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An Island Survival and Escape Adventure

Introduction: The following game was inspired by an animated movie, and I

have converted it into the dice rolling fantasy world of Dungeons and
Dragons. Character names have been changed to sound more D&D-esq, as well
as hide from the players that they are playing an animated movie. (Contains
Drinking and Adult Situation (Can be altered for age))

A 6 to 8-hour adventure for 5th-8th level characters

by Cory Anderson
I own none of the images in this adventure. Giants and Halflings as seen on Penny Arcade C Team.

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
Wizards of the Coast
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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. TITLE 1
Part 0: Away Away Just far enough out into the harbor to still be within
perfect eye sight, is situated a marvel of modern
engineering, a dwarven-made island acting as a natural
There is more to life than just surviving. seawave breaker. A 30-foot-tall statue stands above the
terracotta roof tiles. The statue is that of one of a lesser
Lost Memories known demi-gods, Ti’iti’i.
This adventure begins with the adventurers coming
into a port-city from whatever quest, raid or other
campaign the characters have just finished. The
main theme of this adventure is that the characters
had a legendary drunken night in a tavern, and
have forgotten the majority of the events of the night.
Throughout the course of this module, the
characters will slowly be gaining back memories
and clues as to what happened.

The life of an adventurer is tough and often has
long demanding hours. Picking up job after job is
all that keeps you going sometimes. Before the
characters begins their next adventure, they are
given a furlough (temporary military leave of duty).

Three nights to do with whatever you want. Being

a group of Heroes that has never formally
introduced themselves to each other, outside of
the quest-life, they think it’s wise to spend some
quality team building exercises, i.e. drinking away
their hard earned coin together and whatever the
Religion Skill Check DC 12.
night brings them…
Ti’iti’I, is the demigod of trickery, fishermen and
native people. He is credited with separating the
planes of the material plane from that of the air
Read the boxed text below.
domain and celestial domains. His home domain is
that of Rapa Nui, a domain of water that Ti’iti’ is
again credited with tricking elementals to pull up
Hitching a ride with an outgoing caravan that is traveling islands from the watery depths. He is the demi-god
at the standard 2 beat trot (10mph) it takes you almost of water and air.
all day to travel to the nearest city Teti'aroa. Teti'aroa, a
major port city, is a large enough city to support exotic He is self-credited with causing the solstices
and imported fine wines and ales along with enough (winter and summer) with claims his enchanted
variety in culture and spice to give your night that special weapon, a massive two-handed sickle, can
feeling you are looking for. intimidate the very sun itself. He is well known for
The port-city of Teti'aroa has many districts but the one tricking others into doing deeds and tasks for him.
you are interested in is the pseudo-heart of the city
where the docks are constantly bringing in new travelers
with each tide.

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The statue is made of a green tinted metal,
(investigation check DC10 it is weathered
copper) and shows Ti’iti’i is armed with his iconic Alu Fela – Elven Female
enchanted weapon, Manaiakalani, a massive great
two-handed sickle. Ti’iti’i is a young man possibly a Wearing a brightly colored skirt and her black hair
half-dwarf half-human. His other trade mark, spell flowing over her shoulders, the elven female looks to be
infused tattoos cover his body showing off his from some sunnier climate. Her sun-kissed skin gives
many trickster forms; a great bird like a Roc, a sea her a natural beauty. Her face shows she is young and
drake, and a wild dog (blink dog). naïve, however.

Continuing down to the docks where there is a tavern Short, gorgeous and sun-kissed. She talks
that has a reputation for being the liveliest, you enter about her name in elven means ‘water cave’ and
Porky Pua’s. how she is a proud of her clan for living off the sea
and not harming creatures of the land. She drags
on about how she is actually the princess of her
Porky Pua’s clan but wants to try and explore the other lands of
Porky Pua’s is a dive-bar type of affair. Behind the the world before she takes up her duty. And if she
bar is a burly half-orc (TukkTukk) serving drinks ever gets lost in her travels across the seas she
that always gets paid because of his intimidating can always count on her magical necklace to help
manner. The décor of establishment is lacking. pull he back home.
Empty bottles of booze line the eaves and window Necklace. Her necklace looks just like a handful of
sills; the chairs each look like they could fall apart blue stones, maybe ne is actually a lapis lazuli
under too much weight. Half dozen bar waitresses blue stone clasp but the necklace doesn’t appear
in frilly skirts making the rounds with trays full of magical in any way, the design just looks like a
full stines and mugs to quickly be replaced by spiral ending in a green miniscule dot.
empty pints and glasses. A tandem of bards
stands on a stage with one playing a lute and a
harmonica while the other sing-tells a tale of Makira – Tall “man” wearing a long
warning to all men of things not to say to their dust cloak.
The crowd loves it.
A very tall man, who is very odd in the way he walks,
The ceiling is fairly high, but when a kitchen
like he is a centipede standing up or a work of some
waitress, a female Minotaur in fact, crosses your
kind. His feet move in one direction and his waist in
path you realize just how grand and chaotic this
another while his head talks to you. He seems overly
place is. She gives a quick glance back like you
stepped in her path as she carries a large plate polite and is acting like a stereotypical adult might act
heaped high with what looks like greasy grilled (professional greeting, excusing himself, talking about
chocobo legs and dire bore rack of ribs (the house his day job killing him).
special). But she catches the eye of one of you
and gives a wink as she hustles by. They, us, we. He says “our name is”, Makira and
you note he keeps refereeing to himself as “We” or
Charisma Check – Whichever character has the “Us” or “Our”.
highest Charisma, catches the infatuation with Scavenger. It becomes clear through conversation
Vaca, the Minotaur waitress. And there is just with them that they…he…is a thieve and a
something about her that just seems irresistible. scavenger trying to find a coveted gem or artifact,
an eye stone or heart shaped gem, the heart of
Casual Encounters History Check DC 12 - there was once a magical
artifact called this, thousands of years ago, and
While at Pork Pua’s, the characters will meet was said to have been lost to the ages when a
several individuals that set up the rest of the monstrous beast named Colocolo swallowed the
adventure. After describing the Persons of Interest stone.
(POI), allow each character to interact with ONE of
the POI only before continuing the story.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. TITLE 3
Aameul and Hathradiah – Two Old Men Yarred Wuglim – Elderly Dwarf Woman

