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Jack and The Genie

Good morning to the honourable judges, respected time keeper,

aspiring teachers, passionate opponents and supportive audience.
Once upon a time, there was a man named Jack who was very
greedy. He always wanted more and was never satisfied with what
he had. One day, he came across a lamp. “ Wow, what is this? Is this
a magic lamp? Will a genie come out if I rub this?” wondered Jack.
“Hmm, let me give a try.”
When he rubbed the lamp, a genie appeared. Jack was really
shocked. He was about to run. However, he brave himself and ask
the genie. “Wh…who are you? Where are you come from?” The
genie said, “ I am a genie. I come from the magic lamp that you
rubbed. I have promised myself whoever release me from the lamp, I
will grant him three wishes. But, think first boy! You must be careful
what you wish for.
Jack was overjoyed. He thought of all the things he could wish for- a
big house, a fancy car, and lots of money. He said to the genie, "I
wish for a big mansion with a swimming pool, a luxury car, and a lot
of money."
The genie granted his wish, and Jack became the richest man in the
town. He had everything he ever wanted, but he was still not
satisfied. He wanted more. He went back to the genie and said, "I
want more money, more cars, and a bigger mansion."
The genie warned him, "Be careful what you wish for, Jack. Greed
will only lead to your downfall."
But Jack did not listen. He was blinded by his greed. He wished for
more and more, and the genie granted his every wish. But as time
passed, Jack became more and more unhappy. He had everything he
ever wanted, but he had no one to share it with. He was alone and
One day, Jack came across a poor man who was begging on the
streets. The man had nothing and was barely surviving. Jack felt a
pang of guilt in his heart. The poor man begged Jack, “ Hi young boy,
could you please give me some food? I haven’t had anything yet for
few days” Jack felt pity to the old man. “I think, I will be happier if I
share my wealth with him,” thought Jack. He went back to the poor
man and gave him all the money he had.
He said, “ I may have been greedy in the past, but I have learned my
lesson. I want to help you in any way I can,” The poor man was
touched by Jack’s generosity. He said, “Thank you, Jack. Thank you,
Jack! You have taught me that there is still kindness in this world.”
And with those words, Jack realized that he had found something
more valuable than all the money in the world which is the gift of
compassion and kindness.
That’s all from me. Thank you.

He went back to the genie and said, "I want to undo all my wishes. I
want to go back to my old life."

The genie granted his wish, and Jack became poor again. But he was
happy. He had learned a valuable lesson- that happiness cannot be
bought with money. It comes from sharing and caring for others.

He went back to the poor man and gave him all the money he had.
He said, "I may have been greedy in the past, but I have learned my
lesson. I want to help you in any way I can."
The poor man was touched by Jack's generosity. He said, "Thank you,
Jack. You have taught me that there is still kindness in this world."

And with those words, Jack realized that he had found something
more valuable than all the money in the world- the gift of
compassion and kindness.

From that day on, Jack dedicated his life to helping others. He may
have lost everything he had, but he gained something more valuable-
the respect and admiration of those around him. And he lived the
rest of his life knowing that he had made a difference in the world.

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