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Q.1 (EX7-1A) How much heat, in kilojoules (kJ), is required to raise the temperature of 237 g of cold water
from 4.0 to 37.0 °C (body temperature)? (C = 4,18 J/g oC)
4,18 J 1 kJ
q = 237gam cold water . . (37 − 4)℃. = 32,7 kJ
gam cold water . ℃ 1000 J
Q.2 (EX7-1B) How much heat, in kilojoules (kJ), is required to raise the temperature of 2.50 kg Hg(l) from
–20.0 oC to –6.0 oC? Assume a density of 13.6 g/mL and a molar heat capacity of 28.0 J.mol -1 °C–1 for Hg(l)
1000g 1 mol 28,0J kJ
q () = 2,50 kg Hg(l). . . . [−6 − (−20,0)]℃. = 4,89 kJ
kg Hg(l) 200,59. g Hg(l) 𝑚𝑜𝑙. ℃ 1000J
Q.3 (EX7-2A) When 1.00 kg lead (specific heat = 0.13 J g–1 oC –1) at 100.0 oC is added to a quantity of water
at 28.5 oC, the final temperature of the lead-water mixture is 35.2 oC. What is the mass of water present?
1000 g 0,13. J
q = 1,00 kg lead. . . (35,2 − 100)℃ = −8424J
kg g. ℃
We can write: q = −q = 8424J
Now, we obtain: q = m gam water. specific heat of lead . (t −t )℃
⇔ 8424J = m water. . (35,2 − 28,5)℃ ⇒ m = 300,8 (g)
gam water. ℃
Q.4 A 100.0g copper sample (specific heat = 0.385 Jg -1°C -1) at 100.0 °C is added to 50.0 g water at 26.5 °C.
What is the final temperature of the copper-water mixture?
Nhiệt dung riêng của 1.00 g nước là
. ướ .℃
0,385 J
qđồ = 100 g đồng . . t đồ ướ − 100 ℃ = 38,5 t đồ ướ − 100 J
g. đồng. ℃
4,18 J
q ướ = 50,0 g nước . . t đồ ướ − 26,5 ℃ = 209 t đồ ướ − 26,5 J
g. nước. ℃
Ta có: qđồ = −q ớ ⇔ 38,5 t đồ ướ − 100 = −209 t đồ ướ − 26,5

⇒ t đồ ướ = 37,93℃

Q.5 (EX7-3A) Vanillin is a natural constituent of vanilla. It is also manufactured for use in artificial vanilla
flavoring. The combustion of 1.013 g of vanillin, C8H8O3, in a bomb calorimeter causes the temperature to
rise from 24.89 to 30.09 oC. What is the heat of combustion of vanillin, expressed in kilojoules per mole?
(the heat capacity of the calorimeter assembly is 4.90 kJ/ oC).
4,90 kJ −q kJ. 152,141g/mol kJ
q = . (30,09 − 24,89)℃ = 25,48 → q = = −3,83.10 .
℃ 1,013g mol
Q.6 (EX7-3B) The heat of combustion of benzoic acid is –26.42 kJ/g. The combustion of a 1.176 g sample
of benzoic acid causes a temperature increase of 4.96 oC in a bomb calorimeter assembly. What is the heat
capacity of the assembly?
q = −q = 26,42 . 1,176g = 31,1kJ
Ta có: q =C . ∆t → C = = 6,264kJ
, ℃

Q.7 (EX7-4A) Two solutions, 100.0 mL of 1.00 M AgNO3(aq) and 100.0 mL of 1.00 M NaCl(aq), both
initially at 22.4 oC, are added to a Styrofoam-cup calorimeter and allowed to react. The temperature rises to
30.2 oC. Determine qrxn per mole of in the reaction.
Ag+ (aq) + Cl-(aq) → AgCl(s)
We begin with:
1,00g 4,18J
q = 200mL. . . (30,2 − 22,4)℃ = 6520,8J = 6,52 kJ
mL g. ℃
q = −q = −6,52 kJ
q −6,52kJ.
∆H = = = −65,2kJ. mol
n 0,1.1. mol
Q.8 (EX7-4B) Two solutions, 100.0mL of 1.020 M HCl and 50.0 mL of 1.988 M NaOH, both initially at
24.52 oC, are mixed in a Styrofoam-cup calorimeter and allowed to react. What will be the final temperature
of the mixture? The heat of neutralization reaction is –56 kJ/mol H 2O
H (aq) + OH (aq) → H O(l)
We begin with:
1,00g 4,18 J
q = 150mL. . . (t − 24,52)℃ = 627. (t − 24,52)J
mL g. ℃
q = −q = −627. (t − 24,52)J
In 25.00 mL of 2.50 M HCl, the amount of H+ is:
1L 1,020 mol 1 mol H
? mol H = 100,0mL. . . = 0,102 mol H
1000mL 1L 1 mol HCl
Similarly, in 50,0 mL of 1,988M NaOH there is 0,0994 mol OH -. So the number of moles of water produced
is equal to the number of moles of OH-.
The amount of heat produced per mole of is -56 kJ/mol H 2O
1000J −627. (t − 24,52)J
→ −56kJ. mol . =q = ⇒t = 33,4℃
kJ 0,0994 mol
Q.9 (EX7-5A) How much work, in joules, is involved when 0,225 mol N 2 at a constant temperature of 23℃
is allowed to expand by 1.50 L in volume against an external pressure of 0.750 atm?
101 J
W = −P. ∆V = −0,75 atm . 1,50 L . = −114 J
1. L. atm
Q.10 (EX7-5B) How much work is done, in joules, when an external pressure of 2.50 atm is applied, at a
constant temperature of to 20.0 °C, to 50.0 g N 2(g) in a 75.0 L cylinder?
nRT 28,014 . mol. 0,082. L. atm. K . mol . 293K
V= = = 17,15 L
P 2,5atm
101J kJ
W = −P. ∆V = −2,5atm. (17,15 − 75)L. . = 14,6 kJ
1. L. atm 1000J
Q.11 (EX7-6A) In compressing a gas, 355 J of work is done on the system. At the same time, 185 J of heat
escapes from the system. What is ΔU for the system?
∆U = q + W = 355J − 185J = 170J
Q.12 (EX7-6B) If the internal energy of a system decreases by 125 J at the same time that the system absorbs
54 J of heat, does the system do work or have work done on it? How much?
As the internal energy of the system decreases so the system do work.
∆U = q + W ⇔ −125J = 54J + W ⇒ W = −179J
Q.13 (EX7-7A) What mass of sucrose must be burned to produce 1.00 ×10 3 kJ of heat? The heat of
combustion of sucrose is –5,65 ×103 kJ/mol sucrose.
−q 5,65.10 . m
∆H = ⇔ 1,00.10 = ⇒m = 60,6 gam
mol 342,285
Q.14 (EX7-7B) A 25.0 mL sample of 0.1045 M HCl(aq) was neutralized by NaOH(aq). Determine the heat
evolved in this neutralization. The heat of neutralization reaction is –56 kJ/mol H 2O
Trong 25,0 mL HCl 1,045M, số lượng mol H + là:
1L 0,1045 mol 1 mol H
25 mL . . . = 0,00261 mol H
1000 mL L 1 mol HCl
Lượng nhiệt tỏa ra của quá trình trung hòa này là
−56 kJ. mol . 0,00261 mol. (−1) = 0,15kJ
Q.15 (EX7-8A) What is the enthalpy change when a cube of ice 2.00 cm on edge is brought from –10.0 °C
to a final temperature of 23.2 °C? For ice, use a density of 0.917 g/cm3 a specific heat of 2,01 J/g–1 oC –1,
and an enthalpy of fusion of 6,01 kJ/mol.
∆H = ∆H + ∆H + ∆H = 2 .0,917.10-2+ . 6,01+10-3.7,336.4,18.23,2=3,31 kJ
Q.16 (EX7-8B) What is the maximum mass of ice at –15,0 oC that can be completely converted to water
vapor at 25 oC if the available heat for this transition is 5,00×103 kJ,? (heat of water evaporization at 25 oC is
44 x 103 J/mol).
∆H = ∆H + ∆H + ∆H + ∆H
m m
⇔ 5.10 = m. 2,01.15 + m. 4,18.25 + . 6,01.10 + . 44.10
18,015 18,015
⇒ m = 1717,8g =1,72 kg

Q.17 (EX7-9A) The standard heat of combustion of propene, C3H6(g), is –2058 kJ/mol, and C3H8(g),
is -2219 kJ/mol . Use this value and the standard enthalpy of formation of CO 2(g) and water(l) to
determine ΔHo for the hydrogenation of propene to propane.
C H + O → 3CO + 3H O ∆H = 20,1kJ. mol
C H + 5O → 3CO + 4H O ∆H = −104,7. kJ. mol
C H + H → C H ∆H ° = −104,7 − 20,1 = −124,8kJ
Q.18 (EX7-9B) From the data in Practice Example 17 and the following equation, determine the standard
enthalpy of combustion of one mole of 2-propanol, CH3CH(O)CH3(l).

CH CH = CH + H O(l) → CH CH(OH)CH ∆H ° = 52,3kJ

∆H ° = −317,69kJ

CH CH(OH)CH + O → 3CO + 4H O ∆H° = −2006,01kJ

Q.19 (EX7-10A) The standard enthalpy of formation for the amino acid leucine is –637,3 kJ/mol
C6H13O2N(s). Write the chemical equation to which this value applie
13 1
6C(graphite) + H (g) + O (g) + N (g) → C H O N(s)
2 2
∆H ° = 1 mol C H O N . ∆H ° [C H O N (s)]
− 6 mol C(graphite). ∆H ° [ C(graphite)] + mol H (g). ∆H ° [H (g)]
+ mol N . [N (g)] + 1 mol O [O (g)]
=– 637,3 kJ
13 1
Vậy 6C(graphite) + H (g) + O2 (g) + N2 (g) → C6 H13 O2 N (s), ∆H ° – 637,3 kJ
2 2 2
𝐐. 𝟐𝟎 (EX7-10B) How is ΔHo for the following reaction related to the standard enthalpy of formation of
NH3(g) listed in Appendix? What is the value of ΔHo = ? 2NH3(g) → N2(g) + 3 H2(g)
∆H° = −2(−46,11) = 92,22kJ
𝐐. 𝟐𝟏 (EX7-11A) Use data from Appendix to calculate the standard enthalpy of combustion of ethanol,
CH3CH2OH(l), at 298.15 K.
CH3CH2OH(l) +3O → 2CO + 3H O
∆H = 3. (−285,8) + 2. (−393,5) − (−277,7) = −1367 kJ
𝐐. 𝟐𝟐 (EX7-11B) Calculate the standard enthalpy of combustion at 298.15 K per mole of a gaseous fuel
that contains C3H8 and C4H10 in the mole fractions 0.62 and 0.38, respectively.
∆H ° = −2219,9kJ

∆H ° = −2877,4kJ

0,62. ∆H ° + 0,38. ∆H ° kJ
∆H = = −2,5.10 .
1 mol hỗn hợp
𝐐. 𝟐𝟑 (EX7-12A) The overall reaction that occurs in photosynthesis in plants is:
6 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(l) → C6H12O6(s) + 6 O2(g) ΔHo = 2803 kJ
Use this value and the standard enthalpy of formation of CO 2(g) and water(l) from Appendix to determine
the standard enthalpy of formation of glucose, C6H12O6(s) at 298 K
∆H = 2803 + [6. (−393,5) + 6. (−285,8)] = −1272,8 kJ