Aameul, a human with many owl like facial features. His A golden haired, elderly dwarf woman who says she is
eyebrows bushy and always shifting like that of an owl, close to 900 years old but looks no older than 120years
and his nose sharp like the beak of the bird. of age. She keeps a spirit familiar close by at all times.
His close friend, Hathradiah is taller and gangly. He has There is a clear air of knowledge and experience about
a tight mouth with skeptical eyes. However, when you her.
hear him laugh you know he means no harm. Her belt jingles like the sound of a jailor, as she had a
keyring hanging off each hip, each ring with nearly a
Two very old men, Aameul and Hathradiah are dozen keys each.
playing a game at the bar and taking in money but
also giving out money at the same rate. The game
is called Giants and Halflings. They are playing Hitting on every man that comes to talk to her, she
against people in the bar and plenty of bystanders introduces herself as Yarred Wuglim.
are placing side bets. There seems to be no hard Shaman. She claims to be a priestess or shaman
feelings or threats from a loss as it seems a fair who primarily believes in the realm of monsters
game. Some people don’t have the coin so they and thus her spirit animals come from there.
are trading hats, amulets, jewels and other trinkets You’ve heard of the Underdark where drow and
as well. other deep monsters come from, this is the
Perception Skill Check DC 12 - The Scavenger UnderSea.
Makira seems to be increasingly interested in a The UnderSea. A plane or domain of existence
jewel that potentially could be the gem he is where one’s ancestral spirits become corrupted
looking for, and these old men have on them. and turned into monsters. The vengeful 8-eyed
Religion Skill Check DC 16 – The names Aameul bats and Great Red Eel guard a massive vault
and Hathradiah are the two separate names of the where artifacts taken from dead gods and demi-
heads of the Demogorgon. gods are horded. According to legends, the
(See Appendix A.2 for rules to Giants and entrance to this realm is located somewhere at the
Halfling) tops of a steep mountain. She goes on that she
was named after the dwarven equivalent of the
Mafui'e – Exotic Collector, foreigner. mountain’s name “Harl Sharulg” or Under Royal
Sea in Drow, a notorious Underdark folk.
Mafui'e looks for all intent and purpose, like a traveling Keys. She collects keys from her nightly
merchant’s wares shop. With a golden chain shirt companions as a memento. Some open doors
underneath layers of other precious metal gear and into taverns, others rumored to belong to long
equipment, he has the appearance of a well armored forgotten buried treasure.
Crab hiding in a shell of expensive shields.
End of the night
After meeting some of the Persons of Interest, the
Collector. An avid collector and hoarder nearly characters have a chance to mingle and try and
falls over the character interested in him. He is too ask some further questions, however there isn’t
busy admiring and showing clear avarice for much to be gained at this point.
magical items. His chainmail armor is made of At some point discuss how much the inn will cost,
complete gold and has small gems encrusted on but the rooms are discount tonight because you
the back. It is little doubt this armor has any real have spent so much at the tavern.
advantage, he is just a collector of treasures, Make note of what they carry on their persons at
mainly shiny ones. He introduces himself this point
eventually as Mafui'e. Other patrons in the tavern
pokes fun at him, calling him “mouth full” and other Constitution Check. The character who rolls the
bullying words, which makes him irate and very lowest check ends up having too much to drink
aggressive, showing off his true colors as a power over the course of the night. They accidentally
hungry, condescending, and greedy man. start a tavern brawl.
After 1d4+1 rounds, the scene fades out from
memory as they black out.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. TITLE 4
Your adventuring backpacks are not with you. Judging
by the suns position it is somewhere near noon.
Part 1: An Innocent Lost Gear. None of the characters have any of
Warrior their backpacks. The only items they have on them
are their weapons, armor and anything they
speicifcally carried with them at the tavern.
Washed Ashore Additionally, swap one of their armor for the
armor of the Minotaur woman from the tavern. (+1
Constitution Save DC 14. Failing this check, and Leather Armor)
the character pees themselves and have a buzzing
headache (disadvantage on skill checks until a
short rest) Perception/Investigation Skill check DC 12.
You assume this is either someone disguised as
Ti’iti’i or a worshiper of his that has taken to his
Awake. likeness. He seems very strong. (A natural 20 and
Read the following boxed text. you know this is actually Ti’iti’I himself.)
Religion Skill Check DC 12. This figure exudes a
faint aura any deity would. It isn’t as strong as a
You awaken with very dry mouths. So dry that your demi-god’s should be, like he isn’t completely
tongue feels like that of a tabaxi (cat-folk race) as it manifested or something.
sticks to the roof of your mouths. Reflexively you reach
for your waterskin and can’t feel it on your hip or belt.
Hidden items on the characters.
Based on whomever the characters spoke to, they
The next thing you notice instantly is that your backs are
have an item from that Person of Interest.
stiff and sore from sleeping on coarse grains of sand
- A green copper key (Yarred Wuglim)
mixed with seashells and debris.
o Intelligence Check DC 12. It is
green from exposure to seawater
You open your groggy eyes to see that you are not in
- A set of Giants and Halfling dice (From
some comfy room with pillows and mattress, bedded Aamuel & Hathradiah)
next to some unlucky wench, but as you look up you can o Lucky rolls (reroll 1s) if on person.
see the clouds going across a pure blue sky. You hear - A necklace made of blue stones (off of Alu
the sloshing and crashing sounds all around you, Fela), however it is missing the green
making you realize are on a beach. With the salty sea keystone
air filling your nauseous head, you begin to stand up and o Evade grapple 3 times per day)
take a look around.
- A Golden Chainmail shirt and Golden
Out to the ocean you can’t see any other landmass as Shield (taken from Mafui'e)
far as you can see. Behind you, is a short, dense jungle
o Chainmail - Bludgeon Resistance
and then a massive steep mountain that looks climbable
o Shield - charisma +2
to get a better vantage point. Coming off the south end
- A single use salve (Off Makira)
of this steep mountain, falls a waterfall seemingly from
o Knowledge Arcana or Wisdom
the clouds as there is no way that much water can be
Check DC 14. It prevents or cures
coming from the top of this cliff. This island matches a
paralysis once)
description Yarred Wigglum gave you about Harl
Other than the others coming to, you see a burly almost With no idea where you are, you just know that
all black half pig half ox like body shape of a humanoid you are not on the same continent you were when
male. Looking more closely after shaking your head, it you blacked out last night.
looks like a half-dwarf half-human, and his skin isn’t Trying to place where you are by using the sun
black, it is just covered in tattoos. and compass you are somewhere south of where
you want to go.

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Ti’iti’i. Waterfall Investigation DC 16. If you investigate
The large tattooed man begins to stir. He too behind the waterfall, you can tell there is a hidden
seems to be grasping for something like he is cave back there but it would take nearly godlike
missing his adventuring gear or something similar. strength to move some of the stones. (Note. Even
if they get through the stone, Ti’iti’I will seal them in
He will identify himself as Ti’iti’I and attempt to use the cave, which coincidently can be swam down
a Charm Person spell on every character. The and into the Realm of Monsters. Ti’iti’I will let them
Spell save for this does not have Ti’iti’I’s out of the cave once he has his sickle.)
proficiency bonus as he does not have his great
Sickle. Its obvious he is doing it, but not in a Food and Water
threatening manner. You find some coconut trees and some fresh water
The only other food other than a few plants here
Any insight or truth circle to discover if this is true and there, no berries or other edibles, is a roaming
or not, he is certain he is Ti’iti’I, even if he doesn’t single baby cockatrice running around the island.
seem like it or none of your insight points him to - Only a natural 20 will catch this Baby
possibly being something else. Cockatrice.

He will implore you to help him get off this island

and find his Magic Sickle. He knows that some Survival Skill Check DC 13.
hording monster of has taken his Magic Sickle There is a small freshwater bubbling pond. You
when he was knocked out. It is most likely in the can see a dwarven skeleton is chained to the
Realm of Monsters. bottom of the water with a pair of boots on its feet.
The skeleton isn’t undead or alive; it is just the
If you help him get his sickle back, be will show skeletal remains of someone that was here before.
you how to get off the island. If you don’t help him, Arcana Check – the water is bubbling from a
you will spend the better part of the day walking small waterskin seen at the feet of the skeleton
around the island and not finding anything to help (everful water, can be used to create a geyser)
you get off Swim Skill Check DC14. Swim against water Jet
to get to the skeleton
Sleight of Hand DC 10. Lock pick to free skeleton,
even free of the chains, the skeleton doesn’t float
Island Survival up.
Perception checks. Anyone over DC 18 can see Disadvantage Dexterity Check DC 10 to just take
the outlines of some items carried by other the iron boots off. The boots are a set of Iron Kukri
characters. boots.
The crashed boat. A wrecked small single mast
ship lays smashed on the beach, it is beyond Bubbling Pond Guardian.
repair. The name of the ship can faintly be read There is a glowing shaman spirit monster/animal
“Vaiana” (Note. If a character knows the Elven that protects the body. It looks like some
Language or has an Intelligence of 18 or higher, monstrous manta ray (cloaker). It attacks if a
they know this word means Water Cave.) character is in the water for 1d3+1 rounds.
Characters can salvage:
- 150ft of rope Nature/Wisdom Skill Check DC 13.
- Two large canvas sails Back on the beach, there is a pair of downed
- A compass coconut trees that fall in just such a way to make
- Enough wood to make a small shelter an X on the beach. Buried under this literal X,
- Rungs from the ship to make clubs and there is a Chest buried here. It is locked. It
great clubs appears to have once been weathered by
- The rudder and some parts looks like they seawater as the lock and metal casings have all
can make a sled turned green from oxidation.
- 50ft of thick iron chain and a 60lb anchor,
- A spyglass. It is a Mimic unless you unlock it with green key. If
- Empty Jugs of rum, no water. unlocked, it will have eleven bottles with scrolls in

