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There are several cultural considerations that could be causing issues between Linda and Sheri but are not

limited to these; different communication styles and non-verbal cues, aboriginal cultural backgrounds,

different decision-making styles and different approaches to completing tasks.

Firstly, a person’s communication styles are a reflection of their underlying belief and worldviews, which

form the foundation of one’s culture. From the case scenario, Sheri and Linda share the same parallel

values of honesty, respect and a collective approach but their communication styles and non-verbal cues

differ. Direct eye contact is not always customary in aboriginal culture and might be interpreted as being

hostile or disrespectful. Therefore, Linda may have perceived Sheri’s minimal eye contact during the

weekly sales meetings as a sign of lack of engagement, leading to her concerns about Sheri’s passion and

drive for the position.

Secondly, Sheri’s hesitancy to speak out during sales meetings may be influenced by her cultural

background. Her indigenous culture places a strong emphasis on respect and humility, which motivates

individuals to listen actively and participate in conversations, unlike Linda who is accustomed to

dominating conversations.

Thirdly, Sheri’s aboriginal background and values may not mesh well with Linda’s managerial style of

decision-making. Sheri is accustomed to team protocols that paralleled her community and family

experience of allowing every member to speak fully, without interruption. Indigenous culture prioritizes

collective decision-making in which individuals may speak up and participate. Sheri can feel interrupted

or rushed during their coaching meetings if Linda’s managerial style is more direct, assertive, passively

listens and demands a fast-paced response to her questions, Sheri can also perceive the loud and

aggressive communication style of the Nambus sales staff as hostile, disrespectful and feel like her voice

isn’t heard or valued by the team which resulted in a lack of participation, low morale and performance.
Lastly, individuals from various cultures have different ways that people move towards completing tasks.

Sheri and Linda’s approaches to the completion of tasks differ. It is obvious that Sheri comes from a

culture where teamwork and collectivism are highly valued, as demonstrated when she helped another

team member secure a contract worth more than a quarter of her own annual budget while simultaneously

falling behind on her own sales target and the pending number of client meetings. In contrast, Linda

comes from a culture where task completion is individualistic. Each team member strives to accomplish

certain objectives.

Manager’s Message to Sheri:

Hello Sheri,

I wanted to touch base with you about your performance. I’ve noticed that since you finished your

training program and resumed your new position as a sales account executive, you haven’t been able to

achieve your sales targets. In addition, I’ve noticed your inactive participation during our weekly sales

meeting. I am very concerned about your lack of engagement and minimal sales results.

With your impressive performance in your previous position as a manufacturing sales executive and your

strong values of honesty, respect and team consciousness, I have no reservations about your ability and

eligibility to increase sales to the company and fulfil your sales target. However, I’m quite concerned

given your knowledge and experience, I haven’t received what I expected from you.

Since you joined the Nambus team, there has been a drastic decline in your level of passion. Joining the

top sales team, there’s been a subsequent increase in client demands, which has led the management to

employ a sales account executive. Your inability to meet your sales target will likely result in the

company generating less revenue which might have an impact on the profitability of the business.
As your manager, I wanted to check in with you and ask if there are there any challenges you’ve

encountered transitioning into the sales executive position and fulfilling your sales goals. As I mentioned

earlier, I am aware of your prior success as a manufacturing sales executive and how much you are a team

player you are, qualities demonstrated when you assisted a team member to bring in a contract worth

more than a quarter of the member’s annual sales budget. Considering that, why aren’t you utilizing your

expertise to meet your sales target, and participating in the sales meeting by offering suggestions on how

to bring in more contracts that would increase sales volume? I understand that you are adjusting to a new

work environment and I’d be happy to discuss the challenges you are facing and offer possible solutions

to resolve them in order to improve your performance. Let’s work together to come up with a plan, you

are welcome to visit my office to speak with me in person.

Best regards,


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