𝐐. 𝟐𝟒 (EX7-12B) A handbook lists the standard enthalpy of combustion of gaseous dimethyl ether at 298 K
as – 31,70 kJ/g (CH3)2O (g). What is the standard molar enthalpy of formation of dimethyl ether at 298 K?
Use this value and the standard enthalpy of formation of CO 2(g) and water (l) from Appendix.
(CH ) O (g) + 3O (g) → 2CO (g) + 3H O(l) ∆H ° = −1460,419 kJ
∆H ° = 2 mol CO . ∆H ° [CO (g)] + 3 mol H O . ∆H ° [H O(l)]
− {1 mol (CH ) O . ∆H ° [(CH ) O (g)] − 3mol O [O (g)]}
−393,5 kJ −285,8 kJ
−1460,19kJ = 2 mol CO . + 3 mol H O . − 1 mol ∆H ° [(CH ) O (g)]
mol CO mol H O
0 kJ
− 1 mol (CH ) O . −3 mol O .
mol O
⇒ ∆H ° [(CH ) O (g)] = −184 kJ/mol
𝐐. 𝟐𝟓 (E9) A 74.8 g sample of copper at 143,2 oC is added to an insulated vessel containing 165 mL of
glycerol, (C3H8O3, d=1,26 g/mL), at 24,8 oC. The final temperature is 31,1 oC. The specific heat of copper is
0,385 J.g−1 . oC −1 . What is the heat capacity of glycerol in J.g−1 . oC −1?
0,385 J
q = 74,8 g. . (31,1 − 143,2)℃ = −3228,3 J
g. ℃
q = −q = 3228,3 J
C = = 2,465. J. g .℃
165.1,26. (31,1 − 24,8)
or C = 2,3.10 J. mol . ℃
𝐐. 𝟐𝟔 (E22) The heat of solution of KI(s) in water is 20,3 kJ/mol KI. If a quantity of KI is added to sufficient
water at 23,5 oC in a Styrofoam cup to produce 150.0 mL of 2.50 M KI, what will be the final temperature?
(Assume a density of 1.30 g/mL and a specific heat of 2,7 J.g −1 . oC −1 for 2.50 M KI.)
20,3 0,122kJ
∆H = = = 122,3J/g
166 g
KI added to prepare 150mL of 2.50 M KI
m = . 166 = 62,25g
Heat absorbed(q) = 62,25.122,3 = 7613,175J
We have,
Mass of solution = Volume . density = 150.1,3 = 195g
Heat for solution = m. C. ∆t
7613,175 = 195.2,7. (23,5 − t )→t = 9℃
𝐐. 𝟐𝟕 (E26) The heat of neutralization of HCl(aq) by NaOH(aq) is 55,84 kJ/mol H2O produced. If 50,00
mL of 1.05 M NaOH is added to 25.00 mL of 1.86 M HCl, with both solutions originally at 24.72 oC what
will be the final solution temperature? (Assume that no heat is lost to the surrounding air and that the solution
produced in the neutralization reaction has a density of 1.02 g/mL and a specific heat of 3.98 Jg −1 oC −1)
n = 0,0525 mol; n = 0,0465 mol
q = −q
−55,84.10 . 0,0465 = −75.1,02.3,98. (t − 24,72)
⇒t = 33,25℃
𝐐. 𝟐𝟖 (E33) The enthalpy of sublimation for dry ice (i.e., CO2) is ΔHo= 571 kJ/kg at −78,5 oC and 1 atm. If
125.0 J of heat is transferred to a block of dry ice that is −78,5 oC, what volume of CO2 gas (d = 1.98 g/L)
will be generated?

Enthalpy of sublimation dry ice is ΔHᵒsub = 571 = 571. = 571 J/g

This means 571 J of heat is required to sublimate 1 g of CO 2

So 125.0 J of heat will sublimate g = 0.219 g of CO2

Therefore volume = = = 111mL
𝐐. 𝟐𝟗 (E46) We can determine the purity of solid materials by using calorimetry. A gold ring (for pure gold,
specific heat = 0.1291 J.g−1.K−1) with mass of 10.5 g is heated to 78,3 °C and immersed in 50.0 g of 23,7 °C
water in a constant-pressure calorimeter. The final temperature of the water is 31,0 °C. Is this a pure sample
of gold?
4,18 J
q ướ = 50 gam H O. . (31 − 23,7)℃ = 1525,7 J
gam. nước. ℃
Bảo toàn năng lượng: q ướ = −q
⇔ 1525,7 J = −10,5 g . C à . (304.15 − 351,45)K

⇒C à = 3,072 J. g .K
Vậy nhiệt dung của nhiệt lượng kế không bằng nhiệt dung riêng của vàng nguyên chất
(0,1291 J. g . K ) nên chiếc nhẫn vàng không nguyên chất
𝐐. 𝟑𝟎 (E51) In each of the following processes, is any work done when the reaction is carried out at constant
pressure in a vessel open to the atmosphere? If so, is work done by the reacting system or on it?
(a) Neutralization of Ba(OH)2 by HCl(aq);
(b) conversion of gaseous nitrogen dioxide to gaseous dinitrogen tetroxide;
(c) decomposition of calcium carbonate to calcium oxide and carbon dioxide gas .
(a) Ba(OH) (aq) + HCl(aq) → BaCl(aq) + H O(l)
∆n = 0 → W = 0. Công bằng không.

(b) 2NO (g) → N O (g)

∆n = 1 − 2 = −1 → W = −ve. Đây là quá trình sinh công

(c) 𝐶𝑎𝐶𝑂 (𝑠) → 𝐶𝑂 (𝑔) + 𝐶𝑎𝑂(𝑠)

∆n = 1 − 0 = 1 → W = +ve. Đây là quá trình nhận công

𝐐. 𝟑𝟏 (E137) Write the balanced chemical equations for reactions that have the following as their standard
enthalpy changes.
a. ∆H° = 82,05 kJ/mol N2O (k)
b. ∆H° = −394,1 kJ/mol SO2Cl2 (l)
c. ∆H° = −1527 kJ/mol CH3CH2COOH (l)

(a) N (g) + O (g) → N O(g) ∆H° = −394,1 kJ/mol

(b) SO (g) + Cl (g) → SO Cl ∆H° = −394,1 kJ/mol

(c) 3C(s, graphite) + 3H (g) + O (g) → CH CH COOH(l) ∆H° = −1527 kJ/mol
𝐐. 𝟑𝟐 (E70) Given the following information:

N2 (k) + H2 (k)→ NH3(k) ∆H° = −46.2 kJ (1)

NH3 (k) + O 2 (k) → NO (k) + H2O (l) ∆H° = −292.3 kJ (2)

H2 (k) + O2 (k)→H2O (l) ∆H° = −285.8 kJ (3)

Determine ∆H° for the following reaction: N2 (k) + O2 (k) →2 NO (k), expressed in term of ∆H° , ∆H° and
∆H° .
2.(1) N2 (k) + 3H2 (k)→ 2NH3(k) ∆H° = −92.4 kJ
2.(2) 2NH3 (k) + O 2 (k) →2 NO (k) + 3 H2O ∆H° = −584.6 kJ
-3.(3) 3H2O (l)→ 3H2 (k) + O2 (k) ∆H° = 857.4 kJ

N2 (k) + O2 (k) →2 NO (k) ∆H° = 180.4kJ

𝐐. 𝟑𝟑 (E77) One glucose molecule, C6H12O6 (s) is converted to two lactic acid molecules,
CH3CH(OH)COOH (r) during glycolysis. Given the combustion reactions of glucose and lactic acid,
determine the standard enthalpy for glycolysis.
C6H12O6 (r) + 6 O2 (k) → 6 CO2 (k) + 6 H2O (l) ∆H° =  2808 kJ (1)
CH3CH(OH)COOH (r) + 3 O2 (k) → 3 CO2 (k) + 3 H2O (l) ∆H° =  1344 kJ (2)
(1) C6H12O6 (r) + 6 O2 (k) → 6 CO2 (k) + 6 H2O (l) ∆H° = - 2808 kJ
-2.(2) CH3CH(OH)COOH (r) + 3 O2 (k) → 3 CO2 (k) + 3 H2O (l) ∆H° = 2688 kJ
C6H12O6 (r) → 2 CH3CH(OH)COOH ∆H° = −120 kJ
𝐐. 𝟑𝟒 (E81) Use the information given here, data from Appendix D, and equation (7.21) to calculate the
standard enthalpy of formation per mole of ZnS(s).
2 ZnS (r) + 3 O2 (k) →2 ZnO (r) + 2 SO2 (k) ∆𝐻 ° =  878,2 kJ
2. (−348) + 2. (−296,8) + 878,2
∆𝐻 ° = = −206 𝑘𝐽. 𝑚𝑜𝑙
𝐐. 𝟑𝟓 (E91) The decomposition of limestone, CaCO 3 (s), into quicklime, CaO(s), and CO2 (g) is carried out
in a gas-fired kiln. Use data from Appendix D to determine how much heat is required to decompose 1,35×10 3
kg CaCO3(s). (Assume that heats of reaction are the same as at and 1 bar.)
CaCO3 (s) → CaO (s) + CO2 (g)
-1206,9 -636,6 -383,5
∆H° = 178 kJ. mol
. . .
So, heat 1,35×103 kg CaCO3(s) require = 2,4.10 kJ

(Explain: 1 mole require 178 kJ so 0,1 kg require 178 kJ. Therefore, heat 1,35×10 3 kg CaCO3(s) require
, . .

𝐐. 𝟑𝟔 (E95) A British thermal unit (Btu) is defined as the quantity of heat required to change the temperature
of 1 lb of water by 1 o F. Assume the specific heat of water to be independent of temperature. How much heat
is required to raise the temperature of the water in a 40 gal water heater from 48 to 145 °F in
(a) Btu?
(b) kcal?
(c) kJ?
Volume = 40 gal=40.4,55.10 = 181,8.103 mL
Mass water = density . volume = 1. 181,8.103 = 182.103 gam

Intital temperature (Ti) = (48-32)=8,89℃

Final temperature (Tf) = . (145 − 32) = 62,78℃

∆T = 53,89℃ → q = 41027.10 J
(a) 1Btu = 1055.05 → q = 38,89.103 Btu

(b) q = 41027.103. = 9805,6 Kal

, .

