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Psychological Inquiry Copyright © 1999 by

1999, Vol. 10, No. 3, 195–208 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.


I–D Compensation Theory: Some Implications of Trying to Satisfy

Immediate-Return Needs in a Delayed-Return Culture
Leonard L. Martin
Department of Psychology
University of Georgia

According to I–D compensation theory, the occurrence of several social psychologi-

cal phenomena (e.g., ego-defense, terror management) is moderated by the status of
a person’s relationship with the environment. More specifically, the theory proposes
that individuals function optimally when they receive frequent feedback that they are
progressing toward their goals and that their efforts will pay off. When individuals
do not receive this feedback, they increase their reliance on mental processes such
as simulation and problem solving. Although reliance on these processes may help
individuals return to progress toward their goals, it also makes individuals espe-
cially vulnerable to the effects of various social psychological motives (e.g.,
ego-defense, terror management). From this perspective, certain phenomena
thought to reflect basic motivations may actually be the product of con-
text-dependent person–environment interactions.

In their efforts to bring order to the vast range of so- may become infected only when his or her immune
cial behaviors in which humans engage, a number of system is weak, so it is that a person exposed to vari-
researchers have proposed the existence of very gen- ables central to one of the general social psychological
eral motives. For example, researchers have suggested motives may be most likely to display the effects of
that individuals are motivated to maintain a favorable that motive only when he or she is not in the appropri-
view of themselves (Tesser & Cornell, 1991), avoid ate relationship with the environment.
social exclusion (Leary, Haupt, Strausser, & Chokel, The nature of this social psychological immune sys-
1998), escape the self (Baumeister, 1991), and reduce tem is laid out in the form of I–D compensation theory.
the anxiety brought on by awareness of their own death In brief, the theory proposes that individuals function
(Greenberg, Pyszczynski, & Solomon, 1997). By ref- optimally when they receive frequent feedback that
erence to such motives, researchers can categorize as they are progressing toward their goals
similar phenomena that might otherwise seem very (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Wicklund, 1986) and that
dissimilar. For example, the false consensus effect and their efforts will pay off (Seta & Seta, 1992). To use the
basking in reflected glory may appear to be very differ- terms of the theory, individuals function optimally
ent from one another. Yet, there is evidence that indi- when they are satisfying their immediate-return needs
viduals display each of these phenomena in an effort to (the I in I–D compensation). When individuals are not
buffer themselves from death-related anxiety satisfying these needs, they increase their reliance on
(Greenberg et al., 1997). mental processes such as simulation and problem solv-
In this article, I explore the possibility that the ef- ing (Martin & Tesser, 1996; Roese & Olson, 1995;
fects of several general social psychological motives Taylor, Pham, Rivkin, & Armor, 1998), or, to use the
are moderated by the operation of a broader, perhaps terms of the theory, individuals increase their reliance
more basic, system. This system does not reflect the on delayed-return abilities (the D in I–D compensa-
operation of a higher order motive of which the others tion). The function of these abilities is to help individu-
are in service. Rather, it is a system that governs the als move back toward satisfaction of their
status of the person–environment relation (e.g., immediate-return needs (the compensation in I–D
Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Wicklund, 1986), and it compensation). According to I–D compensation the-
might best be thought of as a kind of social psychologi- ory, it is when individuals are having difficulty satisfy-
cal immune system. Just as a person exposed to a virus ing their immediate-return needs that they become

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especially susceptible to the effects of various social maintained among the participants in the system. For
psychological motives. example, if the farmer devotes months to growing the
Note that I–D compensation theory does not pro- corn, then the customers better live up to their end of
ceed from a single content-based motive such as fear of the bargain and buy the corn. Conversely, if the cus-
death (Greenberg et al., 1997) or fear of social exclu- tomers depend on the farmer’s corn for their subsis-
sion (Leary et al., 1998). It assumes instead that people tence, then the farmer better produce the corn. Also, in
attempt to balance simultaneously the satisfaction of delayed-return systems individuals are accorded rights
multiple goals (Carver & Scheier, 1981; Deci & Ryan, over valued assets that represent a return for labor ap-
1985; Sedikides & Strube, 1997). Because of this, the plied over time. Thus, individuals may reason “I
theory’s assumptions deal not with specific content but cleared the land, I plowed it, and I sowed it. So, the
with processes that are presumably central to goal pur- land and whatever comes out at harvest time is mine.”
suit in general (for related conceptualizations, see Finally, individuals in delayed-return systems are
Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Wicklund, 1986). largely oriented toward the past and the future rather
In laying out the rationale for I–D compensation than the present. The farmer, for example, may wonder
theory, I discuss the distinction between two cultural “Did I plant enough corn last month? When harvest
systems: immediate return and delayed return (Wood- time comes, will I be able to bring in enough to get me
burn, 1982a). Then, I discuss the transition of human through the winter?”
culture from predominantly immediate return to pre- Immediate-return systems, on the other hand, are
dominantly delayed return, and I note some social psy- seen only among certain types of hunters and gather-
chological implications of this transition. Next, I ers: the nomadic, nonstoring type. In other words, al-
summarize I–D compensation theory, and I discuss though immediate-return systems exist only among
some findings that are congruent with the theory’s cen- hunters and gatherers, not all hunters and gatherers live
tral assumptions. Finally, I discuss data that were col- in immediate-return systems. In immediate-return sys-
lected specifically to test hypotheses derived from I–D tems, individuals use labor to attain food and other re-
compensation theory, and I discuss implications of the sources for relatively immediate consumption. For
theory for several current views of social motivation. example, they go out gathering, find what they are
looking for, collect it, prepare it, and eat it the same day
or very shortly thereafter. Individuals in these systems
Immediate-Return and also show a minimum of long-term investment in arti-
Delayed-Return Systems facts and social relations, and they tend to live in the
phenomenal present. They take what they need when
Most individuals today live in a culture that is dif- they need it, and see surplus goods and long-term ex-
ferent from that in which humans first evolved. Spe- change relationships as burdens. Also, in immedi-
cifically, most individuals today live in permanent, ate-return systems, individuals place a strong emphasis
high-density settlements that subsist on agriculture, on sharing within an ad hoc local community. For ex-
pastoralism, or both (Feit, 1994; Testart, 1982; Wood- ample, everyone has free access to the spoils of the
burn, 1979, 1982b, 1988). For the first 90% (or more) hunt regardless of their relationship to the hunter or
of its existence, however, our species lived in small their contribution to the hunt. According to Woodburn
groups of closely related individuals who subsisted as (1982a), the overarching feature that characterizes an
nomadic, nonstoring hunters and gatherers (Lee & immediate-return system is that its members actively
DeVore, 1968; Maryanski & Turner, 1992; Sahlins, avoid the accumulation of assets and the dependencies
1972). Not surprisingly, the social forces operating that such accumulation tends to create.
within these two cultures are very different, and an un- Although it is possible to find advantages and disad-
derstanding of these differences might help us to un- vantages in each system depending on the criteria one
derstand current social motivation. Fortunately, some uses, it is useful, for my purposes here, to point out one
key differences between the two cultures have been de- particular advantage of the immediate-return system.
lineated by Woodburn (1982a) in his distinction be- Humans evolved in such a system (Lee & DeVore,
tween immediate-return and delayed-return systems. 1968; Maryanski & Turner, 1992; Sahlins, 1972). This
According to Woodburn (1982a; see also Feit, raises the possibility that life in today’s delayed-return
1994; Testart, 1982), delayed-return systems are the cultures may be asking humans to rely on abilities that
kind of cultural system in which most people currently were used differently or at least not to the same extent
live. They are composed of ordered, differentiated re- in our evolutionary past (Maryanski & Turner, 1992).
lationships through which crucial goods and services Consider, for example, a day in the life in each system.
are transmitted. For example, the farmer plants the In an immediate-return system, individuals live in
corn, the merchant acts as the go-between, and the cus- small, temporary camps containing usually one or
tomer buys the corn. Such systems can survive only as two dozen closely related individuals. There is con-
long as binding commitments and dependencies are stant movement in and out while a camp remains at


