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2ª edição



Internacional efforts to develop a colective work for health maintenance are growing in the last decades,
estimulated, for sure, by the globalization process of the communication and transportation ways. The US
believes that has a big contribution paper in these discussions. Official statistics demonstrate that in the
United States, including it’s municipal, state and federal spheres, 60% of the amount invested in science
knowledge from the government. Despite that, the participation of the private iniciative in healthcare is
large and estimulated by the state; and it's essencial to the quality of health system provided to the
population and large human development quality taxes. Programs like Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare and
Trumpcare make sure that population is well atended, protecting consomers from possible abuses from
health insurance. The country is also a reference in researches on dieseases combat and production of
medications; one of the reasons why the country is the headquarter of companies like Pfizer. The States has
also been the quickest to vaccinate it's population, a direct proof of the state eficiency to guarantee good
healthcare. The U.S also is one of the largest importers of packaged medication in the World, and the
percent of exportations based on health maintenance, vaccines, medication and instruments it’ superior to
5% of the products sold by this country. The United States, the country with the third biggest population in
the World (331.449.281 milion people), with large territorial extension between two oceans and the biggest
economy of the United Nations, is it is closely related to efforts for scientific knowledge and for the
effectiveness of medical research on the planet. Therefore, a comprehensive debate on these issues is
expected, but with the direct participation of the United States in decision-making.

Despite the efforts from the world community in improve scientific knowledge in a global iniciative, the
United States of America don’t see significant advances in this area, and the best way to cooperate it’s
letting countries around the round to develop their own health politics. The will of conjunct international
politics is one of the factors that turn Covid-19 into a world catastrofic pandemy, principally after the
omission of chinese autorities. It’s essencial to estimulate science and knowledge around the world so we
2ª edição

can prevent diseases and develop medicine, and it’s essencial to create a consensum in this comitee about
this, but, first of all, it’s necessary to recognize the mistakes of this organization on fight against Covid and
the politics of prevetion against other global diseases. The US made possible such great results in good
healthcare by a domestic politic, made by american politics and american people, not following
recomendations from the WHO. Clearely, recomendations from the World Health Organization are
important and relevant to develop healthcare iniciatives and estimulate scientific researches and knowledge,
but it must respect the singularity of the countries around the world. It’s crucial to estimulate private
iniciative and companies to financiate researches in Universities and Schools; and it’s crucial to estimulate
private companies to act in national territory. The way to estimulate science is letting private iniciative
operate, with the reduction of regulations, burocracy and taxations. This delegation don’t stand for a
International Fund, altough it’s important to help countries in terrible economic conditions to improve their
healthcare systems. It’s urgent to attend and provide human conditions of health to poor people in the
Middle East, that suffer with war and poverty. It is necessary to begin to return to post-Covid economic and
commercial normality, there is a mass vaccination of populations around the world. Also crucial to
estimulate vaccination of the youngers. The US stand for the international responsability of countries who
deliberately contributed to the spread Covid-19 and death. It’s also crucial to estimulate investigations on
the origin of the disease and responsibilize directly the Wuhan Virology Institute and the China Popular
Republic for the spreading of the virus. There are evidences of the inteligence system about this.

Ending the topic, this delegation wishes the work to proceed smoothly, as well as a good sequence of
debates that may result in a concrete and efficient result for the resolution of the issues to be dealt with in
this committee. May the debate proceed in a respectful manner.

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