(c) q = 41027 kJ
𝐐. 𝟑𝟕 (E130) The temperature increase of 225 mL of water at 25 oC contained in a Styrofoam cup is noted
when a 125 g ample of a metal at 75 oC is added. With reference to 7 Appendix, the greatest temperature
increase will be noted if the metal is (a) lead; (b) aluminum; (c) iron; (d) copper.
So, we can calculating it
C. J
q = 125g. . t − 75 ℃ = 125. C. t − 75 J
g. ℃
q = 225g. t − 25 ℃ = 940,5. C. t − 25 J
g. ℃
Conservation of energy:
q = −q ⇒ 125. C. t − 75 = −940,5. C. t − 25

For each metal at (a), (b), (c), (d) → 25,85℃ ; 30,23℃ ; 27,82℃ ; 27,43℃
Therefore, the greatest temperature increase will be noted if the metal is aluminum
𝐐. 𝟑𝟖 (E101) A particular natural gas consists, in mole percents, of 83.0% CH 4, 11.2% C2H6 and 5.8% C3H8.
A 385 L sample of this gas, measured at 22.6 oC and 739 mmHg, is burned at constant pressure in an excess
of oxygen gas. How much heat, in kilojoules, is evolved in the combustion reaction?
Combustion of methane takes place as:
CH4(g) +2O2(g) → CO2(g )+ 2H2O
ΔH° = −802.31 kJ/mol
Combustion of ethane takes place as:
C2H6(g) + O2(g) → 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(g)
ΔH° = −1427.70 kJ/mol
Combustion of propane takes place as:
C3H8(g) + 5O2(g) → 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(g)
ΔH° = −2043.90 kJ/mol
We have:
PV=nRT→ n = 15,44 mol
The number of moles of each gas is
n = 12,82 mol CH

n = 1,73 mol C H

n = 0,896 mol C H

Now we calculate the energy produced by the combustion of each gas and the total energy produced
𝐪𝐂𝐇𝟒 = 𝐧𝐂𝐇𝟒 . (−𝚫𝐇𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐞 ) = 𝟏𝟎, 𝟐𝟗𝐤𝐉

𝐪𝐂𝟐 𝐇𝟔 = 𝐧𝐂𝟐 𝐇𝟔 . −𝚫𝐇𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐞 = 𝟐, 𝟒𝟕 𝐤𝐉

𝐪𝐂𝟑 𝐇𝟖 = 𝐧𝐂𝟑 𝐇𝟖 . (−𝚫𝐇𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐞 ) = 𝟏, 𝟖𝟑𝐤𝐉

Total heat produced = 14,6 kJ

𝐐. 𝟑𝟗 (E104) A calorimeter that measures an exothermic heat of reaction by the quantity of ice that can be
melted is called an ice calorimeter. Now consider that 0.100 L of methane gas, at and 744 mmHg is burned
at constant pressure in air. The heat liberated is captured and used to melt 9.53 g ice at 0 oC (∆H° of ice is
6,01 kJ/mol). Write an equation for the complete combustion of and show that combustion is incomplete in
this case.
CH4(g) +2O2(g) → CO2(g )+ 2H2O
∆H° = −890,29kJ
We have: PV=nRT→ n = 0,004 mole of CH
q = −3,56kJ
Heat used to melt ice = 3,18kJ
We know that: Heat evolved during combustion = Heat gained by the ice
Since 3,56 kJ heat was available and 3,18kJ went into melting the ice difference = 0,38 kJ
So, the combustion must be incomplete.
𝐐. 𝟒𝟎 (E138) The standard molar heats of combustion of C(graphite) and CO(g) are −393.5 and −283.0
kJ/mol respectively. Use those data and that for the following reaction
CO (k) + Cl2 (k) → COCl2 (k) ∆H° = −108 kJ to calculate the standard molar enthalpy of formation of
C(graphite) + O (g) → CO(g)
∆H ° = ∆H ° − ∆H ° = −110,5 kJ/mol
CO (k) + Cl2 (k) → COCl2 (k) ∆H° = −108 kJ

∆H = ∆H ° − ∆H °

→ ∆H ° = −108 − 110,5 = −218,5 kJ/mol

𝐐. 𝟒𝟏 (E122) We can use the heat liberated by a neutralization reaction as a means of establishing the
stoichiometry of the reaction. The data in the appendix are for the reaction of 1.00 M NaOH with 1.00 M citric
acid, C6H8O7, in a total solution volume of 60.0 mL.
(a) Why is the temperature change in the neutralization greatest when the reactants are in their exact
stoichiometric proportions? That is, why not use an excess of one of the reactants to ensure that the
neutralization has gone to completion to achieve the maximum temperature increase.
(b) Rewrite the formula of citric acid to reflect more precisely its acidic properties. Then write a balanced net
ionic equation for the neutralization reaction.

(a) Nhiệt toả ra các sản phẩm được tạo thành và tăng dần cho tới khi ở cân bằng hoá học, tại đó nhiệt
độ là lớn nhất nhưng sau đó sau khi trung hoà hoàn toàn và dư thừa các chất tham gia thì nhiệt độ
giảm do một phần các chất tham gia phản ứng dư thừa đó sẽ hấp thu nhiệt.
(b) Axit cỉtric có thể cho 3 proton nên
H C H O (s) + 3Na (aq) + 3OH (aq) → 3H O (l) + 3Na (aq) + C H O (aq)
Rút gọn lại: H C H O (s) + 3OH (aq) → 3H O (l) + C H O (aq)


𝐐. 𝟏 (EX 19.1) A. Predict whether entropy increases or decreases in each of the following reactions.
(a) The Claus process for removing H2S from natural gas: 2 H2S (g) + SO2(g) → 3 S(s) + 2 H2O(g)
(b) the decomposition of mercury(II) oxide: 2 HgO (s) → 2 Hg(l) + O2(k)
B. Predict whether entropy increases or decreases or whether the outcome is uncertain ineach of the
following reactions.
(a) Zn(s) + Ag2O(s) → ZnO(s) + 2 Ag(s)
(b) the chlor-alkali process, 2 Cl– (aq) + 2 H2O(l) → 2 OH– (aq) + Cl2(g) + H2(g)
a. 2 H2S (k) + SO2(k) → 3 S(r) + 2 H2O(k)
∆n = −1 → ∆S ° decreases

b. 2 HgO(r) → 2 Hg(l) + O2(k)

∆n = 1 → ∆S ° increases

a. Zn(r) + Ag2O(r) → ZnO(r) + 2 Ag(r)
Can not predict for this reaction
b. 2 Cl– (dd) + 2 H2O(l) → 2 OH– (dd) + Cl2(k) + H2(k)
∆n = 2 → ∆S ° increases

𝐐. 𝟐 (EX 19.2) A. What is the standard molar entropy of vaporization, for a chlorofluorocarbon that once
was heavily used in refrigeration systems? Its normal boiling point is −29,79 o C and ∆H°vap = 20.2 kJ.mol–1
° ∆ ° , .
∆S = = = 83,04 J. mol . K
, ,

𝐐. 𝟑 (EX 19.2) B. The entropy change for the transition from solid rhombic sulfur to solid monoclinic sulfur
at 95.5 o C is ∆Sotr = 1,09 J.mol−1 K −1 . What is the standard molar enthalpy change, ∆Ho tr, for this transition
∆H ° = 1,09. (95,5 + 273,15) = 402 J. mol
𝐐. 𝟒 (EX 19.3) A. Use data from Appendix D to calculate the standard molar entropy change for the
synthesis of ammonia from its elements. N2(g) + 3 H2(g) → 2 NH3(g) ∆S ° =?

N2(g) + H2(g) → NH3(g)

∆S ° = ∆S(° ) − ∆S(° )

= 1 mol. S ° [NH (g)] − mol S ° [N (g)] − . mol. S ° [H (g)]

= 1 mol. 192,5 . − mol. 191,6. − mol. 130,7.

. . .

= −99,35. J. K
𝐐. 𝟓 (EX 19.3) B. N2O3 is an unstable oxide that readily decomposes. The decomposition of 1.00 mol of to
nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide at is accompanied by the entropy change ∆S° = 138.5 J K -1 . What
is the standard molar entropy of at 25 °C?
N2O3(g) → NO(g) + NO2(g) ∆S ° = 138,5 J.K
∆S ° = 210,8 + 240,1 − 138,5 = 312,4 J. mol . K

𝐐. 𝟔 (EX 19.4) A. Which of the four cases in Table 19.1 would apply to each of the following reactions:
(a) N2(g) + 3 H2(g) → 2 NH3(g) ∆H° = −92,22 kJ
(b) 2 C(graphite) + 2 H2(g) → C2H4(g) ∆H° = 52,26 KJ
(a) ∆n = −2 → ∆S ° < 0 and ∆H ° < 0 → Xảy ra ở điều kiện thường

(b) ∆n = −1 → ∆S ° < 0 and ∆H ° > 0 → Không xảy ra ở điều kiện thường

𝐐. 𝟕 (EX 19.4) B. Under what temperature conditions would the following reactions occur spontaneously?
(a) The decomposition of calcium carbonate into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. (b) The roasting of zinc
sulfide in oxygen to form zinc oxide and sulfur dioxide. This exothermic reaction releases 439.1 kJ for every
mole of zinc sulfide that reacts
(a) Xảy ra ở nhiệt độ cực lớn
(b) Xảy ta ở nhiệt độ thấp
𝐐. 𝟖 (EX 19.5) A. Determine ∆Go at 298.15 K for the reaction 4 Fe(r) + 3 O2(k) → 2 Fe2O3(r) ∆H° =
o −1
−1648 kJ and ∆S 298K = −549.3 J K
∆G = ∆H − T. ∆S = −1484,3 kJ
𝐐. 𝟗 (EX 19.5) B. Determine for the reaction in Example 19–5 by using data from Appendix D.
Compare the two results. 2 NO (g) + O (g) → 2 NO (g) ∆G° =?

∆G° = ∆G(° ) − ∆G(° )

= 2. mol. ∆G° [ NO2 (g)] − 2. mol. ∆G° [NO (g)] − 1. mol. ∆G° [O2 (g)]

= 2 mol. 51,31. − 2 mol. 86,55. − 1 mol. 0

= -70,48 kJ.
𝐐. 𝟏𝟎 (EX 19.7)
A. Use the data in Appendix D to decide whether the following reaction is spontaneous under standard
conditions at 298.15 K. N2O4(g) → 2 NO2(g)
B. If a gaseous mixture of and both at a pressure of 0.5 bar, is introduced into a previously evacuated vessel,
which of the two gases will spontaneously convert into the other at 298.15 K.
A. ∆G° = 4,73. kJ. mol > 0 → Không xảy ra ở nhiệt độ 298K
B. Q = 0,5 > K P = 0,148 → theo chiều nghịch
 Ag+ (aq) + I− (aq)
𝐐. 𝟏𝟏  (EX 19.8) A. Determine the equilibrium constant at 298.15 K for AgI(s) 
Compare your answer to the for AgI in Appendix D.
 Ag+(aq) + I-(aq)
AgI(s) 

At 298 K
∆H ° = 112250J
∆S ° = 68,31. J. K
∆G° = ∆H ° − T∆S ° ⇔ −RTlnK = ∆H ° − T∆S °
⇒ − 2,303.8,314.298,15. logK = 91883,37 ⇒ K = 8,13.106
𝐐. 𝟏𝟐 (EX 19.8) B. At 298.15 K, should manganese dioxide react to an appreciable extent with 1 M HCl(aq),
producing manganese(II) ion in solution and chlorine gas?
MnO (s) + 5H (aq) + 2Cl (aq) → Mn (aq) + Cl (g) + 2H O(l)
∆G° = -228.1 kJ +0.0 kJ +2.(-237.1 kJ) - (-465.1 kJ)-4. 0.0 kJ – 2. (-131.2 kJ) = +25.2 kJ > 0, phản ứng không
xảy ra
𝐐. 𝟏𝟑  (EX 19.9) A. At what temperature will the formation of NO (g) from NO(g) and O 2(g) have Kp =
1.50×102 ? For the reaction 2 NO(g) + Cl2(g) 
 2 NOCl(g) at 25 o C, ∆Ho = −114,1 kJ.mol−1 và ∆So =
−146,5 J.mol−1 .K−1
∆𝐻 °
∆𝐺 ° = ∆𝐻 ° − 𝑇∆𝑆 ° = −𝑅𝑇𝑙𝑛𝐾 → ∆𝐻 ° = 𝑇(∆𝑆 ° − 𝑅𝑙𝑛𝐾 ) → 𝑇 = = 606𝐾
∆𝑆 ° − 𝑅𝑙𝑛𝐾
𝐐. 𝟏𝟒  (EX 19.9) B. For the reaction 2 NO(g) + Cl2(g)  2 NOCl(g), what is the value of K at (a)
25oC (b) 75oC Use data from Example 19–9. [Hint: The solution to part (a) can be done somewhat
more simply than that for (b)]. (∆H ° = −114.1 kJ. mol and ∆S ° = −146.5 J. mol . K )

