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CII2 - 1
Let’s get started

Think of a definition for “Bucket list”. What is it? Why do people

make one? What are the most common wishes/intentions
included in bucket lists?

Group Work
When making a bucket list, there are
different aspects that need to be kept in
mind. Which one(s) do you think should
be considered?

Make a list with your group and rank

the aspects from the most to the
least important.

Work with a partner and discuss the meaning of the following quote: “Life is short and
we should live it to its fullest” How far do you agree or disagree with it?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 2
Before reading this article, work with a partner and anticipate by reading its title what
this reading could be about and why. Just then, go after the reading.

Embracing life with a bucket list

By Ashley Strickland, CNN

(CNN) At 23, Laura Lawson was miserable, living off of junk food, drinking
on the weekends and avoiding social situations. At nearly 200 pounds, she
didn't recognize herself in the mirror. Bullying had caused her to drop out
of school at 15. Beyond being called a nerd for playing in orchestra and
having good grades, Lawson was "threatened, tripped up, stolen from,
pushed and made to feel like nothing."

Other students threw her clothes in the shower during gym. Even though
her parents were supportive, Lawson started missing classes to avoid her
bullies. She eventually left school. "I knew I was capable of a lot more than
I was doing and had been stuck in a rut: Work, sleep, Xbox," Lawson said.
"The thought of being on my death bed -- having spent my whole life like
I had been -- scared me and I wanted no regrets.“ Lawson was looking for
something that could turn her life around. When a roommate suggested
they try bungee jumping, she initially said no. But watching the film "Yes
Man" gave Lawson the push she needed and she started to say "yes" to life

Bungee jumping was just the beginning.

"What a rush!" Lawson wrote in her iReport. "Why hadn't I done this
before? It made me realize all the other life experiences I had been missing
out on." While preparing for her bungee jump, Lawson came across the
idea of bucket lists and decided to make a small list of cheap and local
things she could do on her own.

She ran her first race, dyed her hair pink, learned how to cook and started
growing her own vegetables. The list expanded to include places she
wanted to see, foods to taste, what she had always wanted to do and the
fears she wanted to conquer.

Her list isn't what you would call "typical." And three years later, it has
grown to include 350 items. Lawson estimates that she has crossed off
around 150 so far.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 3
"I have no plans to climb Mount Everest or run a marathon," she said.
"There was no point adding things that didn't interest me or I have no
intention of doing. By starting to say yes to opportunities, I have had so
many amazing experiences I would have missed out on if I continued living
as I did."

She has met countless, "amazing" people by pushing herself to try new
things, like roller derby and burlesque classes. Being active and learning to
cook healthy meals helped her lose 45 pounds, improving her health and
confidence. In between life-changing experiences, Lawson took time to
study, which helped her become more qualified for better jobs and as a
result, she started a new career.

"Mainly, I've learned to be happy with who I am and not just to 'fit in' with
what is expected," she said.

Lawson also married the love of her life in between bucket list
experiences. They met at the end of 2010 and had their wedding in Las
Vegas in 2014, sky diving together the day after. They often complete her
bucket list items together. After her own eye-opening experience, Lawson
wants to encourage others to take charge of their lives.

"Say yes to life more," she said. "Don't wait until it's too late to do
everything you want to do. Take a chance and enjoy your life, as you only
get one.“


After reading the article, answer the following questions:

How was Laura’s life at 23?

What made her change her mind?

How does she feel nowadays? Why?

Do you think we should also say “yes” to life? How?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 4
Information Exchange

Now it is your turn, think of activities

you would like to do in your life and
write down your own bucket list. Rank
your ideas based on your priorities.

Compare your list with your partner’s list. Are there any similarities? Which ones?


Regarding your bucket list, think of wishes and intentions that you have already fulfilled.
Which ones are they?

