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What is the Presentation in general?

A presentation is a means of communication which can be adapted to various

speaking or writing situations, such as talking to a group, addressing a meeting,
briefing a team, writing term papers, proposals or reports etc.
What are the key points of a successful presentation?

To be effective, step-by-step preparation and the method and means of

presenting the information should be carefully considered. A presentation
concerns getting a message across to the listeners/readers and may often
contain 'persuasive' elements, for example a talk about the positive work you
are doing in an organisation, what you could offer to an employer, or how could
you impress your tutor or examiner with your academic performance.
Presentations are fairly commonplace in academia, so there is a high chance
that you will be required to prepare one. Similarly, in the workplace, there are
very few jobs these days that do not require you to give some kind of oral or
written report. Universities and colleges, therefore, provide great opportunities
to develop your presentation skills in an environment where the audience is
supportive and on your side, and where you are not assumed to be the expert.

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Why do I have to give oral presentations?

Oral presentations are a common and accepted part of

many degree schemes. The ability to deliver an effective
presentation is one of those key skills that you will be
expected to have obtained and be able to employ in
multiple settings throughout your career, whether it be in
academia, private business, politics, the public sector, or
the arts.

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Why training in oral presentation skills?
Preparing and delivering an effective oral presentation
requires the development and use of a set of skills that are
distinct from those required to write a good essay or
dissertation, for example.

Handbooks and training manuals point out that

communication is: • 7% verbal • 38% vocal • 55% non-

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Since oral presentation is all about
communication, this means that preparing an
effective oral presentation demands attention to
all these aspects of communication, not just the
verbal content of the oral presentation.

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It means that, aside from the content of your presentation
and your verbal skill in presenting it, you also have to think
about vocal and non-vocal communication and
presentation skills; about your audience and how your
presentation will be received and assessed; and about how
you present yourself.

For this reason, oral presentations require specific kinds of:

• Planning • Preparation • Practice • Presentation

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Planning Why, What, Who? One handbook
sums up the type of planning that is required
for an effective oral presentation in the three
questions: Why? What? Who? (Townsend
1993). The point is that, first of all, you need to
think about why you are giving the
presentation. Is it: To provide information?

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• To defend a position? (e.g. for or against Britain joining
the euro) • To start a discussion? (e.g. set out the points
to be covered; provoke) • To persuade? (bring the class to
your point of view) To teach? (cover a particular topic
comprehensively) To fulfil a course requirement?

Whatever the answer, you must be absolutely clear about

your purpose or objective in giving the presentation, and
organise it accordingly.

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You also need to be clear as to what
you want to get across to your
audience. You should determine and
focus on the main message(s) of your
presentation and on how you can best
communicate it to your audience.

Once you are clear on this you need:

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• Something to catch and hold the
audience's attention. This can be a
visual aid or an organising device of
some kind (slides, OHP, flip chart,
graphics, etc.). It could be an analogy,
an example or a story to make a bridge
between your message and the
audience's experience, knowledge or

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• A clear account of your main message -
your presentation should be organised
around this.

• No more than 4-5 key points clearly set

out and organised. Think about the time
that you have been given for the
presentation and how much your
audience will be able to absorb in that

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In addition to thinking about why you are going to give the presentation and what your
key points will be, you need to think about and tailor your message to your audience:
• Who will be listening to your presentation? • What do they already know about the
subject? • Are they interested? Do I need to create an interest? • How fast/easily can
they absorb my key points? • What do they expect me to say? • What is their mind-
set? You may have been given guidelines for your presentation.

If not, or if they are not clear, ask for guidelines or clarification.

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Preparation is everything. If you know your subject well and have planned your
presentation along the lines suggested above, you are well on the way to giving a good
presentation. However, preparing an effective presentation also includes preparing:
• Yourself
• Your material
• Your notes
• Visual aids, handouts

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Yourself: Many students become nervous and anxious
about oral presentations and try to avoid them. This is
understandable when you remember the way
communication was described above. To a certain extent,
when you are giving an oral presentation you are
presenting, not just your material, but yourself as well.
This is less the case in a university environment than on
the job or the job market, so university is a good place to
address any anxieties you may have about giving oral

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Here are some tips to keep in mind:

• Good planning and preparation go a long way to

building confidence from the outset; this also includes
rehearsing your presentation prior to delivery.

• Your audience at university will generally be on your

side: they will want you to succeed.

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• Acknowledge your nerves and try to manage them by taking calming action before
the presentation (by stretching your muscles, breathing exercises, meditating, taking a
brisk walk, etc.)

Identify your nervous symptoms in advance (e.g. fiddling with hair, pacing, avoiding
eye contact, talking too fast, hugging your body, etc.) and practise delivery without

• If you are not already familiar with the room in which you will be giving the
presentation, visit it beforehand and stand where you will be standing.

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• Acknowledge your nerves and try to manage them by taking calming action before
the presentation (by stretching your muscles, breathing exercises, meditating, taking a
brisk walk, etc.)

Identify your nervous symptoms in advance (e.g. fiddling with hair, pacing, avoiding
eye contact, talking too fast, hugging your body, etc.) and practise delivery without

• If you are not already familiar with the room in which you will be giving the
presentation, visit it beforehand and stand where you will be standing.

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Your material: know it, understand it,
organize or structure it. Just as a good
essay requires an introduction,
argument and conclusion, a good
presentation requires an opening, a
core message and an ending.

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• Message: Only 4-5 key points, link each point to the main message and to the next
point. Summarise a section at a time. Give frequent examples. Illustrate and support with
evidence and visuals. • Ending: Summarise and conclude. A recap, not a repeat.
Emphasise major points. Make a suggestion or proposal for further research. Thank the
audience for listening. Make sure there is a definite ending. It should have an impact, like
the opening.

Think about TV News: The Headlines (what is coming up) The Content (the stories) The
Main News again (what you have said) And finally (a nice ending) (Hill, 1998)

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• Practise your presentation out loud for timing so
that you will stick to the assigned time. You may be
assessed for time management. • If at all possible,
practise in front of an audience: friend(s), fellow
students on the course, study skills advisor, etc. •
Ask for feedback on your delivery, clarity, relevance,
impact, organisation, logical flow, convincing
evidence, opening and ending, pace, mannerisms,
etc. • Record or tape your presentation and play it
back to yourself.

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Presentation If you have done your
planning and preparation, if you know
your material and have organised or
structured it appropriately, if you have
practised your timing and delivery, you will
already have laid the groundwork for a
successful presentation. Rely on these and
the confidence they bring. Also, pay
attention to the following:

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Posture: Preferably stand (straight, not slouching).

Pace: Speak slowly, considerably more slowly than in normal conversation. Pause at
appropriate moments.

Voice projection: Speak up and out to your audience in a voice louder than your usual.

Eye contact: Look up and out to your audience. Rather than focus on a point on the
back wall or a friendly-looking member of the audience, try to make eye contact with
audience members — try to scan the group in an even way.

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Posture: Preferably stand (straight, not slouching).

Pace: Speak slowly, considerably more slowly than in normal conversation. Pause at
appropriate moments.

Voice projection: Speak up and out to your audience in a voice louder than your usual.

Eye contact: Look up and out to your audience. Rather than focus on a point on the
back wall or a friendly-looking member of the audience, try to make eye contact with
audience members — try to scan the group in an even way.

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is your
passion about sport and
why you are interested in
sport era?
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do I cope
with feeling nervous?

How do I hold the

audience's attention?
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