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Strategic Product Management Approach for Lead
Generation, Web Optimization & Market Expansion


Name of Student Subhraneel Baruah

SAP ID 80012200203

Roll Number H048

Program MBA

Name of Company Guide Mr. Sebin Saji

Name of Faculty Guide Dr. Dileep Kumar Singh


I am delighted and filled with excitement as I present this project report, which documents my
experience as a Product Management Intern at Growth Hackers Digital during my Summer
Internship Program (SIP). This internship, undertaken as part of my MBA studies, has offered me
invaluable opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired in the classroom to a
practical professional setting.
Ever since I embarked on my academic journey, the field of product management has captivated my
interest. The dynamic nature of this field, the convergence of business and technology, and the ability
to shape products to meet customer needs have consistently intrigued me. The internship at Growth
Hackers Digital has been a significant milestone in my career development, allowing me to gain
hands-on experience in product management within a fast-paced and innovative environment.
This report aims to reflect upon the key lessons learned, challenges faced, and accomplishments
achieved during my internship at Growth Hackers Digital. It provides an insightful account of my
involvement in various projects, the strategies and methodologies employed, and the outcomes
realized. Additionally, it highlights the practical application of the theories and concepts I learned
during my MBA program, emphasizing the connection between academic knowledge and industry
I am deeply grateful to Growth Hackers Digital for granting me the opportunity to contribute to their
product management team. The guidance and mentorship provided by industry professionals played a
crucial role in shaping my understanding of the product manager's role and responsibilities. I would
like to express my sincere appreciation to my internship supervisor, colleagues, and the entire team at
Growth Hackers Digital for their unwavering support and guidance throughout my internship journey.
I hope that this project report not only serves as an evaluation of my internship but also offers insights
and inspiration to future MBA students aspiring to pursue a career in product management. I firmly
believe that this experience has equipped me with the requisite skills and knowledge to make a
meaningful contribution in this field, and I am excited to apply these learnings as I embark on my
professional journey.

I would like to sincerely thank all those who have contributed to the successful completion of my
Summer Internship Program (SIP) at Growth Hackers Digital. This journey has been an incredible
learning experience, and I owe its accomplishment to the support and guidance of numerous
individuals and organizations.
I am deeply grateful to Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Hyderabad, for granting me
the opportunity to pursue my MBA and participate in the SIP. The institution's dedication to academic
excellence and holistic development has played a pivotal role in shaping my career aspirations and
equipping me with the necessary skills and knowledge.
My heartfelt appreciation goes to Dr. Siddhartha Ghosh, Director of Narsee Monjee Institute of
Management Studies, Hyderabad, for his unwavering support and encouragement throughout my
internship. His visionary leadership and commitment to creating a conducive learning environment
have significantly contributed to my growth as a student and professional.
I am indebted to Dr. Abhilash Ponnam, my faculty guide, for his invaluable mentorship, guidance,
and support during the SIP. His expertise in the field of product management, insightful feedback, and
unwavering commitment to my development has been instrumental in deepening my understanding of
the subject and its practical applications.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Sundeep Reddy and Mr. Srikar Srinivasula, the
Directors of Growth Hackers Digital. Their vision, industry knowledge, and unwavering support have
fostered an environment conducive to learning and growth during my internship. Their guidance,
encouragement, and passion for innovation have inspired me to push my boundaries and explore new
I extend my heartfelt thanks to Mr. Sebin Saji, the HR of Growth Hackers Digital, for his
exceptional support, guidance, and assistance throughout my internship. His efforts in facilitating a
seamless onboarding process, providing resources, and fostering a positive work environment have
greatly enhanced my overall experience.
I am immensely grateful to all my colleagues at Growth Hackers Digital who have warmly welcomed
me into their team and created a nurturing and collaborative work environment. Their willingness to
share knowledge, offer guidance, and engage in constructive discussions have immensely enriched my
learning experience.
Furthermore, I extend my deepest thanks to my friends and fellow interns who have been a constant
source of support, motivation, and camaraderie throughout this internship. Their friendship and
encouragement have made this journey even more enjoyable and memorable.
Lastly, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my family. Their unwavering love, support, and
belief in my abilities have been the driving force behind my success. Their understanding, sacrifices,
and constant encouragement have given me the strength to pursue my aspirations and strive for
I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all of you for being an integral part of my journey.
Subhraneel Baruah

