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Assignment no.

Name Madiha Saleem
Registration no. BSPS-02R19-3
Session Main Fall Regular 2019
Subject testing II
Topic Imam Ghazali Inventory
Date 22nd June 2022
Submitted to. Ma’am Nazia Jahangir
Institute Of Southern Punjab, Multan
Ghazali Personality Inventory

(Essential of psychological testing)

The inventory is designed to measure the degree of normality of
Pakistani Muslims. Concept of normality offered by Ghazali, Shah Wali Alla and
Mualana Ashraf Ali Thanvi were employed to contrast the inventory. A large
number of items were selected. Each statement consisted of some aspects of
normality of an individual.
The original statement of Ghazali, shah wali Alla and Maulana
Ashraf Ali Thanvi were translated from Arabic, Persian and Urdu language
respectively into English. Back translation technique were employed. The
questionnaire was respected in English language. After formulation of
questionnaire, three psychologists were requested to act as judge.
Only those person, who held a Ph.D. Degree in psychology in
testing and measurement, or post- graduate teaching experience in the areas of
Psychology, were requested to act as judge. One other criterion in the selection of
judges was their knowledge of Muslim Philosophy especially that of Ghazali, Shah
Wali Alla and Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi.
Only the items approved by all the judges were included in the
inventory. Two hundred and three out of two hundred and five items were selected
by three judges.
Pilot Study
Two hundred and three items approved by the three judges were
administered to a sample of hundred normal male and female individuals. The
sample consisted of post- graduate students of Government College, Lahore who
could read and write English.
The subject were instructed to say whether a statement was true or
false as applicable to their own selves. It was clearly pointed out that answers
should reflect their own thinking and behavior.
The inventory was administered individually and in groups.
Responses obtained from 100 subjects were tabulating. After tabulating the
responses, it was found that for 29 sentences responses were hundred percent true
or false. After scruting by the experts, 174 test items, were ready for
Main Study
A total of 1000 Pakistani Muslims were for study purposes. They
considered of 500 male and 500 female volunteers ranging in ages from 11 to 65.
Proper instructions were given after which data was collected by
administering Ghazali Personality Inventory in individual and group form.
Three scales namely Ap, An, and In are represented in the GPI with
each being comprised of 43, 57 and 74 test items respectively. 20 statements out of
43, 26 out of 57 and 50 out of 74 are keyed as true, remaining as false.
The most important limitation of this study is concerned with
sampling. The result are based on the responses of 1000 male and female
volunteers, and cannot be generalizes to the populace at large.
It is recommended that this study be extended to other Muslim
countries as they as follow the percepts of Ghazali. University of the Ghazali’s
concepts can be further checked by inclusion of the follower of other religions as
this inventory is religiously oriented.
Scoring Key
A scoring key of inventory on the basis of ghazali concept of
normality was made before the actual study. It is worth mentioning here that when
responses of 100 male and female individuals were compared with the key, in case
of normal individuals only 23 responses out of a total of 203 showed deviations.
This establishes the validity of G.P. theory empirically.
The client age is 22 years old. The cut off score is 124 and my client
total score is 118 which is below than 124 which means she is normal. She got 30
score in Ap out of 43, 34 in An out of 57 and 54 in In out of 74.

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