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Some people think that tourism brings about a lot of benefits whereas many

others say it also causes some drawbacks. What is you opinion?

As long with the development of tourism, many people start saying that it may
have good and bad effects. As far as I’m concerned, I utterly agree with these
On one hand, I would like to present the tourism’s benefits. As a matter of fact,
Tourism is one the most crucial factors in the development of many countries.
This industry makes a range of opportunites for a country to develop since
tourists pay their money on cuisine, souvenirs, acommodations, etc. To make
this point obvious, let’s consider about people in a country getting more jobs and
having a better income when the city where they live become a tourism centre.
In additon, tourism helps promote international understanding and cooperation.
To be honest, I have to admit one point that tourism is the best way to promote
our country. By many kinds of advertisement contribute to creating the good
impression for Viet Nam, foreigners around the world will be able to reach to
our culture and get to experience them.
On the other hand, natural enviroment is damaged because of the tourism’s
growth. At this point of time, we will be able to realize that each natural
landscape is seriously damaged because tourists tend to litter or destroy the view
for their personal reasons. Furthermore, a range of forests are being pulled down
to build up entertaining facilities, accomodations which are used to serve the
tourism purposes. Moreover, traditional ways of some Vietnamese people’s life
are affected. To meet the demand of visitors, local residents are going to quit
their present job like famer, fisherman,… then change to selling goods and food.
Addtionally, people live near metropolitan where tourists like to visit are usually
suffered from the noise pollution and air pollution. Another point worth noting
is that social problems may arise in tourism centre. The authorities don’t have
enough ability to control the local security. For that reason, there is an increase
in thef and crime, hence, social evils may go up without any doubt. Apparentlly,
this trouble not only create the nervousness dramatically among the tourists but
also make a bad impression to the visitors which live in and out Vietnam.
In conclusion, although we are able to enjoy the benfits from the tousism
development, we can’t deny the negative impacst from tourim. Therefore, it’s
necessary to improve the good effects while eliminating the bad ones.

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