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Written Assignment Unit 2

Name Removed in Accordance with Anonymity.

University of the People.

BUS 5211-Managing in the Global Economy.

Dr. Laura Amerson.

June 28, 2023


Cultural intelligence is an important aspect of healthcare, and it becomes even more crucial

when treating patients with different cultural backgrounds. The case study of Abdul Hadi

highlights the challenges that healthcare professionals may face when dealing with patients

from Islamic backgrounds. This analysis will analyze the situation with Abdul Hadi, provide

strategies to resolve the issues and suggest what the hospital needs to do to handle patients

with care and compassion.

Description of the Case and Identification of Major Issues:

Abdul Hadi is a Muslim patient recovering from surgery in a German hospital. Anna, his

nurse, is facing issues in dealing with Abdul Hadi's behaviors and needs. The major issues

that Anna and the hospital administration face are:

• Cultural differences: Abdul Hadi follows Islamic customs that may not align with the

hospital's protocols. For example, he needs to cleanse himself before prayer, and the

medication prescribed to him cannot contain pork products or alcohol.

• Special needs: Abdul Hadi has dietary restrictions, and it is challenging for him to

find appropriate food options in the cafeteria. He also needs assistance in taking a

shower and prayer, which poses further logistical challenges.

• Noise level: Abdul Hadi's visitors create a disturbance for his roommate, which can

cause discomfort and pain to other patients. (Cultural Intelligence for Leaders, 2012)

Analysis of the case study:

To deal with the challenges highlighted in the case study, the CI model can offer solutions

that help healthcare professionals navigate cultural differences and provide better care to

Acquire: Hospital administrators can recognize the cultural differences that exist between the

healthcare system and patients coming from Islamic backgrounds. They should evaluate the

current cultural belief systems and values related to patient care and identify ways to improve

in areas where conflicts arise specific to cultural practices.

Build: The hospital administrators can help Anna to gain confidence and self-efficacy by

providing training to the nurses to learn about Muslim patients' cultural practices and rituals.

This training should include active listening skills and coaching or mentoring to identify

effective strategies to respond to patients' needs based on these traditions.

Contemplate: Anna should keep an open mind while dealing with Abdul Hadi and other

Muslim patients for each patient's unique needs. She should learn to observe and listen to

patients better to understand their cultural nuances and adapt accordingly.

Do: Anna should learn about the patients' cultural practices and identify behaviors that are

inappropriate or harmful to patients' health and wellbeing. She should make an extra effort to

ensure Abdul Hadi's needs are prioritized and address any concerns he has accordingly.

(Majda et al., 2021).

Solutions and Strategies:

To address the issues Abdul Hadi faces in the hospital:

• The hospital can provide a separate area for patients to wash up, easily accessible to

prayer areas, and allow patients privacy from others.

• The hospital administrators can work with catering departments to include halal

options on the menu so that Muslim patients may have adequate food options.

• The hospital can address the noise complaints of Abdul Hadi's roommate, such as

separating the patients or placing them in a quieter room.

• The hospital can ensure adequate staffing by providing male nurses across various

shifts to help with bathing male patients with such needs.

Determining the Hospital's Needs to Ensure Patients are Addressed with Care and

Compassion: For the hospital to provide better care and compassion to patients, the following

steps can be taken:

• The hospital administration should create a culturally sensitive environment through

regular training and awareness programs to ensure healthcare professionals

understand and respect patients' diverse cultural beliefs and practices.

• The hospital should incorporate the cultural needs of patients in the care protocol,

including providing access to prayer areas and washing rooms specific to certain

cultures' religious practices.

• To ensure patients have the best possible care, the hospital should proactively try to

identify cultural or religious considerations for incoming patients and incorporate

them into their care plan. (Luquis, 2021).


The case study of Abdul Hadi highlights the challenges that healthcare professionals and

hospitals might face when working with patients coming from different cultures.

Understanding and adapting to the cultural practices of patients is an integral part of

providing care and ensuring better patient outcomes. By employing the CI model, hospitals

should provide cultural awareness programs, identify the cultural and religious practices of

patients and make efforts to accommodate them, and prioritize the patient's needs by

developing an environment that is compassionate and understanding of cultural differences.

Word count: 745.

Cultural intelligence for leaders. (2012, December 29). Lardbucket. licensed
under CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0
Luquis, R. R. (2021). Integrating the concept of cultural intelligence into health education
and health promotion. Health Education Journal, 80(7), 833–843.

Majda, A., Bodys-Cupak, I. E., Zalewska-Puchała, J., & Barzykowski, K. (2021). Cultural
competence and cultural intelligence of healthcare professionals providing emergency
medical services. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
18(21), 11547.

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