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Spatial Vision, Special Issue on "Vision Science and Art" (B. Pinna, guest editor) (in press)

A universal model of esthetic perception

based on the sensory coding of natural stimuli

Christoph Redies

Institute of Anatomy I, School of Medicine, Friedrich Schiller University, D-07740 Jena,


Short title: A universal model of esthetic perception

Correspondence and proofs to:

Christoph Redies
Institute of Anatomy I
Friedrich Schiller University
D-07740 Jena
Tel.: +49-3641-938511
Fax: +49-3641-938512

stimulus form rather than content, depends

ABSTRACT on higher-order statistics of the stimuli,
Philosophers have pointed out that there is and is non-intuitive to cognitive
a close relation between the esthetics of art introspection. The model accommodates
and the beauty of natural scenes. the central tenet of neuroesthetic theory
Supporting this similarity at the that esthetic perception reflects
experimental level, we have recently fundamental functional properties of the
shown that visual art and natural scenes nervous system.
share fractal-like, scale-invariant statistical
properties. Moreover, evidence from K E Y W O R D S : art, esthetics, efficient
neurophysiological experiments shows that coding, sparse coding, resonance
the visual system uses an efficient (sparse)
code to process optimally the statistical Received 12 June 2006. Revised 10
properties of natural stimuli. In the present December 2006. Accepted January 10,
work, a hypothetical model of esthetic 2007.
perception is described that combines both
lines of evidence. Specifically, it is
proposed that an artist creates a work of art The purpose of this theoretical essay is to
so that it induces a specific resonant state outline a universal biological model of
in the visual system. This resonant state is esthetic perception. It consists of six
thought to be based on the adaptation of chapters. Chapter 1 gives an overview of
the visual system to natural scenes. The the interdisciplinary background of
proposed model is universal and predicts esthetics and describes the quest for a
that all human beings share the same universal biological model of esthetic
general concept of esthetic judgment. The perception. In Chapter 2, prevailing
model implies that esthetic perception, like models of vision and their potential
the coding of natural stimuli, depends on relevance for esthetic perception are
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reviewed. Chapter 3 summarizes recent of esthetic judgment (Burke, 1757; Hume,

experimental results demonstrating 1757; Kant, 1790; Schelling, 1907;
similarities between the statistical Adorno, 1970; Paul, 1988). Consequently,
properties of visual art and natural scenes. esthetic judgment is thought to reflect
Based on these experimental findings, I principles that are independent of the
propose a hypothetical model of esthetic cultural, historic, social or personal
perception in Chapter 4. This model is circumstances, under which a work of art
based on the efficient (sparse) coding of is created. This classic view of universal
sensory input. In Chapter 5, a number of esthetics is diametrically opposed to
salient characteristics, which are shared by contemporary theories of art, which argue
esthetic perception and efficient coding, that art should be explained in its historic
are discussed. Several experimental and social context (Goodman, 1968;
implications and testable predictions are Danto, 1981).
derived from the model in Chapter 6.
As a result of research carried out over the
Chapter 1. The quest for a universal last century, much is known about the
biological theory of esthetic perception biological foundations of vision and
Esthetic experience is fundamental to perception. During the first half of the 20th
human existence. Philosophers, art century, the study of visual perception
historians, art theoreticians, psychologists, resulted in the definition of the laws of
art critics and artists alike have been human vision (for reviews, see Wurtz and
searching for the essence of esthetic Kandel, 2000b; Reid, 2003). During the
experience for centuries. Recently, second half of the 20th century, these laws
neuroscientists have joined the search and have been related to the function of nerve
argued that esthetics is linked tightly to cells and of specialized (visual) regions of
perception (Livingstone, 1988; Gregory et the brain. It is clear that, for an object of
al., 1995; Werner and Ratliff, 1999; Zeki, visual art to be appreciated, its optical
1999a, b; Livingstone, 2002). Perception, image has to be projected onto the
in turn, is mediated by the sensory organs observer's retina. The retinal image is
and the brain. The link between esthetic converted into the activity of an array of
experience and neural function has been photoreceptors. Neural activity is
emphasized, in particular, for the visual conveyed along specific neuronal channels
arts, which are the primary focus of the to higher visual centers in the brain, for
presented work. example to the visual cortex, where the
different dimensions of visual information
The emerging field of research that deals (for example, contrast, color, or
with the biological basis of esthetics is movement) are processed and visual
called neuroesthetics. The central tenet of experience reaches consciousness (for
neuroesthetic theory is that esthetic reviews, see Wurtz and Kandel, 2000a, c;
experience is a product of brain function Reid, 2003).
(Zeki, 1999a, b). A similar idea that
esthetic judgment has a biological During the last decades, there has been a
(physiological) foundation was advanced lively exchange between artists and visual
by the philosopher Edmund Burke (1757). scientists on visual processes and
More recently, Gregor Paul (1988) phenomena. More or less consciously,
maintained that biological hypotheses are artists applied scientific knowledge on
imperative for any explanation of universal visual perception to produce special visual
esthetic judgment. Furthermore, according effects in their work. Likewise, visual
to work published in the area of scientists have analyzed works of art and
philosophical esthetics, humans are revealed how different styles of art relate
thought to share the same general concept to particular aspects of visual information
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processing (Livingstone, 1988; Rentschler universal as esthetic judgment itself. It

