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Part 1

1. Define the research question: Identify the research question you want to answer through your
simulation study. This will guide your entire simulation design and analysis.

2. Select the simulation tool: Choose the simulation tool that best suits your research question and
provides the necessary features and functionalities to execute the simulation study.

3. Define the simulation model: Develop a model that represents the system or process you want
to simulate. This should include all relevant variables, parameters, and assumptions.

4. Define the inputs and outputs: Specify the inputs to the simulation model and the outputs you
want to measure. This will help you collect data for analysis.

5. Determine the simulation experiment design: Decide on the experimental design that will allow
you to answer your research question. This could include selecting the number of replications,
the size of the sample, and the range of parameter values to test.

6. Run the simulation: Execute the simulation experiment by inputting the parameter values,
running the simulation model, and collecting the output data.

7. Analyze the simulation output data: Use statistical analysis techniques to analyze the simulation
output data. This could include calculating summary statistics, plotting the data, and performing
hypothesis tests.

8. Validate the simulation: Validate the simulation model by comparing the output data to real-
world data or existing theoretical models. This will help you assess the accuracy of your

9. Interpret the simulation results: Interpret the simulation results in light of your research
question and the broader context of your study. This could include discussing the implications of
the results for future research or practical applications.

10. Communicate the findings: Present the findings of your simulation study in a clear and concise
manner, using appropriate visualization techniques and language that is accessible to your
target audience. This could include writing a research paper, giving a presentation, or creating
an infographic.

Verfication mean checking the model if it is error free or not

Validation mean checking the model if it is mimicking the scenario or not

3 1. warm-up period and run length

2. batch means

3 . truncated replication


1. poission

2. exponential

3. unifom

4. triangular

5. normal distribution

5. Assgin is used to make assignment to variable and attributes

Decide is used to provide alternative flow path to entity on bases of condition or probability


W(q) - the expected profit or cost of ordering a quantity q of the product.

r min (D, q) - the revenue generated by selling the quantity q of the product at a price r. This term is
equal to the minimum of the demand D and the order quantity q.

s max (q – D, 0) - the salvage value, or the revenue lost, from any unsold units after demand has been
satisfied. This term is equal to the maximum of the difference between the order quantity q and the
demand D, or zero.

cq - the cost of ordering the quantity q of the product at a cost c.


WQi - the waiting time of the i-th customer in the queue. This is the time spent by the customer waiting
in the queue before being served.

WQi – 1 - the waiting time of the (i-1)th customer in the queue. This is the time spent by the previous
customer waiting in the queue before being served.

Si – 1 - the service time of the (i-1)th customer. This is the time required by the server to serve the
previous customer.

Ai - the inter-arrival time between the (i-1)th and i-th customers. This is the time between the arrival of
the previous customer and the arrival of the current customer.


(1) gamma distribution


(3) hypothesis is accepted because it has p value greater than 0.05

(4) coefficient of variation 29.5

(5) Confidence interval = (70.2627 - 0.03, 70.2627 + 0.03) , 95%

(6) Margin of error = Half width / 2

Substituting the given half width of 0.03, we get:

Margin of error = 0.03 / 2 = 0.015

Next, we can use the margin of error to find the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval:

Lower bound = Average - Margin of error Upper bound = Average + Margin of error

Substituting the given average of 70.2627 and the calculated margin of error of 0.015, we get:

Lower bound = 70.2627 - 0.015 = 70.2477 Upper bound = 70.2627 + 0.015 = 70.2777

Therefore, the confidence interval at 95% confidence level is (70.2477, 70.2777), which means that we
can be 95% confident that the true population mean falls within this interval.

value duration
1 7
0 1
1 9
0 5


Part 2

(1) Standard
(2) TRIA( 1,3,4)
(3) Standard
(4) TNOW
(5) Standard
(6) WEB(2.5,5.3)
(7) Standard
(8) TNOW
(9) Size delay release
(13)Seizzze delay relize
(17)Seize delay release
(18)Sealer time
(19)Seize dealy release

(1) Decision
(2) 9
(3) 20
(4) Decision
(5) 50

Part 3
(1) EXPO(0.1) oorder arrival
(2) Demand DISC(0.167,1,0.5,2,0.833,3,1,4)
(3) Inventtroy evaluation 1

3. (1) 60 Ga

(2) 50 Tr

(3) 70 Gi

(4) s GA 20

(5) S GA 40

6 . 15

7 . 35

8 . 25
9. 45

Days to run 360

Demand for gadget 0.167,1, 0.333+0.167,2, 0.167+0.333+ 0.333,3,0.167 +0.167+0.333+0.33,4

Demand for tr pois(1.9)

Demand for gi pois(2.3)

Lag GA uniform ((0.5, 1.0))

Lag tr uniform ((0.4, 0.8))

Lag Gi uniform ((0.8, 1.7))

unit shortage cost GA* MX(-inventory levelGA,0)

unit holding cost GA* MX(inventory level GA,0)

unit shortage cost TR* MX(-inventory levelTR,0)

unit holding cost TR* MX(inventory level TR,0)

unit shortage cost GI* MX(-inventory levelGI,0)

unit holding cost GI* MX(inventory level GI,0)

For GA , TR, GI model will look same

Part 4

1. Create EXPO 3 min

2. Min
3. 10
4. Infinite
5. Size delay releaasse
6. Setup operator
7. 1min
8. Seize delay relaes
9. Comp 1
10. Norm4.5,1
11. Seize delay relaes
12. Setup operator
13. 1.5
14. Seize dealy release
15. Comp2
16. Norm7.5,1.5
17. Assing entity type A
18. A or B
19. 19 Arrival time
20. TNOW
21. By chance
22. Enitiy typr
23. 60
24. 40

Part 5
AVG time


value duratio
1 4
0 1

Pet with examination : 7.797837951

Part 6


2. 1

4. 1
5 .entity

6 EXPO 18

7 min


9 infinite

10 seize delay rel

11 wash

12 EXPPO (15)

13 seize delay relaes

14 vacc

15 EXPO (12)

16 attribute1

17 1

18 aatribute 2

Decide 3 if attribute 1 yeas

Decise 4 if attribute 2 yes

Rest asnwers are attached

Decide ANswewrs

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