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The sparkle


CY 2010-2011

The four corner of a bungalow house was filled with loud moans of a mother while at one side, a figure of a worried but excited father. But the moans suddenly vanished and worries turned to happiness hen a baby was born under the blue hue of the sky. Later on, the baby was named Mr. RAMIL BALTAZAR. As a Student. You often see him in the college. Everywhere you go and whatever activities you attend, he is always visible leading the studentry. Kuya as I often call him. Whenever I see him at the gate or even at the catwalk, he always smiles at me and shared jokes with me. He can make the whole CTE smile, laugh and even cry through his very touchy stories. Everytime I saw him, he is always carrying with him thickhard-bounded books, bundles of folder containing lot of documents and a big envelope. It seems that he has lot of things to do but I never saw him giving up rather, I always see in his eyes the will to serve his fellow CTEians. I always see in his eyes the fire of courage and determination, hungry for creating development in the college. As a Leader. He served the studentry for four consecutive years, yet he remained humble and did not use his power to take advantage with his fellow students. Due to his willingness, hard work and good leadership, he was awarded as the Most Outstanding Student Leader entire the University. Despite being the highest leader in One, two click. SC Prexy Ramil Baltazar displays his smiles. the college, he still see to it that he is also improving in his academics. He almost slept late in the morning only to finish his requirements and other obligations in the school and woke very early to prepare himself to school. Being a studious leader and student makes him a university scholar! One time I asked him, Kuya how can you balance your academics to your extra-curriculars? he answered me metaphorically, Well adingko, its easy. I dont do all these at the same time. From these, I admired him. I was really fascinated. But when I asked him again who his inspiration is why doing all those stuffs, he paused, a tear felt down from his cheek. I found out that behind all those sparkling and bundles of awards he had received, a dark history reigns in his whole being that made him even stronger in facing life and continuing his journey in this disheveled world. When he was eight years old, he cried thousand basins of tears when his father died of an unknown disease. But, he did not let this scenario to impede his ambitions in life, in fact he graduated with flying colors during his elementary and high school. Another wave of challenge tests his strength when his mother died of goiter without knowing it immediately. He was in second year college then and busy doing his responsibility as a leader. At first, he was too emotional but later on, he accepted the truth that God had planned for it. From these, I associated him as a boxer because of his dramatic experience in life; he can easily knock down problems that may assault him in reaching the pinnacle of success. A soldier that became stronger after the worst battle he had joined. And a man who can still smile even at the toughest time By Reylan D. Aguete

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