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Speciation Through Isolation

Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. What is speciation?
a. combining of two species to form one with different traits
b. isolation that affects mating behavior
c. timing of mating that prevents normal sexual selection
d. divergence of two or more species from an existing one
2. A difference of chemical scents between two populations is an example
of what kind of isolation?
a. temporal
b. behavioral
c. geographic
d. disruptive
3. An earthquake causes an ocean channel to open up on an island where
a low area previously existed. The island’s lizard population is now
separated on the two parts of the island, providing an example of
a. geographic isolation.
b. behavioral isolation.
c. disruptive selection.
d. temporal isolation.
4. Which of the following examples illustrates a temporal barrier to
mating between populations?
a. Populations of the same species of seal live on islands too far apart
to swim between them for mating.
b. Species of birds have elaborate courtship dances, and females select
the best dancers as mates.
c. Varieties of oak tree produce pollen during different seasons, so they
can’t pollinate one another.
d. Herds of caribou misinterpret each other’s mating behavior, so they
fight instead of mating.
5. What kind of isolation occurs when two populations of birds have
different courtship dances?
a. geographic
b. sexual
c. temporal
d. behavioral

Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.

Biology 1 The Evolution of Populations

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