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IT213-Issues and Professional
Practices in IT

Chapter I – Activities
Neri Marie B. Aurelio

Assistant Prof. 2

1st Semester/S.Y. 2021-2022

Chapter 1 Activities

Activity #1

In scenario 1
1. No, Because software enable to accomplish many different task with computers
but unfortunately in order to get our work done quickly and conveniently so we
are not allowed to make a software copies because their was a guidelines that
provide a brief outline of what you legally can do or cannot do with software.
2. If anybody can break the law this cannot be a legal right it is the moral right
against the law this moral right is not an unlimited right to disobey any laws even
when everyone seems to be clear about the consequences of breaking the law
and some people end up breaking it.

In scenario 2

1. Yes, you should let your costumer or client know it is his right to be notified when
you make change to privacy policy you’re making and think about whether a
customer would expect to be notified them proactively.
2. An organization without policy is an organization without control. Therefore
policies help to decrease the amount of direct supervision by the manager and at
the same time increase the efficiency of work process and ensure compliance
with laws and regulations. An effective policy should outline what employees
must do or not do direction limits principles and guidance for decision making.
3. Professional responsibility in the area of legal practice that encompasses of the
professional not limited to directly or indirectly teaching, advising, supervising etc.
professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social
conduct. There are three primary influences: 1) an individual’s own
personal code; 2) any informal code of ethical behavior existing in the
workplace; and 3) exposure to formal codes of ethics.

In scenario 3

1. Yes, because he has intentionally and with holding information from others and
he posted in internet for a variety of claimed reasons including national security
to control obscenity, child pornography and hate speech to protect or other
vulnerable. The FCC or Federal Communication Commission is barred by law
from trying to prevent the broadcast of any point of view. The communication act
prohibits the FCC from censoring broadcast material in most case and from
making any regulation that would interfere with freedom of speech.
2. That is neutral carriers not responsible for the content published through their
channels and enhanced exercise of freedom of speech on a scale previously
unimaginable in the history of communication, now find themselves targets of
increasing criticism for purveying content that is perceived as damaging even
dangerous by their global community of users.
3. What you post online stays online anything you post remain in the public domain
and accessible indefinitely. Even if you subsequently delete that post it may have
been cached in a search engine or internet archive or in a company server. Your
details could be discount even if you blog under a assumed name or
4. People must be able to share ideas without fear of famishment to particular in
civic life but you must know you’re limitation or boundaries in freedom of speech
relate to libel, slander, obscenity, pornography sedition, incitement, fighting
words, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, food labeling etc.

Activity #2

1. Database
- Based on my own understanding database is a collection of related
logically coherent data used by the application program in an organization.
It is for easy access management that the data stored and accessed
electronically from a computer system.

2. Reasoning
- Based on my own understanding Automated reasoning is a computing
systems that has set of assumptions and a goal, an automated reasoning
system should be able to make logical inferences towards that goal
automatically. Computers that use automated reasoning can be used to
automate and apply logical reasoning to activities such as proving
theorems, checking proofs or designing circuits. Automated reasoning can
also use logic in the form of reasoning through analogy, induction,
abduction and non-monotonic reasoning. However, the term automated
reasoning is mostly used when referring to deductive reasoning in
mathematics and logic.
3. Data Mining
- Base on my understanding Data Mining is the process of finding
anomalies, patterns and correlations within large data sets to predict
outcomes. Using a broad range of techniques, you can use this
information to increase revenues, cut costs, improve customer
relationships, reduce risks and more. This is done in order to discover
meaningful patterns and rules. In many cases, the data was not
collected primarily for the purpose that the data is used for.

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