et al., 1988; Gregory et al., 1995; Werner should be applicable to works of art as
and Ratliff, 1999; Zeki, 1999b; Cavanagh, diverse as, for example, the bust of an
2005) or higher (cognitive) visual Egyptian mummy, an Arabic book
functions of the brain (Ramachandran and illustration, Chinese calligraphy, art of
Hirstein, 1999). A comprehensive review native African people, an engraving by
of such theories has been published in Dürer or Rembrandt, and abstract oil
three issues of the J o u r n a l of paintings by Kandinsky or Pollock. Any
Consciousness Studies entitled "Art and universal theory must be independent of
the brain" (edited by the late J. A. Goguen factors that vary between different styles,
and E. Myin; 1999, 2000, 2004). However, even if the factors determine the
some of the theories proposed to date have characteristic appearance of individual
been criticized, mainly because each pieces of art. The variable factors may
theory applies only to a restricted number include aspects of the cultural, historical
of art styles and may not hold for other and social background, in which an art
styles. object was created, the technique used by
the artist, the artist's preference for
Along another line of biological research, figurative or constructive elements (dots,
called evolutionary or Darwinian esthetics, lines, objects, shades, people, natural
it has been asked what the function of scenes, size and format of the work of art,
beauty might be in the evolutionary usage of perspective cues, etc.) or his or
context. For example, the role of visual her preference for particular aspects of
characters displayed in the face or on the visual processing (color, contrast, motion,
body of animals or the role of songs etc.). Art historians, art critics,
produced by birds and insects were studied psychologists and neuroscientists have
with respect to mate preference, sexual investigated these factors in detail; there
selection, the assessment of the health and are a vast number of books and review
genetic quality in mate choice, and the articles summarizing their results. To
resulting reproductive success (for review the variable factors of artistic
reviews, see Grammer et al., 2003; Voland creation is beyond the scope of this essay.
and Grammer, 2003). Evolutionary However, being variable, these factors
esthetics contributes to our knowledge on cannot be relevant in the search for a
the origin of esthetic perception, and some universal theory of esthetic experience.
of the conclusions reached in this type of
research apply also to humans, for example Chapter 2. Models of vision and their
in the context of face perception and relevance for esthetic perception
sexual preference. Nevertheless, the During the last fifty years, major advances
creation and appreciation of art does not have been made in our understanding how
seem to have any straightforward visual objects are encoded by neuronal
advantage for the reproductive success of activity in the vertebrate visual system. At
the artist or the art lover in human the beginning of this research,
societies. Aspects of esthetics that do not neurophysiological studies have focused
relate to reproductive success must on the processing of isolated, artificial, and
therefore also be considered. simple stimuli such as local brightness
contrast, small circular or elongated
A general scientific theory, which explains objects, their orientations or color, or the
the biological foundation of esthetic motion of small objects (for reviews, see
judgment, is lacking to date. The challenge Wurtz and Kandel, 2000a, c; Reid, 2003).
is to find a theory that can be applied as Such small stimuli represent the local
broadly as possible to diverse styles of art. (first-order) statistics of visual scenes.
Ideally, such a theory should be as Generally, local stimuli are presented in
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the classic receptive field of visual neurons regions or to any specific visual channel
during neurophysiological experiments. because almost any type of visual stimulus
The classic receptive field is defined as the can be used to compose esthetically
area, in which a single neuron can be pleasing objects. It is more likely that
readily and reproducibly driven by direct esthetic perception is mediated in many (if
stimulation with simple stimuli. At not all) of the different channels and
subcortical stages of visual processing and regions of the visual system. As a
in the primary visual cortex, the classic consequence, esthetic perception probably
receptive fields of single visual neurons relates to general aspects of information
represent only a small area of the entire processing that are implemented in all
visual field. Art objects, however, are visual channels.
usually viewed so that they project to a
relatively large region of the visual field. Nevertheless, much has been learned from
Moreover, the esthetic effect of an studies of visual channels and regions and
individual feature in an art object is usually their relation to different styles of art.
appreciated in the context of the entire Visual scientists have shown that artists are
work (see below). As a consequence, the aware of the rules governing visual
appreciation of art objects is likely to perception and that they exploit -
require the activation of areas larger than consciously or unconsciously - these rules
the classic receptive field or the interaction in their art (see, for example, Livingstone,
between neural activities induced by 1988; Rentschler et al., 1988; Gregory et
multiple classic receptive fields. For this al., 1995; Zeki, 1999b; Livingstone, 2002;
reason, it is unlikely that studies on the Van Tonder et al., 2002; Cavanagh, 2005).
classic receptive field structure of single
neurons can elucidate the neuronal At a more fundamental level, Zeki (1999a,
correlate of esthetic perception. Rather, b) proposed that esthetics is a product of
higher-order statistics, i.e. more global the brain and must obey its rules.
features encompassing most or all of the According to his theory on art, it is the task
art object, must be considered. of the artist to represent in painting only
the constant and essential elements of an
Another line of research has revealed that object by extracting the invariant essential
there are different channels in the visual characteristics of the objects only from the
system that process separately the diverse ever-changing visual world; it is these
modalities of visual information (for constancies that allow the brain to obtain
example, contrast, color, motion, spatial knowledge about the world.
frequencies). Moreover, beyond the
primary visual cortex, there are multiple Ramachandran and Hirstein (1999)
discrete cortical regions, which each proposed an even more cognitive model of
process specific aspects of the visual art that is based on eight principles. One of
scene. Besides regions that process more these principles, which is central to their
general aspects of visual information, such model, is a psychological phenomenon
as motion and color, there are also highly called the peak shift effect, which denotes
specialized areas (for reviews, see Wurtz the exaggeration of salient features that
and Kandel, 2000a; Reid, 2003). An distinguish a given object of interest from
example for such a specialized area is a other objects. This effect is also the basis
brain region, in which neurons are of caricatures. In their model, art is thought
activated by the presentation of human to be composed according to the peak shift
faces (Perrett et al., 1982; Gross, 2005). principle and is reinforced by other neural
Presumably, the neuronal correlate of mechanisms such as perceptual grouping,
esthetic perception is not a singular process in order to optimally stimulate particular
restricted to any of these higher visual visual areas of the brain. Moreover, art is
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most appealing if it produces heightened refer to this dependency as "contextuality".

