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Weekly Report (week 1)


Company – Outlook Group

Name – V.Shrinath (22MBA0033)

Day 1 –

Today, we had the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the product line offered by the esteemed
Outlook Group. These include Outlook India, Outlook Business, Outlook Money, Outlook Traveller,
and Outlook Hindi. During our session, we gained valuable insights into the implementation of
Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning (STP) techniques to identify potential prospects and
effectively convert them into clients for our business. Additionally, we delved into the intricacies of
the sales funnel technique, understanding its significance in guiding prospects through various stages
of the purchasing process. This knowledge equips us with a professional framework to optimize our
client acquisition strategies and drive business growth.

Day 2 –

Today, we focused on developing sales pitches for Outlook India and Outlook Business, exploring how
to effectively present these publications to potential consumers. Additionally, we delved into lead
generation strategies and learned techniques to convert leads into potential customers. I also
reached out to various institutes to promote Outlook Business, leveraging the power of email
communication to initiate potential collaborations. These activities have enhanced my understanding
of sales techniques and client acquisition strategies.

Day 3 –

Today, our primary focus was on crafting compelling sales pitches for Outlook Money and Outlook
Traveller, tailored to engage potential customers. We dedicated our efforts to generating leads for
these magazines, while simultaneously deepening our understanding of the publication company's
operations. Furthermore, I took the initiative to reach out to a variety of esteemed institutions,
including colleges and coaching centers, through targeted email campaigns, aiming to promote the
magazines effectively. This experience proved invaluable in honing our expertise in sales techniques,
client acquisition, and delivering persuasive pitches to our target audience.

Day 4 –

Today, our main focus was to design a sales pitch for Outlook Hindi that effectively engages potential
customers. We dedicated our efforts to lead generation for the magazine while deepening our
understanding of the printing and publication company. Additionally, we conducted targeted email
outreach to various institutions with the aim of promoting the magazine. This experience provided
valuable insights into sales techniques, including the sales funnel, client acquisition strategies, and
the art of delivering persuasive pitches to our target audience. Overall, it was a productive day that
furthered our professional growth and expertise.

Day 5 –
During our endeavors, our primary focus was on generating leads for the magazine while
simultaneously gaining a deeper understanding of the printing and publication company. As part of
our efforts, we conducted targeted email outreach to numerous institutions, strategically aiming to
promote the magazine to our desired audience. This experience not only provided us with valuable
insights into various sales techniques, such as the sales funnel and client acquisition strategies, but
also honed our skills in delivering persuasive pitches to our specific target audience. Overall, it
proved to be an immensely productive day that significantly contributed to our professional growth
and expertise in the field. Furthermore, the learnings obtained during this process have equipped us
with new tools and knowledge that will undoubtedly enhance our future marketing endeavors.

Day 6 –

Our primary focus was on lead generation for the magazine, coupled with a deepening
understanding of the printing and publication company. Through targeted email outreach to diverse
institutions, we strategically promoted the magazine to our intended audience. This experience not
only offered valuable insights into effective sales techniques, including the utilization of sales funnels
and client acquisition strategies, but also sharpened our ability to deliver persuasive pitches tailored
to our specific target market. The day proved to be highly productive, fostering substantial
professional growth and expertise in our field. Furthermore, the lessons learned during this process
have equipped us with new tools and knowledge, paving the way for even more impactful marketing
endeavors in the future.

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