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A book review or article critique is a specialized form of academic writing that involves the
evaluation and analysis of scholarly works such as academic books and journal articles. It is not
simply a summary but rather a critical assessment and evaluation of the work, requiring skills in
critical thinking and recognizing arguments. Unlike movie reviews, which are written for a general
audience and aim to offer a persuasive opinion, academic book reviews and article critiques address
a specific audience and provide a critical response to a published scholarly work. It is important to
note that book reviews should not be mistaken for book reports, as they focus on describing the
plot, characters, or ideas of a certain work.

When writing a book review or article critique, the structure typically includes an introduction, a
summary, the review/critique section, and a conclusion. The introduction introduces the title of the
book/article, the writer's name, and the writer's thesis statement. The summary section highlights
the writer's objective or purpose, methods used (if applicable), and major findings or claims. The
review/critique section, which constitutes the majority of the paper, assesses various aspects such as
the appropriateness of the methodology, theoretical soundness, sufficiency of explanation,
coherence of ideas, and consideration of other perspectives. Finally, the conclusion provides an
overall impression of the work, evaluates its scholarly value, discusses benefits to the intended
audience, and offers suggestions for future directions.

When conducting a book review or article critique, it is essential to consider the following questions:
What is the topic and purpose of the work? Who are the intended readers? Does the writer explicitly
state their thesis statement? What theoretical assumptions are mentioned and discussed? What
contributions does the work make to the field? What problems and issues are addressed? What kind
of information is presented, and how is it used to support the arguments or thesis? Are there
alternative ways of explanation? What is your overall reaction to the work?

To write an effective book review or article critique, it is recommended to carefully read and
understand the main concept and arguments presented. Relate the content to your existing
knowledge about the topic to enhance engagement. Focus on discussing how the book treats the
topic rather than the topic itself. Situate your review by analyzing the theories presented by the
writer. Evaluate the adequacy of the supporting evidence and the type of analysis used. Provide
suggestions for improvement in reasoning or explanation. Compare the writer's explanation to other
perspectives from experts in the field. Point out any missed conclusions or interpretations and
propose additional ideas for examination. Analyze the connections between ideas and express your
reactions and explanations, supporting your stance. Finally, consider suggesting alternative methods
and processes of reasoning for a more conclusive interpretation.

Completing a book review or article critique not only helps identify the strengths and weaknesses of
a work but also enhances your ability to identify different perspectives and engage in scholarly

A literature review is an academic writing piece that offers an overview of a specific topic by
surveying scholarly works such as academic books, journal articles, empirical studies, government
reports, and more. It critically analyzes the relationship between existing scholarly works and the
current study, serving as a standalone paper or part of a research paper. Unlike an annotated
bibliography, which summarizes and synthesizes different sources, a literature review aims to
identify what is known and unknown about a topic.
Writing a literature review entails efficient literature search, evaluation of studies for validity and
reliability, and effective writing. It tests the researcher's ability to gather relevant literature and
assess its usefulness. A well-written literature review may take approximately 40 hours to complete.
The functions of a literature review include justifying research questions, establishing the topic's
relevance, providing necessary information, showcasing familiarity with the topic, establishing a
study's niche, and resolving conflicts among contradictory studies.

The structure of a literature review typically consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion. The
introduction explains the purpose of the review, its importance, scope, criteria for selecting
literature, and the organizational pattern. The body covers historical background, relevant theories,
the relationship between studies and theory advancement, strengths and weaknesses of each paper,
and various viewpoints on the topic. The conclusion restates the main argument or thesis, discusses
agreements and disagreements in the literature, and offers implications or directions for future
studies if it's a stand-alone paper, or links the literature review to the research questions if part of a
larger work.