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one site, and when the site is changed, the residents their worth by relative strangers, and immediate effort
may either move together or split up. Thus, the camps for delayed and uncertain outcomes.
tend to have an ad hoc feel to them. When the indi- Because humans evolved in the context of an imme-
viduals do interact, it is as equals, and their equal sta- diate-return system, their current life in a de-
tus does not have to be validated. It is asserted as an layed-return culture may be forcing them to face social
automatic entitlement. As Woodburn (1982a) put it, pressures that are different or at least more extensive
“There are no casualties of the principle of equality than those they faced in the past. This does not mean
… none whose moral worth is destroyed by poor eco- that humans are unable to cope with these pressures. In
nomic performance or lack of personal competitive- fact, by Darwinian standards (e.g., population growth,
ness” (p. 446). Ironically, one of the few ways to lose successful communities in almost all geographic re-
esteem in immediate-return systems is through selfish gions), our species is doing quite well. This success,
behavior and self-aggrandizement (Wiessner & however, may have come at a price. Experiences such
Schiefenhoevel, 1996). This may be, in part, because as automatic social acceptance and frequent feedback
in immediate-return systems most important re- regarding goal progress may be more easily obtained
sources are easily attainable, and those that are not in an immediate-return system than in a delayed-return
(e.g., meat) are equally and readily shared. This system. According to I–D compensation theory, it is
means that there is no need for individuals to worry if the relative absence of these experiences and the sub-
they do not personally obtain sufficient resources; sequent attempts to obtain them through prolonged re-
other individuals will help out. In social psychology liance on delayed-return abilities that make individuals
terms, immediate-return systems are composed of especially susceptible to the effects of many social
communal rather than exchange relationships. The psychological motives.
immediate-return lifestyle also allows individuals to
live in the phenomenal present and to receive almost
immediate feedback regarding the efficacy of their I–D Compensation Theory
efforts. Their hunting and gathering, for example, is
composed of a series of discontinuous undertakings The theory starts with the assumption that humans
of relatively short duration (e.g., hours) that are inde- possess a set of sensitivities and predispositions that
pendent of one another and in which the outcome is helped their distant ancestors survive and reproduce in
known immediately at the end of each venture an immediate-return cultural system. At least some of
(Meillassoux, 1973). these sensitivities and predispositions are reflected in
Compare this with life in a delayed-return system. the tendency of individuals to function optimally when
One particularly clear example is attaining a PhD. Al- they are receiving frequent feedback that they are mak-
though not everyone in a delayed-return culture pur- ing progress toward their goals and that their efforts
sues a goal as elaborately structured as this one, the will pay off. Humans, however, have continued to
general features of this pursuit are similar to those of thrive even after switching to an agricultural and pasto-
most pursuits in a delayed-return culture. To obtain a ral lifestyle. This means that humans have the ability to
PhD, individuals have to undergo years of preparation thrive in a delayed-return system. Despite this ability,
(i.e., schooling), during which time they exert immedi- there may be important experiences (e.g., present fo-
ate effort for an outcome that is both delayed and un- cus, automatic social acceptance, frequent feedback re-
certain. They also find themselves during this time garding goal progress) that are generally harder to
immersed in a series of long-term binding commit- obtain in delayed-return systems than in immedi-
ments, most notably with their advisors, and they must ate-return systems. Anyone who works for a monthly
undergo a series of critical evaluations (e.g., classes, paycheck, for example, or who goes to school for 20
proposal meetings) by relative strangers. Failure to years to earn a degree is exerting immediate effort for a
perform up to standards during these evaluations can delayed (and possibly uncertain) return. Anyone em-
lead to exclusion from the group (i.e., one is not ployed by a long-standing organization (e.g., a univer-
granted a PhD). The primary consequence of obtaining sity, IBM, K-Mart) or who has committed to a
a favorable evaluation, on the other hand, is the oppor- marriage “until death do us part” is likely to be sacrific-
tunity to move on to new uncertainties, evaluations, ing some of his or her personal desires to the wants and
and delayed feedback. Will I get a job? Will it be in a needs of the others in the organization or relationship.
place that I like? Will I be able to attain tenure? Will Because of the uncertain, delayed outcomes inherent in
my students evaluate me favorably? Will my data these kinds of situations, individuals may find them-
come out? Will my manuscripts be accepted for publi- selves searching for evidence that they are in fact mak-
cation? In short, pursuit of an academic lifestyle (like ing progress toward their goals and that their efforts
most pursuits in a delayed-return system) requires in- will indeed pay off. This search may involve processes
dividuals to cope with long-term binding commit- such as rumination, problem solving, mental simula-
ments to specific individuals, repeated evaluations of tion, and an increase in the perceived value of stimuli


