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Cindy Rodríguez Santana

Matricula: 147241
Grupo: OR67
Materia: Inglés III
Actividad Evaluativa 1
Campeche, Campeche a 15 de mayo de 2022
Actividad de Aprendizaje 1: Escrito: My secret talents.
Escrito: En un documento Word redacta un texto sobre tus
talentos ocultos, a la manera del ejercicio de práctica número 3
del bloque. Envía este trabajo a tu asesor incluyendo portada,
instrucciones y la redacción en Arial 15.
My secret talents
In the most simple of terms, talents are skills that come naturally
to a person, making it easier to master the skill.
One of my great secret talents is that I am able to eat a lot without
gaining weight. I'm not really sure if it's a hidden talent, but it's a
remarkable thing about me.
Cooking is algo my secret talent. I really like to cook but I don't
have time to do it. And it's something I'd like to implement more in
my life. I haven’t cook in a while, but last time I did it great.

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