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Topic 1 Medications - prevent chest pain (angina)

Trimetazidine Fentanyl (Fentora) – under buccal

Anti-angina - pain management treatment of cancer patients

Diazepam Clotrimazole/Miconazole – vaginal route medication

- treat anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, and seizures - Treat skin infection

Paracetamol Scopolamine

- painkiller, reduce a high temperature prevent nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness

Carbocisteine Ciprofloxacin

- mucolytic, helps cough the phlegm. - Bacterial infection treatment

Azithromycin Topic 2:

- for bacterial infection (macrolide type) Liothyronine

- synthetic thyroid hormone (for hyperthyroidism)

- Slow absorption
Famotidine (Pepcid)
- anti-high blood, treat edema
- Treats heart burn
- Fast absorption
Guaifenesin Lidocaine
- Expectorants, thins mucus. - local anesthetics
- Does not given orally because of high hepatic first-
past metabolism
Atropine sulfate

- antagonist of muscarinic receptors, anticholinergic Nitroglycerin

- Treat chest pain caused by CHD

- Does not given orally because of high hepatic first-
Metolazone (Zaroxolyn)
past metabolism
- reduce swelling and fluid retention
Diazepam (Valium)

Aspirin - Tranquilizing drug and for anxiety

- Lipid-souluble, passes the BBB
- relieving minor aches, pains, and fevers

- For bacterial infection
- treat heart failure - Water-soluble, don’t pass the BBB
Nitroglycerin (buccal/sublingual) Codeine
- Narcotic analgestic - competitively blocks the binding of acetylcholine to
- undergoes biotransformation to morphine. muscarinic receptors at the parasympathetic sites in
- And example of medication that undergo chemical the CNS and peripheral tissues such as the heart,
alteration that makes the resulting molecule more intestines, bronchial muscles, iris and secretory
active than the original. glands.
- Example of competitive antagonist
- anticonvulsants/hypnotics
- Antihypertensive
- causes the liver to synthesize more microsomal enzymes, so
higher dose is needed. Bethanechol (Urecholine)

- Example of non-specific drug

- for postoperative urinary retention to increase bladder
Morphine contraction.
- 3 hours half life - stimulates the cholinergic receptor located in the
- For pain bladder, and urination occurs by strengthening
bladder contraction.
Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
- Half life is 36 hours
-  treat irregular heartbeats - Non selective drug

Topic 3: - treat certain mental/mood disorders

Dipenhydramine - acts on the norepinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine, and

histamine receptors. variety of responses result from action at
- relief of allergies these receptor sites.
- can cause drowsiness

- intermediate acting insulin
- mimics the endogenous insulin - acts on the alpha1, beta1 and beta2 receptors
- a non-selective drug

- mimics action of norepinephrine on the heart, thereby

- causing heart rate and force of contraction to
- increase.
- for decreased contractility due to heart failure or
cardiac surgical procedures leading to cardiac Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) Inhibitors : Phenelzine
decompensation. (Nardil), Isocarboxazid (Marplan), Tranylcypromine

- block the breakdown of norepinephrine by the

Norethindrone enzyme MAO.
- used to prevent pregnancy. - Example of enzyme inhibitor
- component of many oral contraceptives, acts by - The blocking action of MAO inhibitors allows
turning on receptors for progesterone. norepinephrine to stay on the receptor site,
stimulating the cell longer and leading to prolonged
Pentazocine norepinephrine effects.
- example of a partial agonist. ACE inhibitors: Captopril, Enalapril, Benazepril,
- degree of pain relief that can be achieved with Perindopril
pentazocine is much lower than the relief that can be
achieved with meperidine (a full agonist). - inhibits ACE to prevent conversion of angiotensin I
to angiotensin II, thereby increasing plasma renin
Atropine activity and reducing aldosterone secretion
- Example of enzyme inhibitor
- anticholinergic agent, anti-PNS
- antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections, has
selective toxicity.


- increase cardiac contractility

- therapeutic range is narrow (0.5 to 1 ng/mL),

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