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August 2022

Youth Peace Ambassador for

Sustainable Development
Bringing Peace in Peaceful Way
Social Change Initiative
2022, Ethiopia

ነሐሴ 2014 ዓ.ም

የሰላም አምባሳደር

Youth Peace club members discussion

የውጣቶች የሰላም ክበብ አባላት ውይይት

የማህበረሰብ ውይይት ለላቀ መግባባት

Community Dialogue for better understanding
የሰላም አምባሳደር

Community Dialogue for improved tolerance and

understanding within the community

የወጣቶች ሚና በሰላም ግንባታ ላይ የላቀ ነው

The role of youth in peacebuilding is great
“The positioning of youth in society has a bearing on their leadership potential and their pos-
sible role in peace building. The tension between young and old has been one of the key fea-
tures of inter-generational shifts pertaining to the control over power, resources and people.”
Mr. Mulatu Abebe
Peace Ambassador and Volunteer

Peace building training for Peace Ambassadors

E mpowering youth as peace builder’s model has proven to be a
key approach in building a supportive and safe environment
for all youth to participate in peace building.

P eace research as a serious field of intellectual inquiry began in

the 1960s under the leadership of the Norwegian Johan Galtung
(1969), one of the founders of the International Peace Research
Association (Harris 2004). Galtung made an important distinc-
tion between negative peace and positive peace. Negative peace,
by averting war or stopping violence, implies the absence of direct,
personal violence. Positive peace, on the other hand, is a condi-
tion where non-violence, ecological sustainability and social jus-
tice remove the causes of violence. Positive peace requires both the
adoption of a set of beliefs by individuals and the presence of social
institutions that provide for an equitable distribution of resources
and peaceful resolution of conflict. Galtung also pointed out how
structural violence, the inequitable denial of resources, causes vio-
lence, thus expanding the field of peace studies beyond the study of
the interstate system that leads to war to the study of cultural vio-
lence, human rights and development.
የ ሰላም ግንባታ የሁሉም ህብረተሰብ ተግባርና ሀላፊነት ቢሆንም
በተለይም ወጣቶች ለፍተኛ የሆነ ሚና አላቸው፡፡ወጣቶች ይህንን
ሚናቸውን እንዲጫወቱ ደግሞ የተለያዩ ተቋማት ሀላፊነት ሲሆን
ወጣቱን በማሰልጠንና ግንዛቤውን በማሳደግ አውንታዊ ሰላምን ለማምጣት
የሚደረገው ጥረት እንዲደግፍና ሀላፊነቱን እንዲወጣ ማድረግ አስፈላጊ
ነው፡፡ ስለሆነም የወጣቶች የሰላም አንባሳደር ፕሮጀክትን መተግበር
የወጣቶችን ተሳትፎ ለማሳደግ ከፍተኛ ሚና ይጫወታል፤እየተጫወተም
ይገኛል፡፡ይህ ፕሮጀክት በሮተሪ የሰላም ፋሎ በሆነው በላይነህ ዘለለው
( Rotary Peace fellow Belayneh Zelelew) አማካኝነት የተቀረጸ
ሲሆን ለስኬታማነቱም የተለያዩ በጎ ፍቃደኞችንና የሰላም አምባሳደሮችን
በማስተሰባበር እየተተገበረ ይገኛል፡፡በተለይም የዚህ ፕሮጀክት አካል
የሆነው “የወጣቶች የሰላም ክበብ” ትልቅ እምርታ እያመጣ ይገኛል፡፡
ሰላምን በሰላማዊ መንገድ ማምጣት

Social Change Initiative

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bl eD
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s ado
Social Change Initiative
Rotary Peace Fellow Belayneh Zelelew

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