activity by supernormal stimuli along a In psychological studies at the beginning
single dimension rather than in multiple of the 20th century, the global structure of
visual modules (for a critical appraisal of visual objects has been defined as a set of
this model, see Mangan, 1999; Gombrich, rules of "Gestalt". Interestingly, there is a
2000). close correlation between some Gestalt
rules, which are used to recognize objects
In the present work, I shall present a based on the grouping of elements in the
specific hypothesis of how a universal visual scene, and the structure of natural
theory of visual esthetic perception can be scenes (Sigman et al., 2001). Several
reached. The model that I propose is based philosophers have invoked the Gestalt
on more fundamental properties of character of beauty to explain the
information processing than previous esthetically pleasing form of art objects
neurobiological theories of esthetics (Kant, 1790; Leibniz, 1873; Nietzsche,
(Ramachandran and Hirstein, 1999; Zeki, 1888; Paul, 1988).
1999b) and, as a consequence, the model
proposed here can be applied to a wider The principle of contextuality is of great
range of artistic styles. Nevertheless, even importance during the process of creating a
the present model does not embrace all work of art. The elements of an art object
styles of art. Notably, in some styles of are put together ("composed") clearly in a
contemporary art, artists and art critics non-random fashion. They are arranged in
consider esthetic appeal insignificant and a precise way so that each element relates
esthetic appeal may indeed be negligible. to most, if not all, other elements in the
Instead, this "non-esthetic" art emphasizes object. During the creation process, the
aspects of social sciences, psychology, possibilities of variation are large at the
philosophy, or other aspects relating to beginning. As the art object approaches its
human cognition (for example, see completion, the degree of freedom for
Goodman, 1968; Danto, 1981). The visual making changes and additions decreases.
depiction of these aspects often (but not At the end of the creation process, each
always, see Paul, 1985) fails to induce part of the art object is embedded in the
esthetic feelings in the observer. In the structural context of the entire object and
present work, I reflect only on works of art no part can be removed, or changed
that have an esthetic appeal, irrespective of substantially, without endangering the
the intention of the artist. By doing so, I do esthetic appeal of the overall object. The
not refute the existence of "non-esthetic" esthetic appeal of an art object depends
art. exactly on how the visual elements or
features, which make up the object, are
Chapter 3. Scale-invariant (fractal-like) arranged with respect to one another.
properties of visual art and their relation
to natural scenes In image analysis, local features are
Artists and philosophers alike have argued referred to as the first-order structure and
that the esthetic value of art objects more global features as its second-order or
depends on the coherent and harmonious higher-order structure. One widespread
arrangement of the individual visual approach to study higher-order structure in
elements and features that make up the visual stimuli is, for example, to analyze
composition (Burke, 1757; Nietzsche, their Fourier power spectra. The Fourier
1888; Matisse, 1908; Kandinsky, 1914; spectra of natural scenes exhibit
Paul, 1988). Consequently, the esthetic characteristic and uniform properties
effect of an individual feature in an art (Burton and Moorhead, 1987; Field, 1987;
object has to be appreciated in the context Tolhurst et al., 1992; Ruderman and
of other visual features surrounding it. I Bialek, 1994). Specifically, the Fourier
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power falls with the spatial frequency f by art analyzed, cultural variables, such as
approximately 1/f2 for most natural scenes, techniques, centuries and country of origin,
although there is variability between and subject matters, had no prominent
individual images (for reviews, see effect on the general scaling properties.
Olshausen and Field, 1996, 2000; This independence from cultural variables
Simoncelli and Olshausen, 2001). This suggested that scale invariance might be a
statistical property is thought to reflect the universal property of visual art (Redies et
scale invariance of natural scenes and it al., 2007). However, it remains to be
relates to the fractal-like structure of many established whether other forms of
signals found in the natural environment. Western art and art from of cultures
Scale invariance implies that, as one display also scale-invariant properties.
zooms in and out of a natural scene, the
amount of structure present in the image In this context, it should be pointed out
and its Fourier spectral composition that fractal properties have been discovered
remains the same over a wide range of previously in the abstract drip paintings of
zooming. the artist Jackson Pollock (Taylor et al.,
1999; Taylor, 2002). Jackson Pollock
Several philosophers have pointed out that created his works before Benoit
natural beauty and the beauty of art objects Mandelbrot described fractals for the first
share esthetic qualities (Kant, 1790; Hegel, time (Mandelbrot, 1975). The fractal
1833; Adorno, 1970; Paul, 1988, 1998; properties of Pollock's paintings are not
Koppe, 2004). Because both natural scenes merely a result of his dripping technique
and visual art can be perceived as because paintings by inexperienced and
esthetically pleasing, we recently asked naive subjects using the same dripping
whether the two types of visual stimuli technique are not fractal (Taylor, 2002).
share common higher-order statistical Richard Taylor and his colleagues
properties. Fourier spectra were measured subsequently showed that humans display
in a large set of graphic art from the a consistent preference across fractal
Western hemisphere, ranging from 15th images, with a peak esthetic preference for
century engravings to 20th century abstract a fractal dimension in the range of 1.3-1.5
art (see elsewhere in this issue; Redies et (Spehar et al., 2003; Taylor et al., 2005b).
al., 2007). Results show that works of art
and natural scenes display a similar degree Fractal-like image properties may be
of scale invariance and fractal-like necessary, but they are not sufficient to
properties. In contrast, three other sets of induce esthetic perception for several
stimuli with little or no esthetic appeal reasons (Redies et al., 2007). First, images
(photographs of laboratory and household with fractal-like properties, which have
objects, plants and parts of plants, and been generated by computer programs,
scientific illustrations) were found to look strikingly natural, but they have
display significantly different Fourier relatively low or no esthetic value
power spectra, which indicated that most (Ruderman, 1997; Lee and Mumford,
of these images were not scale-invariant. 1999; Olshausen and Field, 2000).
This result implies that artists create art Similarly, there are examples of images
with statistical properties that are not depicting real and natural objects that
necessarily the same as those of the subject display fractal-like structure but they are
depicted. Rather, artists adjust the image not necessarily esthetically pleasing. Also,
statistics of their subjects during the the esthetic perception induced by art
process of creation so that, in their works objects is usually more intense than that
of art, statistics are more similar to those induced by natural scenes, suggesting that
encountered in complex natural scenes. there are additional factors that have an
Interestingly, within the sample of graphic effect on esthetic perception or are
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prerequisites for esthetic perception, as levels of visual information processing.