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that could facilitate a return to goal progress. These are layed, more desirable reward and then measured how
the so-called delayed-return abilities. Individuals use long the children held out before opting for the lesser
these abilities to transform delayed-return situations reward. Some children were asked merely to sit and
into immediate-return ones. More specifically, these wait for the delayed reward, some were allowed to per-
abilities can provide individuals with (a) frequent feed- form a distractor task unrelated to the delayed reward,
back that they are making progress toward their goals, and some were asked to perform the same task to attain
(b) enjoyment concurrent with their efforts, and (c) a the delayed reward. Not surprisingly, children asked
generalized expectancy of success such as merely to sit and wait opted quickly for the immediate,
self-efficacy or optimism. When individuals are un- lesser reward. Those given an unrelated distractor task
able to obtain this information, they experience feel- were able to hold out longer. The highest delay of grat-
ings of uncertainty and lack of control, and this, in turn, ification, however, was seen among children allowed
heightens their susceptibility to the effects of various to work toward obtaining the delayed reward.
social psychological motives. In I–D compensation terms, this study demonstrates
the successful operation of delayed-return abilities.
When children obtained evidence that they were mak-
What the Theory Is Not ing progress toward their goal, they effectively turned
a delayed-return situation (no reward) into an immedi-
In developing the logic of I–D compensation the- ate-return one (signs of progress toward the reward).
ory, I referred to differences between immedi- As a result, they were able to delay gratification and at-
ate-return and delayed-return cultural systems. It tain a higher value, long-range goal.
should be noted, however, that I–D compensation is Finally, it should be pointed out that I–D compen-
not so much a theory of cultural differences as it is a sation theory neither argues against the existence of
theory of individual processes. After all, there is no any of the general social psychological motives that
guarantee that one’s immediate-return needs will be have been proposed nor denies the possibility that
satisfied in an immediate-return system, and it is not a there is a genetic component to any of these motives.
given that these needs will be frustrated in a de- The theory does assume, however, that one’s genes
layed-return system. One’s culture may have a general do not mandate one’s actions. Genes are if–then rules
facilitating or debilitating effect, but the most proxi- (Sapolsky, 1997). Their function can be turned on
mate determinant of an individual’s satisfaction of his and off by environmental influences. This is why
or her immediate-return needs is the individual’s cur- even with identical twins, the probability of one be-
rent life situation. coming schizophrenic given that the other is schizo-
It is also important to note that I–D compensation phrenic is only 50%. Similarly, with regard to moti-
theory does not advocate a return to some idealized vation, we can assume that individuals have an innate
“noble savage” state (Rousseau, 1994). In other words, drive to eat without assuming that most of their ac-
the theory does not assume that immediate-return sys- tions are in the service of that drive. Individuals may
tems are inherently better than delayed-return ones. be dominated by the drive to eat only when they ex-
There are advantages and disadvantages to each de- perience extreme food deprivation. According to I–D
pending on the criteria one uses. The point is that indi- compensation theory, it is the same with the social
viduals function optimally when they receive certain psychological motives. One can assume that individ-
kinds of feedback (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Wicklund, uals have a genetic predisposition toward certain con-
1986). Although life as a nomadic, nonstoring cerns (e.g., self-preservation, social exclusion) with-
hunter–gatherer might facilitate the obtainment of this out assuming that much of an individual’s actions is
feedback, it is also possible to obtain such feedback in dominated by those concerns. Such domination will
a delayed-return culture. Doing so, however, can de- occur only when there is a deprivation. According to
mand greater use of one’s delayed-return skills, and the I–D compensation theory, this deprivation is the fail-
cost of this may be a heightened susceptibility to the ef- ure to satisfy one’s immediate-return needs (e.g., fre-
fects of various social psychological motives. quent feedback regarding goal progress; confidence
It is also important to keep in mind that I–D com- in payoff).
pensation theory is not based on a kind of Freudian In the next section, I briefly discuss some findings
pleasure principle. Its postulate that individuals are in the literature that are consistent with the general as-
motivated to receive frequent feedback regarding their sumptions of I–D compensation theory. The point in
goal progress is not synonymous with the postulate discussing these findings is not to provide evidence
that individuals are motivated to obtain immediate that I–D compensation theory is correct. The point is
gratification of their desires. In fact, if individuals ob- merely to suggest that the general assumptions are rea-
tain the former, then they are less in need of the latter. sonable. After discussing these findings, I move on to
Frey and Preston (1980), for example, gave children a discuss some studies designed specifically to test im-
choice between an immediate, lesser reward or a de- plications of the theory.


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The Extant Literature they turn to their delayed-return abilities. The function
of these abilities is to move individuals back toward
Frequent Feedback goal progress. For example, rumination, which can be
instigated by thwarted goal progress, increases the ac-
According to I–D compensation theory, individuals cessibility of thoughts related to the blocked goal
function optimally when they are receiving frequent (Martin & Tesser, 1996; Martin, Tesser, & McIntosh,
feedback indicating that they are progressing toward 1993). This, in turn, may make it more likely that indi-
their goals and that their efforts will pay off. If this as- viduals will find information that is useful to unblock-
sertion is correct, then individuals will experience ing their goal progress. For example, if a person’s
greater subjective well-being when they receive this computer malfunctions while the person is in the midst
kind of feedback than when they do not. There are sev- of writing an important manuscript, then the person is
eral lines of work that fit with this assumption. For ex- likely to try everything he or she knows to get the com-
ample, Carver and Scheier (1990) suggested that puter functioning again. After realizing that doing so is
individuals monitor not only the extent of their dis- beyond his or her ability, the person might wonder
crepancies relative to their goals, but also the direction, “What skills would I need to fix the computer? Who
velocity, and acceleration of their movement relative would have the skills to help me with this?” At this
to those discrepancies. Actions that reduce a discrep- point, the person might think of a computer-savvy col-
ancy give rise to positive affect, whereas actions that league or the department’s computer consultant. Thus,
increase a discrepancy give rise to negative affect. goal blockage can cause thoughts of needed skills to
Moreover, a fast reduction gives rise to greater positive come to mind, and this, in turn, can facilitate attain-
affect, whereas a fast increase gives rise to greater neg- ment of those skills. Evidence to this effect was ob-
ative affect (Carver & Scheier, 1990; Hsee & Abelson, tained by Wicklund and Braun (1987).
1991). In short, individuals find it pleasurable to learn Thwarted goal progress can also lead to increased
that they are moving quickly toward their goals. attraction toward stimuli related to attaining the goal
Further evidence that individuals prefer frequent (for a review see Tesser et al., 1996). For example,
feedback indicating progress toward their goals can be Cartwright (1942) asked participants to rate various
seen in research on task persistence. Numerous studies tasks in terms of how attractive the tasks were and in
have shown that the attainment of frequent, intermedi- terms of how similar they were to one another. Then,
ate goals enhances individuals’ persistence toward participants performed a subset of these tasks and were
long-term goals, their likelihood of attaining those allowed to complete some but not others. Finally, par-
goals, and their self-efficacy (Bandura & Schunk, ticipants rerated the attractiveness of each task. Con-
1981). Conceptually related findings have come out of sistent with prior research showing a desire to return to
research on subjective well-being. Diener, Sandvik, pursue blocked goals, Cartwright found that the attrac-
and Pavot (1991), for example, found that the best pre- tiveness of the interrupted tasks generally increased,
dictor of a person’s happiness is the frequency, not the whereas the attractiveness of the completed tasks gen-
intensity, with which the person experienced positive erally did not. More important for my purposes here,
affect. Specifically, the more frequently individuals when the attractiveness of the interrupted tasks rose, so
experienced positive affect, the happier they reported did the attractiveness of activities that had been rated
being. Also consistent with the frequent feedback as- as similar to those tasks. The attractiveness of tasks
sumption is the finding (Emmons, 1992) that individu- perceived to be different stayed the same. This pattern
als with concrete goals (e.g., clear my desk) report suggests that individuals are attracted to tasks that
greater well-being than individuals with abstract goals share features with an interrupted task because these
(e.g., be more organized). This difference in tasks have substitute value. Performing them can help
well-being seems to arise because concrete goals have individuals attain the goal activated by the original
clearer indicators of progress than do abstract goals blocked activity (Tesser et al., 1996).
and also have a shorter lag time for observing the ef- In sum, there is an array of evidence from diverse
fects of one’s activity on progress toward the goal areas consistent with the general spirit of I–D compen-
(Emmons & Kaiser, 1996). Taken together, these find- sation theory. Taken together, this evidence suggests
ings suggest that the more frequently individuals re- that individuals function optimally when they are in a
ceive feedback that they are progressing toward their dynamic relationship with environment (e.g., frequent
goals, the higher their well-being will be. feedback regarding progress, confidence in payoff)
and that when they are not in such a relationship, they
take steps to get back into it. These steps include,
Getting Back on Track among other things, increased accessibility of
goal-related information, increased value of
According to I–D compensation theory, when indi- goal-related stimuli, and an increased motivation to
viduals do not satisfy their immediate-return needs, pursue the goal.


