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The presentation took up the entirety of the class period. Some of my coursemates gave their
four (4) presentations on any topic of their interest. It’s definitely nerve-wracking to stand in
front of an audience to address them, so I want to commend everyone that presented.

Among the various speakers who delivered their presentations, there were a few whose
presentations I enjoyed every bit from beginning to end. They include;

 Ebunoluwa Ojo – Kindness

The presentation impressed me with its clarity and profundity. Being an international student
studying in Canada, I could completely relate to this presentation well. Kindness goes beyond
saying nice things, it’s giving hope to individuals who think they are alone in this part of the

 Waseq Mahmud – What Makes a Man

This presentation spoke to me on a deep level. He was very comfortable and spoke with a lot of
confidence and outspokenness. I loved his presentation because I learned about and got to
experience viewing things from a masculine perspective. Though he said something about men’s
vulnerability and the need to hide their emotions that I don’t agree with. I liked how he had his
own ideas of what a man should and shouldn’t be made of.

 Marian Owusu Bonsu – Ghana, My Motherland

The speaker delivered a beautiful presentation. She exuded a lot of confidence and was
comfortable and interactive. She gave the audience an introduction to her home country of
Ghana, and she inspired me to travel there for a vacation trip, explore the country, and enjoy the
scenery and food. I refuse to believe that Ghana jollof is the best.

Some topics worthy of mention include;

 Crisis Leadership
 Semiconductor
 Engineering and Indians
 Art of Cinematography

I found most of the presentations intriguing and educational, and I learnt that preparation and
rehearsals are key components in giving a great presentation. Be confident, comfortable, and
engaging while relating one’s personal experiences to the presentation. Try to refrain from
presenting the audience with hefty information at once. Use bullet points to list points or items
and use more visual aids.

Word of advice - we often underestimate the power of a touch, smile, kind words, listening ears,
an honest compliment or the simplest act of care could completely change someone’s life.

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