postulated by philosophers (Kant, 1790; This means that, out of a large population,
Hegel, 1833; Schelling, 1907; Adorno, relatively few neurons are active
1970; Koppe, 2004) (see Section 5.5). Last simultaneously ("population sparseness")
but not least, in the statistical analysis or that the responses of neurons over time
described above, Fourier power spectra are are reduced ("lifetime sparseness")
measured by radially averaging the (Olshausen and Field, 2004). The theory of
amplitudes of each frequency in the efficient coding goes back to an idea of
Fourier plot. In this procedure, information Horace Barlow who hypothesized that the
on the orientation of the frequencies in the role of early (low-level) sensory neurons is
image and their phase is lost. These to remove statistical redundancy from the
factors, however, are likely to have an sensory input (Barlow, 1961). By coding
important effect on image structure and sensory information efficiently, the overall
esthetic appearance. neural activity to a visual stimulus is
decreased, allowing a more economical use
The experimental results summarized in of metabolic resources in the nervous
this chapter have lead to the suggestion system (Balasubramanian and Berry, 2002;
that the biology of esthetic perception is Lennie, 2003).
related to the coding of natural stimuli in
the visual system (Redies et al., 2007). In Another important result from these
the following chapter, I will take up this studies is that maximally efficient coding
suggestion and outline a general and is observed for complex natural stimuli, to
universal theory of esthetic perception. which the sensory systems are adapted
during evolution, development and
Chapter 4. A universal model of esthetic adaptation. The theory of sparse cording is
perception based on the sparse (efficient) supported by theoretical, physiological and
coding of sensory input computational evidence obtained by
In recent years, visual scientists have several groups during the last decade.
investigated neuronal responses to stimuli Excellent reviews on this subject have
that extend beyond the classic receptive been published (Sekuler and Bennett,
fields of single neurons and cover 2001; Simoncelli and Olshausen, 2001;
relatively large areas of the retina and Hoyer and Hyvärinen, 2002; Simoncelli,
visual field. By doing so, they have studied 2003; Olshausen and Field, 2004).
how individual visual features are
perceived in relation to surrounding Efficient coding is rooted in neural
features. Note that it is this more global mechanisms, which are intrinsic to the
stimulation of the retina that occurs under nervous system and have been adapted
normal vision. Strikingly, the responses of during the evolution of the human species
single visual neurons to entire visual and the development of the individual;
scenes are often reduced ("sparsified") they are also subject to behavioral
when compared to responses of the same modifications and adaptations (Sekuler and
cells to the type of more localized and Bennett, 2001; Hoyer and Hyvärinen,
simple stimuli that were used in earlier 2002; Lewicki, 2002; Simoncelli, 2003;
neurophysiological studies (Vinje and Olshausen and Field, 2004; Sharpee et al.,
Gallant, 2002). Sparse coding implies that 2006; Smith and Lewicki, 2006). It is clear
the responses by pairs of neurons become that the neuronal machinery, which results
strongly decorrelated (Vinje and Gallant, from this adaptation process, does not
2000). A general result from these studies respond to all stimuli in the same way. For
is that sensory input is encoded in an example, stimuli that are grouped
efficient manner in the visual system coherently into objects elicit less activity at
("efficient" coding), both at low and higher lower levels of visual information
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processing when compared to random that esthetic perception is based on the

