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B1 Key Word Transformation KWT002

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word
given. Use between TWO and FIVE words.

1. My friend couldn’t decide where to go on holiday. (MIND)

My friend couldn’t _______________________________ where to go on holiday.
2. Let’s all go to the cinema (SUGGESTED).
My sister _______________________________ to the cinema.
3. I took my car to the garage yesterday (REPAIRED).
I _______________________________ yesterday.
4. They forced us to go with them. (MADE)
We _______________________________ with them.
5. She definitely left the house before I did. (MUST)
She _______________________________ out before I did.
6. The restaurant bill was wrong. (MISTAKE)
The restaurant _______________________________ with our bill.
7. Take some summer clothes with you as the weather might improve. (CASE)
Take some summer clothes with you __________________________ better.
8. We are moving to America in one year from now. (WILL)
By this time next year _______________________________ abroad.
9. I live in a very dry area. (RAIN)
It _______________________________ much where I live.
10. We decided not to buy the house because it was too small. (BIGGER)
If the house ____________________________________ have bought it.
11. “Fill in the form, please.” (ASKED)
The hotel manager _______________________________ fill in the form.
12. I’d like to be able to speak Chinese. (WISH)
I _______________________________ Chinese.
13. My father succeeded in helping me with my homework. (MANAGED)
My father _______________________________ with my homework.
14. What kind of job are you thinking of now? (MIND)
What kind of job _______________________________ now?
B1 Key Word Transformation KWT003

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word
given. Use between TWO and FIVE words.

1. Maria and I have similar interests. (COMMON)

I have a lot _______________________________ Maria.
2. She organised the event on her own (BY).
She organised the event all _______________________________.
3. I went for a run this morning in spite of the heavy rain. (HEAVILY)
I went for a run even though _________________________________ this morning.
4. He hasn’t recovered from his illness yet. (OVER)
He _______________________________ his illness yet.
5. John will get a better job soon. (PROMOTED)
John ____________________________________ soon.
6. Could you give me a lift? (WONDERING)
I ______________________________________ give me a lift.
7. Perhaps he can solve the problem. (MIGHT)
He _______________________________ solve the problem.
8. He said he wanted a job (LOOKING).
He said _______________________________ a job.
9. How long has he been a musician? (BECOME)
When _______________________________ a musician?
10. Did they have fun at the party? (ENJOY)
_____________________________________________ at the party?
11. You won’t be forced to buy anything. (MAKE)
Nobody _______________________________ anything.
12. Our trip to the skiing resort lasted five hours. (TOOK)
It _______________________________ to get to the skiing resort.
13. Could I borrow your motorcycle? (MIND)
Would _______________________________ me your motorcycle?
14. I can’t be a pilot because my eyesight is not good enough. (WERE)
If my eyesight _______________________________ a pilot.
15. Brexit will not affect our company. (EFFECT)
Brexit will not _______________________________ our company.
B1 Key Word Transformation KWT004
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the
word given. Use between TWO and FIVE words.

1. If only I weren’t so poor. (WISH)

I ______________________________________ money.
2. I fell behind the other students in the class. (KEEP)
I couldn’t ______________________________________ the other students in the
3. I changed my attitude towards immigration after I had seen the TV documentary.
The TV documentary ______________________________ my attitude towards
4. I hope he doesn’t arrive too late for the show tomorrow. (TIME)
I hope he will be ______________________________________ for the show
5. They have never met before (SEEN).
They __________________________________ before.

6. Did your parents let you stay out late at night? (ALLOWED)
_______________________________to stay out late at night?

7. Carmen tried to control her temper. (EFFORT)

Carmen ______________________________________ to control her temper.

8. He was in a bad mood because he had slept so badly. (WOULD)

If he hadn’t slept so badly, he ________________________________ in a better mood.

9. The house will be clean when you arrive. (CLEANED)

They ______________________________________ by the time you arrive.

10. She went to the cinema after doing the shopping. (ALREADY)

She ______________________________________ when she went to the cinema.

11. It would have been impossible for me to come earlier. (COULD)

I ______________________________________ earlier.

12.The manager did not accept my proposal. (REJECTED)

My proposal ______________________________________ the manager.

13.I can’t wait to come along with you next week. (FORWARD)

I’m ______________________________________ along with you next week.

14. If he doesn’t come tomorrow, I won’t see him again. (UNLESS)

I won’t see him again ______________________________________ tomorrow.

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