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I always find joy and a sigh of relief whenever I can be of service to my community.

At a very
young age, I wanted roles where I can put my other skills to use. This is what I wanted aside
from being a knowledge deliverer. I wanted to have roles outside teaching and I never realized
that teaching in itself is exactly that kind of job.

Outside teaching, a teacher could also be a program coordinator, a host, a quiz bee master, a
program planner, a facilitator, and all. Aside from parenting, there are many other roles that a
teacher can do. In fact, the role of a teacher is limitless. It is not restrained inside the classroom.
Therefore, a teacher is always flexible and adaptive. A teacher is always skilled. He has many
abilities that are outside the public's schema of the teacher. Basically, it is a profession where
teachers are expected to display a set of skills since it is like the combination of many
professions. Hence, teaching remains the noblest of all.

I am very much contented with my stay in ANHS because I was allowed to show the other skills
that I have. I was able to play many roles in building an active community. It was difficult to
take a responsibility that I am not used to having but once I take leadership and ownership of the
roles that are trusted to me, I make sure that what I put out there is of great quality as I am not
only representing myself but also the kind of training I had.

Additionally, I believe that the community linkages that I was able to enjoy and experience from
my internship allowed me to love teaching more. It changed my view of the roles of teaching and
as someone who takes pleasure from my achievements, I can say that my stay at ANHS was the
best preparation for me. It is something I will never trade for anything else. My participation, the
trust that was given to us, and the roles that I never thought I would have are the treasure chests
that I found while I was there. Inside those chests are gems that I will forever hold.

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