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Communication issues in the work team

1. With regard to communication issues through an operational change, specify the communication issues and what
needs to be resolved to meet the company objective by answering the following questions.

Briefly describe the issue/s?

During the recent operational change that involved implementing a new system to monitor social media and
website traffic, the team has encountered several communication issues. Anna, responsible for email marketing,
lacks effective communication with the rest of the team, assuming they are already aware of her progress and
failing to provide updates. Adam, the webmaster, is hesitant to engage with others and share his valuable
technical knowledge and insights, resulting in a limited exchange of information and collaboration. Clara, the
social media coordinator, exhibits unapproachable behavior by avoiding eye contact, keeping to herself, and only
responding when directly approached. This lack of proactive communication and willingness to assist others
hampers open and cooperative interaction within the team. To improve customer relations, it is crucial to address
these communication issues and foster a more collaborative and communicative environment among Anna,
Adam, Clara, and the entire team.
Who is involved?
 Anna - Responsible for email marketing. She lacks effective communication with the rest of the team,
assuming they are already aware of her progress and failing to provide updates.
 Adam - The webmaster. He is reluctant to engage with others and prefers to work independently.
Despite having valuable technical knowledge and insights, he does not actively share information or aid
the team.
 Clara - The social media coordinator. She is perceived as unfriendly and unapproachable. Clara avoids
making eye contact, keeps her head down while working, and only responds when directly spoken to.
She does not proactively communicate or offer help to others.

These team members—Anna, Adam, and Clara—are not effectively engaging with their colleagues and
exhibiting communication barriers that hinder collaboration and teamwork.
The company objective is to monitor traffic and feedback on the social channels and website so as to improve
customer relations. It relies heavily on the team working together to ensure important information is captured,
shared and acted upon. Describe the risk/s to achieving the company objects that these three members’ lack of
communication poses.

BSBLDR601 Task 6 Template

Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | ACN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797

The lack of communication displayed by Anna, Adam, and Clara poses various risks to the company’s
objective of enhancing customer relations by monitoring social media and website traffic. These risks
encompass missed opportunities, inefficient problem resolution, and a lack of collaboration. Anna’s
failure to communicate and share updates about her email marketing work may result in missed chances
to engage with customers effectively and improve relations. Adam’s reluctance to engage with others
and share his technical expertise hampers prompt problem resolution in web management, hindering
the team’s effectiveness. Clara’s unapproachable behavior and lack of active participation impede
collaboration, inhibiting the seamless sharing of information and coordination necessary for monitoring
social channels. These communication gaps heighten the risks of missed opportunities, ineffective issue
resolution, and limited teamwork. It is crucial to address these issues to mitigate risks and ensure
successful achievement of the objective to enhance customer relations through effective monitoring and
action on social media and website traffic.

How do these issues impact on the company objective?

The communication issues presented by Anna, Adam, and Clara have a significant impact on the
Company’s goal of monitoring social media and website traffic to enhance customer relations. Anna’s
lack of communication hinders the smooth flow of information, resulting in missed opportunities to
leverage insights and customer interactions for improving customer relations. Adam’s reluctance to
engage and share his expertise deprives the team of valuable technical knowledge, leading to missed
chances for optimizing the website and social media channels. Clara’s unapproachable demeanor
restricts open communication, impeding the sharing of vital information and collaborative problem-
solving. These issues collectively hamper the team’s effectiveness in capturing, sharing, and acting upon
important information from the monitoring system. Consequently, without improved communication
and collaboration, the company faces difficulties in effectively monitoring and utilizing social media and
website data to enhance customer relations.

2. A couple of weeks after a team talk, you find that these three members are still not communicating openly.
They continue to work individually and are not coming together to help meet the organisational objective.

Suggest three different reasons why the team is not communicating with each other. What are the typical reasons
for barriers to communication in the workplace?

BSBLDR601 Task 6 Template

Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | ACN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797

The team’s ineffective communication may be due to a lack of trust, poor communication skills, and the
influence of the organizational culture. Trust issues could arise from past conflicts, competitiveness, or a
lack of team-building efforts. Poor communication skills, including difficulties expressing thoughts or
listening actively, can hinder effective collaboration. The organizational culture may not prioritize open
communication, discouraging team members from sharing ideas.
Common barriers to workplace communication include language and cultural differences, lack of clarity
or information, physical separation, ineffective feedback, technological challenges, and negative
attitudes. Overcoming these barriers is essential to improve communication and collaboration within the
team. By addressing trust, enhancing communication skills, fostering an open culture, and tackling the
typical barriers, the team can work together effectively to achieve the company’s objective of enhancing
customer relations through monitoring social channels and website traffic.

Suggest how you can respond to these issues to ensure your team is meeting the company objective.

The following steps can be taken:

 Foster an environment of open communication, emphasizing the importance of sharing

information and ideas while creating a safe space for team members to express themselves.
 Clearly define roles and responsibilities, ensuring that each team member understands their
specific tasks related to achieving the company objective and establish channels for collaboration
and information sharing.
 Conduct regular team meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and potential solutions,
encouraging open dialogue and providing updates on individual and team performance.
 Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members, promoting active
participation in team discussions, sharing of expertise, and seeking help when needed. Provide
opportunities for cross-training and skill-sharing.
 Offer training programs to improve communication and interpersonal skills, focusing on effective
communication, active listening, teamwork, and collaboration.
 Lead by example by actively engaging in open communication, encouraging participation, and
recognizing the contributions of individuals in fostering effective communication.
 Implement communication tools and platforms such as project management software, shared
document repositories, and internal communication channels to facilitate efficient information

These steps will help company to meet its objectives.

BSBLDR601 Task 6 Template

Capital College
RTO: 41593 | CRICOS: 03537J | ACN: 606 797 611 | ABN: 16 606 797

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