Guidelines for writing a literature review involve three distinct parts: literature search, evaluation
and analysis of articles, and writing the review itself. The literature search requires familiarity with
the chosen documentation style, focusing on a specific topic, determining the type and number of
sources, surveying relevant online databases, and using appropriate keywords for searching.
Landmark studies related to the topic should also be included. During the evaluation and analysis
phase, articles and documents are skimmed, grouped, and summarized using concept maps.
Synthesizing the references and creating an outline are essential steps before starting the writing

When writing the literature review, it is important to state a clear thesis or main argument and
follow it consistently. Justification should be provided if there are no existing studies on a particular
aspect of the topic. Referring readers to other related literature reviews that cover different items is
recommended. The literature review should not be treated as a series of annotated bibliographies.
Headings and subheadings can be used to classify the parts of the topic, with each paragraph
focusing on a specific aspect. Effective transitions, thematic, methodological, or chronological
organization, sparing use of direct quotations, and classification of important definitions are
additional strategies to enhance the clarity and coherence of the review.

A research report is an extensive and formal document that aims to present comprehensive
interpretations and analyses of a particular phenomenon, utilizing experimental data and existing
information to provide readers with a deeper understanding. This labor-intensive work is the result
of rigorous investigation and scientific inquiry. The research report consists of several essential parts
that collectively contribute to its structure and content. Firstly, the title page acts as an initial
introduction, featuring an informative title that effectively summarizes the paper's content, the
name(s) of the author(s), their addresses or affiliations, and the submission date. It is crucial for the
title to be descriptive and indicative of the research topic. The abstract, a concise summary of the
research findings and conclusions, follows the title page. It provides a brief overview of the study's
context, research questions or objectives, methodology, major findings, conclusions, and sometimes
implications. The length of the abstract typically ranges from 100 to 250 words, and it should not
contain citations or an excessive amount of statistical results.
The introduction section follows the abstract and serves the purpose of explaining the current state
of the field, identifying research gaps, and presenting the research focus by addressing the identified
gaps in the topic. This section contextualizes the research topic and usually spans three to five
paragraphs. Subsequently, the literature review section summarizes and synthesizes all available
sources directly related to the study, divided into two subsections: related concepts and related
studies. The related concepts subsection presents fundamental concepts necessary for readers to
better understand the study, defining, explaining, and describing relevant concepts and theories. In
contrast, the related studies subsection encompasses previously conducted studies directly related
to the research paper. Both subsections contribute to the overall comprehension of the phenomena
under investigation. The literature review section concludes with a paragraph that synthesizes all
presented studies and situates the current study in context. The length of the literature review
section may vary from two to three pages, with some cases integrating it into the introduction

The methodology section follows the literature review and describes how the research experiments
or tests were conducted. It provides details on the study's context, participants, instruments used,
data gathering procedure, and data analysis. The context of the study and the participants'
characteristics, such as their number and demographic profiles, are explained. The instruments used
in data gathering, such as questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions, surveys, and tests, are
discussed in detail, including their validation processes. The data gathering section outlines the
procedures employed for data collection, while the data analysis section elaborates on the
qualitative or quantitative methods used for analyzing the data. It is important to use past tense
when writing the methodology section.

The results section presents factual descriptions of the gathered data, accompanied by tables and
graphs that summarize the collected information. Each research problem or objective should be
followed by its corresponding results. The flow of the results section should align with the flow of
the research questions or problems. The discussion section follows the results, offering an
explanation of all the obtained results in relation to the previous studies presented in the literature
review. This section begins by restating the research problems or objectives, as well as the major
findings. Subsequent paragraphs analyze whether the study supports or rejects previous findings
and provide reasons for these conclusions. Additionally, any new findings uncovered in the research
are presented. Similar to the flow of the results, the discussion section follows the sequence of the
research problems or objectives.