Executive Summary
During the internship, I engaged in diverse domains, including competitive analysis, content
strategy, website research, and lead aggregation. The key objectives of these projects were to
identify market opportunities, optimize affiliate marketing strategies, improve user
experience, and expand collaborations with service providers.
Project 1 centered on conducting a comprehensive competitive analysis of the Indian and US
markets for a new wellbeing product. This involved evaluating potential competitors,
analyzing market trends, and identifying suitable launch locations in Bangalore. The project
aimed to provide strategic insights and recommendations for successful market entry and
Project 2 delved into affiliate marketing, utilizing data analysis to identify high-performing
product categories with greater commission rates. Based on these insights, I developed a
content strategy specifically for home appliances to maximize affiliate marketing revenues.
The objective was to optimize the company's affiliate marketing efforts by focusing on
product categories with high conversion rates.
In Project 3, I conducted extensive website research on a leading ratings and reviews
platform for IT, marketing, and business service providers. The goal was to extract valuable
takeaways and best practices that could be applied to Growth Hackers Digital's own ratings
and review platform. Additionally, I worked on enhancing the user experience and updating
outdated content, improving the platform's functionality and relevance.
Project 4 involved contributing to the development of a leads aggregator website. This
included updating an existing database of service provider companies across various domains
such as marketing, advertising, website development, and UI/UX. I also engaged in
persuasive email communication and outreach calls to discuss the benefits of partnering with
Growth Hackers Digital for quality leads. The project aimed to expand the network of service
providers and establish mutually beneficial partnerships.
Throughout the internship, I gained valuable insights into product management, market
research, content strategy, user experience optimization, and lead generation. These
experiences provided a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and challenges
within the digital marketing industry.
The projects undertaken during my SIP at Growth Hackers Digital enabled the practical
application of theoretical concepts from my MBA program. They sharpened my analytical
skills, honed my strategic thinking abilities, and fostered effective collaboration with cross-
functional teams.

Table of Contents
Preface ................................................................................................................................. 2
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................ 3
Executive Summary.............................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 1: Introduction & Research Methodology ........................................................... 6
Research Objective .......................................................................................................... 6
Research Methodology .................................................................................................... 7
Assumptions .................................................................................................................... 7
Limitations....................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 2: About Growth Hackers Digital ........................................................................ 9
Chapter 3: “StrongerMe” – A Wellbeing Product ........................................................... 11
About StrongerMe......................................................................................................... 11
Tasks Accomplished....................................................................................................... 12
Learnings ....................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 4: Amazon Affiliate Marketing ........................................................................... 15
About Amazon Affiliate Marketing .............................................................................. 15
Tasks Accomplished....................................................................................................... 17
Learnings ....................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 5: Best Digital Agency (BDA) ............................................................................. 19
About Best Digital Agency (BDA) ................................................................................. 19
Tasks Accomplished....................................................................................................... 21
Learnings ....................................................................................................................... 22
Chapter 6: Lead Monkey .................................................................................................. 24
About Lead Monkey...................................................................................................... 24
Tasks Accomplished....................................................................................................... 25
Learnings ....................................................................................................................... 26
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 28
Gallery ................................................................................................................................ 30
References .......................................................................................................................... 31

Chapter 1: Introduction and Research Methodology

Research Objective

The aim of this research report is to critically analyze and evaluate the key aspects of my
Summer Internship Program (SIP) at Growth Hackers Digital. The report seeks to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the projects undertaken during the internship, assess their
effectiveness in achieving the defined objectives, and identify key learnings and
recommendations for future internship programs and professional development in the field of
product management and digital marketing.

Specifically, the research objectives of this report are as follows:

I. To examine and analyze the competitive analysis conducted for a new wellbeing
product in the Indian and US markets, including the identification of suitable launch
locations in Bangalore. This objective entails evaluating the methodology used for
competitive analysis, the accuracy of the findings, and the strategic insights derived
from the analysis.

II. To assess the impact and effectiveness of the content strategy developed for home
appliances in affiliate marketing. This objective involves analyzing the performance
of selected product categories, evaluating the revenue generated through affiliate
marketing efforts, and determining the success of the content strategy in driving
conversions and maximizing commissions.