∆H ° = −114,1 kJ. mol . = -114100 J.mol-1

At 25℃ : ∆G° = ∆H ° − T∆S ° = -114100 J.mol-1 – 298K.(- 146,5) J. mol . K

= -70443.J.mol-1
−2,303. 𝑅. 𝑇. 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝐾 = −70443
→ K ° = 10 , . , . = 2,22.10
At 75℃ : −2,303. 𝑅. 𝑇. 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝐾 = ∆H ° − T∆S ° → K ° = 2,97.10
𝐐. 𝟏𝟓 (EX 19.10)
A. Estimate the temperature at which for the reaction in Example 19-10. Use data from Appendix and Figure
19-12. (K = 42, 2 SO2(g) + O2(g)  2 SO3(g) ∆H ° = −1,8.10 kJ. mol . Determine the temperature at
which the reaction has Kp = 5,8.10-2)
B. What is the value of for the reaction 2 SO 2(g) + O2(g)  2 SO3(g) at 235 o C. Use data from Appendix,
Figure 19-12 and the van’t Hoff equation (19.15)

−2,303. R. 900. log (42) = −1,8.10 − 900. ∆S °

∆S ° = −168,92J. mol . K
−2,303. R. T. log(5,8.10 ) = −1,8.10 − T. (−168,92) → T = 1239K
Kp = −2,303. R. 508. log K = −1,8.10 − 508. (−168,92) → K = 4,8.10
𝐐. 𝟏𝟔 (E.2) Arrange the entropy changes of the following processes, all at 25 o C, in the expected order of
increasing ∆S and explain your reasoning:
(a) H2O (l, 1 atm) →H2O (g, 1 atm)
(b) CO2 (s, 1 atm) →CO2 (g, 10 mmHg)
(c) H2O (l, 1 atm) →H2O (g, 10 mmHg)
Increase in Entropy means increase in randomness. As molecule converted from solid to liquid to gas (entropy
increases, as randomness increases) and in gases as the pressure on gas decreases randomness increases hence
entropy increases.
So, (a)<(c)<(b)
(Áp suất thấp hơn mặc dù cùng một kiểu chuyển vẫn có entropy tăng mạnh hơn)
𝐐. 𝟏𝟕 (E.10) Pentane is one of the most volatile of the hydrocarbons in gasoline. At 298.15 K, the following
enthalpies of formation are given for pentane C 5H12 (l): -173,5 kJ mol-1 ; C5H12 (g) = –146,9 kJ
(a) Estimate the normal boiling point of pentane.
(b) Estimate for the vaporization of pentane at 298 K.
(c) Comment on the significance of the sign of ∆𝐺 ° at 298 K.
(a) C H (l) → C H (g)

∆H ° ơ = ∆H ° (g) − ∆H ° (l) = 26,6 kJ. mol

∆S ° ơ ≈ 87 J. mol . K

∆H ° ơ
∆S ơ = → T = 305,75K
(b) ∆G° = ∆H ° ơ − T∆S ° ơ = −0,25J

(c) Phản ứng luôn xảy ra ở mọi nhiệt độ và theo chiều từ trái sang phải.
𝐐. 𝟏𝟖 (E.31) Assess the feasibility of the reaction N 2H4 (k) + 2 OF2 (k) N2F4 (k) + 2 H2O (k) by determining
each of the following quantities for this reaction at 25 o C
(a) ∆So (The standard molar entropy of N2F4 (g) is 301.2 J K–1 )
(b) ∆Ho (Use data from Appendix and FO and NF bond energies of 222 and respectively)
(c) ∆G°
(a) ∆S° = 2.188,8 + 301,2 − 238,5 − 2.247,4 = −54,5 J
(b) ∆H ° = ∆D° − ∆D° = 4.389 + 4.222 − 4.301 − 4.464 = −616 kJ

(c) ∆G° = ∆H ° − T∆S ° = −600kJ

𝐐. 𝟏𝟗 (E.68) Following are some standard Gibbs energies of formation, per mole of metal oxide at 1000 K:
NiO –115 kJ; MnO, –280 kJ; TiO2, –630 kJ. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of CO at 1000 K is –
250 kJ per mol CO. Use the method of coupled reactions (page 851) to determine which of these metal oxides
can be reduced to the metal by a spontaneous reaction with carbon at 1000 K and with all reactants and
products in their standard states
Oxit NiO sẽ bị khử thành kim loại bằng phản ứng tự phát với carbon vì ∆G° của CO có giá trị âm lớn hơn
∆G° của NiO chứng tỏ sẽ phóng thích năng lượng qua phương trình (1). Còn MnO và TiO 2 sẽ không bị khử
thành kim loại vì ∆G° của CO có giá trị âm lớn hơn ∆G° của NiO.

(1) NiO + C → Ni + CO ∆G° = −135kJ

𝐐. 𝟐𝟎 (E.68) Consider the vaporization of water: at with in its standard state, but with the partial pressure of
at 2.0 atm. Which of the following statements about this vaporization at are true?
(a) ∆Go = 0;
(b) ∆G = 0;
(c) ∆Go > 0;
(d) ∆G > 0.
(a) True Ở điểm sôi thông thường thì ∆Go = 0 câu (c) sai cũng vì vậy
(d) sai vì đây không phải quá trình tự phát
(b) sai vì không phải ở cân bằng
𝐐. 𝟐𝟏 (E.6) Which substance in each of the following pairs would have the greater entropy? Explain.
(a) at and 1 atm: 1 mol H2O (l) or 1 mol H2O (g)
(b) at and 1 atm: 50.0 g Fe(s) or 0.80 mol Fe(s)
(c) 1 mol Br2 (l, 1 atm, 8 o C) or 1 mol Br2 (s, 1 atm, –8 o C)
(d) 0.312 mol SO2 (g, 0.110 atm, 32.5 o C) or O2 0.284 mol (g, 15.0 atm, 22.3 o C)
(a) Greater the randomness or disorder, more is the entropy value. Thus, 1 mole of H 2O(g) will have more
(b) molar mass of Fe = 56 g/mole
Thus, mass of 0.8 mole of Fe = moles.molar mass = 44.8 g
So, 50 g of Fe(s) will have more entropy value.
(c) Entropy increases as temperature increases. An increase in temperature means that the particles of the
substance have greater kinetic energy. The faster-moving particles have more disorder than particles that
are moving slowly at a lower temperature. Thus, 1 mol Br2 (l, 1 atm, 8 o C) will have more entropy value.
(d) An increase in temperature causes an increase in entropy and a decrease in pressure causes an increase in
entropy. Thus, 0.312 mol SO2 (g, 0.110 atm, 32.5 o C) will have more entropy value.
Three reason,
First, entropy is an extensive property that depends on the amount of substance present (more moles of SO 2
than O2).
Second, entropy increases with temperature (temperature of SO 2 is greater than that for O2.
Third, entropy is greater at lower pressures (the O2 has a much higher pressure). Furthermore, entropy
generally is higher per mole for more complicated molecules
𝐐. 𝟐𝟐 (E.8) By analogy to and how would you define entropy of formation? Which would have the largest
entropy of formation: CH4 (g), CH3CH2OH (l), or CS2(l)? First make a qualitative prediction; then test your
prediction with data from Appendix D
Stepwise approach: It seems as though CS2 l would have the highest molar entropy of formation of the
compounds listed, since it is the only substance whose formation does not involve the consumption of high
entropy gaseous reactants. This prediction can be checked by determining 𝑆 ° values from the data in
Appendix D:
(a) ∆S ° = −80,8J. mol K

(b) ∆S ° = −345,4J. mol .K

(c) ∆S ° = 82J. mol . K

𝐐. 𝟐𝟑 (E.36) Calculate the equilibrium constant and Gibbs energy for the reaction CO (k) + 2 H 2 (k) →
CH3OH (k) at 483 K by using the data tables from Appendix D. Are the values determined here different
from or the same as those in exercise 35? Explain.
Ho  200.7kJmol-1  (110.5kJmol-1  2.0kJmol-1 )  90.2kJmol-1
So  239.8JK1 mol-1  (197.7JK1 mol-1  2  130.7JK1 mol-1 )  219.3JK-1mol-1
 ( . )
Go  90.2kJmol-1   15.7kJmol-1

𝐐. 𝟐𝟒  (E.41) Use thermodynamic data at 298 K to decide in which direction the reaction 2 SO 2 (g) + O2
(g)  2 SO3 (g) is spontaneous when the partial pressures of SO 2, O2 and SO3 are 1,0×10–4 , 0.20, and 0.10
atm, respectively.
∆G° = 2∆G° [ SO (g)] − ∆G° [O (g)] − 2∆G° [SO (g)]
= 2. mol. ∆G° [ SO (g)] − 1. mol. ∆G° [O (g)] − 2. mol. ∆G ° [SO (g)]
kJ kJ kJ
= 2. mol. (−371,1) − 1. mol. 0 − 2. mol. (−300,2) = −141,6 kJ
mol mol mol
𝑃° (0,1 )
𝐾 = = . 𝑎𝑡𝑚 = 5.10 𝑎𝑡𝑚
𝑃° . 𝑃° (1,0.10 ) .0,20

1000J J
∆G = ∆G° + RT. ln(K ) = −141,6kJ. + 8,314. . 298K. ln(5.10 )
1 kJ mol. K
= −103383,6J = −103,4kJ < 0

Vậy đây là phản ứng tự phát theo chiều thuận.

𝐐. 𝟐𝟓 (E.55) Use data from Appendix D to establish at 298 K for the reaction: 2 NaHCO 3(s) →Na2CO3(s) +
H2O(l) + CO2 (g) (a) ∆So (b) ∆Ho (c) ∆Go (d) K.
(a) ∆S ° = 135 + 69,91 + 213,7 − 101,7 = 215,2. Jmol K

(b)∆H ° =-1131 − 285.8 − 393.5+ 2.950.8 = 91

(c) ∆𝐺 ° = 91-298.215,2.10-3= 27 kJ/mol

. .
(d) Kc=10 , . , . = 1,9.10 or Kc = 𝑒 , .

𝐐. 𝟐𝟔 (E.86) The decomposition of the poisonous gas phosgene is represented by the equation COCl 2 (g)
  CO (g) + Cl2. Values of for this reaction are Kp = 6.7×10–9 at 99.8 o C and 4.44×10–2 at 395 o C. At
what temperature is 15% dissociated when the total gas pressure is maintained at 1.00 atm?
K Ea 1 1
ln = .( − )
→ Ea = 1,1.10 J/mol
, .
So with 15% dissociated → K = = 1,005.10
, .
Now, ln = . − → T = 353,9K
, . ,

𝐐. 𝟐𝟕 (E.109) A handbook lists the following standard enthalpies of formation at 298 K for cyclopentane
C5H10 (l) = –105.9 kJ mol–1 , and C5H10 (k) = –77.2 kJ mol–1
a. Estimate the normal boiling point of cyclopentane.
b. Estimate for the vaporization of cyclopentane at 298 K.
c.Comment on the significance of the sign of ∆G° at 298 K
( , , ).
(a) T ô = = 330𝐾

(b) ∆𝐺 ° = ∆𝐻 ° − 𝑇∆𝑆 ° = 28,7.10 − 298.87 = 2,9𝑘𝐽. 𝑚𝑜𝑙

(c) Because G ovap,298K >0, the vapor pressure is less than 1 atm at 298 K, consistent with T bp=57 o C.