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. TITLE 6
- 4xHeal, Speak with Dead, Create Food apart and fall back down the mountain.
and Water, Legend Lore, Clairvoyance, The characters do reach to the summit
Magic Weapon, Locate Object, Swift however but are now fatigued
Quiver (disadvantage on skill checks until a short

Scaling the mountain. Example. A group of 4 player characters need to

Along with the words of Ti’iti’I, the character’s succeed 5 times before they fail 3 times.
recall what the old dwarf woman said the night The party salvaged rungs and rope from the
before, about the Realm of Monsters, also known wrecked ship and they craft a rope and pulley
as the UnderSea. This singular mountain sounds system to climb their way up the mountain.
like the very same one from the legend. Ti’iti’I Character A starts climbing first to set a hold and
reaffirms the entrance to the UnderSea is at the performs an athletics check DC18, he succeeds
top of this mountain. granting one of his allies a bonus 1d6. Character B
Any spells to teleport or fly up to the top of the now tries to pull on the pulley rope to quickly
mountain is instantly subjected to Wild Magic ascend, she makes an acrobatics check at a DC13
Surge. Regardless of School or Character Class. check. Character C tries to use his balance check
to try and keep the rope taught and firm at the DC
Skill Challenge. 18. However, he fails. Character D, who has yet to
In any order they choose or that makes narrative act, cannot use athletics, acrobatics or balance to
sense to them, each character needs to make a continue this round of the challenge. Character D
skill check, spell or attack DC 13 in the chosen skill uses her Nature skill DC 13 to try and find a
check to help either themselves or an ally climb crevice or natural ladder in the mountain face. She
this mountain. However, no character can make succeeds with the help of the boost die from
the same skill check, or action that another Character A.
character has taken. After all characters have taken their initial checks,
- The challenge is set at DC13, however if they have 3 successes and 1 failure.
they chose to press their luck and increase They take their turns again in any order but not
the challenge to a DC 18 and succeed, using any skills or actions that have been used
they give a bonus 1d6 to another thus far including in the first round. This repeats
character to use on their skill check. until the challenge is completed, either in success
- A failure on the DC18 check however, or failure.
provides a physical and narrative setback
for the party to overcome. The next Top of the Mountain.
character to act has disadvantage on their At the top of the mountain, a small 15-foot radius
next skill check. Example. A failed strength flat platform welcomes the party. Built into the
check DC18 dislodges a small boulder ground, is an open granite mouth with jagged teeth
from the cliff face, it directly on the ally leading down and into the mountain. The teeth cut
below you for damage. any rope or chain that is laid into it.
- The group needs to succeed X skill checks
before Y failures. X in this instance is the Once the entire party of Characters has made it to
amount of player characters +1. And Y in the top, Ti’iti’I will reach the summit as well. He will
this instance is the amount of player urge you to just jump in. If not, he will lead the way,
characters -1 (to a minimum of 2). plugging his nose like jumping into water.
- Before the characters begin their
challenge, they can spend a few hours in
game crafting tools or sleds to help guide
them up the mountain
- If the skill challenge succeeds, the first
character reaches the top of the mountain,
allowing everyone else behind him to be
aided up
- If the skill challenge fails, whatever
salvaged items they had on them break

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Legendary Red Eel – (Aboleth)
Part 2: The UnderSea Meant to scare the characters more than kill them.
Telepathic probe DC 14 Wis saving through or you
need to share with the aboleth your greatest desire.

If the characters chose to flee, or if they are

near TPK, read the boxed text below.

You swim to try and escape this Legendary Red Eel, but
it feels like you are hung up in a mucus cloud the
monster secretes as it swims around you.

Just then, another splash can be heard entering the

water above you. It looks like Ti’iti’I from this far away
and you can’t tell if it’s the sea water stinging your eyes,
but his form shifts a bit like a wild shaping druid might
and his shadow and silhouette look like that of a large
sea serpent with legs.

One swoosh of the eel’s tail and you are pushed back
out of danger and down deeper. So deep that you burst
THROUGH the water and fall down into an airy cavern.

Looking up a good 80 feet to where you fell, unharmed,

you can see whales and sharks swimming around above
you in water that is somehow being held up. The distant
Down into the Realm of Monsters red glow of an eel and sea creature battle it out as you
recover here on the ground
Read the boxed text below.

You fall for what seems like forever. A minute passes Perception Skill Check DC 12. You notice you
and all light from above vanishes. A new light comes are falling into a brain coral maze.
into view as fluorescent illuminations from pink
seaweeds on the walls of the shaft rapidly approach
before being plunged down into water. Your speed and This area, this domain you are in is glowing with bio-
terminal velocity dives you straight down an unrealistic illuminations. The very ground you are on looks like one
amount of feet through the water before you start to massive piece of colorful coral.
But as you slow, the water around you glows with an You fell into a trench that is about 20 feet wide. The
angry red color as a 40-foot-long eel-shaped comes out walls rise up a good 20 feet as well with Razor Plants
of the bow of a suspended wrecked sunken ship. Its on the top like living barbed wire. You can see a small
three eyes in a vertical row track you as its mouth opens flying creature, maybe a bat you think but then see it is a
to reveal countless rows of teeth. large moth. It flutters within 10 feet of the plant as some
Streaking toward you, propelled by its strong tail and barbs shoot out, piercing and killing the flying creature,
three tentacles it reaches out a probing telepathic dropping it within range of the plant’s reach.

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Flora of previously unseen and unknown discoveries lay Wisdom Check Results
all around you like a grass field. Some long reaching Result Dead Ends/
plants look similar to sunflowers but their petals glowing Right Turns
vibrant pinks and with what is clearly a mouth in the 1-4 -4
center like a venus fly trap. A sea urchin, looks like a 5-8 -2
massive boulder with spikes coming out of it rises off the 9-12 0
ground 6 inches as hundreds of tiny legs begins to 13-16 +1
slowly move the boulder towards you… at a snail’s 17-20 +2
You can see the second half of the wrecked ship’s hull is
Once the Party exits the Maze, read the boxed text
crashed down onto the ground behind you, blocking you
from exploring anywhere but forward.