III. To evaluate the outcomes of the website research conducted on a leading ratings and
reviews platform for IT, marketing, and business service providers. This objective
entails assessing the key takeaways identified, evaluating the improvements made to
Growth Hackers Digital's ratings and review platform, and examining the impact on
user experience and content relevancy.

IV. To analyze the results and outcomes of the lead aggregation project, including the
updating of the service provider database, outreach efforts, and partnership
discussions. This objective involves assessing the effectiveness of lead generation
efforts, evaluating the quality of partnerships established, and determining the overall
impact on the company's network of service providers.

Research Methodology

The research methodology for this report involves analyzing and evaluating the projects
undertaken during the Summer Internship Program (SIP) at Growth Hackers Digital. Primary
data collection will involve reviewing internal documents such as project briefs, reports, and
presentations to gather information on project objectives, methodologies, and outcomes.
Secondary data will be collected through an examination of company data, including
performance metrics and customer feedback, as well as a literature review of academic and
industry publications relevant to product management and digital marketing. The data will be
analyzed using appropriate analytical techniques to identify patterns, trends, and insights. The
findings from the analysis of primary and secondary data will be integrated to provide a
comprehensive evaluation of the internship projects.


I. Project Completion: It is assumed that the projects conducted during the Summer
Internship Program (SIP) at Growth Hackers Digital have been successfully
completed according to the planned objectives, and all relevant deliverables have been
achieved. This assumption allows for a thorough analysis and evaluation of the
projects' outcomes and effectiveness.

II. Data Accuracy: The data collected from internal documents, company sources, and
other relevant references is assumed to be accurate and reliable. This assumption
ensures that the findings and conclusions drawn from the data analysis are based on
valid and trustworthy information.

III. Ethical Compliance: It is assumed that the research conducted for this report has
followed ethical guidelines and regulations. This assumption includes obtaining
necessary permissions, obtaining informed consent from participants, and maintaining
data privacy and confidentiality throughout the research process.

IV. Applicability of Findings: The findings, recommendations, and lessons learned from
the analysis of the internship projects are assumed to be applicable to similar contexts
and contribute to the field of product management and digital marketing. This
assumption enables the report to provide practical insights and guidance for future
internship programs and professional development.


I. Limited Sample Size: The findings and conclusions of the report are based on a
specific set of projects carried out during the Summer Internship Program at Growth
Hackers Digital. The limited sample size may impact the generalizability of the
findings to a larger population or different internship programs.

II. Reliance on Available Data: The analysis and evaluation of the internship projects
heavily rely on the availability and quality of internal documents, company data, and
other relevant sources. Incomplete or insufficient data may limit the depth and
comprehensiveness of the analysis, potentially affecting the accuracy of the findings.

III. Time Constraints: The research conducted for this report may have been subject to
time constraints, such as the duration of the Summer Internship Program or the overall
project timeline. Limited time for data collection and analysis may restrict the extent
to which the projects can be thoroughly evaluated or additional research avenues

IV. Bias and Subjectivity: Despite efforts to maintain objectivity, the interpretations and
conclusions drawn from the data analysis may be influenced by individual biases or
subjective judgments. The perspectives and experiences of the stakeholders involved
in the projects can introduce potential bias in the evaluation process.

V. External Factors: The outcomes and effectiveness of the internship projects may have
been influenced by external factors beyond the scope of this report, such as market
conditions, industry trends, or unforeseen circumstances. These external factors may
limit the report's ability to solely attribute project outcomes to the efforts within the
internship program.

