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“Huellitas Pets”

 Members: Damaris Arias,

Nayeli Barros, Fernanda
 Subject: Business English.
 Career: Commercial
 Teacher: Pablo Jara
   [this is a very important slide that requires a lot of
time to create because it must be concise,
complete and convincing]
-Brief description of the company (elevator pitch)

We at HUELLITAS PETS are committed to offering a last dignified and respectful

goodbye to our beloved four-legged friends.
In today's world, pets are considered members of the family, and their loss can be
devastating. However, we often find it difficult to find a suitable place to honor his
Huellitas pest offers a comprehensive solution for the farewell of beloved pets. With our
dedication to excellence and providing a sacred final resting place for our beloved pets,
we believe we can make a difference in people's lives and build a successful company.

-What exactly does the company do (succinctly stated)

Provide funeral services for pets and animals.
The pet cemetery provides a peaceful and beautiful setting where owners can say
goodbye to their furry companions in a personalized way. We offer a variety of
services, from traditional burials to individual cremations, giving owners the option to
customize monuments and headstones to honor the life and legacy of their pets.

Additionally, we understand that grief can be a complicated process, which is why we

also offer emotional support and counseling services for those going through this
difficult time. Our highly trained team is available to comfort and assist our clients in
their healing process.
-What products or services are offered.
Accompaniment in the process.

-What problem is being solved, and

Why these products or services are attractive, for example,
"...the only product that allows [solving] the problem]..."

It provides an emotional and practical solution for owners who want to say goodbye to
their pets in a meaningful and dignified way.

The problem/opportunity/need
-Define the problem or need in the market
The problem in the pet cemetery market is the lack of options that provide a respectful
and personalized place to honor the memory of deceased pets, and that support
owners in their grieving process. There is a need to establish dedicated places
specifically for pets' final resting places and for owners to find solace and emotional
Previously, the options for firing a pet were limited. Owners were often forced to rely on
impersonal methods such as mass cremation or burial in inappropriate locations.
These options did not meet the emotional and spiritual needs of owners seeking a final
place of rest and honor for their pets.

-Describe how significant or prevalent the problem may be

If applicable, please describe why now is the right time for a solution

The pet care market is robust and growing, and we believe our pet cemetery is
uniquely positioned to capture a significant share of that market. With an effective
marketing strategy and a focus on quality and empathy, we are confident that we can
establish ourselves as the preferred destination for those looking to honor and
remember their pets in a special way.

-Provide a "problem" scenario that provides a

basis for your company's product or service

In the unfortunate event that your pet dies, many do not have places to bury them, for
this reason we provide the space for the grave or also the cremation so that you can
have it with you.

Glide time: 60 to 90 seconds

The solution
(1 to 2 slides)
Clearly and succinctly describe the company's product or service that will solve the
addresses the need for pet owners to find a suitable and respectful place to honor and
remember their deceased pets. It provides a physical and emotional space for closure,
personalization, and support during the grieving process.
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Illustrate the company's solution with graphics, images or videos as needed (keep this
very simple)

Please provide a short list of features, benefits and advantages.

Respect for deceased pets
emotional support for owners
customization of tributes
the preservation of the legacy,
the calm and beautiful spaces,
creating a supportive community

– What is the customer value proposition (how well

product or service solves the problem)?

Cost savings, convenience, reliability, etc. (be specific)

Describe the "barriers to entry" created by your product (eg, patents)

The value proposition for customers in the pet cremation and funeral services industry
is to provide a respectful and dignified solution for the end of their pet's life. In an
emotionally difficult time, providing high-quality services with compassion and empathy
can help pet owners feel like their pet received a dignified end to their life. Additionally,
offering additional and personalized options, such as special memories or eco-friendly
services, can meet specific customer needs and make them more comfortable with
their decision. Overall, a strong value proposition in this market focuses on service
quality, compassion and respect for the animal and its owner, as well as providing
personalized options that meet the needs and preferences of customers.

Slide time: approximately 01:30 (may require more than one

The solution
Provide an understandable, practical
example of how your product/service
works or what it does.

Example of features and benefits table

Features and benefits

Features Benefit

Unique in the region Dignifies farewell

Respect for the death of animals Specific place

calm atmosphere Personalization

space for memories legacy preservation

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