stimuli (Murray et al., 2002). Since the same neuronal mechanisms that underlie
visual responses are adapted optimally to efficient (sparse) coding of sensory inputs.
the processing of natural scenes, the neural As outlined above, the artist creates a
networks respond to them in a specific way visual stimulus ensemble that is
(Sekuler and Bennett, 2001), like the string characterized by scale-invariant properties.
of a musical instrument that resonates to I hypothesize that the resonant state, which
particular frequencies. In a similar way, this stimulus can evoke in the brain, relates
esthetically pleasing objects may induce a to the adaptation of the visual system to
specific state of activity (or lack of natural scenes. In other words, the artist
activity) in the observer. adapts his art to the visual system that, in
turn, is adapted to the natural environment.
I here propose that an artist strives to Consequently, it should be possible to
create a composition that is able to put his describe the resonant state induced by
own nervous system into a particular esthetic stimuli in terms of the efficient
functional state (resonance). In order to coding paradigm.
achieve this goal, the artist constantly
compares and adjusts the object being Supposing that adaptive resonance is a
created with an inner visual representation universal and general perceptual
of this functional state. If the artist is mechanism (Grossberg, 1976a, 1980;
successful, she or he produces a coherent Grossberg and Mingolla, 1985), the neural
ensemble of visual elements that can state induced by esthetic stimuli should be
induce the specific neural state in the a specific type or particular degree of
artist's own nervous system. It is this state resonance in the sensory systems. For
which represents the neurophysiological example, it is conceivable that the retinal
correlate of esthetic perception. In a image of an art object can be processed by
similar context, the artist Wassily the visual system with maximum
Kandinsky used the term "vibration in the efficiency. This could mean, for example,
human soul" for the process of creating a that the visual responses to an art object
work of art (Kandinsky, 1914). In this are sparsified to a minimum, or that visual
sense, works of art reflect basic brain art is represented in the visual system in a
functions (Zeki, 1999b); the human brain particularly efficient way in single neurons
thus resonates to esthetic stimuli that (lifetime sparseness). Furthermore, art
reflect these properties. A similar idea has objects may induce specific patterns of
been advanced by Richard Taylor and his neural activation in the visual system, for
colleagues for the perception of fractals in example an evenly distributed activation
the drip-paintings by Jackson Pollock and across the entire ensembles of neurons.
in other fractal displays ( see above, Taylor Another possibility would be that the
et al., 2005a). Also, the mechanism of responses of neurons are highly similar (or
"resonant" adaptation has been used in dissimilar) across the neuronal population
self-organizing neural networks simulating or that they are maximally sparse across
sensory coding. These networks can the entire population (population
explain a wide range of perceptual sparseness).
processes in vision and the other senses
("adaptive resonance theory, [ART]") It is possible that the resonant neural state
(Grossberg, 1976b, 1980; Grossberg and is reflected also in additional nervous
Mingolla, 1985). system properties, like response
synchronization in local neural networks.
In view of the observed similarities in For example, esthetic stimuli may elicit
image statistics between visual art and maximally synchronous or asynchronous
natural scenes (see Chapter 3), I propose neuronal responses in the nervous system
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(Averbeck and Lee, 2004; Roelfsema et perception differs from emotional