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One of the unique features of I–D compensation summary, terror management theory assumes that
theory is its hypothesis that failure to satisfy one’s im- death anxiety initiates the development of a buffering
mediate-return needs can heighten one’s susceptibility system (e.g., culture, self-esteem) and that if this sys-
to the effects of various social psychological motives. tem is doing its job, then individuals can begin to ad-
In the remainder of the article, I discuss the implica- dress their growth motives.
tions of this hypothesis for several general social psy-
chological motives (e.g., ego-defense, fear of
exclusion). Because the initial empirical work testing I–D Compensation Theory and
this hypothesis was conducted in the context of terror Mortality Salience Effects
management theory, I address the death anxiety motive
first. Whereas terror management theory hypothesizes
both a growth and a defense motive with the defense
motive being primary, I–D compensation theory sees
Terror Management Theory concern with self-defense as growing out of a failure to
maintain a dynamic relationship with the environment.
According to terror management theory (Greenberg So, I–D compensation theory presents a causal order
et al., 1997), humans, like all animals, possess a bio- that is the reverse of that in terror management theory.
logical instinct toward self-preservation, but humans, Individuals function optimally when they receive fre-
unlike other animals, know that they will die. This con- quent feedback indicating progress toward their goals,
flict between the irrepressible wish to live and the un- and when they do not receive this feedback, individu-
deniable knowledge that one will not continue to live als take steps to find it. It is during this time that indi-
sets the stage for enormous anxiety (i.e., terror)—anxi- viduals become more susceptible to the effects of
ety so great that were it not buffered in some way it various social psychological motives such as defense
would leave individuals essentially paralyzed, unable from death anxiety. Specifically, being reminded dur-
to act in their day-to-day lives. The theory further as- ing this time that one’s life is finite can make salient the
sumes that humans deal with this potentially paralyz- imbalance individuals are experiencing between their
ing anxiety by attempting to convince themselves that immediate efforts and their delayed uncertain payoffs.
the death of their biological body does not signal the When salient, this imbalance can prompt individuals
death of everything of value to them. Specifically, each into assessing whether they have confidence that the
individual is assumed to possess a worldview that payoff will ever occur, whether they are exerting too
spells out ostensibly meaningful roles that he or she much immediate effort, whether they are getting
can play in an ostensibly orderly social drama. While enough payoff in the present, and so on. This uncer-
immersed in these roles, individuals can come to be- tainty, in turn, can sensitize individuals to information
lieve that life is not a purposeless biological accident that could help them return to an optimal level of effort
and that death does not represent absolute annihilation and outcome. Thus, to the extent that individuals are
of the self. sacrificing their immediate-return needs in the service
Of course, playing out these social roles does not, in of delayed-return requirements, mortality salience
reality, keep a person from dying. What it does, ac- should induce a decrease in effort toward delayed un-
cording to terror management theory, is allow individ- certain payoffs and an increase in the attractiveness of
uals to believe that some valued aspect of themselves information that could help the person return to an op-
will continue, either literally or symbolically, after ces- timal level of effort and progress. None of these ef-
sation of their biological body. Literal immortality fects, however, will be observed when individuals are
takes the form of an afterlife (e.g., heaven), whereas satisfying their immediate-return needs.
symbolic immortality takes the form of extensions of In summary, both terror management and I–D com-
the self (e.g., children, achievements) continuing to ex- pensation assume that individuals are sometimes ori-
ist after the person’s biological death. Thus, as Becker ented toward growth and self-expansion and
(1973) described it, a cultural worldview “is more than sometimes toward anxiety buffering. The two theories
merely an outlook on life: it is an immortality formula” differ, however, in the connection they assume be-
(p. 255). tween these two motives. According to terror manage-
Although terror management theory assumes that ment, anxiety is an inherent feature of the human
the avoidance of death anxiety is a prime motive, the condition, and the motive to buffer this anxiety super-
theory does not assume that it is the only motive. There sedes the growth motive. According to I–D compensa-
is also a motive governing growth and positive tion, concern with anxiety becomes central only when
strivings (Greenberg et al., 1997). The theory does sug- individuals fail to satisfy their immediate-return needs.
gest, however, that the anxiety motive is primary. After The two theories also differ in their assumptions about
all, how could individuals strive for growth and the effects of having one’s mortality made salient. Ac-
self-expansion if they are overwhelmed by terror? In cording to terror management theory, having one’s


