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Grupo N° 8
José G. Saavedra 10.725.214
Argenis Vizcaya 12.895.601
Yoleida Urquiola 10.720.553
Feliciana Barazarte 12.237.987
Faustina Rivero 14.273.364
Amarily Novoa 14.067.186
Francisca Salmerón 10.724.357
Rosa Berrios 13.738.753
Francy Velásquez 15.739.291

Profesor: Ms. Rene Pérez

Hoja de Trabajo Fecha de envio 08 de Julio
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In this essay I consider the work of two theorists who have explored the possibility of emancipation as a
purpose for education: Paulo Freire and Jacques Ranciere. Both theorists are concerned with the prospect of
distinguishing between education that might socialize people into what is taken to be an inherently
oppressive society and education that takes up emancipation as its purpose. In this regard, Freire described
oppression as the societal enactment of ‘‘banking education’’ and developed an emancipatory ‘‘problem
posing’’education in the form of conscientization projects linked to the possibility of social transformation.
By contrast, Ranciere describes oppression as a pedagogization of the social order, referring to it as an
intellectual ‘‘stultification, ’’where as he defines emancipation as a movement toward individual intelectual
freedom. Freire and Ranciere each outline their theories of emancipatory education in a single, fairly brief
volume. In the case of Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressedcomprises the bulk of his theoretical work and
forms the basis of my analysis of his position in this essay.1 Concise but varied, this book encapsulates the
theory and ideas that inform much of his later writing concerned with educational practices.
In this essay I argue that both Freire and Ranciere challenge this conception of critical education and,
moreover, that both theorists are concerned with similar questions, though their respective approaches raise
contrasting problems and issues with oppositional implications for educational practices. This is not just an
interesting aside. The discussion between the two theories that I present here brings to the foreground the
question of the possibility of an emancipatory education and stimulates an important and as yet unresolved
conversation that, in its broadest terms, calls into question the purpose of education itself

Educational Management
The process of deciding on the aims of the organization is at the heart of educational management. In some
settings, aims are decided by the principal, often working in association with senior colleagues and perhaps a
small group of lay stakeholders. In many schools, however, goal setting is a corporate activity undertaken by
formal bodies or informal groups. School aims are strongly influenced by pressures from the external
environment. Many countries have a national curriculum and these often leave little scope for schools to
decide their own educational aims. Institutions may be left with the residual task of interpreting external
imperatives rather than determining aims on the basis of their own assessment of student need. The key issue
here is the extent to which school managers are able to modify government policy and develop alternative
approaches based on school-level values and vision. Do they have to follow the script, or can they ad lib?
Educational management as a field of study and practice was derived from management principles first
applied to industry and commerce, mainly in the United States. Theory development largely involved the
application of industrial models to educational settings. As the subject became established as an academic
field in its own right, its theorists and practitioners began to develop alternative models based on their
observation of, and experience in, schools and colleges. By the 21st century the main theories, featured in
this chapter, have either been developed in the educational context or have been adapted from industrial
models to meet the specific requirements of schools and colleges. Educational management has progressed
from being a new field dependent upon ideas developed in other settings to become an established field with
its own theories and research.
Nouns types Adjectives Modifiedword Adverbs Modifiedword Pronoun type Verb type
essay comun Oppressed ed strongly Ly I Personal 1° pers. consider Presente verbo
Singular regular
Paulo propio oppressive ive often Of WHO Interrogativo O work Presente verbo
Relativo regular
theorists comun intellectual Ual mainly Ly where Interrogativo O have Presente verbo
Relativo auxiliar
society comun Informal Al fairly ly It Personal 3° pers. explored Pasado verbo regular
Singular para
referirse a cosas u
emancipation comun applied Ied inherently In-ly He Personal 3° pers. are Presente verbo
Singular auxiliar to be
principles comun critical al Both Itself Pronombre concerned Pasado verbo regular
Industry Común societal al Between también be might Verbo modal pasado
es una preposición de may

1 Buscar en el texto 7 sustantivos colocarlos en el cuadro en cualquier orden y colocar en la casilla o la celda contigua señalar a que clase o tipo pertencen (investigar
sustantivos y su clasificación (concretos, abstractos, comunes, propios)

2 Buscar en el texto 7 adjetivos y señalar en la celda siguiente cual es la palabra modificada por el mismo (investigar adjetivos como modificador o determinante del

3 Buscar en el texto 7 palabras con función de pronombre y señalar a que tipo pertenecen según la tipología mas general (investigar pronombres y toda su

4 Buscar en el texto 7 palabras con función verbal y señalar su tipología según el tiempo y aspecto gramatical(tense) si está en presente simple, pasado, futuro; si
expresa tiempo progresivo o perfectos (investigar el aparte verbo y la importancia de èste en la formación del tiempo gramatical)

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