Eventually coming out of this brain coral maze, and onto

some other UnderSea coral field. To your left is a steep
Escape the Brain Coral Maze. drop off that leads to even darker depths. A gargantuan
Now that the characters have fallen into this monster lumbers past. Its spiked back reminds you of a
fluorescent maze, with the way back slowly being Tarrasque.
blocked by a terrifying sea urchin that moves at a
snail’s pace, they need to find their way out of here. To your right a vast field of these spiny plants like a
Going over walls and flying is dangerous. Anything wheat field of piercing pain. The UnderSea Urchin
that flies is attacked by the Razor Plants atop the blocks the path back into the maze, when just then a
walls. (Note: Ti’iti’I will not be a factor into escaping super-heated geyser erupts from the ground and it
the maze) instantly cooks the colossal sea urchin. (can take it for
seafood/food source.)
Wisdom Ability Check.
Each round, all of the characters make a Wisdom
Up ahead, you can see what looks like a gargantuan
Check to see how far they advance through the
sea conch, sanctuary from the violent heat eruptions.
maze. Use the table below.
Currently, the slug like muscle that resides in conchs, is
• A negative result is a dead end.
no not present. Instead, within you catch the glint of
• A positive result is in the right direction.
gold, like a horde within.
• After one round of dice rolls, if the total
result is not in the positive, the Party is lost
in the Maze for the same amount of hours The Gargantuan Sea Conch is 120 feet away.
as negative results. Players can make double movements. For each
• An end result of 0 is still lost but no time turn, a character needs to make a Dexterity Saving
has been taken. Throw to avoid a Super-Heated Geyser, until they
• Additionally, if the end result is 0, the party reach the Conch.
stumbles upon the remains of some other
humanoid who was lost down here for Dexterity Saving Throw DC 13. A jet geyser
some time, and is now a corpse that erupts from the ground. The pocket of super-
carnivorous plants have claimed as their heated air is hidden in plain sight. On a failed save,
root soil. Treasure available. the character takes 2d6 of fire damage and 1d6 of
• If the party is lost in the maze for 8 hours, bludgeoning damage.
1d3+1 of the 8-Eyed Bats attack the party. Perception Check DC 18. A high perception
check can spot the geysers granting advantage on
saves, but they cannot be avoided.

A swarm of 1d6+1 8-Eyed Bats swoop around the

party. If they try to delay or not advance, the 8-
Eyed Bats swoop down and attack, pushing the
characters to the Gargantuan Sea Conch.

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Gargantuan Sea Conch Fallen Loot
D20 Stat
Once the characters reach the conch, read the boxed Result
text below. 1 Nothing Falls
2-5 +2 Equipment
Inside the conch shell, you can see the top of this 6-11 +1 Equipment
chamber is tapering and swirling up to a point, making a
12-16 Non-Magical, Worth 1000k
cone shape. Aa good 80 feet up this spiral cone you can
17-19 Weapon Crits on 19 and 20
see there is an air stream heading up and out of the
Monster Realm. 20 Sentient Equipment

In the center of the room, in roughly a 20-foot area, is a • On a D20 result of 20, the Sickle Falls off.
massive heap, maybe 10 feet high of gold items; Gold
crowns, coins, tridents, some statues even. Leaving Realm of Monsters
Ti’iti’I Will spend all of his actions to try and climb
And in the very center of this pile of gold is the large, two the walls of the Conch to try and jump down onto
handed, great sickle of Ti’iti’I. the back of Mafui'e .

Ti’iti’I will point to his Sickle and shout “Ahh Ha!” When Mafui'e is defeated, and Ti’iti’I has his sickle
back, he will toss you up into the air stream above
- As soon as anyone touches or tries to with NOW godlike strength. The path out of the
remove the Sickle, Mafui'e rises from the UnderSea is like a tunnel or cave, lined with the
heap of gold. In fact, he is the gold heap. same pink seaweed that you can clearly see now
is electrified.

Mafui'e – Gargantuan Coconut Crab

Even though the long stalk eye balls and Forgotten Memory 1
mandibles are clearly monstrous and non-
Having gained back Ti’iti’I’s sickle, some memory
humanoid at all, you can still see facial features of
unlocks within the characters’ mind, trying to make
the man you met in the tavern from the night
before. It is like an abstract piece of art with his the night before more clear. Read the Boxed Text
mouth lower, a missing chin, and his eyes roaming. Below.
The only thing that is actually still the same, is the
voice. While the Air Stream shoots you back up to the surface
plane, you have a flashback to the night before…
Loot. During combat with Mafui'e , at the end of
his turn, random treasure and gear fall off him Your Memory is fuzzy and like a camera off center and
(golden shields, silver spears, sold and silver tilted. You see the yourselves rushing out of the tavern.
swords, gem encrusted helms. Using the Table Along with the party being comes Yarred Wuglim whom
below for what the item’s stats are. she promised a good old-fashioned time to (character
who talked to her in Chapter 0), Alu Fela who (character
Wisdom Saving Throw DC 15. At the start of who talked to her in Chapter 0), was sympathetic with,
Mafui'e’s actions, players need to make a wisdom and Makira who keeps falling over himself and though
save DC15 or they are partially blinded (have you haven’t asked or called him out, he is clearly 3 tiny
disadvantage on skills and attack rolls.) individuals trying to pass as one man.

Finally comes Mafui'e who appears to have taken

something large and covered up by a cloak. The bar is
in a complete brawl as you and your new friends slide
out the back door.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. TITLE 10
(character who caught eye of Minotaur in Chapter 0), is Mafui'e, unaware his shield is missing has his back to
hastily putting on the Minotaur’s armor by accident but you at the stern of the ship as he overlooks whatever it
he is being chased by a dwarf, seemingly the Minotaur’s is he stole. He seems to be trying to pry loose
husband or boyfriend, so it is in a rush. something as he has a dagger out and squirming with
the effort.
Guards can be heard in their heavy armor jogging on the
dock planks heading towards the tavern. Someone Everything goes black once more.
waves the group over to a small one-masted ship
named Vaiana: The Legend from the End of the Earth
Everyone begins to untie the ropes from some pylons
and the pier. The group shoves off the boat and makes
way out to the harbor past other trade and cargo ships. Part 3: Leaving Harl
The ship is heading towards the massive statue of Ti’iti’i
that is still within longbow reach of the docks.
You lose track of time
A slobbering lick of a massive bloodhound makes
(Random Character) aware of things again. You are
sitting on the bow of the ship as it is anchored to
dwarven-made island. Sitting there, you look at where
the statue of Ti’iti’I should be but it is missing. In its
place is a weird glowing green burn mark on the ground
in a spiral form.

The other members of the party and the cohorts are

dancing and drinking about in a party atmosphere. A
handful of empty growlers and jugs of rum lay empty on
the deck behind you, right next to the three Makira who
seems to have passed out with a large handful of red
and black feathered darts in their hands.
Looking about, the dog that licked you has vanished.
In the Mountain
Another member of your group is trying to climb the Read the boxed text below.
mast of the ship as he tries to coax down a large bird
that is perched at the top of the sails with some chocobo
grilled meat from the tavern. Looking over the dwarven-
made island, you can see fairly well because there are Escaping the Realm of Monsters, or the UnderSea, you
will-o-wisps floating about harmlessly. It seems they are have gone up the water stream in Mafui'e ‘s lair. The
attracted to this island like a home. stream exits out into shallow pool of water within a
hidden cavern inside a mountain.
Meanwhile, (character who talked with Mafui'e in
Chapter 0), has a coin encrusted shield, like some kind Inside this hidden water cave, is a plethora of sailing
of sticky ooze has permanently affixed the coins to the ships, all single masts. But all would be sizeable enough
shield, he took it from the collector Mafui'e and is for seafaring.
desperately trying to steer a monster similar to a Each of these ships appears to be some kind of white
crocodile back into the waters. wood or painted white. There is one vessel that stands
out among the others though, and again there is a
You can see yet another friend walking over to a sand connection back to your tavern encounters. The
dune covering with Yarred’s hand in his, the intent is spiraling symbol seen on the necklace of Alu Fela is
clear imprinted into the sail.