Chapter 2: About Growth Hackers Digital

Growth Hackers Digital is an innovative and dynamic digital marketing company based in
Bangalore. Their primary mission is to assist businesses in achieving accelerated growth and
success in the online landscape. With a team of experienced professionals and a data-driven
approach, the company provides a comprehensive range of services, including digital
strategy, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media
marketing, content marketing, and website design and development.
At Growth Hackers Digital, their main emphasis is on generating measurable results and
delivering tangible value to their clients. They achieve this by leveraging cutting-edge
technologies and industry best practices to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape and
effectively connect with the target audience. Recognizing that every business is unique, the
team works closely with clients to develop customized strategies that align with their specific
goals and objectives.
A key strength of Growth Hackers Digital lies in their data-driven approach. They utilize
advanced analytics and tracking tools to gather valuable insights and make informed
decisions. By analyzing data and continuously monitoring performance, they optimize
campaigns, identify growth opportunities, and ensure a high return on investment for their
The company takes pride in staying ahead of the latest industry trends and technologies. The
team actively engages in learning and experimentation to deliver innovative solutions and
maintain a competitive edge. With a strong commitment to continuous improvement and
adaptability, Growth Hackers Digital is well-prepared to navigate the rapidly evolving digital
landscape and provide clients with cutting-edge marketing solutions.
Collaboration and building long-term partnerships are highly valued at Growth Hackers
Digital. They work closely with clients to understand their unique challenges, goals, and
target audience, fostering a collaborative environment that drives success. Transparent

communication, timely reporting, and a client-centric approach are central to their operations,
ensuring that clients are always informed and involved in the decision-making process.
In summary, Growth Hackers Digital is a results-oriented digital marketing company that
combines expertise, data-driven strategies, and a commitment to innovation to help
businesses achieve accelerated growth and maximize their online presence. With a focus on
delivering measurable results and fostering long-term partnerships, they are dedicated to
helping clients thrive in the digital age.

Chapter 3: “StrongerMe” – A Wellbeing Product

About StrongerMe

Test sample of StrongerMe

StrongerMe is a groundbreaking wellness product developed by Growth Hackers Digital, a

renowned company that has expanded its services beyond digital marketing. Currently in its
testing phase, this product has the potential to revolutionize the wellness industry. Designed
as a convenient melting strip, StrongerMe offers an effective solution to enhance energy
levels, promote healthy hair and skin, and improve sleep quality.

The primary goal of StrongerMe is to provide individuals with a comprehensive approach to

wellness, catering to their desire for increased vitality and overall well-being. The product is

meticulously formulated using a unique combination of natural ingredients and advanced
technology to deliver optimal results.

One of the key advantages of StrongerMe is its ability to rejuvenate energy levels. The
melting strip contains a powerful blend of ingredients that work synergistically to combat
fatigue, boost energy, and enhance mental alertness. By providing a sustained and natural
source of energy, StrongerMe empowers individuals to stay energized, focused, and
motivated throughout their daily activities.

Additionally, StrongerMe aims to improve hair and skin health. Enriched with essential
nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants, the melting strip nourishes the body from within. These
ingredients promote hair growth, strengthen hair follicles, and enhance the overall health and
appearance of the skin. With StrongerMe, individuals can expect to enjoy healthier, shinier
hair and a more radiant complexion.

Furthermore, StrongerMe acknowledges the crucial role of quality sleep in overall well-
being. The carefully selected ingredients in the melting strip possess calming and soothing
properties, aiding relaxation and promoting better sleep patterns. By optimizing sleep quality,
StrongerMe contributes to improved physical and mental recovery, allowing individuals to
wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Tasks Accomplished

1. Competitive Analysis for Product Launch:

 Extensively researched the competitive landscape in the Indian and US markets.

 Analyzed existing brands offering similar melting strip products, including their
product features, pricing strategies, and target demographics.

 Assessed competitors' marketing and promotional activities, such as online presence,

social media strategies, and advertising campaigns.

 Evaluated the effectiveness of competitors' distribution channels in reaching their

target audience.

2. Indian Market Analysis:

 Conducted research and analysis of the Indian market to identify opportunities and
challenges for launching melting strips.

 Examined consumer preferences, trends, and buying behavior related to wellness

products in India.

 Explored the regulatory landscape and compliance requirements specific to launching

health and wellness products in India.

 Identified suitable locations in Bangalore based on demographic profiles, market

demand, and competition levels to strategically position the new product.

3. US Market Analysis:

 Thoroughly analyzed the US market to assess the feasibility and potential for
introducing melting strips.

 Researched consumer trends, preferences, and market dynamics in the wellness and
health product sector in the US.

 Examined regulatory guidelines and compliance standards for launching dietary

supplements in the US market.

 Explored suitable distribution channels and identified potential retail partners or e-

commerce platforms for the product launch.