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mortality made salient causes one to defend his or her living in accordance with those rules (Bellah, 1964;
worldview, live up to the standards of that worldview, Woodburn, 1982b).
or both. According to I–D compensation theory, mor- Of course, from a terror management perspective,
tality salience increases one’s urgency to satisfy his or one might argue that individuals in immediate-return
her immediate-return needs (at least to the extent that systems are not concerned about an afterlife because
these needs are not currently being satisfied). Finally, they buffer their death anxiety in more symbolic
terror management theory assumes that the effects of ways (e.g., through their children or permanent cul-
having one’s mortality made salient are mediated by tural contributions). Although this possibility cannot
unconscious anxiety, whereas I–D compensation the- be ruled out entirely, it is also not entirely convinc-
ory assumes that the effects are mediated by feelings of ing. Recall that individuals in immediate-return sys-
uncertainty and loss of control. So, although the two tems produce no permanent cultural artifacts and that
theories are not mutually exclusive, there are several their social groups tend to be ad hoc rather than per-
points at which the two make different predictions. We manent. It is also common practice in these systems
might be able to discriminate between the processes to leave behind sick or elderly members knowing full
depicted in the two theories by referring to cultural ob- well that these individuals will die. So, there is no ev-
servations and empirical data. idence that individuals in immediate-return systems
place any great value on the idea of permanence, ei-
ther in this life or afterward. In fact, quite the oppo-
site appears to be true. These individuals prize mobil-
Cultural Differences in Concern With ity and living in the present (Meillassoux, 1973;
Self-Perpetuation Woodburn, 1982a).
From an I–D compensation perspective, the lack of
According to terror management theory, concern concern with self-perpetuation seen in immedi-
with perpetuation of the self is part of the human condi- ate-return systems makes perfect sense. Individuals
tion. It is the inevitable by-product of the universal living in these systems are likely to be living in the
conflict between the instinct to stay alive and the present and to be receiving frequent feedback that they
knowledge that we will die. If this assumption is cor- are progressing toward their goals. With relative satis-
rect, then in all cultures, all individuals old enough to faction of their immediate-return needs, concern with
understand the permanent nature of death should be self-perpetuation becomes largely irrelevant. If this
concerned in some way with perpetuation of the self hypothesis is correct, then a person need not be a no-
after death. From an I–D compensation perspective, madic, nonstoring hunter–gatherer to exhibit little con-
however, this need not be the case. Although individu- cern over self-perpetuation. One need only be
als who satisfy their immediate-return needs might not satisfying his or her immediate-return needs. More
relish the idea of dying, they are also not likely to deal specifically, I–D compensation leads us to three pre-
with the unpleasantness of death by trying to perpetu- dictions regarding the effects of having one’s mortality
ate some aspect of themselves beyond their death. Ac- made salient: (a) Effects will be observed only among
cording to I–D compensation theory, concern with individuals who are not satisfying their immedi-
self-perpetuation emerges only among individuals ate-return needs, (b) these effects will be mediated by
who are not satisfying their immediate-return needs. feelings of uncertainty and lack of control, and (c)
Cross-cultural observations seem to support this latter these effects will reflect themselves in an increased ur-
view. gency to move into an immediate-return mode of life.
Concerns with death and the afterlife differ not only In the next section, I report on five studies that tested
across cultures, but also in predictable ways. Spe- these hypotheses.
cifically, elaboration on death and the afterlife is high
in delayed-return systems but is virtually nonexistent
in immediate-return systems (Bellah, 1964; Bond, Teasing the Two Apart: The Lab
1992; Woodburn, 1982b). In immediate-return sys- Evidence
tems, death is seen as a matter of course, and not much
is made of it. Beliefs in an afterlife are nonexistent, and Experiment 1: The Immediate-Return
there is no intensive search for the reasons and agents Mode as Cause and Effect
of death. When a person dies, he or she is immediately
buried in a shallow grave and the grave is neither The first experiment examined whether mortality
marked nor visited. The social and spiritual existence salience may be more likely to affect individuals
of the person ends with the burial of the corpse. It is when they are not satisfying their immediate-return
only in delayed-return systems that we see the devel- needs and whether it induces these individuals to
opment of belief systems that provide explicit rules seek out ways to return to an immediate-return mode.
that govern daily life and that promise an afterlife for We began by asking participants to rate the extent to


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which during the previous 2 weeks they felt in con- Experiment 2: The Delayed-Return
trol, had clear goals, were concentrating, and wished Mode and Mortality Salience
they had been doing something other than what they
were doing. (The last item was reverse coded and av- Experiment 2 was a conceptual replication of Ex-
eraged with the other items. Then, during analyses, a periment 1 using a different dependent measure and a
median split was performed on this composite mea- different measure of the extent to which participants
sure. The highs were assumed to be satisfying their were satisfying their immediate-return needs. The lat-
immediate-return needs, whereas the lows were not.) ter was operationalized as the extent to which the par-
After participants rated themselves along these di- ticipants reported being ruminators or nonruminators
mensions, they moved on to the typical terror man- (Scott & McIntosh, in press). Compared to
agement procedure. Specifically, half of the partici- nonruminators, ruminators feel out of control in their
pants were asked to describe the emotions they life (Martin, Chang, & Tesser, 1995; Waenke &
experienced while thinking about their own death and Schmid, 1996), feel that they are not making progress
to describe what physically happens to them as they toward their goals (Martin et al., 1995), and focus on
die and after they are dead. The remaining partici- the past and the future rather than the present (Gohm,
pants were asked to describe the emotions they expe- Isbell, & Wyer, 1996). To use the terms of the theory,
rienced while watching television and to describe ruminators are more likely than nonruminators to be in
what physically happens to them as they watch tele- a delayed-return mode of life. This means that
vision and after they have watched television. After ruminators will show greater mortality salience effects
writing about death or television, all participants than nonruminators.
rated a variety of activities that had been normed in The dependent measure was liking for two movies
terms of the degree to which they were associated based on a written synopsis of each. One movie was
with certainty and immediacy of return. For example, portrayed as being made in the United States, whereas
participants were asked to rate how much they liked the other was portrayed as being made in Cuba. In pilot
eating in fast food restaurants. Even if participants testing, we found that participants rated the U.S. movie
are not big fans of such restaurants, these restaurants as higher in certainty and predictability of payoff than
do rate highly in terms of certainty and immediacy of the Cuban movie. So, if mortality salience increases
feedback. So, eating in fast food restaurants would be participants’ attraction to that which can provide them
rated more favorably by participants seeking to return with feelings of certainty and goal progress (i.e., satis-
to an immediate-return mode than by those not so faction of immediate-return needs), then it would in-
motivated. Another item asked participants to rate crease participants’ relative liking for the U.S. movie.
their preference for being paid by the week versus by This increase would be seen, however, only among
the month. Obviously, getting paid weekly is more ruminators because these are the participants not satis-
certain and more immediate than getting paid fying their immediate-return needs (Martin & Tesser,
monthly. So, a greater preference for the weekly pay- 1996). The results were consistent with this prediction.
check relative to the monthly one would reflect a The mortality salience manipulation increased the
greater desire for an immediate-return mode of life. ruminators’ liking for the U.S. movie relative to the
Thus, if I–D compensation theory is correct, then in- Cuban movie but had absolutely no effect on the
dividuals who wrote about their death would give nonruminators’ liking for the two movies. So, Experi-
higher ratings to the immediate-return activities than ment 2, like Experiment 1, showed that mortality sa-
would individuals who wrote about television, but lience can increase attraction toward that which can
this should be true only among participants who were provide certainty and assured payoff, but it does so
not satisfying their immediate-return needs. only among individuals who are not currently satisfy-
This was precisely the pattern obtained. Partici- ing their immediate-return needs.
pants who were satisfying their immediate-return
needs showed no differences in their ratings of the
activities regardless of whether they had written Experiment 3: Life or Afterlife?
about death or about television. Participants who
were not satisfying their immediate-return needs, on Both terror management and I–D compensation
the other hand, reported significantly greater liking predict that mortality salience can cause liking for an
for the immediate-return activities after writing about in-group member to increase relative to liking for an
their death than after writing about television. In out-group member. According to terror management
summary, mortality salience had an effect only on theory, the increase would reflect individuals’ attempts
participants who were not satisfying their immedi- to bolster their worldview. According to I–D compen-
ate-return needs, and the effect involved an increased sation theory, the increase would reflect an attempt to
liking for activities associated with certainty and im- satisfy one’s immediate-return needs. In Experiment 3,
mediacy of feedback. we compared these two mechanisms by having partici-