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As you step into the gravel floored cave, you can see This exits out to behind the waterfall and an easy
there is a single opening in the cavern, big enough for cast off to the ocean. Having chosen a ship to set
something huge to have entered into it. sail with, you leave the cavern and the nest of

Night has fallen since you went into the Undersea.

Investigation Skill Check DC 12 – All of the Finally setting out onto the ocean, it is difficult to
single-mast ships are all in a state of decay from know where you really need to head.
time. If this isn’t noticed, midway through the return Note: If the characters took the spiral symbol ship
your vessel will begin to sink. Causing another it will begin to naturally guide itself during the day
Skill Challenge to survive. light. At night it doesn’t.

Survival/Perception Skill Check DC 12 – You The night sky is perfectly clear and you can see
now notice the gravel ground is actually chips of every constellation out tonight…
stone now clearly resembling noses and eyes and
even fingers, pulverized. The white painting is Ti’iti’I won’t be of much help. He says he can take
actually dried excrements from something akin to a credit for helping out the mortals in many ways;
bird. extending the days in summer, raising the islands
themselves and even conquering several
Colocolo – monsters. But night time, that’s a feat he hasn’t
If a character approach any of the ships, a huge tackled yet.
rooster like beast comes out from the opening in
the cavern wall. Ti’iti’I calls the monster an old foe Perception or Intelligence Skill Check DC 13:
and now that he has grown, it is time for a proper Upon failure, the characters spot a spiral
meal of Colocolo! constellation that looks very similar to the Gem of
• If the encounter goes beyond 3 rounds, Tuna-Roa.
1d3+1 small Colocolo offspring appear. A successful skill check and someone spots a
• No matter how the fight evolves, the green star in the sky that doesn’t belong to a
character’s kill Colocolo by cutting off its claimed constellation, however you note it looks
neck. In the filth of the kill, you find a small like the main star in a hook or sickle constellation.
green gem. You feel the urge to follow it.
• If Ti’iti’I see the gem, he calls it the Gem of • If they follow Tharizdun’s star they will be
Tuna-Roa, one of the four stones forced to fight Alu Fela as a water
belonging to the bust of the Demogorgon elemental first before proceeding.
• Bust of Demogorgon has 2 heads so 4 • If they follow the green star they will only
eyes. The others eye stones are named have to fight the pirates in the morning
Mua, Waena, Kalana.
Religion Skill Check DC 10: The spiral
Seafaring supplies constellation is for Tharizdun, as the major deities
Characters can grab supplies from the other ships have stars aligned for them into constellations.
if they scavenge or are thoughtful enough. Tharizdun was a long-forgotten interloper god
• 4 – 100 feet of hempen rope originating from Oerth who sought to destroy all
• 3 – 50lb metal anchors that is. Madness and Annihilation are his domains.
• 12 – oars Symbol of a blood red background with black
• 6 – spare canvases clockwise spiral in black or dark purple.

Alu Fela Encounter

Only if the characters followed the wrong star.

Setting Sail Alu Fela Water Fathomer: Shortly into the night,
whoever is on an odd watch, sees a glowing blue
After the brief encounter with Colocolo, Ti’iti’I will energy tracing in the waves behind them. It rises
use his great sickle and smash open another closer to the surface in what appears to be a large
portion of the cavern wall behind the small pool. manta ray but made of some kind of blue aura. It

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. TITLE 12
passes under the boat and you lose track of it. You foolishly enter this gamble, however, “luck” appears
When you go over to the other side to see where it back on your side as you win with a roll of a “1” or a
came out, you hear the familiar voice of Alu Fela “Kick” automatically winning. The room became a
but sounding like she is drowning in water. chaotic scene as they reluctantly take the scepter back
Alu Fela stands on the deck suddenly. She is
out and hand it over. You note they have an odd, sly
asking for her necklace back.
smile on their face as the tavern takes in this victory.
• “I am Alu Fela and this is my right!
• She will attack without giving you a The tavern begins to spiral out of control as ale and wine
moment to try and give it to her. began to be thrown…
• You can beat her by reducing her HP to 0
or by grappling her and putting the Perception/Wisdom Skill Check DC 13. The
necklace on her. characters can see Aamuel and Hathradiah
switching dice with sleight of hand.
Forgotten Memory 2
During the night, the characters have vivid dreams, Arcana Skill Check DC 13. The scepter you once
recalling their drunken night prior. Read the boxed held, now looks to be enchanted, as if it isn’t a
text below. scepter, but some other item glamoured to appear
as the scepter.

Your nightly dreams shift from pleasant thoughts, to a

vivid memory of Porky Pua’s tavern. The event quickly
shifts to the bar where you then meet the companions of
Part 4: Traveling the
your drinking quest.
A few hours later, and a few rounds of Red Dragon Piss
Ale later, (Whichever character was gambling with
Aamuel and Hathradiah) and the two gamblers are
trading rounds and coin feverously. Luck shifts in your
favor, to which you’ve won what they called an
unprecedented 10 times in a row, even splitting twice to
make a legendary call. You’ve won some coin and some
impressive items from the pair, including a 4 jeweled
scepter. Your inebriated state allows you to appraise this
item at close to 100 platinum pieces.

You were feeling confident and they appeared upset,

ready to up the wager to win their coin back in a high
stakes single round. (Note, see perception check below)
Morning at Sea
Coincidence would have it, they win this next round, Read the boxed text below as the characters awaken.
sending the entire tavern into an uproar of cheers and
jeers. They take back their scepter that you had a keen Morning comes with the sounds of war drums.
eye for. (Note 2 below)
The ship you are on is still sailing and you can even see
These gentlemen are nothing but merciful as they offer a land on the horizon! But the horrendous sounds of war
deal, an “All or nothing” final wager for the scepter. drums overtake your own hearts rhythm. Turning
You can’t recall if it was your previous winning streak or around, you see a massive 5 sailed ship that looks like a
the amount of ale you had, but your confidence has warship put together from salvaged parts. It is imposing
never been higher. and the waves it is kicking up crest higher than your
ship’s single sail.