The findings from these analyses provided valuable insights into the competitive landscape,
market trends, and target audience preferences for melting strips in both the Indian and US
markets. Additionally, identifying suitable locations in Bangalore helped strategically plan the
product launch and position StrongerMe for maximum potential success.


1. Conducting Competitive Analysis and Market Research:

 Developing Analytical Skills: Gathering and analyzing data, identifying market

trends, and evaluating competitors helped improve analytical abilities for making
informed business decisions.

 Applying Strategic Thinking: Analyzing the competitive landscape and identifying
suitable launch locations required strategic thinking considering market dynamics,
consumer behavior, and business objectives.

2. Market Segmentation and Targeting:

 Refining Marketing Skills: Identifying the target audience, understanding their

preferences, and evaluating competition honed marketing skills for effective market
segmentation and targeting.

 Enhancing Product Positioning: Finding suitable launch locations for StrongerMe

facilitated strategic product positioning based on demographic profiles, market
demand, and competition levels.

3. Analyzing Data and Making Informed Decisions:

 Strengthening Research Abilities: Conducting competitive analysis and market

research involved data collection, analysis, and deriving meaningful insights,
enhancing research abilities for data-driven decision making.

 Fostering Strategic Decision Making: Utilizing the analysis findings, strategic

decisions regarding product launch strategies, market entry, and distribution channels
were made, fostering skills in effective business decision making.

4. Embracing Entrepreneurship and Innovation:

 Driving New Product Development: Engaging in competitive analysis and identifying

opportunities for launching StrongerMe showcased the ability to apply
entrepreneurship and innovation skills in bringing new products to market.

 Facilitating Business Model Development: By exploring market potential, identifying

target markets, and evaluating distribution channels, active contribution to the
development of a viable business model was made, a critical aspect of entrepreneurial

Chapter 4: Amazon Affiliate Marketing
Introduction to Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Amazon affiliate marketing involves the promotion of Amazon products as an affiliate

marketer to earn commissions. This popular online marketing practice allows individuals
or businesses to endorse products listed on Amazon's platform and receive a percentage of
the sales generated through their referral links.

Amazon Associates Affiliate Program

Amazon operates Amazon Associates, one of the largest affiliate programs available. This
program enables individuals and businesses to register as affiliates and earn commissions
by promoting Amazon's wide range of products.

Referral Links for Tracking Sales

Affiliates receive unique referral links, also known as affiliate links, which track the
traffic and sales generated from their promotional efforts. These links contain a special
code that identifies the affiliate, allowing them to earn commissions for qualifying
purchases made by users who clicked on their links.

Commission Structure Based on Product Categories

Amazon offers a commission structure that varies based on the category of the promoted
products. Different categories have specific commission rates, ranging from a few percent
to higher percentages, depending on the type of product. Affiliates earn a percentage of
the total sales value for products purchased through their referral links.

Various Promotional Methods

Affiliates have the flexibility to promote Amazon products through various channels,
including websites, blogs, social media platforms, email marketing, and other online
avenues. They create engaging content such as product reviews, comparisons, and
recommendations to attract potential buyers and encourage them to make purchases using
their affiliate links.

Tracking and Reporting for Performance Analysis

Amazon provides affiliates with a comprehensive dashboard that tracks referral traffic,
clicks, conversions, and earnings. Affiliates can access real-time reports and analytics to
monitor their performance and optimize their marketing strategies based on the gathered

Payout Options for Affiliates

Amazon offers different payout options, such as direct deposit, gift cards, and check
payments, for affiliates to receive their earnings. Affiliates typically need to meet a
minimum threshold before they can request a payout.

Process of Amazon Affiliate Marketing Program

Amazon affiliate marketing presents individuals and businesses with the chance to monetize
their online presence by promoting products available on the extensive Amazon marketplace.
It offers a passive income stream by leveraging the trust and popularity associated with the
Amazon brand.

Tasks Completed:

1. Database Analysis:

 Conducted a thorough analysis of the provided database sheet to identify the

top product categories with the potential to generate high Amazon affiliate

 Examined the product categories in-depth, taking into account factors such as
average commission rates, sales volume, and customer demand.

2. Company Research:

 Conducted research to identify the leading companies within the selected

product categories.