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pants rate two persons, both of whom were likeable, diate-return satisfier relative to the cultural standard
but one performed behaviors that conferred a sense of bearer.
cultural immortality, whereas the other performed be-
haviors that conferred satisfaction of her immedi-
ate-return needs. If the increased liking following Experiment 4: Uncertainty or Anxiety?
mortality salience reflects an attempt to assure one’s
self that he or she will continue in some form beyond According to I–D compensation theory, mortality
death, then participants will increase their liking for the salience operates as a wake-up call. It can make indi-
stimulus person who upholds the standards that confer viduals wonder if they are getting enough out of life, if
cultural immortality. If the increased liking reflects an there will be a payoff, if they have the ability to obtain
attempt to satisfy immediate-return needs, however, what they want, and so on. This questioning is assumed
then participants will increase their liking for the per- to be associated with feelings of uncertainty and loss of
son who is satisfying her immediate-return needs. control rather than with anxiety. We tested this hypoth-
In accordance with the typical terror management esis by asking participants to write either about their
paradigm, participants wrote either about their death or death or about television, rate their current feelings on
about television. Then, following a short distractor a variety of dimensions, and then indicate their liking
task, they indicated their liking for two stimulus per- for two stimulus persons. This procedure is similar to
sons. One person, the cultural standard bearer, was de- that used in earlier mortality salience studies, but un-
picted as studying hard, having a strong sense of like those studies, participants in this study rated not
patriotism and spirituality, and having a commitment only feelings such as anxiety and sadness, but also the
to helping the poor. The other person, the immedi- extent to which they felt uncertain and out of control.
ate-return satisfier, was depicted as being tired of hold- According to I–D compensation theory, participants
ing things in and living up to other people’s who have had their mortality made salient should ex-
expectations. She had decided to start telling more peo- perience more uncertainty and lack of control, and
ple what she really thought, and she no longer cared these feelings should mediate the relative liking for the
about being overweight. She had also decided to quit stimulus persons.
school and travel. Participants in a pilot study rated Two stimulus persons were created using Byrne’s
these two stimulus persons as similar to one another in (1971) bogus stranger paradigm. Specifically, we as-
the degree to which their lifestyles provided them with sessed each participant’s attitudes on a number of is-
order, meaning, and self-esteem. They also rated the sues and then created one stimulus person who agreed
two as equally likable and as equally similar to them- with those attitudes at an .80 rate and one who agreed
selves (i.e., the participants). Participants, however, at a .20 rate. Previous research has shown that attitudi-
rated the cultural standard bearer as being significantly nal agreement produces increased liking because it is
more likely than the immediate-return satisfier to make associated with greater feelings of certainty (McGarty,
a contribution to society, to do something significant in Turner, Oakes, & Haslam, 1993). If mortality salience
the cosmic scheme of things, to be remembered after induces attempts to return to satisfaction of one’s im-
her death for her actions, and to be living her life ac- mediate-return needs, and if the presence of an agree-
cording to values that would remain important in soci- ing stranger can facilitate that return, then not only will
ety after she died. Thus, we created two stimulus participants generally like the agreer more than the
persons who were equally likable and equally similar disagreer, but this difference will be greater among
to the participants yet who differed in the extent to participants who are experiencing uncertainty and lack
which they were satisfying either the cultural standards of control—that is, those who had their mortality made
for immortality or their immediate-return needs. salient (for related ideas, see Byrne & Clore, 1967;
If mortality salience increases participants’ con- Russ, Gold, & Stone, 1979).
cerns with self-perpetuation, then participants who The results supported this prediction. First, com-
wrote about their death should increase their liking for pared to participants who had written about television,
the cultural standard bearer, relative to the satisfier of those who had written about their death reported more
her immediate-return needs. If, on the other hand, mor- uncertainty and less control; this was true even though
tality salience increases the urgency to satisfy immedi- the two groups reported equivalent amounts of anxiety
ate-return needs, then participants who wrote about and sadness. Second, the difference in liking for the
their death should increase their liking for the immedi- agreeing person relative to the disagreeing person was
ate-return satisfier relative to the cultural standard greater among participants who had their mortality
bearer. The results were consistent with the I–D com- made salient. Finally, when the effects of uncertainty
pensation predictions. Participants who had written and feelings of control were partialed out, the effect of
about television indicated equal liking for the two mortality salience on liking for the stimulus persons
stimulus persons, but participants who had written was reduced. Thus, the mortality salience paradigm
about their death indicated greater liking for the imme- may produce its effects, in large part, by inducing feel-