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On board the warship, you can see at the drums tiny characters can make a medicine
little masked goblin-esq figures. They are clearly tribal check and save the person or
and island natives of some kind as most of their armor save themselves with the salv)
and body that you can really see on their tiny forms is
o This does count as a skill turn for
the skill challenge
armed in coconuts.
- If the skill challenge succeeds, they leave
Now filling the air in a chant comes over the war drum
the War Ship behind as the flanking
music the words “Ma Ki Ra”.
raiding ships collide with each other.
Up on the sails come into view dozens more of these
- If the skill challenge fails, all of the
tiny pirates. A conch horn is blown as the war ship is
characters are captured and tied up. They
within a short bow range of your ship. On that signal, the will take the gem from you.
war ship begins to shift and crumble slightly. Breaking
off the main warship, off to the left and to the right come
smaller single masted raiding ships.
War Ship
What once was a 5 mast ship is now only 3 but it is still
Ti’iti’I will return and free you from paralysis and
powering on to you
bonds, but you need to get the gem back from
Ti’iti’I will identify them as the Makira who are after the their captain before you make your escape.
Gem. He will shapeshift into a massive Roc and begin • You can kill all the pirates (2d6+1 per party
attacking the ship. member), or just grab the gem if you can.
• Fleeing capture requires athletics,
acrobatics or equal skill check to use their
ropes to swing back to you ship.
Skill Challenge.
• Failure at the rope swing and you fall to
In any order the characters choose or that makes
the water next to your ship taking 2d6
narrative sense to them, each character needs to
falling/bludgeoning damage.
make a skill check, spell or attack DC 13 in the
chosen skill check to try and power their smaller
ship faster than the war ship. However, no Aboard the Pirate ship you find it has three
character can make the same skill check, or action accessible decks.
that another character has taken. • Lower deck: the hold where food and
- The challenge is set at DC13, however if drink are stored in small compartments.
they chose to press their luck and increase The head where a rank odor pervades
the challenge to a DC 18 and succeed, each of these small cabins, where crew
they give a bonus 1d6 to another come to relieve themselves. The forward
character to use on their skill check. stairs that can be used to access the main
- A failure on the DC18 check however, deck’s bow. Hammocks hang from the
provides a physical and narrative setback rafters for the crew. The aft stairs used to
for the party to overcome. The next access the main deck’s stern and rudder
character to act has disadvantage on their room. It is here in the lower deck where
next skill check. Example. A failed strength some beams have broken and water is
check DC18 breaks a rigging on the sail, coming in from a hole.
slowing the ship causing disadvantage for • Main deck: the forward head of the deck
the next character to attempt a skill check. houses lanterns and a harpoon gun with
- The group needs to succeed X skill checks several replacement harpoons and ropes
before Y failures. X in this instance is the to tie off to. Behind this there is a massive
amount of player characters +1. And Y in beam going down into the lower deck is
this instance is the amount of player causing a leak. Behind the three masts
characters -1 (to a minimum of 2). there is a small room that functions as a
- Each failure and the Makria makes a kitchen for a cook but there isn’t much in
single ranged attack on that character with here other than some pots and pans along
paralysis darts. A successful ranged attack with knives. A small storage room is at the
causes the character to be paralyzed. stern of the main deck where a wrapping
o Skipping that character in the skill stair leads up to a small platform where
challenge until remedied. (other the wheel housing and compass are

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• Upper deck: Navigation wheel, behind Instead, you see fires raging across the temple districts,
this is the captains room. This room is a screams of terror from the merchant’s districts and
testament to bad taste. With its purple above all of this, the gargantuan sized terror of a molten
velvet curtains and scented candles in fire elemental. You see the small dwarven-made island
gaudy candelabras. In the middle of the coming up on the port side of the ship but there is
room is a table with a large aquarium tank something wrong about the statue to Ti’iti’i, it is no
resting atop it. The aquarium contains a
longer that demi-god, as you have the real thing here to
coral reef that serves as a home for the
compare it to. It is instead an even larger, obsidian black
previous captain’s pet octopus and a small
statue in the evil and corrupt likeness of the
replica miniature chest. Beneath the
aquarium, built into the table is a shelf
which rests a locked wooden chest.
(rigged with poison needle trap that can
only be disabled by a key found in a
Statue of Demogorgon.
miniature chest in the aquarium. Other
The statue looks like that the Prince of Demons,
furnishings like a silk hammock, a writing
desk covered with quills and loose sheets the Sibilant Beast, and Master of the Spiraling
of parchment, a silver wine goblet and Depths, The Demogorgon!
small mini stove. (the chest under the desk
contains a rapier with a jeweled octopus The Demogorgon is the embodiment of chaos,
shaped hilt (+1 attack and +1 grapple madness and destruction! Seeking to corrupt all
while using weapon worth 2500gp) and that is good and undermine order in the universe.
almost 500gp in the chest along with 9 - The demon lord is a meld of different forms; with a
50gp gemstones (unknown these are the
saurian lower body and clawed webbed feet, as
treasures of Rule).
well as suckered tentacles sprouting from the
Return to Teti'aroa shoulders of a great apelike torso, surmounted by
Night is all too close once again, you must have two hideous simian heads, whose likeness all but
been captured or trying to flee the War Ship longer too much resembles Aameul and Hathradiah but
than you thought. The lanterns at the bow of the more primitive looking.
ship are only good enough to shed some
additional light, good for navigating along the Clarity
shores or caves. Read the boxed text below. That solves it, the only figure from the drunken
night before you haven’t seen corrupted and
With none of you being familiar with navigating by changed somehow is the pair of men from the Bar,
constellations you try to keep to the compass’s headings Aameul and Hathradiah. They must be the route of
from where you last saw land on the horizon, trying to
all of this, It’s time to confront them back at the
keep the ship going north.
Since waking up on the beach and finding yourself ever
Ti’iti’I helps the characters try and sail past the
confused by the developments of the day, you don’t
island. The island is illuminated by these glowing
know how far you have traveled by sea. But eventually
you start to see some lights dotting the horizon not too lights, the will-o-wisps of the island, however they
far off. are now acting in an aggressive manner and all
Finally, you think. The docks are near. But as you keep too quickly they begin to fill the decks and
approaching the lights, you don’t see any welcoming surround the ship like lightning bugs in a mountain
signs of the city of Teti'aroa. field. Almost holding the ship back from trying to
reach the docks.

Maui raises his great sickle and gives a yell of joy

as he launches himself at the will-o-wisps. He will
hold off the aggressive light creatures so you can
confront Aamuel and Hathradiah. Maui lands on

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the dwarven-made island transforming into a baby Halfling skull cups of dirt that is moving and
rugged dog you recall from the night before, the wriggling with worms and insects inside.
fey creature known as a Blink Dog The old men sitting at the bar show no fear or
surprise to see you, no real emotions. None of the
other patrons you saw earlier are not here (Note: if
Forgotten Memory 3 you didn’t encounter Alu Fela the Water Elemental,
Seeing Te’iti’I launch into battle to allow you to she will be held in a large aquarium like tank, like a
continue to the docks, the characters have a chained mermaid on display.)
flashback memory. Read the following boxed text. The ceiling of the tavern is a spiraling mass of an
open portal, and within it, you can see the horrible
Jumping forward again in your memory, you seem to plane of the Abyss, home of the Demogorgon.
have lost all of the companions from the bar. A storm is
Aamuel and Hathradiah welcome you back and
raging and thrashing the ship you have commandeered.
Several of you have gotten sea sick or drunk sick and ask if you care to take a seat (seat is safe from the
are throwing up over the railings. The boat rocks heavily cube, 15 feet away). They don’t respond to any
from left to right as it gets crashed upon by huge waves. questions, intimidating or anything else.

Lightning strikes the water not too far off giving off Perception/Arcana Skill Check DC 18. Only a
daylight like moment of sight. There is no land around very high skill check will note that Aameul and
visible for miles. Sliding back and forth on the deck is a Hathradiah are sitting in a gelatinous cube. If the
heavy stone object, it is whatever Mafui'e was working characters move within 15 feet of them, they will
on back on the dwarf island. As lighting illuminates, the be stuck in it. The forms of Aamuel and Hathradiah
deck briefly, you can see it is a statue bust appearing to
are a major image spell cast to appear like they
be that of a demon from the Abyss, the Demogorgon.
are there to trick you into the cube.
Each of its 4 eyes made of various colored gems,
however one is missing. Someone shouts that the ship
is going to fall apart.
Insight Skill Check DC 14. A moment into talking
to these two, makes the character believe they
Another strike of clash of thunder announces the coming
of a lighting strike. With immortal speed, a massive bird, seem like a recording almost, not even the evil
a Roc perhaps, flies into the path of the lightning strike monologue spoiling of secrets by an archvillan.
saving the boat from immediate destruction. Falling
unconscious to the raging waters is the body of what
you now know as Ti’iti’I, his Great Sickle splashes well
away from his reach. “It seems you have returned from the
chaos. We thought with all that you
consumed the night before while being led
With the daylight like effect of the lightning, you can see by a band of even more lost souls (he
a headwall of water is rushing in towards the ship. It is points to Alu Fela if she is here) that
about to hit the boat and most likely destroy it… you would just perish at sea, tell me,
how are your compatriots from the night

It seems we didn’t plan the intervention

of a demigod in your return, however

Part 5: The Demogorgon We can feel the presence of the Gem of

Tuna-Roa. A shame that thief, the
Return to Porky Pua’s scavenger Mafui'e tried to pry it off the
Back at the Taverns, the scene has very much
We thought it would have been one of you
changed. The once lively tavern is now a cultist’s to discover the bust of the Prince of
dream sanctuary. Even the peanut bowls on the Demons was illusioned to appear as the
table top have been replaced by what looks like Scepter. But none-the-less, corrupting

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our statue allowed us to your world, to
corrupt it in return.