 N2O (g) + 2 H2O(l) at 298 K.
𝐐. 𝟐𝟖 (E.110) Consider the reaction: NH4NO3 (s) 

(a) Is the forward reaction endothermic or exothermic?
(b) What is the value of ∆Go at 298 K?
(c) What is the value of K at 298 K?
(d) Does the reaction tend to occur spontaneously at temperatures above 298 K, below 298 K, both, or neither
(a) ∆H ° = −124 kJ. Thus, the forward reaction is exothermic
(b) ∆G° = −186,1 kJ
(c) ∆G° = −RT. lnK → K = 4,127.10
(d) ∆S ° = 209 J/K. Thus, ∆G° < 0 at all temperatures
so the reaction is spontaneous at all temperatures
𝐐. 𝟐𝟗  Which of the following diagrams represents an equilibrium constant closest to 1?
Sơ đồ (a). Vì với sơ đồ (a) thì ∆G° = ∆G° − ∆G° ≈ 0 nhất nên do đó hằng số cân bằng gần nhất với 1
tức K≈ 1.
𝐐. 𝟑𝟎 (E.112) At room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure, is the entropy of the universe positive,
negative, or zero for the transition of carbon dioxide solid to liquid?
Carbon dioxide is a gas at room temperature. The melting point of carbon dioxide is expected to be very low.
At room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure this process is spontaneous. The entropy of the
universe is positive.
𝐐. 𝟏 (EX-14-1A) At some point in the reaction 2 A + B → C + D, [A] = 0.3629 M. At a time 8.25 min later
[A] = 0.3187. What is the average rate of reaction during this time interval, expressed in M.s –1?
[ ] ( , , )
Avg rate = = = 4,46.10 M. s
∆. , . .

𝐐. 𝟐 (EX–14-1B) In the reaction 2 A → 3 B, [A] drops from 0.5684 M to 0.5522 M in 2.50 min. What is the
average rate of formation of B during this time interval, expressed in M s –1 ?
0.5522 M−0.5684 M
rateof B formation= 𝟔𝟎𝒔 . = 1,62.10 𝑀. 𝑠
𝟐,𝟓 𝒎𝒊𝒏.𝒎𝒊𝒏

𝐐. 𝟑 (EX-14-2A) For reaction H2O2 (aq) → H2O(l) + ½ O2 (g), determine

(a) the instantaneous rate of reaction at 2400 s
(b) [H2O2] at 2450 s. [Hint: Assume that the instantaneous rate of reaction at 2400 s holds constant for the
next 50 s.]

(Chú thích: do tìm tại t=2400s do đó kẻ trực tiếp tuyến tại t=2400s chiếu lên rồi xác định và phân đuôi phương
trình đường thẳng phải gần sát với biểu đồ cong)
(a) The rate of reaction determined from the slope of a tangent line to a concentration-time curve is
the instantaneous rate of reaction at the point where the tangent line touches the curve.
From the above graph, the two points selected on the tangent drawn (red line) at 2400 s are as follows:
Hence, instantaneous rate at 2400 s is
The instantaneous rate holds constant for the next 50 seconds i.e. from 2400 s to 2450 s.
Calculate the concentration at 2450 s using the concentration at 2400 s.

𝐐. 𝟒 (EX-14-2B) Use data only from the following table to determine [H 2O2 ] at t = 100 s. Compare this
value with the one calculated in Example 14-2(b). Explain the reason for the difference?

𝐐. 𝟓 (EX-14-3A) The decomposition of N2O5 is given by the following equation: 2 N2O5 → 4 NO2 + O2 .
At an initial [N2O5]0 = 3.15 M, the initial rate of reaction = 5.45×10 –5 M s –1 and when [N 2O5]0 = 0.78 M,
the initial rate of reaction = 1.35×10 –5 M s –1 . Determine the order of this decomposition reaction.

𝐐. 𝟔 (EX-14-3B) Consider a hypothetical Experiment 4 in Table 14.3, in which the initial conditions are
[HgCl2 ]0 = 0.025 M and [C2O4 2– ]0 = 0.045, v = k [HgCl2 ]2 [C2O4 2– ]2 . Predict the initial rate of reaction.

𝐐. 𝟕 (EX-14-4A) A reaction has the rate law: v = k [A]2[B]. When [A] = 1.12 M and [B] = 0.87 M and the
rate of reaction = 4.78×10 –2 Ms -1 . What is the value of the rate constant, k?

𝐐. 𝟖 (EX-14-4B) What is the rate of reaction 2 HgCl 2 + C2O42–  2 Cl– + 2 CO2 + Hg2Cl2 , v = k [HgCl2 ]1
[C2O42– ]2 , at the point where [HgCl2 ] = 0.050 M and [C2O42– ]0 = 0.025 M

𝐐. 𝟗 (EX-14-5A) The reaction A  2 B + C is first order. If the initial [A] = 2.80 M and k = 3.02×10 –3 s –1
, what is the value of [A] after 325 s?

𝐐. 𝟏𝟎 (EX-14-5B) Use data in the following Figure and Table, together with equation ln[A] t = -kt + ln [A]0
, to show that the decomposition of H2O2 is a first-order reaction. [Hint: Use a pair of data points for H2O20
and H2O2t and their corresponding times to solve for k. Repeat this calculation using other sets of data. How
should the results compare?]

𝐐. 𝟏𝟏 (EX-14-6A) Consider the first-order reaction A  P with k = 2.95×10 –3

s –1
. What percent of A
remains after 150 s?

𝐐. 𝟏𝟐 (EX-14-6B) At what time after the start of the reaction is a sample of [H 2O2 ] two–thirds decomposed?

𝐐. 𝟏𝟑 (EX-14-7A) Di-t-butyl peroxide (DTBP) is used as a catalyst in the manufacture of polymers. In the
gaseous state, DTBP decomposes into acetone and ethane by a firstorder reaction.
Start with DTBP at a pressure of 800.0 mmHg at 147 °C. What will be the pressure of DTBP at t = 125
min, if t1/2 = 8,0×10 –1 min. [Hint: Because 125 min is not an exact multiple of the half-life, you must use
( )
equation ( )
= −𝑘𝑡. Can you see that the answer is between 200 and 400 mmHg?]


𝐐. 𝟏𝟒 (EX-14-7B) Use data from Table 14.4 to determine (a) the partial pressure of ethylene oxide, and (b)
the total gas pressure after 30.0 h in a reaction vessel at 415 °C, if the initial partial pressure of (CH 2)2O is
782 mmHg.

𝐐. 𝟏𝟓 (EX-14-8A) In the decomposition reaction B  products, the following data are obtained.

What are the order of this reaction and its rate constant k?
Try in zero order equation:
0,88M − 0,74M
t = 25 → k = = 5,6.10 M. s
0,88M − 0,62M
t = 50 → k = = 5,2.10 M. s
0,88M − 0,52M
t = 75 → k = = 4,8.10 . M. s
Try in first order equation:
2,303 0,88
t = 25 → k = . log ( ) = 6,9321.10 M. s
25 0,74
2,303 0,88
t = 50 → k = . log = 7,0053.10 M. s
50 0,62
2,303 0,88
t = 75 → k = . log ( ) = 7,0158.10 M. s
75 0,52
2,303 0,88
t = 100 → k = . log = 6,9327.10 M. s
100 0,44
2,303 0,88
t = 150 → k = . log = 6,9569.10 M. s
150 0,31
2,303 0,88
t = 200 → k = . log ( ) = 6,9327.10 M. s
200 0,22
2,303 0,88
t = 250 → k = . log ( ) = 6,8202.10 M. s
250 0,16
As rate constant at all "t" values are constant
→ The order equation this reaction is first and average rate constant (k) = 6,9422.10-3.M.s-1
𝐐. 𝟏𝟔 (EX-14-8B) The following data are obtained for the reaction A  P. What are the order of this reaction
and its rate constant, k?
𝐐. 𝟏𝟕 (EX-14-9A) What is the half-life of the first-order decomposition of N 2O5 at 75.0 °C? With Ea
=1,06×105 J/mol and k = 3,46×10–5 s –1 at 298 K

𝐐. 𝟏𝟖 (EX-14-9B) At what temperature will it take 1.50 h for two-thirds of a sample of N 2O5 in to decompose
in Example 17.[ The first-order decomposition of N2O5 , Ea =1,06×105 J/mol and k = 3,46×10–5 s –1 at 298 K
[N 𝑂 ] 1
𝑙𝑛 = ln = −𝑘. 1,5.3600 → 𝑘 = 2,03.10 𝑠
[𝑁 𝑂 ] 3
The Arrhenius equation :
2,03.10 1,06 × 10 𝐽. 𝑚𝑜𝑙 1 1
ln = . − → 𝑇 = 311𝐾
3,26.10 8,314𝐽. 𝑚𝑜𝑙 . 𝐾 298𝐾 𝑇

𝐐. 𝟏𝟗 (EX-14-10A) In a proposed two-step mechanism for the reaction CO(g) + NO 2 (g)  CO2 (g) +
NO(g), the second, fast step is NO3 (k) + CO(k) → CO2 (k) + NO2 (k). What must be the slow step? What
would you expect the rate law of the reaction to be? Explain

First step: NO2 – NO3 → NO -NO2 or 2NO2 → NO + NO3

If the first step is the slow step, then it will be the rate-determining step, and the rate of that step will be the
rate of the reaction, namely, rate of reaction = k[NO2]2
𝐐. 𝟐𝟎 (EX-14-10B) Show that the proposed mechanism for the reaction 2 NO 2 (g) + F2 (g)  2 NO2F (g)
is plausible. The rate law is rate = k[NO2 ][F2 ].
NO2 (g) + F2 (g)  NO2F 2 (g) : fast
NO2F2 (g)  NO2 F(g) + F(g) : slow
F(g) + NO2 (g)  NO2 F(g) : fast
𝐐. 𝟐𝟏 (E5) In the reaction A  products, 4.40 min after the reaction is started, A = 0.588 M. The rate of
reaction at this point is rate = –At = 2.2×10–2 M min–1. Assume that this rate remains constant for a short
period of time.
a) What is A 5.00 min after the reaction is started?
b) At what time after the reaction is started will A = 0.565 M?
(a) [A] = 4,4.2,2.10 + 0,588 = 0,6848M → [A] = 0,5748M
( , , )
(b) t = = 5,4 min
, .

𝐐. 𝟐𝟐 (E10) At the half-life for the first-order decomposition of N2O5(g) is 2.38 min. N2O5(g)  2 NO2(g)
+ 1/2 O2(g) If 1.00 g of N2O5(g) is introduced into an evacuated 15 L flask at 65 °C,
(a) What is the initial partial pressure, in mmHg, of N2O5(g)?
(b) What is the partial pressure, in mmHg, of N2O5(g) after 2.38 min?
(c) What is the total gas pressure, in mmHg, after 2.38 min?