al., 2004; Bichot et al., 2005; Wang, sensations like erotic feelings or disgust.
2005). Notably, it has been argued that ugly or
disgusting things can also be depicted in an
In conclusion, esthetic qualities may not be esthetic way (Rosenkranz, 1893). This
fundamentally different from general consensus is also reflected in the terms
sensory qualities, but probably differ in the introduced by philosophers to characterize
degree or specific distribution of the neural sensations related to esthetic perception
activity, which they elicit in the brain. This (for example, "uninterested pleasure",
hypothesis may explain why sensory Kant, 1790; discussed in Paul, 1988).
stimuli can be more or less esthetic, with a
continuous transition between esthetic and Moreover, abstract (non-representational)
non-esthetic stimuli, depending on the art, which by definition is devoid of any
degree of neural resonance that a particular semantic meaning or any content that can
stimulus can induce. be expressed readily in every-day
language, can also be esthetic. Artists of
Chapter 5. Salient characteristics shared the last century, such as Kandinsky,
between esthetic perception and sensory Mondrian and Pollock, shifted gradually
coding from representational art to abstract art
The efficient coding hypothesis of esthetic during their careers, suggesting that the
perception remains to be proven two types of art share fundamental
experimentally and should be considered a similarities, at least for the artists
working hypothesis at present. However, (Kandinsky, 1935; Mondrian, 1937).
there are a number of characteristics shared Abstract art is included in the present
between esthetic perception and sensory considerations and represents a particular
coding. They are discussed in the present challenge, but perhaps a genuine
chapter. These similarities suggest, but do opportunity. Abstract art calls for a neural
not prove, that the two phenomena might explanation of esthetics that is strictly
indeed be related. Some of the points made based on the structure and the arrangement
here about art are suppositions that have of individual pictorial elements and is not
been advanced by artists, philosophers or based on its content because content is
art historians. These suppositions lack a absent in abstract art. Even for figurative
basis in natural sciences and must therefore art, it is clear that its content is highly
be considered intuitive and speculative for variable between different styles of art and
the most part, at least with regard to strict thus cannot serve to deduce universal
biological reasoning. Because the principles of esthetics.
suppositions may not find universal
approval, it is important to state them The efficient coding model is a formal
clearly in order to point out the restricted paradigm that helps to understand how the
validity of any conclusions drawn from structural information contained in visual
them. stimuli, that is their form, is processed in
the nervous system. The efficient coding
5.1 Esthetic perception is a function of model does not take into account any
form rather than of content. The idea that processing relating to the content of the
esthetic judgments are based on the form stimuli and largely excludes top-down
rather than on the content of art objects has (cognitive) mechanisms of information
been advanced by several philosophers processing. In this regard, it represents a
(Burke, 1757; Kant, 1790; Wilde, 1890; neuronal paradigm suitable to
Paul, 1988; Goguen, 2000). Amongst these accommodate the perception of esthetic
philosophers, there is general consensus form.
that the pleasure derived from esthetic
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5.2 Esthetic principles are obscure to basic esthetics of works of art from all periods,
human cognition and language. The cultures and styles (see also Kandinsky,
content depicted in figurative art objects 1912). Esthetic perception is thought to be
can be analyzed by cognition or expressed as universal in humans as, for example, the
by language. In contrast, the universal perception of colors or emotions like
principles of esthetics seem to be happiness or anger. I will refer to this
inaccessible to human introspection and supposition as the "universality
discordant with basic cognition and every- assumption".
day language. In fact, they have escaped
definition so far. It has even been argued At the surface, the universality assumption
that the neuronal processes underlying runs against the fact that the appreciation
esthetic perception remain unconscious of art depends significantly on cultural,
and that this unconscious processing might social, historic and other factors, which
be the reason why esthetic perception is relate to the content depicted in the art
obscure to cognition (Mangan, 1999; object as well as to its form. In general,
Goguen, 2000). Most artists, however, human beings tend to favor art objects they
strive (sub-)consciously for a very specific are familiar with. Unfamiliar art is often
pictorial structure or form when they create rejected, for example art created according
a work of art. Some (sub-)conscious to a novel style, or art from alien cultures
decision-making must therefore take place or another social group. In the history of
during this creation process, even if the art, many novel styles of art have shocked
rationale behind the esthetic decisions the public and infuriated art critics. In
remains outside the realm of human several complex ways, art and its esthetic
cognitive introspection. evaluation are adapted and restricted to
features that are important for a particular
The same introspective inaccessibility culture or society (Thornhill, 2003). The
pertains to efficient coding. Although the apparent contradiction between this
principles of efficient coding can be cultural dependence of art appreciation and
formulated readily in mathematical and the universality assumption can be solved
physiological terms, the neuronal if one assumes that familiarity is a
mechanisms underlying efficient coding prerequisite for esthetic perception rather
remain largely obscure to basic human than its cause. As outlined by the
introspection and cognition. This is ethologist Eibl-Eibesfeld, art objects
underlined by the fact that efficient coding convey cultural content and, by doing so,
in the nervous system has been discovered they enhance the social bonding between
only recently. individuals in a group (Eibl-Eibesfeldt,
1988). This social function of esthetic
5.3 Esthetic perception correlates with a perception, however, should not be
neuronal state of similar nature in all confused with its biological basis.
observers ("universality"). Western Familiarity acts like a cultural filter, which
philosophers postulated the existence of can allow or block appreciation of art by
universally valid criteria for esthetic the individual in a given culture. The
judgment (Burke, 1757; Kant, 1790; presence of cultural filters, however, does
Hegel, 1833; Schelling, 1907; Adorno, not preclude the existence of universally
1970; Paul, 1988), as did non-Western valid rules of esthetics. The vast amount of
philosophers (for a review, see Paul, literature on the history and psychology of
1985). Accordingly, a work of art has the art testifies that the cultural filters can be
potential of inducing esthetic perception in immensely complex. It is beyond the scope
human observers independent of the of the present essay on the sensory coding
circumstances of its creation. In turn, every of art to give an overview of the reception
human can potentially appreciate the of art in different cultures and societies.
- 11 -

This is the subject of art history, art theory 1970; Goguen, 2000; Koppe, 2004).
and the psychology of art. Nevertheless, any biological theory of art
must accommodate the fact that natural
Efficient coding is a universal general forms can elicit esthetic feelings that are
principle underlying information related, in some fundamental way, to the
processing in the nervous system. It is not feelings induced by esthetic works of art.
restricted to specific channels of visual
information processing or to any specific The model based on efficient coding offers
sensory modalities (vision, audition, a straightforward explanation of why
olfaction and sensation). Efficient coding natural scenes are often considered
has been demonstrated in several species, beautiful. If esthetically pleasing objects
including invertebrates (Schwartz and elicit a neuronal response in the visual
Simoncelli, 2001; Hahnloser et al., 2002; system similar to that induced by natural
Laurent, 2002; Lewicki, 2002; DeWeese et scenes, the two types of stimuli must be
al., 2003; Theunissen, 2003; Olshausen perceived in a similar way. This similarity
and Field, 2004; Machens et al., 2005; in perception justifies the usage of a
Sharpee et al., 2006). It is independent of similar set of descriptive terms (for
any cognitive, cultural, social, historical or example, "beautiful") for both types of
other factors that might be presented in stimuli. At the same time, the model can
different visual stimuli perceived by also explain the differences between art
human subjects. Because of this and nature (see following section).
independence from variable factors of
esthetic stimuli, it is well suited to account This part of the model is testable in
for the universality of esthetic perception. neurophysiological experiments. By
recording neuronal activity from visual
5.4 The esthetic perception elicited by the centers of higher mammals, the responses
beauty of natural objects is similar to that of single neurons to aesthetic stimuli can
induced by art objects. For centuries, be compared to those of natural scenes or
artists have depicted objects or scenes from more simple stimuli, both by stimulating
nature in their art, including landscapes, the classic receptive field alone and
flowers, the human body or their own together with its surroundings (non-classic
faces. They are inspired by the esthetic receptive field). If the model is correct,
appeal of natural objects and try to neuronal responses should be sparsified (or
enhance their esthetic attributes in their synchronized) when esthetic stimuli are
creations. As already discussed above, presented in the non-classic receptive field.
Western and non-Western philosophers
have pointed out that the beauty of art and 5.5 Difference between beauty of natural
nature share common underlying features scenes and art objects
(Kant, 1790; Hegel, 1833; Adorno, 1970; Works of art depicting natural scenes or
Paul, 1988, 1998; Koppe, 2004). The objects are usually not mere copies of their
relation between the esthetic qualities of natural counterparts (Kant, 1790; Hegel,
natural things and art is one of the central 1833; Schelling, 1907; Adorno, 1970;
issues of philosophical esthetics. There is Goguen, 2000; Koppe, 2004). If natural
general agreement that natural subjects are objects induced esthetic feelings in the
not per se beautiful and that art objects can same way as art, it would not be necessary
be esthetic without depicting natural to create art objects. Vice versa, there are
things. Consequently, mere imitation of esthetically pleasing works of art that do
nature cannot be considered art and not depict natural things. What then is the
esthetic art has qualities superior to or difference between the esthetics of natural
different from natural beauty (Kant, 1790; beauty and art objects?
Hegel, 1833; Schelling, 1907; Adorno,
- 12 -

