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According to Cialdini, R. (1993), he expressed that a persuasive message can succeed through
the principles of reciprocity, scarcity, authority, commitment and consistency, consensus, and
liking. The first group gave their individual presentations, and I commend all the speakers that
stood in front of the class and delivered their presentations. I found some topics informative,
and interesting. I took away some lessons from these presentations.
 Importance of Work-Life Balance for Employee Well-Being
As an aspiring financial analyst, working in the financial industry can be so demanding, tiring
and stressful, so the importance of work-life balance should be properly addressed as it is
essential for employees’ well-being. Having such a balance promotes physical health, mental
well-being, strong personal relationship with family and friends, overall job satisfaction, and
increase productivity.
 The Need for Increased Transparency in Corporate Finance
The need for increased transparency in the financial world is crucial for several reasons. Looking
at famous accounting scandals like Enron and Volkswagen. Transparency builds trust and
credibility among stakeholders, ensures accountability, reduces fraud and risks and promotes
ethical behaviors.
 Personal Development Plan (PDP)
Having a personal development plan promotes self-improvement that helps individuals set
goals and create a roadmap for personal development. As a graduate student, I try as much as
possible to create a PDP schedule monthly and yearly. It helps me reflect on my strengths and
weaknesses, skills I need to develop or improve and identify areas for growth. It also empowers
me to be resilient, adaptable and confident.

Cialdini, R., (1993). Influence. The Psychology of Persuasion, asks, “Which messages spur
citizens to protect the environment?” events/audio-and-past-events/which-messages-spur-citizens-to-

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