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Institute of Foreign Languages Subject: GS202

Department of English Lecturer: NCP


GS202 Off-campus Week 1

Name: MEAS Soklin

Instructions: Answer the questions below in full and grammatically correct sentences. (Note:
Think long and hard about your own experience before answering.)

1. How would your orientations to life (your ideas, attitudes, values, goals) be different if
you had been reared in a hunting and gathering society? How about in an agricultural
Answer: If I had been reared in a hunting and gathering society, my orientations to life
would likely be significantly different compared to my current experiences in a modern,
industrialized society. In a hunting and gathering society, the collective survival of the
community would be of utmost importance. My ideas, attitudes, values, and goals would
be shaped by a strong sense of interdependence and cooperation rather than
individualism. I would have a deep appreciation for nature, as it would be intricately tied
to my daily sustenance. My goals would align more with acquiring essential resources for
survival, such as food and shelter, rather than material wealth or career success.
Communal sharing, egalitarianism, and adaptability would be valued traits over
competition and status-seeking. Overall, my perspective on life would likely center
around the importance of community, harmony with nature, and meeting basic needs
rather than the complexities and pressures of modern life.
If I had been raised in an agricultural society, my orientations to life would likely
have been shaped by the values and ideas commonly held in such a context. Agriculture
places a strong emphasis on self-sufficiency, hard work, and a deep connection with
nature. I would have learned to appreciate the cycle of seasons, to value the land as a
provider of sustenance, and to prioritize the well-being of the community. My goals
might revolve around successfully cultivating crops, raising livestock, and ensuring the
Institute of Foreign Languages Subject: GS202
Department of English Lecturer: NCP
survival and prosperity of my family and community. Living in harmony with nature and
understanding its rhythms would have been essential to my way of life, and I would have
developed a strong sense of responsibility towards the land and its resources.
2. Identify your in-groups and your out-groups. How have your in-groups influenced the
way you see the world? And what influence have your out-groups had on you?

Answer: In-groups and out-groups refer to the social groups to which I belong or do not
belong. In-groups are typically characterized by a sense of belonging, shared identity, and
common interests. Out-groups, on the other hand, consist of individuals who are perceived as
different or outside of my own group.

In-groups can shape people's worldviews by promoting specific beliefs, attitudes, and
ideologies that align with the group's interests and goals. For me, in-group has influenced my
views of the world as a challenging place. The place I need to work hard and strive for
success to survive. This has motivated me to work hard and push myself to reach my goals.

For out-groups, it has shaped my identity. Being exposed to different cultures, values,
beliefs, and practices can broaden my understanding of the world. This exposure allows me
to redefine or reinforce my own identity, either by adopting certain elements from out-groups
or by better articulating my own unique perspectives.

3. Asch’s experiments illustrate the power of peer pressure. How has peer pressure operated
in your life? Think about something you did not want to do but did anyway because of
peer pressure.

Answer: Peer pressure has influenced my life for quite some time. The influence of my
peers has had a profound impact on my thoughts, behavior, and decision-making. Peer
pressure can impact my self-image and self-esteem. Feeling the need to conform to societal
standards set by peers influences me to change my appearance, interests, and beliefs to match
group expectations. During that time, my friends thought that girls who tied their hair up
looked so ugly, so I stopped tying my hair and began strengthening it every day, even on hot
Institute of Foreign Languages Subject: GS202
Department of English Lecturer: NCP
days. At the same time, I have also experienced positive peer pressure, which can help me
make better choices and improve my self-discipline.

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