. , . . . . . ,
(a) P = = . =13,023mmHg

(b) Bậc 1: K = = = 0,2912 min

/ ,

, . ,
P = P .e = 13,023. e = 6,512 mmHg
(c) N2O5(g)  2 NO2(g) + 1/2 O2(g)
Trước: P 0 0
Sau: P − P′ 2P’ P’

P − P = 6,512 → P = P − 6,512 = 13,023mmHg − 6,512mmHg = 6,511mmHg

Tổng áp suất sau phản ứng = P + P’

=13,023mmHg + 6,511mmHg

𝐐. 𝟐𝟑 (E20) In the first-order reaction A  products, A = 0.816 M initially and 0.632 M after 16.0 min.
(a) What is the value of the rate constant, k?
(b) What is the half-life of this reaction?
(c) At what time will A = 0.235 M?
(d) What will A be after 2.5 h?
(a) In first order equation
1 [A] 1 0,816
k= ln. = . ln = 0,016. min
t [A] 16 0,632

(b) t = = = 43,42 min


[ ] ,
(c) t = ln. [ ]
= . ln = 77,8 min
, ,

[ ]
(d) ln[A] = −kt + ln[A] = e = 0,074M
𝐐. 𝟐𝟒 (E22) The half-life of the radioactive isotope phosphorus-32 is 14.3 days. How long does it take for a
sample of phosphorus-32 to lose 99% of its radioactivity?

k= = 0,048 d

ln = −0,048. t → t = 96 days
𝐐. 𝟐𝟓 (E23) Acetoacetic acid, CH3COCH2COOH, a reagent used in organic synthesis, decomposes in acidic
solution, producing acetone and CO2(g).
CH3COCH2COOH(aq)  CH3COCH3(aq) + CO2(g)
This first-order decomposition has a half-life of 144 min.
(a) How long will it take for a sample of acetoacetic acid to be 65% decomposed?
(b) How many liters of CO2(g), measured at 24.5 °C and 748 Torr, are produced as a 10.0 g sample of
CH3COCH2COOH decomposes for 575 min? [Ignore the aqueous solubility of CO 2(g).

(a) k = = 4,81.10 min

0,35. [A]
ln = −kt → t = 218 min

(b) nacetoacetic aci= = 0,09795 moles


ln = −kt = −4,81.10 . 575 = −2,766 → [A] = 6,16.10 moles

[A]reacted=0,09179 moles
nRT 0,09179.0,082.297,65
V = = = 2,3 L CO
P 1
𝐐. 𝟐𝟕 (E36) For the disproportionation of p-toluenesulfinic acid 3ArSO 2H  ArSO2Ar + ArSO3H + H2O
(where Ar = p-CH3C6H4–), the following data were obtained
(a) Show that this reaction is second order.
(b) What is the value of the rate constant, k?
(c) At what time would ArSO2H = 0.0500 M
(d) At what time would ArSO2H = 0.2500 M
(e) At what time would ArSO2H = 0.0350 M

The linearity of the line indicates that the reaction is second-order.

(b) [ ]
= kt + [ ]
→ 𝑘 = 0,137. 𝐿. 𝑚𝑜𝑙 . min

(c) [ ]
= kt + [ ]
→ 𝑡 = 73 𝑚𝑖𝑛

(d) [ ]
= kt + [ ]
→ 𝑡 = 219 𝑚𝑖𝑛

(e) [ ]
= kt + [ ]
→ 𝑡 = 136 𝑚𝑖𝑛

𝐐. 𝟐𝟗 (E41) In three different experiments, the following results were obtained for the reaction A 
products: A0 = 1.00 M, t1/2 = 50 min; A0 = 2.00 M, t1/2 = 25 min; A0 = 0.50 M, t1/2 = 100 min. Write the
rate equation for this reaction, and indicate the value of k?

t1/2 ∝
[ ]

Ở thí nghiệm (1) và (2) nồng độ tăng 2 lần thì chu kỳ bán rã giảm 2 lần nên =
→ n = 2. Vì vậy đây là phản ứng bậc 2.

Do đó, t1/2= →k= = = 0,02. M . min

.[ ] / .[ ] .

Phương trình tốc độ phản ứng là v =k[A]2

𝐐. 𝟑𝟔 (E62) Certain gas-phase reactions on a heterogeneous catalyst are first order at low gas pressures and
zero order at high pressures. Can you suggest a reason for this?


𝐐. 𝟏

[Cu ] [Sn ] x x
K= → [Cu ] = = M
[Cu ] [Sn ] Kx 1,22
𝐐. 𝟖 (EX-15-4B) The steam–iron process is used to generate mostly for use in hydrogenating oils. Iron metal
and steam react [H2O(g)] to produce Fe3O4(s) và H2(g). Write expressions for KC and for KP this reversible
reaction. How are the values of KC and KP related to each other? Explain.

 Fe O (s) + 4H (g)
4Fe(s) + 4H O(g) 

[ ]
K = = 1; K = [ ]
; Vì ∆n = 0. Vì vậy, K = K .

𝐐. 𝟏𝟓 (EX-15-8A) The reaction N2O4(g)    2 NO2(g) has ∆Ho = +57.2 kJ. Will the amount of NO2(g)

formed from be greater at high or low temperatures?
Phản ứng trên là phản ứng thu nhiệt nên muốn tạo ra nhiều sản phẩm NO 2(g) phải thực hiện phản ứng ở nhiệt
độ cao để phản ứng dịch theo chiều thuận tạo ra được nhiều NO 2(g) hơn.
𝐐. 𝟐𝟏 (EX-15-11A) Sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking soda) decomposes at elevated temperatures and is
one of the sources of when this compound is used in baking. 2 NaHCO 3(s)   Na2CO3(s) + H2O(g) +
CO2(g); Kp = 0.231 at 100 °C What is the partial pressure of when this equilibrium is established starting
with NaHCO3(s).

P = 0,231 = 0,481 atm

𝐐. 𝟐𝟐 (EX-15-11B) Ammonium hydrogen sulfide, used as a photographic developer, is unstable and

dissociates at room temperature.

 NH3(g) + H2S(g); Kp = 0.108 at 25 oC
NH4HS(s) 

(a) A sample of NH4HS(g) is introduced into an evacuated flask at. What is the total gas pressure at
(b) If enough additional NH3(g) is added to the flask to raise its partial pressure to 0.500 bar at equilibrium,
what will be the total gas pressure when equilibrium is reestablished?
(a) K = p .p →p =p = 0,328633 bar → P = 0,657 bar
(b) K = 0,108 = p .p →p = = 0,216 bar → P = 0,216 + 0,5 = 0,716 bar

𝐐. 𝟐𝟗 (E11) Determine Kc for the reaction

½ N2(g) + ½ O2(g) + ½ Br2(g) ⇌ NOBr(g)
from the following information (at 298 K):
2 NO(g) ⇌ N2(g) + O2(g) ; Kc = 2.1×1030
NO(g) + ½ Br2(g) ⇌ NOBr(g) ; Kc = 1.4

𝐐. 𝟐𝟗 (E11) Determine Kc for the reaction

½ N2(g) + ½ O2(g) + ½ Br2(g) ⇌ NOBr(g)
from the following information (at 298 K):
2 NO(g) ⇌ N2(g) + O2(g) ; Kc = 2.1×1030
NO(g) + ½ Br2(g) ⇌ NOBr(g) ; Kc = 1.4

½N2(g) + ½O2(g) ⇌ NO(g) Kc =

, .

NO(g) + ½ Br2(g) ⇌ NOBr(g) Kc = 1.4

½ N2(g) + ½ O2(g) + ½ Br2(g) ⇌ NOBr(g) Kc = = 9,66.10
, .

𝐐. 𝟑𝟔 (E57) Explain how each of the following affects the amount H 2 of present in an equilibrium mixture
in the reaction
3 Fe(s) + 4 H2O(g) ⇌ Fe3O4(s) + 4 H2(g); ∆rH° = –150 kJ mol–1 .
(a) Raising the temperature of the mixture
(b) Introducing more
(c) Doubling the volume of the container holding the mixture
(d) Adding an appropriate catalyst.
3 Fe(s) + 4 H2O(g) ⇌ Fe3O4(s) + 4 H2(g); ∆rH° = –150 kJ mol–1 .

(a) Phản ứng này là phản ứng toả nhiệt với ∆rH° = –150 kJ mol–1< 0. Do đó, tăng nhiệt độ lên cao sẽ có lợi
cho phản ứng nghịch (phản ứng thu nhiệt). Nên lượng H 2(g) ở nhiệt độ cao sẽ ít hơn lượng H2(g) ở nhiệt
độ thấp.
(b) H2O (g) là một trong các chất tham gia phản ứng. Do đó, khi thêm vào nhiều hơn sẽ chuyển dịch cân
bằng về bên phải (chiều thuận) để chống lại sự tăng lên của H 2O (g). Nên dẫn đến tăng lượng khí H2(g).
(c) ∆𝑛 = 4 − 4 = 0. Nên sự thay đổi của thể tích bình chứa không ảnh hưởng đến cân bằng. Do đó lượng
H2(g) không bị ảnh hưởng
(d) Chất xúc tác chỉ làm tăng tốc độ phản ứng đạt đến vị trí cân bằng và không làm thay đổi nồng độ cân
bằng. Nên việc thêm một chất xúc tác thích hợp không ảnh đến lượng H 2 (g) ở trạng thái cân bằng.
𝐐. 𝟏 (EX 16-1A) A. For each of the following reactions, identify the acids and bases in both the forward
and reverse directions
a. HF + H2O = F– + H3O+
b. HSO4 – + NH3 = SO4 2– + NH4+
c. CH3COO– + HCl = CH3COOH + Cl–

𝐐. 𝟐 (EX 16-1B) Of the following species, one is acidic, one is basic, and one is amphiprotic in their reactions with
water: HNO2, PO4 3– , HCO3 – . Write the four equations needed to represent these facts

𝐐. 𝟑 (EX 16-2A) Students found that a yogurt sample had a pH of 2.85. What are the [H +] and [OH– ] of the
[H3O+] = 10-pH = 1,41.10-3
pH + pOH = 14 → pOH = 11,15→[OH] = 10-pOH = 7,01.10-12
𝐐. 𝟒 (EX 16-2B) The pH of a solution of HCl in water is found to be 2.50. What volume of water would you add to
1.00 L of this solution to raise the pH to 3,10.
[H3O+](trước) = 10-2,5=3,16.10-3 M → 𝑛 = 3,16.10 mol
, .
[H3O+] (sau) = 10-3,1=7,94.10-4 M → 𝑉 = =4𝐿
, .

Vthêm = 4 L - 1 L =3 L
𝐐. 𝟓 (EX 16-3A) 0.0025 M solution of HI(aq) has Calculate and the pH of the solution.
HI là axit mạnh nên phân ly hoàn toàn. Vì vậy, [H3O+]=[I-]=0,0025 M
pOH = 14 – pH = 14 – [-log(0,0025)] = 11,4 → [OH] = 10 = 10 = 4.10 M
𝐐. 𝟔 (EX 16-3B). If 535 mL of gaseous HCl, at and 747 mmHg, is dissolved in enough water to prepare 625 mL of
solution, what is the pH of this solution?
. . .
Amount mol HCl ? =
= 0,021 𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝐻𝐶𝑙
, . . . .( ,

pH = -log(0,021)=1,67
𝐐. 𝟕 (EX 16-4A) Milk of magnesia is a saturated solution of Its solubility is 9.63 mg Mg(OH) 2/100.0 mL
solution at 20 oC. What is the pH of saturated at Mg(OH)2 at 20 oC.
, .
[OH-] = . . 2=0,0033 M
. ,

→ 𝑝𝐻 = 14 − (− log(0,0033) = 11,52
𝐐. 𝟖 (EX 16-4B) Calculate the pH of an aqueous solution that is 3.00% KOH, by mass, and has a density of
𝐐. 𝟗 (EX 16-5A) Hypochlorous acid, HOCl, is used in water treatment and as a disinfectant in swimming pools. A
0.150 M solution of HOCl has a pH of 4.18. Determine for hypochlorous acid.
[H3O+] = 10-4,18 = 6,61.10-5 M

Ban đầu : 0,150 M 0M 0M

Phản ứng : - 6,61.10-5 M +6,61.10-5 M +6,61.10-5 M
Cân bằng : 0,15 M 6,61.10-5 M 6,61.10-5 M
[ ] , . . , .
𝐾 = [ ]
= = 2,9.10

𝐐. 𝟏𝟎 (EX 16-5B) The much-abused drug cocaine is an alkaloid. Alkaloids are noted for their bitter taste, an indication
of their basic properties. Cocaine is soluble in water to the extent of solution, and a saturated solution has a. What is
the value of for cocaine?

