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A new Realm and Adversaries for Solo and Cooperative Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Adventures

A fan-expansion for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar

by Ash Barker v1.0 (Alterations in Magenta)

The Realm of Metal is a harsh and inhospitable place. Vast sheets of metal take the shape of trees,
mountains, rocks and even rivers. Flowing white hot metal leaks from the vast volcanic cracks to the
south and the slick frozen surfaces of great metallic flows race across the brittle surfaces of the north. The
beasts that dwell here are dangerous, having adapted to so strange and environment in incredible ways.
But great treasures litter the realm and that has drawn the most insidious and industrious of vermin to
gnaw at its iron bones; the Skaven.


As Realm Quest expands your Adventuring Party will be able to explore and do battle in new Mortal
Realms. This expansion details what you need to know for your Adventurers to set forth to the Realm of
Metal: Chamon. The rules that follow will explain your Adversary units for this Realm and any Special
Rules required.


- The appropriate Warscrolls for your Adversary units.

- Malign Sorcery or The Gaming Book for the Realm Rules.
- Appropriate 30”x22” Wilderness Boards and Terrain for the Realm of Metal and/or Varanthrax’s Maw
Catacombs Board from WARCRY: Catacombs and Dungeon Terrain.
- Models from your collection to represent the new Bosses and Minions.
- These rules!


During the BEGINNING AN ADVENTURE step of a game of Realm Quest, you may select the
following additional Realm;

If you are Adventuring in Chamon at Battle Levels 1-3, your Adversaries will be SKAVEN.

Use the appropriate Adversary rules that follow.

The Skaven infest the bowels of each realm, connected by their strange warp-technologies and the will of
The Great Horned Rat across space and time. The Warp-Smiths of Clan Skryre covet the Realm of Metal
for its lost technological marvels and raw materials most of all and Adventuring Parties will encounter
these menaces constantly, burrowed deep and across the Realm.

Skaven Minions

To generate Skaven minion adversary units, roll a dice on the chart below. If the result has models that are
not in your collection, re-roll the result or pick an option for which you have appropriate models.

D6 Warscroll Unit Size (Models)

1 Giat Rats Equal to double the total Battle Levels of the party +D3

2 Clanrats Equal to double the total Battle Levels of the party +D3

3 Gutter Runners Equal to the total Battle Levels of the party +D3

4 Storm Vermin Equal to the total Battle Levels of the party +D3

5 Rat Swarms Equal to half the total Battle Levels of the party. (Rounding up)

6 Rat Ogres Equal to half the total Battle Levels of the party. (Rounding up)


The following special rules apply to Skaven minion adversaries.

Gutter Runners
Sneaky Infiltrators: Gutter Runners set up at the beginning of a Dungeon Adventure will always be set
up D3 Entry Points closer to the Party, there is no need to roll D6. In a Wilderness Encounter they are not
set up at the beginning of the game. Instead, the first time they are called upon to activate place them
outside of 9 Inches of the Adventuring Party, then roll for their behaviour.

Rat Swarms
Endless Tide of Rats: When this minion unit activates in the Action Phase, before rolling on their
behaviour chart, they use this ability.
To generate Skaven bosses, roll a dice on the chart below. If the result has a model that is not in your
collection, re-roll the result or pick an option.

D3 Warscroll

1 1 Clawlord

2 1 Deathmaster

3 1 Arch-Warlock

In addition to the actions dictated by their behaviour table, Skaven bosses each have their now special
actions as described above.

Gnash-Gnaw on their Bones!: At the start of the Combat Phase, if this model uses this Command
Ability, targeting the Minion unit with the most remaining models in range.

Hidden Killer: Do not set this model up at the beginning of the Battle. The first time this model would
Activate, it uses this ability. If there are no eligible units for it to deploy in, it arrives within 3” of a
random table edge or Entry Point instead, not within 3” of any member of the Adventuring Party, then it
rolls to Activate.

More-More Stormcage: When this Boss is eligible to fire this weapon it will always choose to use this

Warpfire Gauntlet: When this Boss is eligible to make a shooting attack and this weapon is in range it
will always choose to use this ability. It may only do so once per adventure.

Warp Lightning Storm: Each time this model is picked to activate, once all its actions determined by the
behaviour table have been resolved, it will attempt to cast the Warp Lightning Storm spell. Enemy
WIZARDS can attempt to unbind this spell as normal. If it is successfully cast, it will affect members of
the Adventuring Party, starting with the closest visible model and working to the furthest.

Unbind: This Boss will attempt to unbind the first spell cast by a Hero in the Adventuring Party during
their Hero Phase if it is within range to do so.
D6 In Combat Close Far
Within 3” of enemy models. Any models more than 3” from, but More than 12” from any enemy
within 12” of any enemy models. models.
1 Lead from the Rear Consume Warpstone Consume Warpstone

2-3 Consume Warpstone Lead from the Rear Lead from the Rear

4-5 Hold Advance Hold

6 Rampage Charge Advance


Remove the Boss model from the Battlefield and set it up again anywhere on the Battlefield outside of
12” of the party.

Roll 1D6. On a 1 this Boss suffers a Mortal Wound. On a 2-5, heal D3 Wounds allocated to the Boss. On
a 6, heal D3 Wounds allocated to the Boss and it will re-roll failed Hit and Wound Rolls during this
Combat Phase.

The Boss takes no action. It may still use abilities based on its Warscroll.

The Boss immediately Fights. It will do so again in the Combat Phase.

1. The Boss makes a normal move. It must finish the move as close as possible to the nearest Adventurer

2. The Boss then attempts to make a charge move towards the same Adventurer model.

3. If the model can finish its Charge move within 1/2” of the Adventurer model, it moves as close as
possible towards them and the Charge is successful. Otherwise the Charge fails and the Boss does not

The Boss makes a normal move. It must finish he move as close as possible to the closest Adventurer

When Adventuring in the dungeons or wilderness of this Realm apply the following rules;


The Adversaries for this Realm are the SKAVEN. The Varanthrax’s Maw Dungeon Battlefield should
be used for Adventures in this Realm. Any Artifacts discovered in this Realm should be generated from
the Chamon tables in the Rulebook or Gaming Book and Wizards can learn the appropriate Realm
Spells after an Adventure in this Realm.

Dungeon Special Rules: The Varanthrax’s Maw Terrain Board from WARCRY: Catacombs only has 4 board
sections. Roll twice for the Dungeon Terrain Features on each Board Section, re-rolling any duplicates and
applying both results. Teach Terrain Features should be at least 4” from any other feature, and they should be
placed as evenly as possible in each half of the Board Section.

Wilderness Special Rules: The open wilds of Chamon are a mind bending metallic wasteland. Roll once on the
Realmscape Feature table from the Malign Sorcery or Gaming Book and apply that result each Battle in this

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