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More opportunities for businesses to sell and buy goods and services in different

Companies are pushed to be more efficient and innovative because of competition

from other countries.

Developing countries can grow and create jobs because of investments from other


Some people lose jobs when companies move to other countries for cheaper labor.

More trade and production can lead to pollution and harm to the environment.

Local cultures can become less unique because of increased exposure to Western
ideas and products.

Globalization is when countries and people become more connected around the world.
In economics, this has created opportunities for businesses to trade with other
countries and access resources and expertise from around the world. This has led to
improved products and services, and more choices for consumers.

Globalization has also helped to create new jobs and industries, particularly in
developing countries, and has contributed to increased economic growth and
development. However, globalization has also led to some negative consequences,
such as job displacement, lower wages for workers, environmental problems, and
cultural concerns, which are still being debated and addressed by governments and

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