Allowing us to manifest our fiendish body

here in the material plane”

The image of them disappears from the cube, and

the bust of the Demogorgon is left in its place,
missing an eye. Anyone with a Passive Wisdom
Score of 10 or higher will come up with a solution
of replacing the Gem into the statue to end all of
this corruptness..

• The characters are not meant to kill the

Demogorgon. It will kill them is they do.
However, they can try and kill it anyway.

• They are meant to place the eye back into

the statue which is in the heart of the

• Moving/Swimming within the cube requires

successful Athletics Skill Check DC 15
to move 5 feet. A character needs to do
this twice to reach the statue.

Once the Gem is Returned, the swirling portal to
the abyss will start to close. The Demogorgon will
be pulled into the closing portal, but not before
lashing out and making a final attempt to drag
someone with it back to the abyss. The tentacle
reaches for the character that placed the Gem
back into the statue.

Optional Skill Challenge.

When a character is attacked and to be dragged
back to the abyss, all the other characters need to
perform the skill challenge to try and free their ally.

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Northern Mallet of Parrying
Appendices Weapon (Light Hammer), uncommon (requires
Appendix A.1
Aamuel & Hathradiah prizes While Attuned:
The bearer gains +1 to constitution saving throws
Weapon (Trident), rare The bearer may use their reaction to gain a +1 AC
A steel trident decorated with bronze barnacles bonus until the end of the turn.
along the upper part of its haft. It has a sea-green
jewel just below the tines. Requires attunement. Drunkard's Sledge of Snow
Floatation Device: It floats on the surface if Weapon (Warhammer), uncommon (requires
dropped in water. It floats in place if released attunement)
Cold Damage. It is always cool to the touch. (+1 While Attuned:
attack/damage, plus 1d8 cold) The bearer always knows the direction to the
nearest tavern in a 60 mile radius.
While Attuned:
Language. Speak fluent Aquan. Icy wind and snowflakes bluster around this
Resistance. Gain resistance to cold damage. weapon, even in warm environments. The bearer
Covetous. The attuned wielder is covetous. can walk on the surface of the lightest snow,
Gaining the Flaw of “I demand and deserve the leaving no footprints
largest share of the spoils and refuse to part with
anything that’s mine.” This includes refusing to part Leaping Ring Mail
with this trident. Armor (Ring Mail), uncommon (requires
Curse. Over 24 hours barnacles appear on your attunement)
skin. Can only be removed with greater restoration
spell. Add +1 natural armor however While Attuned:
Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Jump
Eastern Scepter spell (1st level)
Weapon (Mace), uncommon (requires attunement)
Blessed Chain Mail
While Attuned: Armor (Chain Mail), uncommon (requires
The bearer gains +1 to wisdom saving throws. attunement)

Solemn Kris While Attuned:

Weapon (Dagger), uncommon (requires Whenever bearer of this item receives divine
attunement) healing, they gain an additional 1d4 hit points.

While Attuned: Fortune Teller's Leather Armor of Rituals

The bearer may spend an action to stabilize a Armor (Leather Armor), uncommon (requires
dying creature within 5 feet. They cannot do so attunement)
again until they have completed a long rest.
While Attuned:
Trusty Frying Pan Every time you hit by a monster, you glimpse a
Weapon (Club), uncommon (requires attunement) random image of its future or past.

While Attuned: Whenever the bearer is casting a spell as a ritual,

Treat this as a +1 weapon if the bearer has half they have advantage to maintain concentration
their maximum hit points or less. during the ritual.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. TITLE 18
Sacred Chain Shirt of the Fox Concordant Gauntlets
Armor (Chain Shirt), uncommon (requires Wonderous item, uncommon (requires
attunement) attunement), uncommon (requires attunement)

While Attuned: While Attuned:

The bearer may increase their Lay on Hands hit The bearer has advantage on saving throws vs.
point pool by 5. Psychic Dissonance when travelling the Outer
Planes. (DMG p. 59)
Characters trying to track the bearer have a -1
penalty to their skill checks. Elysian Tiara
Wonderous item, uncommon (requires
Sentinel Wizard Hat attunement), uncommon (requires attunement)
Wonderous item, uncommon (requires
attunement), uncommon (requires attunement) While Attuned:
When on the plane of Elysium, the bearer has
While Attuned: advantage on saving throws against the effects of
Faintly glows when creatures of a certain race Overwhelming Joy (DMG p. 60)
(DMs choice) are within a 100 foot radius.
Reaper's Circlet
Silent Cap Wonderous item, uncommon (requires
Wonderous item, uncommon (requires attunement), uncommon (requires attunement)
attunement), uncommon (requires attunement)
While Attuned:
While Attuned: The bearer has advantage on death saving throws.
The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth)

Conjurer's Gloves Appendix A.2

Wonderous item, uncommon (requires Rules to Giant’s and Halflings
attunement), uncommon (requires attunement)
While Attuned: Giants and Halflings
The bearer may cast Prestidigitation once per day. The house uses a d10, known as the giant
The gambler uses 2d6, known as the halflings
Holy Wizard Hat
Wonderous item, uncommon (requires The house rolls the giant dice first. This sets the
attunement), uncommon (requires attunement) “Knee” of the giant.
The player then needs to roll their Halfling dice to
While Attuned: roll higher than the giant dice
When the bearer of this item rolls hit dice, they can
choose to re-roll them and take the second result. If the Halfling dice are two 1’s, it is known as the
“snake” and pushes the giant away, a draw
Unbroken Scabbard If the Halfling dice equal 11 or 12, it is known as
Wonderous item, uncommon (requires hitting “the Maw” of the giant and the player
attunement), uncommon (requires attunement) automatically loses
If the giant rolls a 1, it is a “Kick” and automatically
While Attuned: wins
The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Constitution If the Halfling dice hit the knee exactly, the player
saving throws. may split the dice doubling their bet. When
splitting, players roll one additional die per split.
Players may split a second time if they wish to
become legendary

