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I will tell you after I graduated from the high school of seamanship before I allow myself to introduce
myself, my name is Mifta Nur Hanifah, I am from Teknika 3 echo. I am majoring in Nursery Pattern
Engineering. What is Nursery Pattern? nursery pattern where departments within the ministry of
transportation whose cadets and cadets will become civil servant candidates and have been placed
throughout Indonesia to work in accordance with the departments in their fields from the ministry of
transportation. in the department my nursery pattern is different from before I had to take the state civil
service agency test which was conducted for prospective civil servants. when this activity was carried
out, many tests were carried out, namely a national insight test, general intelligence test and general
personality test followed by a physical fitness test and a psychological test. The dream that I really
dreamed of after graduating from a seafaring high school was to become deputy ministry of
transportation. I want my career to be gradual and I can achieve my goals. I want to fulfill my dream of
becoming a deputy by studying hard, praying and asking my parents' blessing to make my dream come
true. I want to continue my education to a higher level. I want to get it. If I become a deputy I will build
infrastructure and develop a transportation government in Indonesia. It can continue on the
international stage and advance the economy and development in the ministry of transportation.
Connecting good relations with an agency. I hope my dreams can come true with confidence me, effort
and prayer in achieving my goals. I really want to work at the Ministry of Transportation to guide my
better career.

After I graduate from the maritime science high school I will continue my higher education. I am also
very grateful because my parents and family really support me to be able to work at the ministry of
transportation. I am very grateful to have good people near me who support my career, especially my
close friend who always supports and helps me in various ways and really comforts me in joy and
sorrow, namely Geraldi Ricardo. I met and knew him when I was first I am still a candidate for cadets. I
also asked many seniors about the knowledge and experience gained for my further direction in
pursuing a career. I hope that if I can join the Ministry of Transportation so that I can improve and
develop the Ministry of Transportation in the international sector. in the ministry of transportation's
environment agency there are many different things that can improve performance in a field. I want if I
join I will improve the infrastructure of the ministry of transportation on the national stage as a
developing country that has a transportation sector from the sea, air and land can work properly and
according to the targets developed. services in the field of transportation can influence me to improve
the transportation transportation sector.

transportation development is very broad and in fact I have to learn a lot not only one transportation
but all the transportation that I have to know. starting point of my career. I will do my best in it. I will
realize my goals with effort and high enthusiasm to achieve my goals. there are many things that I want
to get and experience that I want to get. I want someday I can build a better transportation sector. I am
very proud of myself because even though this major is not my hope, I still have aspirations in my life to
continue to be rich and be able to continue my better career. passion and strong desire I'm sure I can
realize my goals in this field in the field of transportation. The character of a builder is to remain strong
in the principles taught there is still a lot to do to get to that position. have a career from small things to
be able to hold the position i want. i have lots of experience and learning that i haven't gotten. everyone
has different desires and achievements from various things to make it happen. Thank you for reading my
wish. I hope I can make my wish come true.

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