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The rational proofs for Allah swt’s qualities

In the name of Allah swt, the most gracious, the most merciful.

Until now, we have learned that Allah (swt) possesses all perfect qualities and is
completely free from any imperfections. We have also understood that it is
important for us to acknowledge and believe in 13 specific qualities associated with
Allah, which can be divided into three categories. Moreover, we have found
evidence for these qualities in the Quran. In this chapter, however, we will learn
and grasp the rational proofs behind Allah’s (swt) qualities.

{First Category: Al-sifah al-Nafsiyyah} [1]

The term "nafsiyyah" comes from the word "nafs," which can be understood as
"the self." This first group is called "al-sifah al-Nafsiyyah" because it focuses on the
quality of existence, which, when analyzed, cannot be understood or
conceptualized without conceptualizing the thing “itself.”

(1) Existence: There are various ways in which one can prove that Allah exists.
Below lies the four strongest arguments to prove Allah swt’s existence.
a) The first argument: Everything that exists must have a creator. This is called the
“cosmological argument.” Think about it like this: when you see a painting, you
know that someone painted it. When you see a building, you know that
someone built it. In the same way we say that everything in the universe must
have been created by Allah swt. For example, if you see a bird, you know that it
must have been created by Allah because it is so beautiful and intricate.

b) The second argument is called the “argument of intelligent design.” This

argument says that the universe is so complex and well-ordered that it must
have been designed by an intelligent being, like Allah swt. For example, think
about a watch. A watch is made up of many tiny parts that all work together
perfectly to tell time. In the same way, we, as Muslims say that the universe is
made up of many tiny parts that all work together perfectly, which shows that
it must have been designed by Allah swt.

c) The third argument is called the “argument of infinite regress.” This argument
says that if Allah didn’t exist and the universe created itself, then that would
mean that there was an infinite regress of causes and effects. This means that
everything in the universe would have been caused by something else, which
was caused by something else, and so on, forever. But this is impossible because
it would mean that the universe has no beginning, which goes for any logical
thinking person is impossible. For example, think about a row of dominoes. Each
domino falls because the one before it falls. In the same way, we say that the
universe must have had a beginning, which means that it must have been
created by Allah swt.

d) The fourth argument: We as Muslims believe that the universe is like a scale
that’s perfectly balanced, with one side representing existence and the other
side representing non-existence. Before the universe existed, there was an
equal possibility that it could either exist or not exist. So, we say, something had
to tip the scale one way or the other in order for the universe to come into
existence. That thing is the intelligent creator Allah. One way to think about this
is to imagine a perfectly balanced scale. The scale won’t tip one way or the other
unless something makes it tip. In the same way, we say that the universe
wouldn’t exist unless something made it exist.

{Second Category: Al-sifāt al-Salbiyyah} [5]

These qualities do not exist with the being of Allah, however, they are attributed
to Him in order to eliminate any improper meanings that do not befit Him.
(2 and 3) No Beginning and No End: are two attributes of Allah swt which means
that He has always existed and will always exist. We can understand that Allah swt
has always existed because if He didn't, it would lead to what we call an infinite
regress. This means that if Allah swt was created, then something else must have
created Him, and so on, forever. However, this cannot be the case, as it would mean
an infinite chain of creators. Therefore, Allah swt must have always existed and will
always exist.

(4) Different to All Creation: It is impossible for Allah swt to resemble His creation
because Allah swt is the Creator, and His creation is what He has created. Allah swt
is unique and beyond comparison, and nothing in creation can be like Him. If Allah
swt were to resemble His creation, then it would mean that He is limited and finite,
like His creation. This would contradict the belief in Allah swt's oneness and
perfection, as He is the Creator and everything else is created. Therefore, Allah swt
cannot resemble His creation.
Imagine a painter who creates a beautiful painting. The painting is a reflection of
the painter's skill and creativity, but it is not the same as the painter himself. The
painter can create many different paintings, but none of them are exactly like him.
No matter how diverse and complex the paintings may be, it can never be equal to
or resemble the painter himself. Similarly, Allah swt is the Creator, and His creation
is a reflection of His power and wisdom, but it is not the same as Him. Allah swt can
create many different things, but nothing in creation can be exactly like Him.

(5) Completely independent: Allah swt is independent of any other being or locus
of existence to which He needs to exist with, as He Himself is a necessary being. A
necessary being is one that must exist by its own nature, without depending on
anything else for its existence. If Allah swt depended on something else for His
existence, then that thing would be considered greater than Allah, and Allah swt
would no longer be the ultimate source of all existence. Therefore, Allah must be
independent of any being or locus of existence to which He needs to exist with, as
He Himself is the source of all existence.
(6) Oneness: Allah swt is one in his being, qualities and actions. Before we can begin
to learn and unravel the rational proofs for this quality and why there can only be
one God, we first need to understand what exactly does oneness mean.
When we say Allah swt is one in his being, we mean two things. Firstly, that Allah
swt’s being is not made up of parts. This is because, that were He swt made of parts,
that would imply that Allah is need of those parts to exist and as we have stated
before, Allah swt is free from any need. Secondly, we mean there is no other being
like Allah swt.
To understand this, think of a human being and what he is made up of. Of the core
parts of the Human being is the heart, lungs, blood vessels, brain and others. In
order for the Human being to remain alive, he is need of all those various parts.
Were any of these parts not to exist or to stop functioning, then the human being
will die. Therefore, Allah swt cannot be made up of parts.
Now when say that Allah is one in his qualities, we again also mean two things.
Firstly, that all of Allah swt’s “Sifāt al-Maʿānī” are one, i.e., Allah swt power is one
and that is enough to create everything; Allah swt’s will is enough, and that is
enough to will anything; Allah swt’s sight is one and that is enough to see
everything. Allah swt does not need two qualities of power or two or three qualities
of sight, Allah swt is one in his qualities. Secondly, we mean that there is no other
being or thing in existence that possesses any qualities like that of Allah swt.
As for Allah swt being one in his actions, this means that He alone is the creator and
doer of things. That all actions and things in existence are only but the creation of
Allah swt. Therefore, in reality, Allah swt alone is he who does. However, Allah swt
has many actions, and there is no problem with this.
After having understood what oneness is, we will now clarify why it is necessary
that Allah swt is one and why there can no other God.

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