Pronunciation and enunciation

Pronunciation problems may occur because of confusing English sounds and their
similarities. Read aloud the following paragraph and pay attention to the way you
pronounce the boldfaced words containing /!/ and /i:/

The Winter Olympics

Since 1924, the Winter Olympics have been an international event. Now
these activities are seen by millions on television. Men and women from
distant cities and countries participate in this competition. They all wish to
be winners. They ski downhill amidst pretty scenery. Figure skaters spin to
victory. Skill will make the difference. Some will finish with a silver medal,
some with a gold one. But all will win our hearts and infinite respect.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 5
Flipped task

Situation 2

Is there a difference in the

way you feel when you have
a young boss/teacher as
with an older boss/teacher?
Why do you think that
happens? Discuss possible
scenarios to bridge that gap
in a positive and fruitful way.
You are going to conduct some research based on
the main competencies required by an
entrepreneur in the 21st century. What do
entrepreneurs need to succeed in the market field?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 6
Self-evaluation form

1. How easy or difficult was it for me to be able to participate in this unit-topic?

(Being 5 the most difficult and 0 the least difficult assessment).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What were my strengths and weaknesses while working with this worksheet?

Strengths Weaknesses

3. What can I do to overcome my weaknesses? (List at least 2 aspects and actions to


Weaknesses (Aspects) Course of action

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. If there was a pre or post activity suggested by the teacher (web quest/visit
recommended WebPages, etc.), did you accomplish it or not?

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 7
6. From 0-5 (Being 5 the highest positive evaluation), how would you rate your
involvement in the tasks?

0 1 2 3 4 5

Based on your own reflection, take notes or write down ideas that may help you
improve your conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 8

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 9
CII2 - 2
Let’s get started

In pairs, elaborate a list of words related to “Entrepreneurship”.

Share the words in class to develop a complete definition of
what it is.

Flipped Task
Based on your previous research, work in pairs and
summarize the 21st century “competencies” that
all entrepreneurs need, explaining each of them to
your partner. Do you consider you have those
competencies? If not, what do you need to do to
build them? Situation 2

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 11
How easy or difficult is it to be a successful entrepreneur? What do you think is
needed to be successful in our country? How about globally? Based on your
experience or previous research, are there any tips you can provide?

Have you heard of startups? What do you
know about them? Are they the same as
small businesses? Discuss these questions
before watching a video.

Watch the video and check if you were right. After watching it, discuss the following

1. What are the mainEmbracing

differences? life with
Do you a bucket
think list than the other one?
one is better
Explain your answer

2. Do you know about any startups? Tell your classmates about it.

Group Work

Have you heard of these programs? Do you like them? Why or why not? What are
they about?

Tell your classmates what you know about them.

In groups evaluate what type of business would be profitable in Peru, supporting
your options, providing examples, facts, etc.

Work in groups, choose a niche market and set your own business project.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 12
What kind of business is it?

Who would be the target public?

Where will it be located will it be a traditional one, an e-business

or a mix of them?

Present your project and convince a group of wealthy investors to invest in your
business! Be persuasive.


After having talked about being an

entrepreneur, do you think you
are/could be a good entrepreneur?
Support your answer.

Pronunciation and enunciation practice

Google Episode 52 - Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Linking /w/

from BBC videos,so that next class you, your classmates and your teacher will be
more aware of your progress. Remember that in a conversation it is not only
important what you communicate but how clearly you do it.

Enunciating your words clearly is an essential element to communicating your

message. Say the following tongue twister aloud. Start slowly and slightly increase your
speed each time.

Of all the felt I ever felt,

I never felt a piece of felt
which felt as fine as that felt felt,
when first I felt that felt hat's felt.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 13
Self-evaluation form

1. How easy or difficult was it for me to get engaged in this unit-topic? (Being 5 the
most difficult and 0 the least difficult assessment).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What were my strengths and weaknesses while working with this worksheet?

Strengths Weaknesses

3. What can I do to overcome my weaknesses? (List at least 2 aspects and actions to


Weaknesses (Aspects) Course of action

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. If there was a pre or post activity suggested by the teacher (web quest/visit
recommended WebPages, etc.), did you accomplish it or not?

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 14
6. From 0-5 (Being 5 the highest positive evaluation), how would you rate your
involvement in the tasks?

0 1 2 3 4 5

Based on your own reflection, take notes or write down ideas that may help you
improve your conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 15

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 16
CII2 - 3
Let’s get started

Have you ever had a pet? Tell your classmates about it. If not, tell
your partner the reasons why you would or would not like to
be a pet owner.