 Explored the reputation, market presence, and customer reviews of these

companies to ensure their credibility and relevance for featuring in blog posts.

3. Contacting Relevant Personnel:

 Identified the appropriate contacts within the identified companies to establish

communication for potential collaborations.

 Reached out to the relevant individuals, such as marketing managers or

business development executives, to discuss the possibility of featuring their
products in our blog posts.

Key Learnings:

1. Market Analysis and Research:

 Applied analytical skills to conduct market analysis and research, including

data gathering, trend identification, and competitor evaluation. These skills
were applied in a practical context, enhancing analytical and strategic thinking

 Identified suitable launch locations in Bangalore through market landscape

assessment, showcasing the ability to analyze market dynamics and make
informed decisions.

2. Marketing and Sales:

 Developed an understanding of customer preferences and behaviors by
analyzing the database sheet and identifying top product categories. This
knowledge facilitated the creation of targeted marketing strategies to reach the
intended audience.

 Strengthened relationship-building skills through contacting relevant

personnel in companies and initiating collaborations, demonstrating an ability
to establish and maintain professional connections.

3. Data Analysis and Decision Making:

 Utilized data-driven decision-making approaches by analyzing the database

sheet, sales volumes, and commission rates. This experience emphasized the
importance of using data to drive strategic business choices.

 Extracted valuable business insights from data analysis, enabling informed

decisions regarding market dynamics, opportunities, and potential risks. This
skillset supported effective decision-making to drive business growth.

4. Entrepreneurship and Innovation:

 Developed an entrepreneurial mindset by identifying gaps and potential

opportunities in the market through market research and competition analysis.

 Cultivated collaboration and partnership skills by engaging with companies

and exploring collaborative opportunities, showcasing the ability to establish
mutually beneficial relationships to foster business growth.

Chapter 5: Best Digital Agency (BDA)
About Best Digital Agency (BDA):

1. Exclusively for Indian Digital Agencies:

 Best Digital Agency (BDA) is a dedicated platform that focuses on promoting

and showcasing digital agencies operating in India.

 Its primary objective is to highlight the expertise, services, and capabilities of

these agencies, catering specifically to the Indian business landscape.

2. Agency Listings and Profiles:

 Best Digital Agency (BDA) features a comprehensive array of digital agencies

across various cities in India, including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, and more.

 Each agency listing provides detailed profiles that include information such as
the agency's background, core services offered, client testimonials, team size,
and contact details.

3. Reviews and Ratings:

 The platform allows clients to provide reviews and ratings for the listed digital
agencies, offering valuable insights into past clients' experiences and
satisfaction levels.

 These reviews and ratings enable prospective clients to make informed

decisions when selecting the right agency for their digital marketing needs.

4. Search and Filter Functionality:

 Best Digital Agency (BDA) offers an intuitive search and filter functionality,
making it easy for users to find agencies based on specific criteria such as
location, industry focus, service offerings, and more.

 This feature helps businesses narrow down their options and find agencies that
align with their specific requirements.

5. Industry Focus and Expertise:

 The platform showcases digital agencies with diverse industry focuses,
including e-commerce, healthcare, technology, finance, and more.

 Businesses can find agencies that possess expertise in their respective

industries, ensuring a tailored approach to their digital marketing strategies.

6. Facilitating Business-Client Connections:

 Best Digital Agency (BDA) serves as a platform to connect businesses with

digital agencies in India, fostering collaborations and facilitating connections.

 Its goal is to connect businesses with the right agency partners to enhance their
online presence, drive growth, and achieve their digital marketing objectives.

Best Digital Agency (BDA) provides businesses in India with a specialized platform to
explore, evaluate, and connect with digital agencies that cater to the Indian market. It offers
valuable insights, reviews, and industry-specific information to help businesses make
informed decisions when choosing a digital agency partner for their marketing needs.

Tasks Accomplished

1. Extensive Website Research:

 Conducted comprehensive analysis of a prominent ratings and reviews

platform for IT, marketing, and business service providers.

 Examined the website's structure, layout, and navigation to extract valuable

insights that could be applied to enhance the Best Digital Agency (BDA)

 Studied design elements, user interface, and user experience (UI/UX) features
to gather insights for improving BDA's website.