The conclusion section restates the major findings, highlights the limitations of the study, provides
recommendations, and discusses the implications of the research. In some cases, the conclusion may
be integrated into the discussion section. The reference list, which includes academic books,
journals, and other online sources used in the study, follows the conclusion. The format of the
reference list may vary depending on the specific requirements of the school, teacher, or field of

To successfully write a research report, it is helpful to break down the process into smaller steps that
align with the basic writing process. The following steps can guide the writing process: selecting and
narrowing down the topic, conducting preliminary research to gather initial references, formulating
a thesis statement and research questions, preparing a preliminary outline, gathering additional
references, creating a pre-final outline, preparing the survey instrument (questionnaire or interview
guide) following specific guidelines, implementing the instrument and collecting data, analyzing the
collected data using tables and graphs, writing the methodology and results sections, composing the
introduction and literature review sections, crafting the discussion section while linking it to the
literature review, writing the conclusion, and finally preparing the reference list. It is crucial to edit
and format the paper appropriately, adhering to proper mechanics.

Following specific guidelines in writing a research report ensures a well-written and organized
document. It is recommended that around 50 to 75 percent of the paper be devoted to the results
and discussion sections. Additionally, all sources, whether paraphrased or directly quoted, should be
properly cited. Direct quotations should be used sparingly, with a focus on paraphrasing. Adhering to
the required documentation style is essential. When selecting topics, it is important to consider their
relevance, interest, current nature, and manageability in terms of available resources, required skills,
and time constraints. Topics should not be excessively sensitive or controversial. Research questions
should directly address the chosen topic or thesis statement, and they should guide the subsequent
research process effectively. An example research question set explores the effect of Facebook on
the academic performance of senior high school students, investigating its impact on students'
performance during examinations, attention span during class activities, and participation in
curricular activities.

Writing a project proposal involves the creation of a highly persuasive and informative document
aimed at addressing a specific problem or issue and initiating a project for individuals or groups.
Typically, project proposals range from 1,000 to 2,500 words, depending on the complexity of the
proposed project. A well-structured project proposal includes several key components.

Firstly, it is essential to specify the goals and objectives that the project aims to accomplish. These
goals and objectives provide a clear understanding of the intended outcomes of the project.
Additionally, the project plan must outline the strategies and steps that will be taken to achieve the
established goals and objectives. This section should detail the resources, including financial, human
(such as experts or consultants), and technical (such as equipment and facilities), required for
successful project implementation. Moreover, a comprehensive budget should be included,
specifying the amount of money needed and how it will be allocated for various purposes.

Project proposals can be classified into four types based on the context of the problem and the
sender and receiver of the proposals. Solicited internal proposals are directed towards readers
within the organization, responding to specific requests and decisions made within the organization.
Unsolicited internal proposals are self-initiated and not requested by anyone within the
organization. Solicited external proposals are sent to readers outside the organization in response to
specific requests from external individuals or entities, whereas unsolicited external proposals are
self-initiated and not requested by anyone outside the organization.

The different parts of a project proposal include the cover letter, which introduces the proposal to
the reader, states the proposal's title and purpose, and acknowledges contributors. The title page
provides concise and informative details such as the project title, lead organization, date, client or
donor's name, proponent's name, and department or organization representation. An abstract or
executive summary follows, summarizing the objectives, implementing organization, major project
activities, and total project cost within 200 to 250 words. The context section describes the socio-
economic, cultural, and political background relevant to the proposal and presents data collected
from other sources. The project justification provides a rationale for the project, including the
problem statement, the need for immediate attention, the target group's needs, and the proposed
approach or strategy. The personnel involved section lists the individuals participating in the project,
their roles, and qualifications.

Project implementation is divided into an activity plan, which outlines the schedule and responsible
parties, and a resource plan, which specifies the necessary items for implementation. The budget
section presents the expected income and expenses over a specified time period, itemizing the
various budget components. Monitoring and evaluation are discussed, including the methods,
personnel responsible, and the schedule for reporting the project's progress. A reporting scheme is
established, outlining when and how the project's finances and progress will be reported. A
conclusion briefly summarizes the project, its addressed problem, and benefits to stakeholders,
while urging readers to contact the proponent for further details. Finally, the references section lists
all the sources used in the proposal.

