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Demand and Supply Planning

Lab Guide

November 11, 2020

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Confidential - Oracle Restricted
Table of Contents 1
Overview, Preparation, and Setup 2
Lab Overview 2
Labs, Sequence, and Durations 2
Prerequisites 2

Lab 1: Review Demand related Items on Production Plan Landing Page. 3

Lab 2: Review “Demand at Risk” information. 19
Lab 3: Review Supply related Items on Production Plan Landing Page. 20

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Lab Overview
This lab will familiarize the user with some of the Demand Management, and Supply Planning capabilities within the application. The Supply Chain Planning subject
matter can vary from customer to customer. The SCM Planning solutions provide a great deal of flexibility to enable customers to adopt solutions that most accurately
reflect their unique business processes. For example, some customers may have different users or groups that focus solely on Demand Management, while other users
or groups only deal with Supply Planning. For other customers, it may be more productive for a single user or group to do both functions. The Demand and Supply
Planning solutions provide the flexibility to accommodate any combination of approaches. There are inherent synergies to performing both functions simultaneously,
therefore this lab exercise will demonstrate the solution in that manner.
The lab exercises are designed to complement your training, reinforcing the key concepts by applying and demonstrating what you learn in the presentation sessions.
This lab book is comprised of individual exercises. The individual exercises allow you to get first hands-on exposure working with the various SCM Cloud products using
a demo environment, where you will see how key features and functionality are deployed in the software.
You will be using a software environment assigned to you by Demo Services or otherwise provided through your manager.
What you see displayed in your environment may not match exactly with the lab screenshots. Screenshots are provided solely for illustrative purposes to help guide you
directionally through the user interface.

Labs, Sequence, and Durations

The following table lists the lab topics in sequence, the estimated duration of each topic, the learning outcomes.


Demand and Supply Planning Demand Management

1. Review demand related items on Production Plan landing page.
2. Review “Demand at Risk” information.
3. Review supply related items on Production Plan landing page.

Demo environment contains default dataset used in lab.

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Steps 1-17 introduce the user to the “Production Plan” landing page and some of the information relevant to the supply chain planning process. Lab 1 focuses on the
demand specific elements, however the “Production Plan” page is a single springboard for supply and demand related information and activities.

LAB Steps

1. 1 Open a Google Chrome browser session.

Step: Navigate to Demo Central table body text followed
by a numbered list:

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2. 2 Click on the Environments tab:

Resulting Screen

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3. 3 Click on a demo environment name link from your list of assigned demo environments; using the latest release
is preferred.
Note – environments updated to the most recent release will have a later letter & higher number in the
Environment Image name e.g. FAPHRZ19DD02 is a more recent release than FAPHRZ19DD01 or

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4. Log on as billie.salazar with the password for your instance.

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5. Resulting screen is Billie Salazar’s Homepage.

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6. Navigate to Supply Chain Planning, and Select “Demand and Supply Planning” tile.

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7. User is taken to the Production Plan landing page. The results of this page will vary based upon the data
present in the environment being used. The page can easily be tailored to best suit the user’s requirements.
Information within the infolets at the top represent supplies, demands, and the intersection of the two.
The graphs in the lower part of the page will reflect the details associated with the infolet selected in the top
portion of the page. In this example, the details at the bottom of the page, support the “Forecast Comparison”
infolet selected at the top left-hand corner of the page.
Select the “Slimline Tablets” link in the “Forecast Comparison by Product Category” infotile (bottom right
quadrant of the page).

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8. The “Forecast Comparison by Product Category” refreshes to display the next level of details for that category.
In this example, forecast comparisons are presented for two items.
Additional drilldown capabilities exist and can be found by right-clicking the chart details for item “AS6647431”.

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9. The “Drill To” menu displays. Further analysis can be performed by selecting any of the options available.
Exit the “Drill To” menu. Select the “Shipments Forecast MAPE” infolet.

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10. The “Shipments Forecast MAPE by Product Category” heat map displays in the lower portion of the page. The
heat map uses size and shape to guide user navigation; resolving issues that make the biggest impact to the
overall health of the plan. The size of the blocks indicate the volume/size of the forecast issue, while the color
of the blocks indicate the intensity of the issue. For example, an item represented by a larger, darker block
indicates a bigger portion of the forecast with more errors for the given item, than an item represented by a
smaller, lighter color. Right-click on the “AS35015” item block.

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11. “Drill To” menu displays. Further analysis can be done by reviewing the components that define the forecast, in
addition to the default information.
Exit the “Drill To” menu. Select the “New Product Forecast” infolet.

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12. The “New Product Forecast” details are displayed. In order to increase the percentage of the New Product
forecast, the user can interact with the data directly in the “New Product Analysis” table in the lower righthand
corner of the page. For item “AS6647331”, select the cell for the “Adjusted Shipments Forecast” row in the
“Summary” column.

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13. The desired cell is selected. Enter a value of “19000”. Select the keyboard <Enter> key. The system accepts the
19000 value and distributes the change across the quarters.
Note, the 19000 is distributed over the time periods based on the existing ratios. This can be manually
changed. Select the “Expand” icon in the “Quarter 1” column.

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14. The “Quarter 1” column expands to display individual months. Changes can be made at a summary level, all the
way down to the weekly buckets. The system also allows for locking cells so that changes can’t be made. For
example, a planner may be aware of a constraint that exist for January (prior customer commitment) so
he/she locks January so that the plan accounts for that constraint and plans accordingly.
Select the summary cell that was just modified to “19000” and right-click to open additional menu options.
Select the “Create Note” value.

