Gopnik writes about the difference between gurus and teachers in his book Through the
Children’s Gate: “A guru gives us himself and then his system; a teacher gives us his subject and then

Only this time, I wasn’t walking away. My plan was to heal this wound at the source

Sometimes, the heart must break in order to open.

we met in that place beyond thought, beyond the mind, where only the deepest love dwells.

The past is never dead. It’s not even past. —William Faulkner, Requiem for a

An intellectual understanding by itself is rarely enough for a lasting shift to occur.

when pain is too great, people tend to avoid it. Yet when we block the feelings, we unknowingly
stunt the necessary healing process that can lead us to a natural release.

In your earliest biological form, as an unfertilized egg, you already share a cellular environment with
your mother and grandmother. When your grandmother was five months pregnant with your
mother, the precursor cell of the egg you developed from was already present in your mother’s


Deception has an incontestable erotic potential: the fear of being caught, spur-of-the-moment
rendezvous, and shared secrets lend some clandestine encounters a density that the conjugal gruel
no longer has.


The slow disintegration of love requires the establishment of a stormy area within the quiet harbor.

So they were both there, happy, useless. . . , depending on each other like supply and demand....


apply a consumerist logic to the relationship

the Wounded Knee Massacre

ⓂⓂⓂⓂⓂⓂⓂⓂⓂⓂⓂⓂⓂThrough others we become ourselves

we are fundamentally eternal beings.

with an aspect of ourselves existing outside the flow of time

Ludwig Wittgenstein once described philosophy as “the art of thinking slowly.”

Depression doesnt consume your energy it saves really gives a true reflection of the nature of
this giving each and every aspect a truer image we act accordingly our image of ourselves
to adapt to a certain degree

💡Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so.

The essence of socialization is to make people dependent on social controls, to have them respond
predictably to rewards and punishments

exploit our preferences for their own ends.

Pain and pleasure occur in consciousness and exist only there.

“Men are not afraid of things, but of how they view them,” said Epictetus

Marcus Aurelius wrote: “If you are pained by external things, it is not they that disturb you, but your
own judgment of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgment now.”

consciousness has developed the ability to override its genetic instructions and to set its own
independent course of action

the human nervous system has become so complex that it is now able to affect its own states,
making it to a certain extent functionally independent of its genetic blueprint and of the objective

fine-tune his skill at manipulating inner experiences.

The best moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a
voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile

regardless of all the stupendous scientific knowledge we can summon at will, people often end up
feeling that

the pervasive malaise that often sours our most precious moments

only if we understand the way subjective states are shaped can we master them

The pursuit of a goal brings order in awareness because a person must concentrate attention on the
task at hand and momentarily forget everything else.
It was fascinating to find thoughts that lie on the tip of an English tongue, crystallized into

The internet distils encyclopedias into your fingertips, libraries into the palm of your hand .Some
estimates put the internet's storage capability at 1 million exabytes (just one exabyte =
1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes). Mind offcially boggled.

Hypothermia imparts a degree of protection from the detrimental effects of low blood and low
oxygen, It set off the brain's survival mechanism: the low temperature forces the metabolism to shut
down, meaning the brain can survive on just 30% of its normal oxygen supply.

the American military explored ways of modifying clouds and using rain as a weapon during the late-
1940s and early-1950s under the codename Project Cirrus.

Lacerations to the eyebrow are a common feature of boxing.The rules stipulate that the fight must
be stopped when one of the boxers starts bleeding.

A cutman in the fighter's corner then tries to stop the bleeding … and only has a minute to do so.

First, he dabs on an ointment that mostly contains adrenaline. This makes the blood vessels
contract. Then he reaches for an ice-cold piece of iron from a cooler and presses it against the cut. If
that doesn•t work, he can apply wound superglue. If the boxer needs stitches, the referee has to
stop the “ ght.