As discussed by Simoncelli and Olshausen A similar difference between the average

(2001) in the context of efficient coding, statistics of natural stimuli and artificial
nervous system function depends not only stimuli, which the sensory system is
on the environment but also on intrinsic optimized for, has been demonstrated
factors of the nervous system, like its recently in the auditory system of the
computational capabilities and the grasshopper (Machens et al., 2005). The
functional limitations of neurons. Efficient optimal stimuli largely overlap with a
coding paradigms emphasize the influence behaviorally important subset of natural
of the environment, but neglect the sounds. These results indicate that the
intrinsic factors, which regulate the wiring coding strategy of sensory neurons is not
of neural networks during development matched to the statistics of natural stimuli
and contribute to nervous system plasticity. per se, but is influenced also by other
The intrinsic factors represent biological factors, such as behavioral relevance
properties of the nervous system. For among natural stimuli, which may have co-
example, the molecular mechanisms of evolved with the intrinsic neural
pattern formation and morphogenesis that mechanisms during evolution (Machens et
govern the development of neural circuits al., 2005). Whether a similar influence also
are very similar to those underlying the exists for the human visual system is an
formation of other organs or organisms. open question. For example, behaviorally
Not surprisingly, when the morphology of relevant stimuli for the visual system are
nerve cells is visualized, their elaborate human faces and their emotional
arborizations can display esthetic qualities, expressions. Interestingly, the criteria for
as do other natural objects. In conclusion, the judgment of facial beauty seem to be
the visual neural networks are not only universal amongst human subjects, also in
adapted to natural scenes, but they are also different cultures (for review, see Rhodes,
related closely to the laws of nature at the 2006).
level of intrinsic neural properties.

A work of art is created through constant Chapter 6. Implications of the model and
feedback with the artist's visual system so open questions
that a specific state of neural activity is In this chapter, I will discuss several issues
induced. As a result, art objects reflect not that arise from the efficient coding model
only the higher-order statistical properties of esthetic perception and their
of natural scenes, to which the visual implications for experiments in the field of
system is adapted (Chapter 3), but also neuroesthetics.
intrinsic properties of the visual system. I
hypothesize that this additional reflection 6.1 Efficient coding: a common theory for
of intrinsic properties distinguishes art all sensory modalities?
objects from natural scenes. Implicit to this Although the present considerations are
hypothesis, the visual system can resonate focused on visual esthetics, the efficient
more profoundly to art objects than to coding model of esthetics can also be
natural scenes. In other words, esthetic art applied to other senses, in particular to the
can be tuned more precisely to nervous auditory system, in which efficient coding
system properties than natural scenes are. mechanisms have also been demonstrated
This prediction can also be tested in (Theunissen et al., 2001; Lewicki, 2002;
neurophysiological experiments that study Olshausen and O'Connor, 2002; Machens
differences in visual responses to natural et al., 2005; Smith and Lewicki, 2006). A
scenes and works of art, for example in general validity has been postulated also
their degree of sparseness. for the mechanism of adaptive resonance
implemented in neural networks that can
- 13 -

