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Report Writing
Conclusion of the feasibility study by the software team is Business Feasibility.
1. Executive Summary:
 Provide a brief overview of the entire feasibility study.
 Summarize the findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
2. Introduction:
 Describe the purpose and objectives of the feasibility study.
 Provide background information about the software development
3. Scope:
 Clearly define the scope of the software development project.
 Highlight any changes or modifications to the initial scope, if
4. Methodology:
 Explain the approach and methods used to conduct the feasibility
 Outline the data collection techniques, analysis methods, and criteria
5. Findings:
 Present the findings from each aspect of the feasibility study, such as
technical, economic, operational, legal, and scheduling feasibility.
 Include an assessment of potential risks and challenges identified
during the study.
6. Analysis and Evaluation:
 Evaluate the feasibility of the software development project based on
the findings.
 Assess the project's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
(SWOT analysis).
 Consider the impact of any changes in the software scope, budget, or
schedule on the feasibility.
7. Recommendations:
 Provide clear recommendations on whether to proceed with the
software development project.
 Justify the recommendations based on the findings and analysis.
 Include alternative options if applicable (e.g., modifying the scope,
adjusting the budget).
8. Conclusion:
 Summarize the main points discussed in the report.
 Reiterate the recommendations and their rationale.
9. Appendices:
 Include any supporting documentation, calculations, or detailed
analysis that supplements the report.
 Attach relevant documents, such as project plans, cost estimates, or
legal considerations.

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