Cocain (chiết xuất từ là coca, là một loại ma tuý bị lạm dụng nhiều nhất hiện nay và bị cấm tang trữ, mua bán, vận
chuyển, sử dụng trái phép trên thế giới do gây nghiện và hoang tưởng) là một alkaloid có vị đắng đặc trưng. Biết rằng
cocain, C17H21O4N, có độ tan lên đến 0,17 g/ 100 mL dung dịch và dung dịch cocain bão hoà có pH= 10,8, tính K b của

pOH = 14 – 10,8 = 3,2 → [𝑂𝐻 ] = 6,3.10 𝑀
[C17H21O4N]= . = 5,6.10 M

Ban đầu : 5,6.10 M 0M 0M

Phản ứng : −6,3.10 M + 6,3.10 M + 6,3.10 M
Cân bằng : 5.10-3 M 6,3.10 M 6,3.10 M
[𝐶 𝐻 𝑂 𝑁𝐻 ][𝑂𝐻 ]
𝐾 = = 8.10
[𝐶 𝐻 𝑂 𝑁]
𝐐. 𝟏𝟏 (EX 16-6A) Substituting halogen atoms for hydrogen atoms bound to carbon increases the strength of carboxylic
acids. Show that the pH of 0.100 M CH2FCOOH, fluoroacetic acid, is lower than that calculated in Example 16-6 for
0.100 M
CH2FCOOH + H2O = H3O+ + CH2FCOO– Ka = 2,6×10–3

Ban đầu : 0,100 M 0M 0M

Phản ứng : −𝑥 M +𝑥M +xM
Cân bằng : 0,100 − 𝑥 M 𝑥M 𝑥M
[𝐻 𝑂 ][𝐶 𝐻 𝐹𝑂 ] 𝑥
𝐾 = ⇔ 2,6.10 = ⇒ 𝑥 = 0,015 𝑀
[𝐻𝐶 𝐻 𝐹𝑂 ] 0,100 − 𝑥
 pH = -log(0,015) = 1,824 < 2,89
𝐐. 𝟏𝟐 (EX 16-6B) Acetylsalicylic acid, is the active component in aspirin. This acid is the cause of the stomach pset
some people get when taking aspirin. Two extra-strength aspirin tablets, each containing 500 mg of acetylsalicylic acid,
are dissolved in 325 mLof water. What is the pH of this solution?

Hoà tan 2 viên aspirin nên
500 1
[𝐻𝐶 𝐻 𝑂 ] = . . 2 𝑣𝑖ê𝑛 = 0,0171 𝑀
325 180
Ban đầu : 0,0171 M 0M 0M
Phản ứng : −𝑥 M +𝑥M +xM
Cân bằng : 0,0171 − 𝑥 M 𝑥M 𝑥M
[𝐻 𝑂 ][𝐶 𝐻 𝑂 ] 𝑥
𝐾 = ⇔ 3,3.10 = ⇒ 𝑥 = 2,22.10
[𝐻𝐶 𝐻 𝑂 ] 0,0171 − 𝑥
𝑝𝐻 = − log(2,22.10 ) = 2,65
𝐐. 𝟏𝟑 (EX 16–7A) What is the pH of 0.015 M CH 2FCOOH(aq)?
CH2FCOOH + H2O = H3O+ + CH2FCOO– Ka = 2,6×10–3

Ban đầu : 0,015 M 0M 0M

Phản ứng : −𝑥 M +𝑥M +xM
Cân bằng : 0,015 − 𝑥 M 𝑥M 𝑥M
[𝐻 𝑂 ][𝐶 𝐻 𝐹𝑂 ] 𝑥
𝐾 = ⇔ 2,6.10 = ⇒ 𝑥 = 5,1.10
[𝐻𝐶 𝐻 𝐹𝑂 ] 0,015 − 𝑥
𝑝𝐻 = − log(5,1.10 ) = 2,29
𝐐. 𝟏𝟒 (EX 16-7B) Piperidine is a base found in small amounts in black pepper. What is the pH of 315 mL of an
aqueous solution containing 114 mg piperidine?


[C5H11N] = . = 4,26.10 𝑀

Ban đầu : 4,26.10 M 0M 0M

Phản ứng : −𝑥 M +𝑥M +xM
Cân bằng : (4,26.10 − 𝑥) M 𝑥M 𝑥M
[𝐶 𝐻 𝑁𝐻 ][𝑂𝐻 ] 𝑥
𝐾 = ⇔ 1,6.10 = ⇒ 𝑥 = 1,93.10
[𝐶 𝐻 𝑁 ] 4,26.10−3 − 𝑥
𝑝𝐻 = 14 − (− log(1,24.10 )) = 11,29
𝐐. 𝟏𝟓 (EX 16-8A) An 0.0284 M aqueous solution of lactic acid, a carboxylic acid that accumulates in the blood and
muscles during physical activity, is found to be 6.7% ionized. Determine for lactic acid.

𝐐. 𝟏𝟔 (EX 16-9A) Malonic acid, is a diprotic acid used in the manufacture of barbiturates

Calculate and in a 1.00 M solution of malonic acid

[ 𝑂𝑂𝐶𝐶𝐻 𝐶𝑂𝑂 ] ≈ 𝐾 = 2,0.10

Ban đầu : 1,0 M 0M 0M

Phản ứng : −𝑥 M +𝑥M +xM
Cân bằng : 1,0 − 𝑥 M 𝑥M 𝑥M
[𝐻 𝑂 ][𝐻𝐶𝐻 (𝐶𝑂𝑂 ) ] 𝑥
𝐾 = ⇔ 1,4.10 = ⇒ 𝑥 = 0,037 𝑀 ≪ 1,0 𝑀
[𝐶𝐻 (𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐻 ) ] 1,0 − 𝑥
𝐐. 𝟏𝟕 (EX 16-9B) Oxalic acid, found in the leaves of rhubarb and other plants, is a diprotic acid.

An aqueous solution that is 1.05 M has pH = 0.67. The free oxalate ion concentration in this solution is [C 2O42–] =
5,3×10–5 M. Determine Ka1 and Ka2 for oxalic acid.

𝐾 ≈ [𝐶 𝑂 ] = 5,3.10

𝐐. 𝟏𝟖 (EX 16-10)
A. Calculate [H3O+ ], [HSO4– ] and [SO42–] in 0.20 M H2SO4.
B. Calculate [H3O+ ], [HSO4– ] and [SO4 2–] in 0.020 M H2SO4. [Hint: Is the assumption that [HSO4– ] = [H3O+ ] valid?]
𝐐. 𝟏𝟗 (EX 16-11A) Predict whether each of the following 1.0 M solutions is acidic, basic, or pH neutral:
(a) CH3NH3+NO3– (aq),
(b) NaI(aq);
(c) NaNO2(aq)
(a) CH3NH3+NO3– (aq), là muối của cation base yếu nên cation CH3NH3+ sẽ bị thuỷ phân thành dung dịch có
tính acid ( CH3NH3+ + H2O   CH3NH2 + H3O+), trong khi NO3- là base liên hợp của một acid mạnh nên

không thuỷ phân nữa. Dung dịch của chất này có tính acid.
(b) NaI tạo từ cation của base mạnh và anion của một acid mạnh nên không thuỷ phân. Nên dung dịch của
chất này có môi trường trung tính.
(c) NaNO2 được tạo bởi cation của base mạnh và anion của acid yếu nên cation bị thuỷ phân trong H 2O (NO2
 HNO2 + OH-). Dung dịch của chất này có tính base.

Cocaine: 𝑝𝐾 = 14.00 - 𝑝𝐾 = 14,00 - 8,41 = 5.59, Ka = 10-5,59 = 2,6 10-6
Codeine : 𝑝𝐾 = 14.00 - 𝑝𝐾 = 14,00 - 7,96 = 6,04, Ka = 10-6,04 = 9,1 10-7
𝑝𝐻: Cadeine < Cocaine



𝐐. 𝟏 (EX 18-1A) Write the solubility product constant expression for
(a) (one of the components of dolomite, a form of limestone) and
(b) (used in photographic emulsions).
Viết công thức biểu diễn tích số tan của các chất sau:
(a) MgCO3 (một trong các thành phần của thạch vân, là một dạng của đá vôi)
(b) Ag3PO4 (dung dịch dạng nhũ làm hiện màu ảnh)
 Mg2+ (aq) + CO32- (aq)
(a) MgCO3 (s) 

→𝐾 = [𝑀𝑔 ][𝐶𝑂 ]
 3Ag+ (aq) + PO43- (aq)
(b) Ag3PO4 (s) 
→𝐾 = [𝐴𝑔 ][𝑃𝑂 ]

𝐐. 𝟖 (EX 18-4B) What is the molar solubility of in a buffered solution with pH = 8.20?
Độ tan tính theo nồng độ mol của Fe(OH)3 trong dung dịch đệm có pH = 8,20
pOH = 14,00 – 8,20 =5,8→ [𝑂𝐻 ] = 10 ,
= 1,6 x 10-6 M
 Fe3+ + 3OH-
𝐹𝑒(𝑂𝐻 ) 

→𝐾 = [𝐹𝑒 ][𝑂𝐻 ] ⇔ 4 x 10 = [𝐹𝑒 ](1,6.10 ) → [𝐹𝑒 ] = 9,8 x 10-21 M

VÌ vậy, độ tan tính theo nồng độ mol của Fe(OH)3 trong dung dịch đệm có pH = 8,20 là 9,8 x 10-21 M.
𝐐. 𝟏𝟓 (EX 18-8B) Will a precipitate of Fe(OH)3 form from a solution that is 0.013 M Fe3+ in a buffer solution
that is 0,150 M HC2H3O2 and 0.250 M NaC2H3O2.
Hỏi kết tủa Fe(OH)3 có thể hình thành trong dung dịch chứa 0,013 M Fe3+ trong dung dịch đệm với 0,150 M
HC2H3O2 và 0,250 M NaC2H3O2?
Ans (#nguyennam94197)
Theo phương trình Henderson Hasselbalch:
[ ] ,
pH = pKa + log = − log(1,8 x 10 ) + log = 4,96
[ ] ,

pOH = 14 – pH = 14 – 4,96 = 9,04 → [OH ] = 9,12 x 10 (M)

 Fe3+ + 3OH-
Fe(OH)3 

Qsp = [Fe3+][OH-]3=0,013. (9,12 x 10-10)3 = 9,86 x 10-30

Mà theo appendix thì Fe(OH)3 có Ksp = 4 x 10-38
Nên Qsp > Ksp . Vì vậy, kết tủa Fe(OH)3 có thể hình thành trong dung dịch chứa 0,013 M Fe3+ trong dung dịch
đệm với 0,150 M HC2H3O2 và 0,250 M NaC2H3O2.
𝐐. 𝟐𝟐 (EX 18-12A) What [NH3]tot is necessary to keep AgCl from precipitating from a solution that is 0.15
M AgNO3 and 0.0075 M NaCl?
Hỏi nồng độ [NH3] tổng cần thiết để giữ cho sự tạo thành kết tủa AgCl từ dung dịch chứa 0,15 M AgNO 3 và
0,0075 M NaCl?
Theo appendix, AgCl có Ksp = 1,8 x 10-10 và [Ag(NH3)2]+ có Kf =1,6 x 107
Ksp = [Ag+][Cl-]  [Ag+] = = = 2,4 x 10 M
[ ] ,