To prepare a project proposal effectively, guidelines should be followed. These include identifying
the problem and developing a framework to organize ideas systematically, determining potential
funding organizations, assembling a project proposal team with a designated leader, holding initial
team meetings, allowing sufficient planning time, assigning responsibilities to team members,
maintaining realism in objectives and activities within the available resources, and contacting the
funding agency for clarification when needed. It is also important to consider the perspective of the
proposal's recipient throughout the writing process.

When writing the proposal itself, specific guidelines should be followed. The title page should be
unnumbered but considered page I, and the back page of the title page should be unnumbered but
considered page ii. Abbreviations should be avoided on the title page, and the curriculum vitae of
project personnel should be attached. The project implementation section can benefit from the use
of a Gantt chart to present the timeframe. The abstract should be written after completing the
report, and studying successful proposals similar to yours can provide valuable insights. It is
advisable to maintain a balance between factual information and the judicious use of technical
terms. Choosing a reader-friendly format and using section headings can enhance the proposal's
overall clarity and impact.

Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines involves various forms of academic writing, including the
construction of a Position Paper. A Position Paper is a specific type of scholarly writing that aims to
present an individual's stance or viewpoint on a particular issue, enabling active participation in a
broader debate by articulating arguments and proposing a course of action. To effectively compose a
Position Paper, it is crucial to understand its constituent parts and adhere to specific guidelines.

The Introduction section of a Position Paper serves as the opening segment, encompassing several
key elements. Firstly, it is essential to clearly state the specific issue under discussion while
highlighting its significance and impact on society. To capture readers' attention, an engaging lead
should be employed. Next, the issue should be defined, providing a comprehensive background to
facilitate a thorough understanding. Additionally, a general statement of one's position,
encapsulated within a thesis statement, ought to be articulated. The introductory paragraph
culminates with a definitive position statement, establishing a clear stance on the issue at hand.
Importantly, it is crucial to note that only one side of the argument can be taken in a Position Paper.
The subsequent section of the Position Paper is the Body, which typically comprises multiple
paragraphs. This segment may commence with brief background information or a discussion of
arguments from both sides of the issue. Within each paragraph, elucidations or observations should
be provided to clarify the aspects of the position statement being addressed, followed by the
presentation of supporting evidence. It is imperative to state the main arguments and substantiate
them adequately. This can be achieved through the incorporation of primary source quotations,
interviews with field experts, recommendations from scholarly articles and position papers,
historical dates or events, as well as statistical data. Furthermore, counterarguments should be
addressed to acknowledge and counteract potential weaknesses in one's arguments.

The Conclusion of the Position Paper marks its final segment, serving several crucial purposes. It
involves summarizing and reinforcing the concepts and facts presented throughout the paper,
avoiding redundancy with the Introduction. Optionally, the Conclusion may include an explanation of
the procedure employed to address the issue, along with suggested solutions or recommendations.
Moreover, it is essential to articulate why one's position is superior to any alternative stance. The
Conclusion concludes with a powerful closing statement, such as a quotation, a challenge, or a
question, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

When selecting an issue for a Position Paper, certain guidelines should be considered. Firstly, the
chosen issue must be debatable, as taking a position becomes untenable if the topic lacks
contention. Additionally, the issue should be current and relevant to ensure its significance in
ongoing discussions. Formulating the issue in a question format, answerable by yes or no, allows for
focused analysis and clear positions. Lastly, the issue should be specific and manageable, enabling
comprehensive exploration within the confines of the Position Paper.

