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“I am thankful for my struggles because with-ought it.

I wouldn’t have stumbled across my

strength”, said by Alex Elle. I found this quote from an online blog due to the fact that I was

unsure of how this Auto-biography would have started out. I am not much of an inspirational

person, or a poem enthusiast but since this is supposed to be my life story, let’s start off with

a quote, since my story does have an impact (somewhat). Since you are this far into reading

my biography, it shows that I caught your attention. Let me introduce myself. Good Day, to

you Sir/Madam, my name is Latoya Smith. I am currently attending The Mico University

College, and I am in my 4rth year (last year). Is that a good enough introduction? Yeah, I

believe so.

Let’s start my story at the beginning, (not in the womb) but around the age of ten (10).

At this age, I was a very brilliant little lady, but not much of a strong headed one. Looking

back at it now, I was a follower, not much of a leader. I wanted to fit in, and to be popular as

this was every little kids dream. Whenever, we are at this age, if you were popular, your life

would have been heaven somewhat. But how could we have been so wrong?. Wanting to be

just like everyone else, and not to be unique, why was that a norm?. Thinking about it now, it

makes me so sad that this is what society is like. Our lives might change, but not society. At

this age, I wanted to become popular at school, for people to like me, have many friends,

have money like everyone else, go to and get invitations to birthday parties, and have the

same clothes as everyone else. I did not care much for grades or for myself at all, and up to

this day, this devastates me so much. My parents had to move me from two (2) Preparatory

Schools, so that they could give me a proper education. This story has been told so many

times, that over the years my heart gets heavy. Thinking about how my parents have made so

many sacrifices for me, and I was unable to realize it until too late. This made me feel guilty.

See, now thinking more about the past, I still remember the days of how I was bullied

because of my unique personality, and how much I wanted to be popular. I was taken for
granted. The days of being bullying and taken for granted did not stop, it continued until in

high school, but before we do go into this story, let us go through the little trail of trauma

within the preparatory schools I attended.

In case you wanted to know which schools I attended, I will be listing them for you.

My first school was at one of the famous schools within St. Andrew, Jamaica. The school is

called “Wolmers’ Preparatory School”.

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