Having a pet could be wonderful but it
also means hard work. What do you
consider to be the pros and cons of
having a pet? Analyze with your partner
your own / other people’s experiences.

Some people believe that animals are not merchandising to be sold and bought.
Therefore, they consider they should be adopted defending the idea that Selling
animals as pets should be banned. Do you agree? Why/Why not? Have you ever
bought or sold an animal as a pet?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 18
Information Exchange
Do you know of any associations/individuals
that help protect animals? Are you an active
member in any of them? If not, would you
like to be a member of one? Tell your
classmates about it.

Group Work
You are going to create your own Pets Foundation, think of what kind of animals you
would like to help, how, where, who would be involved, etc.

Tell the class all about your foundation and invite them to be part of it.

Some people seem to be more committed to animals than to other human beings. Do
you consider it is morally right to spend a lot of money on pets, rather than helping
people in need? Why? You may share your own ideas with a small group.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 19
Pronunciation and enunciation practice
Some consonants in English may have different pronunciation sounds even when
spelt the same. Read the paragraph about Julius Caesar containing the sounds S/Z
aloud. Be sure to pronounce all the boldfaced words correctly.

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar is one of the most famous leaders in history. He

became master of Italy because of his skills as soldier and
statesman. His zeal and wisdom brought positive changes. He
reorganized the government and raised the status of the poor. But
he was stabbed to death by his enemies Brutus and Cassius.
Shakespeare said in his play about Julius Caesar, “Men at some
time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our
stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.

To gain a better insight of the different sounds you may come across in English,
google episode 66 of Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: assimilation of /s/, to help
improve your own pronunciation and enunciation skills.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 20
Self-evaluation form

1. How easy or difficult was it for me to get engaged in this unit-topic? (Being 5 the
most difficult and 0 the least difficult assessment).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What were my strengths and weaknesses while working with this worksheet?

Strengths Weaknesses

3. What can I do to overcome my weaknesses? (List at least 2 aspects and actions to


Weaknesses (Aspects) Course of action

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. If there was a pre or post activity suggested by the teacher (web quest/visit
recommended WebPages, etc.), did you accomplish it or not?

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 21
6. From 0-5 (Being 5 the highest positive evaluation), how would you rate your
involvement in the tasks?

0 1 2 3 4 5

Based on your own reflection, take notes or write down ideas that may help you
improve your conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 22

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 23
CII2 - 4
Let’s get started

How would you define “Binge-watching”? Have you ever

binge-watched a TV series/show? Which one(s)?

Tell your partner about it. Are there any similarities/

differences between you and your partner’s preferences?

Work in small groups and analyze why some series can be really addictive, evaluating
what strategies are being used by streaming companies.


Before watching the video, discuss with your partner what effects you
think binge-watching could have on us.

While you watch, take notes to answer the following questions:

Why are streaming services so popular?

What is a binge-race?

What process takes place in our brains when we binge-watch?

What is “parasocial identification”?

What would be the benefits and detriments of binge-watching?

After watching the video, have you been able to identify yourself going
through any of those processes while binge-watching? Which ones?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 25
Group Work
You are going to role-play an interview in which viewers and specialists discuss the
topic entitled: What can we do to avoid becoming addicted to TV series? You need to
provide tips to avoid becoming addicted.

Act your conversation out.

Work in pairs and analyze how your behavior may have changed due to
binge-watching. Are there any activities you may have neglected? What can you do
about it?

Pronunciation and enunciation practice

Google Episode 53 - Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Assimilation

of /n/ followed by /p/
One of a series of pronunciation-enunciation videos created by the BBC that will help
you to be a better listener and a more fluent speaker. Your teacher will be aware of
how well you intake those recommendations while engaged in your conversations in

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 26
Flipped task

Situation 2

Is there a difference in the

way you feel when you have
a young boss/teacher as
with an older boss/teacher?
Why do you think that
happens? Discuss possible
scenarios to bridge that gap
in a positive and fruitful way.
To prepare for your next session, you are going to
conduct some research on what SMART goals are.
Search the internet about that topic to bear in
mind if people should take them into consideration
or not.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 27
Self-evaluation form

1. How easy or difficult was it for me to get engaged in this unit-topic? (Being 5 the
most difficult and 0 the least difficult assessment).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What were my strengths and weaknesses while working with this worksheet?

