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Cyber bullying also known as Cyber Harassment is bullying that occurs through
the use of the electronic devices that connects to the internet. It usually means
sending or posting publicly embarrassing to harmful information or photos of
another person online, to gain leverage against them or plainly just for the sake of
humiliation. Philippines, with its estimated 92 million active internet users, are
often regarded as the social media capital of the world (Rendon, 2022). Cyber
bullying in the Philippines has never been easier with millions of potential victims
all across the web. Add also the fact that cases of cyber bullying in the Philippines
often go unreported (GMA, 2022). And it’s easy to see how this type of abuse could
be underestimated in its scope and severity. In this study, we hope to share with
you our findings of these underlying effects, particularly to the mental health and
self-esteem of Filipino students.

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