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Prefixes: mis-, dis-, and re-

agree continue judg make regard Think

consider do Like pronounce spell understand

Mis- re-

Spell Judge Make Consider

understand pronounce Think do


Agree Continue

like Regard
Verb in past
Language in context participle

Grammar past perfect:

I’d sent the email to Leo before I realized my
Verb in simple

1.I’d planned on working all weekend, but the I

reconsidered and went to the beach instead.
2.I was so late this morning. By the time I’d
got to work, I missed the whole meeting.
3.Alice woke up at 9:30 because she has
forgotten to set her alarm clock for 8:00.
4.Before Richard and Alex met, they had been
e-pals for a year.
5.I called my friend to cancel our plans.
Luckily, he hadn’t left yet.
3 When is it? 6 Really? Ain’t so
sure. But thanks
1 Hi, Bill. How are 4 It’s this weekend.
5 This weekend? Well, 2 Fine, I guess. But
I’m sure you’ll do OK. I’m pretty nervous
about my driver’s test.
What if…
Third conditional. participle

If I’d remembered, I would have brought her something

I’d = I had
Would = aux. verb.
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. A
If I ________ (know) about the party, I ___________
(not/make) such a fool of myself.
I __________

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