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ings of uncertainty and lack of control and then provid- show that making one’s mortality salient can have an
ing participants with a way to restore certainty and influence on a range of behaviors. The studies are also
control. consistent with the hypothesis that concern with death
and self-perpetuation can be a dominant motive—at
least for individuals who are not satisfying their imme-
Experiment 5: Uncertainty and diate-return needs. The studies extend earlier terror
Familiarity management research, however, by suggesting that
mortality salience effects may be mediated by lack of
In this experiment, we used a different procedure to goal progress and by feelings of uncertainty (rather
explore the role of uncertainty induced by mortality sa- than by unconscious anxiety) and that mortality sa-
lience. Several studies have shown that repeated expo- lience may increase an individual’s urgency to satisfy
sure to a stimulus can increase one’s liking for that his or her immediate-return needs.
stimulus (Moreland & Zajonc, 1976). It also appears
that this liking is mediated by implicit feelings of fa-
miliarity (Birnbaum & Mellers, 1979; Klinger & Mortality Salience in the Real World
Greenwald, 1994). What would happen, therefore, if
individuals had their mortality made salient prior to The findings of our laboratory studies are consistent
evaluating repeatedly exposed stimuli? If mortality sa- with observations of individuals who have had close
lience induces feelings of uncertainty, then it might brushes with death in the real world. Following such
cancel out the feelings of familiarity that are responsi- experiences, individuals consistently display less con-
ble for the increased liking of the repeatedly exposed cern with impressing others, materialism, fame, and
stimuli. In other words, mortality salience might elimi- money; greater appreciation of nature and the ordinary
nate the repeated exposure effect. This elimination things of life; and less fear of death (Ring, 1984;
would occur, however, only to the extent that mortality Wren-Lewis, 1994). One survivor described the
salience was in fact inducing uncertainty, which ac- changes as “a basic shift in consciousness whereby life
cording to I–D compensation would be primarily in each moment becomes so vivid that anxiety about
among participants who were not satisfying their im- future survival, in the body or out of it, simply ceases to
mediate-return needs. be important” (Wren-Lewis, 1994, p. 108). Another
To test these hypotheses, we presented participants said, “I can’t tell what happened to me because I don’t
with a series of polygons, exposing participants to know, but something happened and I’ve never been the
some polygons once and to others three times. Follow- same since. I never take one minute of my day for
ing this, participants, as in Experiment 1, rated their granted” (Ring, 1984, p. 99). These shifts away from
feelings of control, their ability to concentrate, the clar- self-concerns toward a more present-oriented focus are
ity of their goals, and the extent to which they wish revealed not only in the survivor’s self-reports but also
they had been doing something else, all relative to the in the reports of individuals who knew the survivor be-
previous 2 weeks of their life. (Also, as in Experiment fore and after the brush with death. The shifts are even
1, a median split was used on this measure during anal- evident in individuals who do not interpret their
yses to divide participants into high and low in the ex- near-death experience as evidence of a life after death
tent to which they were satisfying their and in individuals who know that final death is still in
immediate-return needs.) After rating their feelings, their near future (e.g., terminally ill patients).
participants wrote either about their death or about One explanation of the lack of self-concern that fol-
television, and they indicated their liking for a second lows close brushes with death was offered by
set of polygons. In this set, participants rated some Wren-Lewis (1994) following his own near-death ex-
polygons that they had seen repeatedly in the first set perience. He proposed that normal human conscious-
and they rated some they had never seen before. ness is blinkered by
The results were consistent with the hypothesis that
mortality salience and satisfaction of immediate-return some kind of hyperactivity of the psychological sur-
needs can summate to undermine the repeated expo- vival system. Exactly how or when this originated in
sure effect. There was greater liking for the repeated the history of our species I have no idea, and at present
polygons relative to the new ones among all partici- don’t propose to speculate. But the effect of this hy-
per-defensiveness is to focus individual consciousness
pants except those who had their mortality made sa-
so rigidly on the business of securing its own future
lient and were low in satisfaction of their that the underlying universal consciousness, with its
immediate-return needs. These high-uncertainty par- every-present-moment happiness, peace and wonder
ticipants showed equally low liking for the repeated gets shut out. The only satisfaction allowed into aware-
and the new polygons. ness is that which comes from meeting the needs (or
Taken together, these studies replicate and extend supposed needs) of the individual body mind. … Close
earlier terror management research. The studies clearly encounter with death is able to break this whole spell


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because the survival-mechanism gives up at this point. lack of exclusionary power comes from the Hadza of
(p. 113) eastern Tanzania (Ndagala, 1988; Woodburn, 1982a).
On occasion, lepers wander into a Hadza camp. Al-
This view is very similar to that espoused in I–D though the Hadza are aware that their leprosy is conta-
compensation theory. Unlike Wren-Lewis, however, gious, the Hadza allow the lepers to roam freely about
I–D compensation theory is willing to speculate on the the camp and even share equally with them any spoils
origin of the “hyper-defensiveness” that blinkers nor- from the hunt, a hunt to which the lepers contributed
mal human consciousness. Specifically, I–D compen- nothing. They do this because in immediate-return sys-
sation theory suggests that our species moved toward tems individuals are accepted without having to prove
its current high level of concern with self-worth and their worth, and even in cases in which interaction with
self-perpetuation as it switched from an immedi- certain individuals might not be entirely desirable, the
ate-return cultural system to a delayed-return one. One group has no power to exclude these individuals
implication of this view is that concern with (Ndagala, 1988).
self-perpetuation is not an inherent feature of human To the extent that humans evolved in a similar im-
nature but a by-product of life in a delayed-return cul- mediate-return context (Lee & DeVore, 1968; Sahlins,
ture (Bellah, 1964; Bond, 1992; Woodburn, 1982b). 1972), then any innate need to belong that may have
The same conclusion can be drawn about other general evolved would be unlikely to have been accompanied
social psychological motives. I discuss three such mo- by an automatic exclusion detector. Such a detector
tives in the next section. would have been superfluous. It seems more likely,
therefore, that the heightened concern many individu-
als have regarding their worth in the eyes of others is a
I–D Compensation and Other Social by-product of cultural changes within the last 10,000
Psychology Motives years. It is only after humans found themselves living
in permanent, densely populated settlements involving
Fear of Social Exclusion long-term, binding social commitments that it became
necessary to be approved by others to thrive within the
Leary et al. (1998) proposed an integrative position group, and it is only in this context that members of a
based on the assumption that humans have an innate group have the authority and ability to exclude individ-
need to belong to a social group (see also Baumeister & uals from the group (Bender, 1978, 1988; Hayden,
Leary, 1995). This need arose, they suggested, because 1994, 1996). To the extent that this is true, it implies
humans were not capable of surviving on their own in that regardless of whether or not humans possess an in-
the natural environment in which they evolved. So, nate sociometer, individuals will become especially at-
through a process of natural selection, only humans tentive to signs of exclusion only to the extent that they
who were generally gregarious and who sought to are not living in an immediate-return mode (e.g., re-
maintain social bonds survived to reproduce. Leary et ceiving frequent signs of goal progress).
al. further assumed that, to facilitate the satisfaction of
their innate need to belong, humans developed a sys-
tem (called a sociometer) that automatically monitors Escape From the Self
the reactions of other people for signs of disapproval,
rejection, or exclusion directed toward one’s self. Baumeister (1991) suggested that although individ-
When individuals detect these signs, they experience uals are strongly motivated to possess high
low self-esteem. When they detect signs of approval self-esteem, they sometimes find it unpleasant to en-
and acceptance, they experience high self-esteem. In gage in the acts that confer high self-esteem. After all,
this way, individuals are motivated to perform behav- to attain high self-esteem individuals must have a his-
iors that provide them with high self-esteem because tory of performing well in the appropriate domains
doing so will decrease the likelihood that they will be (e.g., being attractive, intelligent, and friendly), they
ignored, avoided, or rejected by others. must be confident that they can continue to perform
From an I–D compensation perspective, we can ask well in those domains, and they must be able to conjure
whether it makes sense to hypothesize an association up plausible justifications for those times in which they
between an innate need to belong and a heightened might fail to perform up to the standards. The juggling
concern with performing behaviors to avoid social ex- of these various activities can be an effortful,
clusion. It is logically possible to have one without the never-ending task. It is no wonder, therefore, that indi-
other. As noted earlier, contemporary immedi- viduals sometimes wish to escape from such activities,
ate-return hunter–gatherers interact without fear of so- or as Baumeister described it, wish to escape the self.
cial exclusion. In fact, the immediate-return systems in Individuals are assumed to escape the self by focusing
which they live do not even possess exclusionary on aspects of their behavior that have no implications
power (Woodburn, 1982a). A telling example of this for their self-worth. For example, instead of making a


