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Eight reasons WHY knowing

your PURPOSE matters

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1. Focus

When you know your purpose, you learn to focus

on what matters the most.

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2. Passion
It’s an important driver that helps you achieve the

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3. Clarity

Those that don’t know their purpose are unclear

and waste time chasing aspirations.

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4. Gratitude

When you live by your purpose, you are more cen-

tred and make a lasting impact in your work which
encourages others and creates a feeling of gratifica-

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5. Values

Values are integral elements to your purpose. Values define

our goals, and they remind us of right and wrong, which
helps us navigate through the complexity of life.

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6. Integrity

Living with purpose helps you live life with integrity.

People with purpose know who they are, what they

are and why they are.

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7. Trust

When you know your purpose, you know you belong,

you become more trusting and have more faith in

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8. Fun

When you have a purpose, every moment matters.

People with purpose live life to the fullest, and they
have a growth mindset.

When you live with purpose, balance is fluid and

when you do what you love for those that love and
value what you do, the energy, commitment, drive
and attitude is organic.

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Eight reasons WHY
knowing your PURPOSE



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