2. Identification of Flaws and Enhancement Recommendations:

 Identified flaws and deficiencies in the current BDA website, with a focus on
user experience, functionality, and content.

 Analyzed user feedback, customer reviews, and industry best practices to

pinpoint areas for improvement.

 Proposed specific strategies and enhancements to elevate the overall user

experience of the BDA website.

3. Updating Outdated Content:

 Reviewed the content on the BDA website to identify outdated or inaccurate


 Suggested updates and revisions to ensure the content remained relevant,

informative, and aligned with the latest industry trends and standards.

 Recommended new content ideas and topics to enhance the website's value
proposition and attract the target audience.

4. Collaboration with the Web Development Team:

 Worked closely with the web development team to communicate identified

flaws, enhancement recommendations, and content updates.

 Collaborated on implementing the proposed changes and improvements to the

BDA website.

 Participated in discussions and meetings to align the website's design,
functionality, and content with desired goals and user expectations.


1. Market Research and Analysis:

 Conducting thorough website research and analysis allowed me to apply the

principles of market research and analysis learned during my studies.

 I applied my understanding of consumer behavior and market dynamics to

identify key takeaways and comprehend user preferences within the ratings
and reviews platform.

2. Strategic Planning and Implementation:

 Identifying flaws and suggesting improvements for the BDA website required
strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.

 I utilized my knowledge of strategic management principles to evaluate the

website's current state and propose effective strategies for enhancing the user

3. User Experience and Design Thinking:

 Improving the overall user experience of the website involved applying design
thinking principles.

 I analyzed user feedback, studied industry best practices, and considered

human-centered design approaches to propose enhancements aligned with user

4. Communication and Collaboration:

 Collaborating with the web development team and effectively communicating

identified flaws and enhancement recommendations demanded strong
interpersonal and communication skills.

 I applied my coursework's emphasis on teamwork, collaboration, and effective

communication during meetings and discussions with the development team.

5. Data Analysis and Decision-making:

 Analyzing website metrics, user feedback, and market trends enabled me to
make data-driven decisions.

 I leveraged my skills in data analysis and interpretation to propose

improvements aligned with the organization's goals.

Chapter 6: Lead Monkey

About Lead Monkey

Lead Monkey, developed by Growth Hackers Digital, is an innovative and dynamic leads
aggregator platform. It serves as a vital link connecting business-to-business (B2B) service
providers with their potential clients. Acting as a centralized hub, the platform enables service
providers to showcase their offerings while clients can easily discover and connect with
relevant providers for their specific business needs.

With Lead Monkey, businesses searching for services across various domains, such as
marketing, advertising, website development, UI/UX design, and more, can efficiently
explore a diverse range of B2B service providers. The platform offers a comprehensive
directory of verified and reputable companies, ensuring clients have access to high-quality
and reliable service options.

Lead Monkey simplifies the process of finding the right service provider by providing
essential information, including company profiles, areas of expertise, contact details, and

client reviews. This empowers clients to make informed decisions based on their unique
requirements and preferences.

For B2B service providers, Lead Monkey presents a valuable opportunity to showcase their
expertise, reach a broader audience, and connect with potential clients actively seeking their
services. The platform enhances visibility, establishes credibility, and generates qualified
leads, ultimately fostering business growth and development.

By facilitating seamless connections between service providers and clients, Lead Monkey
plays a crucial role in streamlining the B2B landscape and driving mutually beneficial
collaborations. Whether it's discovering new service providers or expanding business
opportunities, Lead Monkey empowers both sides of the B2B ecosystem to thrive and

Tasks Accomplished

1. Database Enhancement:

 Updated the existing database of marketing, advertising, website development,

UI/UX, and other service provider companies.

 Ensured the database included accurate and up-to-date contact details of

relevant individuals to facilitate seamless communication.

2. Email Pitch Creation:

 Crafted persuasive and compelling email pitches to encourage service

providers to join Lead Monkey.

 Highlighted the platform's ability to help them find high-quality leads and
generate business opportunities.

3. Outreach and Communication:

 Initiated outreach efforts by contacting service providers through emails and

phone calls.

 Utilized effective pitching techniques to communicate the value proposition of

partnering with Lead Monkey.

4. Meetings and Proposition Discussions:

 Conducted meetings with interested service providers to further discuss the
benefits of partnering with Lead Monkey.