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15. The “Create Note” window displays. It is best practice to make notes on changes so that these decisions can be
reviewed later if necessary. The system allows for these notes to be generated right where the changes are
being made, making it simple and easy to capture important information regarding decisions, assumptions, or
risks associated with the changes.
Select the “Cancel” button to return to the “Production Plan” page. Select the “Save” button in the top
righthand corner of the page to save the changes made.

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16. The changes are saved, and the “Production Plan” page is displayed with updated information. Note the “New
Product Forecast” has now improved to “44%” based on the change made.
In the “New Product Analysis” table, select the “Actions” drop-down menu.

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17. The “Actions” menu displays. For this exercise the “Manage Product Launch” menu will not be selected but
note its presence. Planning users can execute additional actions relating to New Product launches directly
from this page. This greatly reduces the overhead of logging in and out of separate systems, and allows the
user to quickly and easily perform all necessary tasks in one convenient place.
Select the “Demand at Risk” infolet.


Step 18 focuses on the “Demand at Risk” infolet providing the user with information on how demand requirements will be met with sources of supply.

LAB Steps

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18. The “Demand at Risk” infolet is highlighted with related details presented in a heatmap below. The “Demand at
Risk” view is a good representation of the intersect between demands and supplies. The system is looking at
the demands within the system and netting them to the projected available supplies. The heatmap uses size
and color to guide the user to areas that are potential issues, meaning demand is at risk of being missed or
The system allows the user to resolve these issues by providing recommendations that will make the most
impact on the plan. For example, there it might be a scenario where 10 underlying issues need to be resolved in
order to improve only 1 order. A second scenario needs 2 issues to be resolved in order to fix 24 orders. In this
case the system is going to guide the user to resolve the 2 issues that impact the most orders. This allows for
prioritizing ‘at-risk’ issues and providing potential resolutions to solve the biggest problems with the least
Review the information, and select the “Inventory Turns” infolet.


Steps 19-33 leverage the “Production Plan” landing page to highlight supply side information. The user is taken through areas of inventory, resource utilization, and
planned supply orders.

LAB Steps

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19. The “Inventory Turns” page displays. This is a view into the overarching inventory policies. The information in
these charts and graphs is fundamentally a representation of where company dollars reside within inventory.

The “Starburst” graph in the lower left hand corner provides a high-level view into the makeup of the
inventory. For example, what categories of goods are in inventory as well as if those goods are finished goods,
components, or raw materials.

In the righthand corner of the page is a graph depicting “Safety Stock” levels. Like all of the charts and graphs,
this graph can be viewed by item or item category. In this example, items are displayed.

Select the “Resource Utilization” infolet.

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20. The “Resource Utilization” infolet is highlighted, and the related details are displayed below. This information
gives the user a high level view into resource utilization. Review the data to see the utilization of different work
resources as well as view the most utilized work centers.
Hover over the bar value for the “LCD_PAE” resource in the “Top Utilized Resources” chart and right-click to
display the “Drill To” menu options.

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21. The “Drill To” menu options display. Select “Drill To”, and select “Default Group” and select “Resource Plan”.

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22. The “Resource Plan” page displays. A table representing the selected resource shows availability, requirements,
and utilization. The underlying configurations relating to resources (both machine and people) will drive how
this plan is best utilized. Examples include using the information to make headcount decisions or plan rough-
cut capacity to insure bottlenecks are respected. Review the information and close the “Resource Plan” tab.

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23. The “Production Plan” page displays. Select the “Plan Recommendations” infolet.

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24. The “Plan Recommendations” infolet is highlighted with related details presented in a bar chart below. The
information here represents the recommendations that are needed to fulfill the planned requirements.
Examples would be planned work orders, planned purchase orders, or planned material transfers.
Select the bar graph labeled “2022-01-17” and right-click.

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25. The “Drill To” menu displays. Select “Drill To” and select “Pegging Analysis”.

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26. The “Pegging Analysis” page displays in table format. The user can see a time-phased listing of forecasts as
well as sales order. Select the first sales order entry labeled by row “2022-01-03” and select the “Drill To” drop-
down at the top of the page.

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27. The “Drill To” menu displays. Select the “Supplies” value to view the source of supply for this demand.

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28. The “Supplies and Demands” page displays. For this example, 10 work orders for a quantity of 70 each are
planned to satisfy the 700 unit demand. None of these work orders have been confirmed, so modifications to
elements like quantity and date can be adjusted before release for execution, as well as consolidation or
additional splits.
From here the user can also view information about lower level components. To see an example, select the
“Expand” icon for the first item “AS6547431” record.

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29. The item record expands to display component parts in lower levels of the item structure. This allows visibility
into the entire item structure to insure all items will be available to fulfill the demand. To validate this the view
can be switched to see what demand these items and orders are pegged to.
Select the “Demand Pegging” icon from the toolbar above the dataset.

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30. The data is displayed from a “Demand Pegging” perspective. Review the information to see the demands
pegged to the work orders. Just like the previous supply-side view, the items can be expanded in order to see
the lower level components being demanded.
In a real-world scenario, the user may find that the information looks correct and is ready for release. To
release the orders for this example, highlight the orders for release by selecting the row(s).

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31. The row(s) is highlighted. Select the “Actions” drop-down menu and select the “Mark for Release”.

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32. For this exercise the steps are performed manually in order to highlight what happens at each step. In real-
world scenarios, environments may require certain approvals before orders are approved or executed. Select
the “Actions” drop-down in the top righthand corner of the page to see some of these options.
In this example, the previous step “Released” the planned order(s). At this point, those planned orders may
require additional approvals before release to execution. Review the menu options to see the available options.

33. This concludes the Supply Chain Planning exercises for this lab.

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