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Nombre del Centro Educativo: Instituto Tecnológico K’iche’
Código del Establecimiento: 1406 0059 45 Mes de Aplicación: Febrero
Nombre del Director (A): Osman Gabriel García Girón No. de Tel. 52121774

Docente: Heidy Cristina Nix Lucas No. de Tel. 40963525

Grado: Primero básico Sección: A
Nombre del estudiante: Clave:
Área: Comunicación y Lenguaje L3.
Fecha de aplicación: El día que le corresponda venir.
Tema a desarrollar: Simple present Tense (Verb to be negative form).
Competencia(s): Understands simple phrases and specific range of vocabulary concerning to
known topics in short dialogues and oral sentence.
Indicador(es) de logro: Distinguishes the meaning of basic vocabulary
concerning to familiar topics.
Metodología: Application of the cognitive skills of Analysis.
Topic Content:


Jobs and occupations

A job, or occupation, is a person's role in society. More specifically, a job is an activity, often regular and
performed in exchange for payment.
The verb to be
The verb to be is the most important verb in the English language. It is difficult to use because it is
an irregular verb in almost all of its forms. In the simple present tense, to be is conjugated as
follows: To Be
Affirmative Sentences Negative Sentences

Subject To Be Examples Subject To Be Examples

I am I am from New Zealand. I am not I am not from Spain.

You are You are Chilean. You are not You are not Australian.
He is He is twenty years old. He is not He is not thirty years old.
She is She is a nurse. She is not She is not a secretary.
It is It is a big dog. It is not It is not a small cat.
We are We are intelligent. We are not We are not stupid.
You are You are students. You are not You are not teachers.
They are They are married. They are not They are not single.

Grammar structure:
Affirmative Form

I + am + a + teacher. (Yo soy un maestro)

Subject + verb + Complement.

To be

Negative Form

I + am + not + a teacher.
Subject + verb +not + Complement.
To be

Development of the topic:

• Look at the word

• Identify relevant information
• Identify some rules

Activity No. 1

Identify the questions in order to have a draft for your video.

Identifica las preguntas para tener un borrador de tu video.

Look for appropriate information by answering the questions.

Busque la información adecuada respondiendo las preguntas.

Activity No. 2

Analyze, organize and classify the information in a logical order with these questions.
Analiza, organiza y clasifica la información en un orden lógico con estas preguntas.

Produce an oral video about your personal information with coherence and accuracy.
Produzca un video oral utilizando su información personal con coherencia y precisión.

- What is your full name?

- What grade are you in?
- What is your nickname?
- How old are you?
- What is your favorite food?
- Tell me something important about you.

Hello! Good morning, I am going to introduce myself. First my name is Heidy Nix I am in 8th. Also, my nick name is
teacher. I am 19 years old. My favorite food is pizza. Something important about me is that I love to tach English bye.

Activity No. 3

Read the text attentively and select the affirmative sentences and negative sentences.
Leer el texto con atención y seleccionar las oraciones afirmativas y negativas.

Analyze the given grammar structure of verb to be negative form.

Analiza la estructura gramatical dada del verbo para que sea una forma negativa.
Activity No 4.
Remember the morphosyntactic rules by complete a worksheet.
Recuerde las reglas morfosintácticas completando una hoja de trabajo.

Apply the grammar rules by writing 5 sentences about you 3 true and 2 false.
Aplica las reglas gramaticales escribiendo 5 oraciones sobre ti 3 verdaderas y 2 falsa .

Modalidad. Work this course every Monday from 9:30 to 10:00 hours. You need to submit your
assignment via TEAMS or Gmail.

Trabajará este curso todos los días lunes de 9:30 a 10:00 horas. Deberá subir las tareas por
TEAMS o Gmail.


Ejemplo: En Asunto necesito que me escriba

Asunto: Heidy Nix primero básico clave: 1 Ingles


• Herramienta De Evaluación (Técnica de Desempeño):

I. Proyecto- Hoja de trabajo

• Herramienta De Evaluación (Técnica de Observación):

Introducing myself video/audio score: _____/15

Range scale Scale Key

Aspects 3 Points 2 Points 1.5Points 1 Point
1 Fluency the speaker speaks
confidently and naturally with no
distracting hesitations.

2 Pronunciation is accurate, with correct

inflections, numbers of syllables and
other correct nuances of
3 The speaker use accuracy in grammar
with personal information.

4 Complete the worksheet of negative


5 Content the speaker is knowledgeable

about the subject and provides a
significant information.

II. Escala de Rango

Mecanismo de Reforzamiento: - Resolución de dudas y acompañamiento de docente por
plataforma TEAMS en horario de 3:00 a 16:00 (lunes a jueves) y de 8:00 a 17:00 horas de lunes
a viernes.

______________________ ________________________
Heidy Cristina Nix Lucas Osman Gabriel García Girón
Nombre y firma del docente Nombre y firma del director
Vo. Bo. Lic. José Domingo de Paz Girón
Coordinador Técnico Administrativo 14-06-08
Chichicastenango. El Quiché
Worksheet 2

1. Match the verb to be negative form with the contraction.

You are not (isn´t)
It are not (aren´t)

2. Rewrite the sentence by fixing the unscramble words.

1. am / I / Guatemalan/not I am not Guatemalan.

2. my teacher. / is/ She/ not ______________________
3. You/ in my class. / are /not _______________________
4. Canadian. / You / are/not _______________________
5. smart. / They / are /not _______________________
6. is /not / It / my book. _______________________

3. Write the sentences in negative tense.

I am a teacher. _____________________
She is in the class. _____________________
You are my friend. _________________________
They are 8th grade. _________________________
I am here with you. __________________________

4. Write 3 true sentences and 2 false using the verb to be.

1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________

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