 Engaged in detailed conversations to understand their specific needs and how

Lead Monkey could effectively cater to them.


1. Database Management:

 Enhancing and updating the existing database of service provider companies

required a systematic approach to data management.

 My coursework in data analysis and information systems equipped me with

the necessary skills to efficiently organize and maintain large datasets.

2. Market Research and Analysis:

 Crafting persuasive email pitches and conducting outreach activities required a

thorough understanding of the target market and its dynamics.

 The marketing and market research courses I undertook provided me with the
knowledge to identify customer needs, create compelling value propositions,
and tailor communication strategies accordingly.

3. Sales and Negotiation:

 Engaging in phone calls, pitching the benefits of Lead Monkey, and

conducting meetings with potential partners involved elements of sales and

 My coursework in sales management and negotiation skills helped me develop

effective communication techniques, persuasive argumentation, and the ability
to identify mutually beneficial outcomes.

4. Strategic Relationship Building:

 Fostering partnerships with service providers required a strategic mindset and

the ability to assess long-term benefits for both parties.

 Strategic management courses provided me with tools to evaluate partnership
opportunities, assess competitive advantages, and identify synergistic

5. Communication and Presentation:

 Effectively conveying the value proposition of Lead Monkey in emails, calls,

and meetings demanded strong communication and presentation skills.

 My coursework in business communication and presentation skills equipped

me with techniques to deliver clear and compelling messages to diverse

In summary, my Summer Internship Program at Growth Hackers Digital has been a
transformative and enriching experience that allowed me to apply and enhance my academic
knowledge in the fields of digital marketing and product management. Through my
involvement in various projects, including StrongerMe, Best Digital Agency, Amazon
affiliate marketing, and Lead Monkey, I have gained valuable insights and made significant
contributions. Here are the key highlights and takeaways from each project:

1. StrongerMe Product Launch:

 I actively participated in developing and launching StrongerMe, a wellness

product focused on rejuvenating energy and promoting good hair, good skin,
and good sleep.

 This experience provided me with a hands-on understanding of the product

management process, including market research, competitive analysis, and
strategic planning.

 I collaborated with cross-functional teams and utilized my skills in market

research and analysis to identify suitable locations in Bangalore for the
product launch.

2. Best Digital Agency Enhancement:

 I conducted thorough website research on, a ratings and

reviews platform for IT, marketing, and business service providers in India.

 By analyzing the platform's key features and identifying industry trends, I

suggested improvements to enhance the user experience and update outdated

 This project allowed me to apply my knowledge of user experience design and

content strategy while gaining insights into the Indian digital marketing

3. Amazon Affiliate Marketing Analysis:

 My task involved analyzing a vast database of products available on Amazon

to identify the top categories with the highest affiliate commission rates.

 Through data analysis and market research, I successfully identified the most
lucrative product categories and recommended them for targeted affiliate
marketing campaigns.

 This project allowed me to utilize my skills in data analysis, market research,

and digital marketing strategy to optimize affiliate marketing efforts.

4. Lead Monkey Leads Aggregator:

 In the Lead Monkey project, I played a crucial role in updating and enhancing
the existing database of B2B service providers across various domains, such as
marketing, advertising, website development, and UI/UX.

 Collaborating with the team, I created persuasive email pitches and conducted
outreach activities to attract service providers and establish partnerships.

 By conducting meetings with potential partners, I effectively communicated

the benefits of joining Lead Monkey and generated interest in the platform's

Throughout my internship, I consistently applied the knowledge and skills acquired during
my academic journey. These projects provided practical experiences in market research,
product management, digital marketing, user experience design, and collaboration. I honed
my analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills, while also gaining a deeper
understanding of market dynamics and customer behavior.

Moreover, the internship emphasized the importance of teamwork, effective communication,

and adaptability in a professional setting. Collaborating with colleagues, interacting with
clients, and engaging with industry professionals helped me develop valuable interpersonal
skills essential for success in the business world.

My Summer Internship Program has bridged the gap between theoretical knowledge and
practical application. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success
of Growth Hackers Digital, and I am confident that the experiences and skills gained during
this internship will serve as a solid foundation for my future career in the digital marketing
and product management domains.




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