Ahaematomaoccurswhenanimpact tears the smallest bloodvessels.Bloodleaking into the tissue

causes a bruise to develop. The “ rst action is to cool it down. Then, depending on the size of the
bruise, and how painful it is, you may need to see a doctor … especially if you are a sportsperson.
Extreme cases could see you having a heparin injection, which thins the blood and shrinks the bruise.
Prior to seeing a doctor, general advice is to avoid putting weight on the affected area if tendons or
bones have been injured.

Proteins are polymer chains formed from amino acids and are based on a blueprint in the DNA

All the body's proteins link together to form the proteome.

thereare400,000differentproteinsthataffect every process inthebody,


•Our proteome is probably a lot more complex than our genome,

Practically every cell on the planet (including hormones and enzymes) is made up of hundreds or
even thousands of proteins.

These consist of a combination of 20 aminoacids.

The acids are strung together like a code :for example,the hormone insulin is composed of a chain
of21amino acids,while the muscle protein titin has 30,000. Proteins are everything to a cell:an
energy source,structure,sensor and means of communication.It's widely believed that proteins are
evenmore important than the genome in understanding the body.The reason:the 25,000 human
genes have largely been deciphered, but the roles of the 80,000 to 400,000 proteins in the
bodyhaven't. Scientists don't know when and where the proteins are used…yet.

Human DNA is like a huge book containing the exact instructions for building a person. Here,spread
over around three billion pages,is the complete protein code.

😉The good thing about divorce is that it civilizes marriage, which ceases to be a prison..

‫الطالق صيغة مدنية تخلي المؤسسة الزوجية في حال عدم التوافق تجربة اجتماعية برك مش مؤسسة عقابية‬

⚀love is not endurance test, it is certain.

it is a quality of the bonds between two persons

‫ وش تسمي "حب" بينك و بين انسان مش‬un test d'endurance

narcissistic projections.

des projections narcissiques

fear of the transition and not the fear of the end.

“The birth of children is the death of the parents,” Hegel

Life together is less solitude surmounted than companionship interrupted.

Friendship, that is, passion in slow motion

passion that escapes the pathos of symbiosis, resists separation, and admits the plurality of

♥ True love cares little about love.

‫ أصدق تجربة هي اللي تعيشها بالما تنكادري‬les composantes ‫ نتاوعها في‬un cadre théorique ‫على حسابو تحاول‬
‫ت‬manipuler ‫ال‬resultat‫ باش تكريي‬continuité ‫ بين وش كاين‬comme idée ‫ و وش كاين كوجود خارجي على‬les
abstractions ‫توقعاتك تشوّ ه الشكل األصلي للتجربة على خاطر تحاول تخلق‬....‫ اللي في راسك‬control....

One has to know how to be bored together without blaming the other for the boredom, to enjoy this
state as the ultimate proof of savoir-vivre and civility

A couple that lasts is paradoxically a couple that accepts that it will end,

A couple that lasts is paradoxically a couple that accepts that it will end, sees itself as a way station
in an adventure that continues beyond it. The strength of the couple in love is to be weak and
malleable, protected by the very quality that makes it vulnerable. It is imperfect, and therefore
endlessly reformable.

loses in intensity what it gains in extension

coitus by proxy


Crude words are not in themselves exciting; it is the excitement of the moment that makes their use

Sexuality transcends us: it submerges the individual in the great process of renewing the
generations, makes it a link in a chain, “the mortal bearer of an immortal substance.”

Delaying satisfaction, multiplying obstacles in order to sublimate the appetites:

reinventing precious prohibitions in order to generate precious delights

exacerbating sexuality by challenging it.

impotence was what drove Romain Gary and Hemingway to kill themselves.

Instead of desiring a person, he desires desire, fetishizes his sex organ, and ends up no longer caring
about anything but it, provoking the failure that it seeks to avoid.
“Love has no importance,” said Alfred Jarry, “since it can be repeated indefinitely.”