Strengths Weaknesses

3. What can I do to overcome my weaknesses? (List at least 2 aspects and actions to


Weaknesses (Aspects) Course of action

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. If there was a pre or post activity suggested by the teacher (web quest/visit
recommended WebPages, etc.), did you accomplish it or not?

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 28
6. From 0-5 (Being 5 the highest positive evaluation), how would you rate your
involvement in the tasks?

0 1 2 3 4 5

Based on your own reflection, take notes or write down ideas that may help you
improve your conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 29

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 30
CII2 - 5
Let’s get started

Read the quote and tell your

partner if you agree with it or not,
supporting your arguments.

Pair work
Talk to your partner about important
goals you have already achieved in
your life. How hard was it for you to
reach them? These could be about
education, sports, your professional
or personal field, etc.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 32
Flipped task

Situation 2

Based on your previous research, tell

your classmates what SMART goals are.
Do you consider that people should
keep them in mind? Why?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 33
Individual work
Identify what your short and long term
goals are. Pay attention to the ideas
provided below:

Financial goals

Educational goals
Career goals

Personal goals

Information exchange
Based on the goals previously mentioned, identify what steps you are taking to reach
them. Have you already started to pursue them? Tell your classmates about them.

Group work
Reaching goals may not always be an easy
task, what things or situations you consider
are hindering you to reach your goals? What
can be done to overcome these obstacles?

Work in pairs and analyze how your goals may have changed throughout your life,
trying to identify what may have caused those changes.

Pronunciation and enunciation

Google Episode 54 - Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Elision of

from BBC videos, so that next class you, your classmates and your teacher will be
more aware of your progress in this area.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 34
Flipped Task

Situation 2

Do some research on a current

challenge that you consider important
for your community, school, people’s
well-being. What is it about? Would you
like to be part of it?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 35
Self-evaluation form

1. How much am I improving from unit topic 1 until this one? (Being 5 the top score
and 0 the last one).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What have I done so far to strengthen my weaknesses?

3. Which are the areas that I need to improve regarding conversation? List them.

Areas of improvement


4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. Have you taken any action to perform the pre or post activity suggested by the

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 36
6. Based on your previous answer and on your own reflection, take notes or write
down ideas that may help you improve your overall conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 37

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 38
CII2 - 6
Let’s get started

Think of different challenging situations you have been through.

Which one could you say that has been the most challenging?
You may talk about any academic, personal or professional

Pair work
Have you ever considered setting a
new challenge? How successful were
you at reaching it? What happened?

Tell your partner about your



Before watching the video, try to speculate about what a 30-day

challenge could be about and how easy/difficult to reach it can be.

Watch the video and check if you were right. In pairs, answer the following questions:

What challenges did he try?

Is he positive about those experiences?

What does he suggest doing? Do you agree with his suggestion?

What about you? What kind of 30-day challenge would you set for yourself?
Exchange ideas with a partner or with a small group.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 40
Flipped task

Situation 2

Based on your previous research, tell

your classmates about a challenge that
could be beneficial for your community,
school or people’s well-being. Would you
like to be part of it? Invite your friends to
join the challenge trend by making an
inspirational speech.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 41
Group work

Think of situations that you may like to change but they seem to be

Work in groups, make a list containing all your ideas, choose one
and set your own challenge! Explain the rest of the class what it
is about and the importance of this challenge in your lives.

After having discussed this topic, do you think that someone could be a better person
after being through a challenge? Why?

Pronunciation and enunciation

Most people have problems with some consonants in English since we do not have
them in Spanish. Practice reading the tongue twister aloud, make sure you are
enunciating the words well.

Tongue Twister
I thought a thought.
But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.
If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought,
I wouldn't have thought so much.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 42
Self-evaluation form

1. How much am I improving from unit topic 1 until this one? (Being 5 the top score
and 0 the last one).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What have I done so far to strengthen my weaknesses?