explain different kinds of perception interest to study whether the song of birds
(Grossberg, 1987). and of higher mammals like whales
displays higher-order statistics that can be
As far as audition is concerned, much has related to the coding of sensory stimuli in
been learned in recent years about the these animals. One distinct aspect of
diverse brain regions and neural networks human music, the horizontally transmitted
underlying music production and change of its content and structure between
perception (for reviews, see Koelsch and individuals over time, has been observed
Siebel, 2005; Peretz and Zatorre, 2005). also for the song of whales (Rendell and
Being non-representational for the most Whitehead, 2001; Mercado et al., 2005).
part, abstract rules, such as harmony, have Moreover, the neural sequences underlying
been considered as the basis of music for the generation of song in a songbird are
centuries. However, many of the formal based on an ultra sparse code (Hahnloser et
rules of composition have changed over al., 2002). The authors recorded neural
time and do not represent universals. activity from the song-generating (high
Universally valid principles of composition vocal) center (HVC) of zebra finches. They
have yet to be discovered. One notable demonstrated that individual HVC neurons
exception is the (cross-cultural) discharge at a single, precise time during a
observation that music is performed neuronal sequence relating to song
according to a steady beat; if tempi change production, with different HVC neurons
during the performance, they relate to each busting sequentially with respect to one
other by means of low order integral ratios another. These results indicate that not
(1:2, 2:3, 3:4, or the inverse) (Epstein, only the perception but also the production
1988). of esthetic tonal structures may be based
on efficient coding. In summary, it is
A recent study revealed that response conceivable that efficient coding is also the
properties recorded from the cat auditory basis of esthetics in the animal kingdom.
nerve closely match a representation of
natural sounds that is predicted by a sparse Efficient coding is a principle that has been
coding model of auditory processing of the demonstrated in the nervous system of
same stimuli. The same match is also many vertebrate and invertebrate species.
found for speech suggesting that speech The idea that the principles underlying
evolved to match efficient coding in the esthetics and efficient coding are related,
auditory system (Smith and Lewicki, might possibly answer the question why
2006). It would be feasible to extend this there are examples of cross-species
type of analysis to the perception of music. appreciation of esthetic patterns. For
Interestingly, scale-invariant, fractal-like example, some songs produced by birds
properties have also been found in are attractive not only to their gender
examples of classical music (Hsu and Hsu, mates but also to humans. An example for
1990; 1991). cross-species esthetic judgment in the
visual domain are the elaborate plumage
6.2 Is esthetic perception restricted to the patterns displayed by some birds to attract
human species? their sexual partners (see, for example,
I have argued that esthetics is based on a McGraw et al., 2002). Humans consider
general principle of neural function. If this the same patterns beautiful. Any statistical
is correct, esthetic perception should not be properties shared between esthetic and
restricted to the human species, but natural stimuli should thus also be present
animals should also be able to appreciate to some degree in stimuli that animals find
beauty and perhaps even produce attractive. However, it should be noted that
esthetically pleasing patterns. For example, most patterns displayed by one species are
in the auditory domain, it would be of not attractive to other species per se, as is
- 14 -

also true for artistic displays by humans in has allowed investigating the localization
different cultures. Cultural filters that of brain regions activated by different
preclude esthetic perception (see above) sensory stimuli, motor performance or
may also exist in animals and possibly mental activity. fMRT studies have
prevent cross-species appreciation of most contributed greatly to our knowledge of
esthetic stimuli that are directed towards regional brain function. Two recent fMRT
members of the same species. studies described the responses of human
subjects to visual stimuli that were
A distinction must be made between the considered beautiful. Jacobson and
ability to perceive and appreciate beauty coworkers (2006) demonstrated that
and the ability to create art. Clearly, an art esthetic judgment of beauty of geometrical
critic, who has never learned and will not shapes relies on a network in the brain that
learn to use a painting brush or a pencil, also underlies evaluative judgments on
cannot be turned into an artist. The social and moral cues. Kawabata and Zeki
creation of visual art requires technical, (2004) demonstrated a differential regional
cognitive and perhaps also cultural responsiveness of the orbito-frontal and
capabilities that mankind acquired only motor cortices to different categories of
relatively recently, when cave art appeared figurative and abstract art that were
about 30.000 years ago. Hence, the considered either beautiful or ugly. The
production of complex works of art, at orbito-frontal cortex is involved also in
least in the visual domain, is largely response to other stimuli that are
restricted to the human species. As pointed emotionally rewarding. As pointed out by
out, however, it is conceivable that the the authors, fMRT does not detect those
song generated by some animals has areas that are involved in a particular task
esthetic qualities. If the efficient coding but are not activated (Kawabata and Zeki,
model of esthetic perception is valid, 2004). If esthetic perception correlates to a
esthetic perception might have originated sparsification of neural responses, then the
in the animal kingdom following the areas involved in this response may indeed
implementation of efficient coding escape detection by fMRT because their
mechanisms in neural networks. overall activity remains low (see, for
Consequently, esthetics might be a example, Murray et al., 2002). Moreover,
phenomenon that is less recent in evolution emotional responses that are a
and more closely linked to the biology of consequence of the perception of esthetic
the nervous system than thought objects in a given individual may confound
previously (see also Grammer et al., 2003). the picture (for example, see Lang et al.,
When precisely we can speak of esthetics 1998; O'Doherty et al., 2003), as can the
in animal behavior will be a question of reaction to the content of the images and
definition. The biological function of cultural attitudes of the subjects towards
beauty and attractiveness in animals is a the images (cultural filter). Just consider
current focus of behavioral research and the classic question of whether an
beyond the scope of the present review. It esthetically pleasing work of art can be
seems likely, however, that the biological created by depicting an ugly toad.
function of esthetics played a more Assuming that esthetic form and content
important role earlier in evolution than in conveyed by art objects are separate
modern human society. entities (Section 5.1), the answer is clearly
affirmative (Rosenkranz, 1893; Paul,
6.3 Implications for functional imaging 1988). The subjects viewing such a work
studies of art may have an emotional reaction to
The recent advent of functional brain the ugliness of the toad, which should not
mapping technologies, like functional be confused with any neural responses that
magnetic resonance tomography (fMRT), correlate with the esthetic qualities of the
- 15 -

work. It will therefore be important in properties of cortical cells. J. Opt. Soc.

future imaging studies to precisely Am. A 4, 2379-2394.
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