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Simple Past Tense : Forme

Afirmativ :
       S + verbul la forma a II a de pe lista verbelor iregulate 
       We went to the zoo yesterday. – Am fost la zoo ieri.

       S + verb + ed – pentru cele regulate

       I phoned her. – I-am dat telefon.

Negativ :
       S + aux DO la trecut (did) + not + verbul la infinitiv
       We did not finish the project in due time. – Noi nu am terminat proiectul la
Interogativ :
      Did + S + verbul la infinitiv ?
      Did you eat all the chocolate? – Ai mancat toata ciocolata?

Trecutul simplu (Simple Past Tense) se foloseste pentru a exprima :

A. Actiuni terminate in trecut la un timp stabilit

o Cand locul si timpul unde se petrece actiunea ne sunt date
   Marta called me in the morning from the hospital. – Marta m-a sunat
dimineata de la spital.
o Cand se intreaba timpul
   When did you go to the Opera? – Cand ai fost la Opera?

B. Actiuni care s-au intamplat imediat una dupa alta in trecut

    They went into the house, brought food from the fridge and set the table in the
yard. – Ei s-au dus in casa, au adus mancare din frigider si au pus masa in
C. Obiceiuri in trecut care acum sunt terminate
     I used to go to ballet 5 years ago. – Obisnuiam sa ma duc la cursuri de balet
acum 5 ani.
Adverbe ce se folosesc cu Simple Past Tense : yesterday, the day before
yesterday, last week, two weeks ago

Past Continuous Tense : Forme

Afirmativ :
       S + verbul To BE la past tense(WAS/WERE) + verbul de conjugat + ING
       I was reading the lesson when the teacher came in. – Citeam lectia cand a
intrat profesoara.
Negativ :
       S + verbul To BE la past tense la forma negative(WASN`T/WEREN`T) +
verbul de conjugat + ING
       They weren’t looking for Susan; they were looking for her sister. – Ei nu o
cautau pe Susan, ei o cautau pe sora ei.
Interogativ :
       Verbul To BE la past tense(WAS/WERE) + S + verbul de conjugat + ING
       Was he driving too fast when he had the accident? – Conducea el prea
repede cand a avut accidentul?

Trecutul continuu (Past Continuous Tense) se foloseste pentru a exprima :

• actiune care se afla in desfasurare la un moment dat in trecut.
      While you were having a bath, the phone rang. – In timp ce faceai baie a
sunat telefonul.

• actiune care continua de ceva vreme

      Yesterday I was jogging in the park. – Ieri, faceam jogging in park.

• actiune care are loc in acelasi timp cu o alta actiune in trecut 

      While I was reviewing the article my husband was watching his favourite tv
show. – In timp ce eu revizuiam articolul sotul meu urmarea show-ul tv favorit.

Adverbe folosite cu Past Continuous Tense: while, when , all morning, all

night, as

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