“glory hole,” apparently of Japanese origin,

a nascent inclination

Whether episodic or enduring, our love affairs teach us nothing: their chaotic succession does not
culminate in a sentimental education.

We are consistent in our amorous transports and frivolous in our relationship to time.

Marrying for security

noticing that marriage protects us from nothing, and that not marrying does not guarantee the

To speak of love is always to start out from one’s own internal disorder, to dig around in the muddy
bottom of one’s soul full of baseness and nobility.

The scoundrel uses the torch of love to ignite the torch of vengeance. MARQUIS DE SADE, Les Crimes
de l’amour

transforms a fleeting sentiment into an eternity of piety

“hallucinatory onanism,”

Watkins Books in London, one of the oldest esoteric bookshops in Europe,

Counterculture is the anathema of socialization

🎶🎵Society is a sphere of conformity clustered around an idea of what is acceptable.

‫ المجتمع هو اجتماع مصطلح على‬la conformité....‫ افراد‬endoctriné ‫على صحة او عدم فكرة على مقياس القبول‬.

Akhenaten, in Egypt, rejected polytheism and was struck from contemporary records.

‘History is a matter of which myth you choose.’ VOLTAIRE

the Emerald Tablet

Alchemy was described as the ‘royal art’ because it is art in its highest form and confers upon the
student sovereignty over oneself.
Centuries before Jung was born, the alchemists understood that personal change happens at an
emotional level and is the key to transformation

In actual fact

Stoicism was a school of philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in the early third century
BC. Its name is derived from the Greek stoa, meaning porch, because that’s where Zeno first taught
his students. The philosophy asserts that virtue (meaning, chiefly, the four cardinal virtues of self-
control, courage, justice, and wisdom) is happiness, and it is our perceptions of things—rather than
the things themselves—that cause most of our trouble. Stoicism teaches that we can’t control or rely
on anything outside what Epictetus called our “reasoned choice”—our ability to use our reason to

choose how we categorize, respond, and reorient ourselves to external events

The single most important practice in Stoic philosophy is differentiating between what we can
change and what we can’t.

time spent hurling yourself at these immovable objects is time not spent on the things we can

Perception, Action, Will. Those are the three overlapping but critical disciplines of Stoicism

three generations share the same biological environment of the womb,

The most common epigenetic tag is DNA methylation, a process that blocks proteins from attaching
to a gene, suppressing its expression

💡one megabyte is one million instructions per second (one MIPS)

reliving the past in their symptoms.

....‫ ي‬8‫االحساس‬presentifie ‫روحو لما ي‬presenti ‫تعيش الماضي في لي‬.....‫روحو بشكل تستبعد انو احساسك راح يعيش فيه‬
symptomes ‫ نتاعو‬un malaise...

Even in academic subjects that are traditionally considered unemotional, such as physics,
engineering, or math, deep understanding depends on making emotional connections between

when mathematicians see equations that they judge to be “beautiful” and elegantly formulated
instead of “ugly” and awkwardly formulated, they activate the same sensory, emotional brain region
that activates during experiences of perceptual beauty, such as when admiring a painting

emotions, like cognition, develop with maturity and experience. In this sense, emotions are skills—
organized patterns of thoughts and behaviors that we actively construct in the moment and across
our life spans to adaptively accommodate to various kinds of circumstances, including academic
the “judge penitent” Jean-Baptiste Clamence, confesses that “the more I accuse myself, the more I
have a right to judge you — even better, I provoke you into judging yourself.”

In one of Kierkegaard’s most famous and cryptic sentences, he wrote, “The self is a relation that
relates itself to itself.”

‫ألنو الذات مسألة ارتباط مسألة عالقة ذات بذاتها‬

Kierkegaard went on to explain that among other things, we are beings who combine aspects of
both temporality and eternity.

We are given the task of relating ourselves to our past and to our future. Days gone by are seldom
an issue, but how to interpret major missteps that might prompt a person to lose faith in himself is a
challenge that shapes who we are.

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