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model ship to win a contest, an individual who wishes for high self-esteem in a larger theoretical framework
to escape the self might make a model ship merely for than it does to consider the quest to be a free-standing
the fun of it. Generally, escape from the self involves a motive. The I–D compensation view differs from the
concentration on the specifics of an action, a lack of terror management and sociometer views, however, in
concern for the evaluative implications of one’s ac- suggesting that self-esteem is a by-product of individu-
tions, and a distortion of the subjective experience of als’ ability to progress toward their goals (e.g.,
time. Some means of escaping the self include alcohol, Csikszentmihalyi, 1990).
drugs, suicide, masochistic activities, and religious From this perspective, attempts to maintain
practices such as meditation and Sufi dancing. self-esteem can be viewed not as defensive acts de-
From an I–D compensation perspective, one can signed merely to make individuals feel good about
ask two questions about the escape from self phenome- themselves, but as more or less reasonable attempts by
non: Why do individuals get tired of attempting to at- individuals to return to a dynamic relationship with the
tain high self-esteem, and from what are individuals environment. For example, in response to a blow to
really trying to escape? Note first of all that you never their self-esteem, individuals have been shown to re-
hear of individuals getting tired of being in flow or of duce the relevance of the performance domain (Tesser,
being competent and autonomous. This raises the pos- 1988). This decrease in relevance could be construed
sibility that one reason individuals get tired of trying to as a kind of sour grapes rationalization. In other words,
bolster their self-esteem is that doing so, at least to the because individuals would have their self-esteem low-
extent required by our delayed-return culture, demands ered if they failed on a task relevant to their
overreliance on our delayed-return abilities at the ex- self-definition, they simply transform the task into one
pense of our immediate-return needs. For example, the that is not relevant to their self-esteem. On the other
strong concern with self-aggrandizement seen in de- hand, one could argue that a decrease in domain rele-
layed-return systems seems to have developed only af- vance might be exactly the kind of change one could
ter our species switched to a permanent, high-density, expect if individuals were attempting to perform opti-
storing society (Bender, 1978, 1988; Hayden, 1994, mally. After all, if individuals cannot perform well in a
1996). This possibility leads naturally to the answer for given domain, then they should invest their efforts in
the question, From what are people trying to escape? other domains. It is just as important to learn when to
According to Baumeister, the desire to escape the self disengage as it is to learn when to persist (Klinger,
can be aroused by calamity (e.g., failing a test) or the 1975).
burden of expectation (e.g., fear of not maintaining a Consider one more example. Individuals have been
4.0 grade point average). In considering these causes, it shown to reduce their closeness to a person who has
becomes clear that individuals are seeking to escape outperformed them (Tesser, 1988). In a natural envi-
the implications of their behaviors in the eyes of oth- ronment, this kind of reduction might lead the compet-
ers. In other words, they are not seeking to escape the ing individuals to spend less time together. This, in
self, they are seeking to escape the demands and evalu- turn, could increase the possibility that those who had
ations of others. Or, if one wishes to maintain the ter- been outperformed would find themselves among dif-
minology that individuals are attempting to escape the ferent people, people who might not outperform them.
self, then it is the self whose worth is contingent on the This is a smart move from a goal progress perspective.
evaluations of others (Deci & Ryan, 1995). From an Similar arguments can be made for each of the other
I–D compensation perspective, the activities that have so-called ego-defensive processes (e.g.,
been depicted as an escape from the self actually repre- self-handicapping, external attributions for failure).
sent an attempt to return to the self, the true self. Or, Each of them allows individuals either to improve their
more specifically, the activities reflect an attempt to performance in their current domain or to move to goal
move away from an overemphasis on our de- progress in a possibly more fruitful domain.
layed-return abilities toward a greater satisfaction of
our immediate-return needs. Conclusions

In summary, I–D compensation theory leaves the

The Nature of Ego-Defense general integrative social motives largely intact. The
theory gives us no reason to doubt that individuals are
A number of theoretical models in social psychol- often highly motivated to maintain a positive view of
ogy are based on the assumption that individuals wish themselves, avoid social exclusion, escape from the
to maintain positive self-evaluations and will go to self, and seek to buffer themselves from the fear of
great lengths to do so (e.g., Berglas & Jones, 1978; death. The theory even allows for the possibility that
Tajfel & Turner, 1979; Tesser, 1988). I–D compensa- there may be an innate basis for these motives. How-
tion agrees with the terror management and sociometer ever, the theory does raise some questions about the
positions that it makes more sense to embed the quest function of these motives, the conditions under which


Copyright © 2000 All Rights Reserved


they are engendered, and the psychological mecha- Berglas, S., & Jones, E. E. (1978). Drug choice as a self-handicapping
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