To write an effective Position Paper, adherence to specific guidelines is essential. Initiating the
writing process with comprehensive research on the issue at hand is imperative. Gaining awareness
of the various positions pertaining to the issue and objectively explaining and analyzing them is
crucial. Reflecting on one's position and identifying its weaknesses allows for a balanced argument.
Citing reliable sources establishes credibility. Presenting a unique approach to the issue facilitates
engagement with readers. Adhering to a maximum length of two pages ensures conciseness.
Analyzing the target audience and aligning arguments with their beliefs, needs, interests, and
motivations enhances persuasiveness. Summarizing opposing counterarguments and refuting them
with evidence demonstrates critical thinking. Unfamiliar terms should be defined at their first
mention to ensure clarity. Utilizing an active voice throughout the paper adds dynamism and
conviction to the tone. Organizing evidence logically, employing inductive or deductive approaches,
enhances the paper's coherence. Scrutinizing thepaper for fallacies and revising accordingly ensures
a robust argument. Lastly, employing ethical, logical, and emotional appeals to enhance the writer's
credibility, employ rational reasoning, and evoke appropriate feelings during arguments should be
employed, while remaining cautious of fallacious appeals.

When considering the term résumé, one might contemplate the significance of learning how to craft
an effective one. The ability to write a résumé is vital when applying for a job or any form of work, as
hiring administrators, typically represented by managers, commonly require applicants to submit
this document. To ensure it aligns with their standards and provides them with a comprehensive
overview of the applicant, understanding the various formats for constructing a résumé is crucial.
There are three primary types of résumé formats that individuals should be aware of and follow
accordingly. Firstly, the chronological format accentuates the progression of an applicant's work
experiences, commencing with a comprehensive list of employment history, followed by educational
background details. This format is particularly suitable for individuals seeking employment related to
their previous experiences, typically those with ten to fifteen years of work experience. Secondly,
the functional format emphasizes an applicant's skills rather than their work history. It is particularly
advantageous for those who have undergone a career change or are re-entering the industry after a
prolonged absence. Additionally, high school or college students entering the industry may also
benefit from utilizing this format. Lastly, the combination or hybrid format merges the chronological
and functional formats, making it ideal for applicants aiming for a career change or desiring to
present both their skills and accomplishments effectively.

Moving on to the writing process of a résumé, there are several critical features to consider. Firstly,
the heading of the résumé should include the applicant's complete name, current address, and
contact details, such as their cell phone number or email address. It is advisable to ensure the
formatting style, including the font type, appears professional. Additionally, including an objective
section, also known as a job objective or career objective, enables applicants to express their career
goals and intentions for applying to a specific job. It is crucial to articulate a direct and specific
objective that outlines what the applicant aims to achieve in their career and what the employer can
expect from them. Furthermore, the professional summary section, also referred to as a 'career
summary' or 'career profile,' showcases the applicant's knowledge and abilities, encompassing a
brief summary of their most recent job experience, along with their soft skills, such as problem-
solving capability and adaptability to change. Another vital section to include is expertise and
achievement, where applicants can showcase their professional skills, qualifications, certifications,
and any recognition they have received. The work experience section, also known as "employment
history," "relevant experience," or "work history," requires applicants to detail their previous
employment, while those with no work experience should begin with their educational background.
In such cases, including optional sections like training and seminars attended can be beneficial. The
educational background section, alternatively labeled as academic, academic qualification, or
education and certifications, should include information about the degree obtained, major or
concentration, school attended, and the corresponding years. It is unnecessary to mention
educational details from preschool to junior high school, focusing solely on senior high school and
college degrees suffices.

A few additional tips to enhance the effectiveness of a résumé include submitting it with a cover
letter, which provides an overview of the applicant's reasons for applying, the specific job posting
they are interested in, and their relevant skills. It is important to note that while a résumé is utilized
to apply for a job and contains a summary of an applicant's personal information, educational
background, skills, and work experiences, a Curriculum Vitae (CV) serves a different purpose. A CV is
specifically used for academic training or grants and includes a detailed description of an individual's
educational background, academic credentials, and achievements. Lastly, it is optional to
incorporate additional sections such as training and seminars attended, activities and honors, and
references in the résumé.

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