3. Which are the areas that I need to improve regarding conversation? List them.

Areas of improvement


4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. Have you taken any action to perform the pre or post activity suggested by the

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 43
6. Based on your previous answer and on your own reflection, take notes or write
down ideas that may help you improve your overall conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 44

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 45
CII2 - 7
Let’s get started

Look at the picture and create some stories or scenarios for

this image. Who are they? What do you think is happening?

Watch the video and check if you were right. What is the
video about? Have you ever felt that way? When? What

Prejudices may take place everywhere. Which ones do you think are the most
common in Peru? Make a list and rank them from the most to the least
damaging one.
Compare and contrast your list with your partner’s.
Do you agree with your partner’s list?

In pairs decide on the most damaging one giving reasons for having made such
choice. Share it with the rest of your classmates.

Group work

After having mentioned the most common prejudices in Peru.

What do you think are the main reasons for having prejudices in our
society? Do you consider they affect us? How?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 47
Pair work
Have you or anyone you know ever
suffered because of prejudice? What
Tell your partner.

In groups, think about what can be done to fight prejudice.
After brainstorming different possible solutions, you are going to develop a project to
be conducted at school, university, social networks, etc.

Society needs to change many things regarding prejudice. What about you? Do you
believe there is a prejudice you need to deal with? Which one is it?

Tell your partner about it.

Pronunciation and enunciation practice

Google Episode 55 - Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Assimilation

of /nd/
One of a series of pronunciation-enunciation videos created by the BBC that will help
you to be a better listener and a more fluent speaker. Your teacher will be aware of
how well you intake those recommendations while engaged in your conversations in

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 48
Self-evaluation form

1. How much am I improving from unit topic 1 until this one? (Being 5 the top score
and 0 the last one).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. What have I done so far to strengthen my weaknesses?

3. Which are the areas that I need to improve regarding conversation? List them.

Areas of improvement


4. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

5. Have you taken any action to perform the pre or post activity suggested by the

Yes No

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 49
6. Based on your previous answer and on your own reflection, take notes or write
down ideas that may help you improve your overall conversational skills.

7.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 50

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 51
CII2 - 8
Let’s get started

In pairs, think of definition for globalization. What does it mean

to you? What does it involve?

Elaborate your answer.

Group work
Work in groups and evaluate the
impact of globalization on our
everyday lives. Focus on the topics
shown below.

Education Commerce
Media Food
Work Other

Do you consider globalization has an impact on our cultural identity? Why?
How come? Has it already affected our identity? Provide some examples to
clarify your position regarding this issue.

Analyze the current situation and think of ways to preserve our cultural
identity. What can be done? How can we reinforce our identity without
falling into chauvinism or extreme nationalism?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 53
You are going to be part of a public debate, in which
some people propose having some regulations to
protect our culture (clothes, music, food, etc) and
some other will be in favor of being more open to
foreign proposals.

Work in groups and rebut the other group’s

arguments. You may use facts, experiences, among
others to enrich your argumentation.

As far as I’m concerned ....

It seems to me that ....
I’d like to point out that ....
I’m absolutely convinced that....
Useful expressions
The way I see it ....
I agree up to a certain point ....
That’s exactly what I mean ....
You’ve got a good point there ....

Remember that rebuttal is based on defending your point of view based on an active
listening of the arguments presented by the opposite group and the information that
supports your position.

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 54
Do you think globalization will standardize cultural aspects amongst countries that
share the same values and beliefs? Why? Will there be a dominant one in the future?
Which one do you envision it will be?

Pronunciation and enunciation practice

Enunciating your words clearly is an essential element to

communicating your message.

Say the following tongue twister aloud.

Start slowly and slightly increase your speed.

She saw Sharif's shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure those were Sharif's
shoes she saw?

® Idiomas Católica Copyright 2020. 55
Self-evaluation form

1. How much am I improving since I have started this term? (Being 5 the top score
and 0 the last one).

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. Mention the most important action you have taken to improve your weaknesses?

3. What are the most valuable things I have learnt from this topic?

4. Identify pronunciation areas you think you are most aware of when engaging in a
conversation. List them.

5. Based on your previous answer and on your own reflection, take notes or write
down ideas of how much your conversational skills have improved and what actions
you will take to improve your weaknesses.

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6.Vocabulary Bank:

New expressions My example

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