Do đo, nồng độ ion Ag+ trong phức [[Ag(NH3)2]+] là 0,15 M

 [Ag(NH3)2]+
Ag+ + 2NH3 

[ ( ) ] ,
Kf = 2  [NH3] = = 0,625 𝑀
𝐴𝑔+ 𝑁𝐻3 , ,

Tổng nồng độ amoniac tự do và có trong phức là 0,625 + 0,15 x 2 =0,925 M

Vậy nồng độ [NH3] tổng cần thiết để giữ cho sự tạo thành kết tủa AgCl từ dung dịch chứa 0,15 M AgNO 3 và
0,0075 M NaCl là 0,925 M.
𝐐. 𝟐𝟗 (E5) Arrange the following solutes in order of increasing molar solubility in water: AgCN, AgIO 3, AgI,
AgNO2, Ag2SO4. Explain your reasoning .
Hãy sắp xếp các muối sau đây theo thứ tự tăng dần độ tan trong nước: AgCN, AgIO 3, AgI, AgNO2, Ag2SO4.
Hãy giải thích lý do.
Gọi a là nồng độ hòa tan của hợp chất.
AgCN Ksp = [Ag+][CN-] = a x a = a2 = 1,2 x 10-16 → 𝑎 = 1,1 x 10 𝑀
AgIO3 Ksp = [Ag+][IO3-] = a x a = a2 = 3,0 x 10-8 → 𝑎 = 1,7 x 10 𝑀
AgI Ksp = [Ag+][I-] = a x a = a2 = 8,5 x 10-7 → 𝑎 = 9,2 x 10 𝑀
AgNO2 Ksp = [Ag+][NO2-] = a x a = a2 = 6,0 x 10-4 → 𝑎 = 2,4 x 10 𝑀
Ag2SO4 Ksp = [Ag+]2[SO42-] = (2a)2 x a = 4a3 = 1,4 x 10-5 → 𝑎 = 1,5 x 10 𝑀
Do đó, thứ tự tăng dần độ tan trong nước là
AgI < AgCN < AgIO3 < Ag2SO4 < AgNO2.
𝐐. 𝟑𝟔 (E21) What should [Pb2+] be maintained in Pb(NO3)2 (aq) to produce a solubility of 1.5×10 –4 mol
PbI2/L when Pb2+ is added
Hãy xác định nồng độ Pb2+ của Pb(NO3)2 cần thiết để đạt được độ tan trong nước là 1,5×10–4 mol PbI2/L khi
hòa tan PbI2 trong dung dịch.
Khi độ tan trong nước là 1,5×10–4 mol PbI2/L thì [Pb2+] = 1,5 x 10-4 M và [I-] = 2[Pb2+] = 3 x 10-4 M

Ban đầu : 1,5 x 10-4 M 3 x 10-4 M

Khi thêm chì(II) : +𝑥M
Cân bằng : 1,5 x 10 +𝑥M 3 x 10 M
Ksp= 7,1 x 10-9 = (1,5 x 10 + x)( 3 x 10 )2→ x = 0,079 M
Vậy nồng độ Pb2+ của Pb(NO3)2 cần thiết để đạt được độ tan trong nước là 1,5×10–4 mol PbI2/L khi hòa tan
PbI2 trong dung dịch là 0,079 M.
𝐐. 𝟒𝟏 (E38) The ancient Romans added calcium sulfate to wine to clarify it and to remove dissolved lead.
What is the maximum [Pb2+] that might be present in wine to which calcium sulfate has been added?
Người thời La Mã cổ thường thêm CaSO4 vào trong rượu để làm trong rượu và loại bỏ lượng chì hòa tan.
Hỏi rằng hàm lượng chì lớn nhất có trong rượu là bao nhiêu để CaSO 4 thêm vào có thể giúp loại bỏ được.
𝐐. 𝟒𝟒 (E50) Will the following precipitates form under the given conditions?
(a) PbI2(s), from a solution that is 1.05×10–3 M HI, 1.05×10–3 M NaI and 1.1×10–3 M Pb(NO3)2
(b) Mg(OH)2 (s), from 2.50 L of 0.0150 M Mg(NO3)2 to which is added 1 drop (0.05 mL) of 6.00 M NH3. (c)
Al(OH)3 (s), from a solution that is 0.010 M in Al3+, 0.010 M CH3COOH and 0,010 M NaCH3COO.
Hỏi rằng có thể xuất hiện kết tủa hình thành trong các điều kiện sau:
a. Kết tủa PbI2, từ dung dịch chứa 1,05×10–3 M HI, 1,05×10–3 M NaI và 1,1×10–3 M Pb(NO3)2
b. Kết tủa Mg(OH)2, từ 2,50 L dung dịch 0,0150 M Mg(NO3)2 và được thêm vào 1 giọt (0,05 ml) dung dịch
6,00 M NH3
c. Kết tủa Al(OH)3, dung dịch 0,010 M Al3+, 0,010 M CH3COOH và 0,010 M NaCH3COO
𝐐. 𝟏 (EX20-1A) Write the overall equation for the redox reaction that occurs in the voltaic cell.
Ở anot, quá trình oxi hoá: Sc(s) 
 Sc3+ (aq) + 3e-

Ở catot, quá trình khử: {Ag+(aq) + e- 

 Ag (s)} x 3

Phương trình phản ứng oxi hoá khử: : Sc(s) + 3 Ag +(aq) 

 Sc3+ (aq) + 3 Ag (s)

𝐐. 𝟖 (EX20-4B) In an acidic solution, O2(g) oxidizes Cr2+(aq) to Cr3+(aq). The O2(g) is reduced to H2O(l).
𝐸 ° for the reaction is 1.653 V. What is the standard electrode potential for the couple Cr 3+/Cr2+?

Quá trình oxi hoá: {Cr2+ (aq) 

 Cr3+ (aq) + e- } x4 -𝐸 ° {Cr3+/Cr2+}

Quá trình khử: O2 (g) + 4H+ (aq) + 4e- 

 2H2O(l) E° = +1,229V

PTTQ: 4Cr2+ (aq) + O2 (g) + 4H+ (aq) 

 4Cr3+ (aq) + 2H2O
𝐸° = +1,229 − 𝐸 ° {Cr3+/Cr2+} = +1,653 → 𝐸 ° {Cr3+/Cr2+} = -0,424V
𝐐. 𝟏𝟓 . (EX20-8A) (Should the displacement of Cu2+ from aqueous solution by Al(s) go to completion?
[Hint: Base your assessment on the value of K for the displacement reaction. We determined 𝐸 ° for this
reaction in Example 20-6.]

Anot: quá trình oxi hoá: {Al (s) 

 Al3+ (aq) + 3e- } x2 −𝐸 ° = +1,676𝑉

Catot: quá trình khử ;{Cu2+(aq) + 2e- 

 Cu (s) }x3 𝐸 ° = +0,34𝑉
PT oxy hoá -khử:

2Al (s) + 3Cu2+ (aq) 

 2Al3+ (aq) + 3Cu (s)
𝐸° = 𝐸° − 𝐸° = +0,34𝑉 + 1,676 = 2,016 𝑉
Số e trao đổi là 6 nên n = 6
𝐸° = . 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝐾 = +2,016 → 𝐾 = 10 ,
Hằng số quá lớn nên chắc chắc kim loại Al có thể đẩy hoàn toàn ion Cu 2+ ra khỏi dung dịch.
𝐐. 𝟐𝟐 (EX20-11B) Calculate Ksp the given the following concentration cell information.
Tính tích số tan của PbI2 sử dụng thông tin pin nồng độ sau: PbPb2+ (PbI2 bh)║Pb2+(0.100 M)Pb(r) Epin =
0.0567 V

 Pb2+ + 2I- → 𝐾
PbI2 
 = [𝑃𝑏 ][𝐼 ]

Anode: 𝑃𝑏(𝑟) → 𝑃𝑏 + 2𝑒
Catode: 𝑃𝑏 + 2𝑒 → 𝑃𝑏(𝑟)
Do cân bằng ở 2 đầu điện cực nên điện cực pin chuẩn bằng 0
Số e trao đổi là n = 2. Theo phương trình Nest :
0,0592 [𝑃𝑏 ]𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒 0,0592 [𝑃𝑏 ]𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒
𝐸 =𝐸 − . log =0− . log = 0,0567
𝑛 [𝑃𝑏 ]𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑑𝑒 2 0,1
→ [𝑃𝑏 ]𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑒 = 0,0012𝑀 → [𝐼 ] = 0,0024𝑀 → 𝐾 = (0,0012). (0,0024) = 6,9.10

𝐐. 𝟑𝟔 (E58) Dựa vào bảng thế điện cực chuẩn, hãy tính giá trị sức điện động của các hệ pin sau
a) Zn – Br2
b) Li – F2

Anode : quá trình oxy hoá : Zn(s) 

 Zn2+ (aq) + 2e- −𝐸 ° = +0,763V

Catode : quá trình khử : Br2(l) + 2e- 

 2Br-(aq) 𝐸 ° = +1,065V

PTTQ : Zn(s) + Br2(l) 

 Zn2+ (aq) + 2Br-(aq) 𝐸 = 1,828𝑉

Anode : quá trình oxy hoá : {Li(s) 

 Li+ (aq) + e- {x2} −𝐸 ° = +3,040V
Catode : quá trình khử : F2(l) + 2e- 
 2F-(aq) 𝐸 ° = +2,866V

PTTQ : 2Li(s) + F2(l) 

 2Li+ (aq) + 2F-(aq) 𝐸 = 5,906𝑉
𝐐. 𝟒𝟏 (E26) Write the equilibrium constant expression for each of the following reactions, and determine the
value of K at Use data from Appendix 20.1.
Viết biểu thức hằng số cân bằng và xác dịnh K tại 25 oC của các phản ứng sau:
a) 2V3+(aq) + Ni(s) → 2V2+(aq) + Ni2+ (aq)
b) MnO2(s) + 4H+ (aq) + 2Cl– (aq) → Mn2+ (aq) + H2O + Cl2(g)
c) 2OCl– (aq) →2Cl– (aq) + O2 (g)

∆𝐺 ° = −𝑛𝐹. 𝐸 ° = −𝑅𝑇𝑙𝑛𝐾 → −2.96500.0,002 = −2,303.8,314.298. 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝐾 → 𝐾 = 1,169
[𝑁𝑖 ][𝑉 ]
𝐾 = 1,263 =
[𝑉 ]


∆𝐺 ° = −𝑛𝐹. 𝐸 ° = −𝑅𝑇𝑙𝑛𝐾 → −2.96500. (−0,128) = −2,303.8,314.298. 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝐾 → 𝐾 = 4,68.10

[𝑀𝑛 ]𝑃{𝐶𝑙 (𝑔)}
𝐾 = 4,68.10 =
[𝐶𝑙 ] [𝐻 ]
∆𝐺 ° = −𝑛𝐹. 𝐸 ° = −𝑅𝑇𝑙𝑛𝐾 → −4.96500.0,489 = −2,303.8,314.298. 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝐾 → 𝐾 = 1,2.10
[𝐶𝑙 ] 𝑃{𝑂 (𝑔)}
𝐾 = 1,2.10 =
[𝑂𝐶𝑙 ]

Oxi hoá : V3+ + H2O 

 VO2+ + 2H+ + e- -𝐸 °

Khử: Ag+ + e- 
 Ag(s) 𝐸 ° = +0,800 𝑉

 𝐸 ° = +0,361𝑉

Oxi hoá: V2+ 

 V3+ + e- −𝐸 °

Khử: VO2+ + 2H+ +e- 

 V3+ + H2O 𝐸 ° = +0,361

→ 𝐸 ° = −0,255𝑉

Thus, 𝐸 ° = −0,255 𝑉

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