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. TITLE 19
The Knee is 2-3: House pays 1:1 Insignia of Claws.
The Knee is 4-6: House pays 2:1 A jeweled necklace with the insignia of the Cult of
The Knee is 7-9: House pays 3:1 the Beast has a flare with purple light when you
The Knee is 10: House pays 5:1 enter combat. Empowering your fists or natural
This game is the more acceptable form of the Magic Claws: While wearing the insignia your
game by the public. The more gentlemen’s rules, attacks gain +1 to attack and damage. (Including
a past time. It is an essential game to know as wildshape)
other forms of the game exist such as Beastly Spell: If wildshaped, you may once per
PickPocket, used by thieves guilds where the day cast a spell when normally you couldn’t in
odds and payouts are higher in the favor of the wildshape
house. Or Tiefling Roulette where more serious
wagers are placed and the dice are sworn to Golden Potion Bottle.
players. This bottle contains a breath of elemental air.
When you inhale it you either hold it or breathe it
out. If you exhale you gain the effect of the gust
of wind. If you hold it, you don’t need to breath
Appendix B for 1 hour
Mafui'e Loot and trade-ables.
Golden Storm Boomerang
Gold Dragon Mask. Ranged weapon carved from griffon bone, inlaid
Legendary – requires attunement with gold and scratched with the runes of
This horned mask of shiny gold has horns and a elemental air. When thrown it has a range of 60-
skull like mien. The mask reshapes to fit a 120 feet.
wearer attuned to it. On hit, the boomerang deals 1d4 bludgeoning
damage and 2d4 thunder damage. Target must
While attuned: succeed DC 10 constitutional saving throw or
Damage Absorption: Resistance to fire damage target is stunned until next turn. Weapon returns
Draconic Majesty: While wearing this mask and to throwers hand at the start of their next round
no armor, you may add your charisma bonus to
your AC Ingot of the Crab Rune.
Dragon Sight: You have darkvision out 60 feet. If Ingot runes work while on your person
you already have it, you can see out an A block of golden ore, etched with a rune making
additional 60 feet. Once per day you may use this an enchanted ingot.
blindsight out 30 feet for 5 minutes Runic Shield: +1 bonus to AC
Legendary: If you fail a saving throw, you can Shield Bond: On your action as a bonus action,
choose to succeed it, once and only once. you may target an ally within 30 feet of you. All
damage they receive until your next turn is
reduced to 1. You receive half the damage they
Hazirawn. would have taken instead. The damage you take
Golden Greatsword Requires attunement cannot be reduced in any way of immunities or
A sentient (neutral evil) great sword. The sword is resistances.
capable of speech. It knows Common but Unique - Shield Ward: You may transfer the
doesn’t acknowledge it. It speaks Netherese. ingot’s power and rune to an item, a shield or two
Increased Potency: Your attack and damage is handed melee weapon. You must spend 8 hours
+2 and hits deal an extra 2d6 necrotic damage tracing the rune symbol with the ingot over the
item. At the end of 8 hours the ingot is destroyed
While Attuned: and the item now has the rune.
Spells: 4 charges per day. Detect magic, detect • If it is a shield, the first time after a long
good/evil, and detect thoughts rest if you are reduced to 0hp, you are
Wounding: Any creature you hit with Hazirawn instead with 1hp. Also grants a +1 bonus
can’t regain HP for 1 minute. to current shield AC
• Any other item grants +1 shield bonus to

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Enchanted Golden Chainmail Shirt STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Golden chainmail shirt with gems encrusting the 25 20 20 10 18 18
This golden chainmail shirt weighs approximately
50lbs and gives the wearer disadvantage on
dexterity based skill and saving throws. However, Medium
it does have the magical benefit of a +1 Armor Class: 18 (+3 Tattoo mage Armor)
chainmail shirt that has resistance to Hit points: 260
Bludgeoning Damage. Speed: 30ft
Proficiency Bonus: +6
Equipment: Manaiakalani (Great Sickle(wood)),
Claw of Mafui'e
shell and tooth necklace, leaf-grass skirt
(only available once defeated).
This claw is covered in golden barnacles and has
Manaiakalani. Great Sickle +3 (1d8), Extended
the following properties.
Crit range (19-20), Vicious (crits deal additional
Crab Club: this is a great club +2 attacks and
damage. Using 2 hands confers x2 the strength
Senses: Dark Vision 60ft.
Languages: Deep Speech, Undercommon
While Attuned:
King Crab: As an action you can point the claw at
Tribal Tattoos. Each tattoo is ‘earned’ and tells a
a huge or larger creature within 30 feet of you. It
story of an epic deed. These appear magically and
must succeed a DC 15 Con save or become
have granted Ti’iti’i greater strength, dexterity and
vulnerable to all damage types until the end of
protection. Allows Ti’iti’I to have ability scores
your next turn. This can be used 3 times before
above 20 and constantly under Mage Armor +3
it needs to be fully submerged in water for 24
Crab Shield: While the claw is displayed on your Druidic
person, you have resistance to bludgeoning Ti’iti’I Knows the secret language of the druids.
Spell Save DC = 18
Spell Attack Modifier = +10
Iron Kukri boots.
Found on the skeleton chained at the bottom of the
Spellcasting Focus. Great Sickle
bubbling fresh water pond.
Boots: These boots weigh nothing when held and
not worn. While being worn, the wearer
immediately sinks to the bottom of any water Beast Shapes
they enter. Additionally, they cannot be pushed Blink Dog
back even from a creature with a higher strength
or size. Guard Drake (Volo’s Guide)
Appendix C Can only Wild Shape while in possession of Great Sickle
NPC and Specific Monsters. In order of potential Druid Moon Circle
encounter. Combat Wildshape.
Bonus action to Wild Shape. Additionaly, expend a
Ti’iti’I spell slot to regain 1d8 hit points per level of the
Half Dwarf, Half Human. Vastly tattooed with wild
black hair. Formidable without his Great Sickle. Circle Forms
Demi-god abilities while equipped with his focus, Beginning at 2nd level Ti’iti’I can transform into
the Sickle. 20th Level Moon Circle Druid. more dangerous wild animals.
Demigod of the Wind and Sea.

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Primal Strike. Bubbling Pond Guardian
Attacks in Beast form count as magical for the In the aura and shimmering light of a shaman spirit,
purpose of overcoming resistances and immuinites this guardian swims about in the bubbling waters.
to non-magical attacks. Appearing like a manta ray as it swims around

Elemental Wild Shape STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

At 10th level, Ti’iti can expend 2 uses of Wild 17 15 12 13 12 14
Shape at the same time to transform into an air,
earth, fire or water elemental.

Thousand Forms Large

By 14th level, Ti’iti’I can cast alter self spell at will. Armor Class: 14
Hit points: 78
Speed: 10ft, Swim 40ft
Timeless Body Equipment: None
Starting at 18th level, the primal magic that you
wield causes you to age more slowly. For every 10 Senses: Dark Vision 60ft.
years that pass, your body ages only 1 year. Languages: Deep Speech, Undercommon

Beast Spells Damage transfer. While attached to a creature,

Starting at 18thh level, you can cast many of your the cloaker takes only half the damage, rounded
druid spells in any shape you assume using Wild down, and the creature takes the other half
Shape. You can perform the somatic and verbal
components of a druid spell while in beast shape, Attacks:
but you aren't able to provide material components. Multiattack. The cloaker makes two attacks, one
with its bite and one with its tail.
At 20th level, you can use your Wild Shape an Bite. Melee weapon attack +6 to hit. Hit 10(2d6+3)
unlimited number of times. Additionally, you can piercing damage, if the creature is large or
ignore the verbal and somatic components of your smaller, the creature is grappled by the cloaker.
druid spells, as well as any material components An escape check DC 16 strength can break the
that lack a cost and aren't consumed by a spell. attachment.
You gain this benefit in both your normal shape
and your beast shape from Wild Shape. Tail. Melee weapon attack +6 to hit. Hit 7(1d8+3)
slashing damage.
Spells (Only when in possession of Great Sickle)
Moan. Each creature within 60 feet of the cloaker
Cantrips (4) Druidcraft, Guidance, Mending,
that can hear its moan and that isn’t an aberration
must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or
1st(4) Charm Person, Create or Destroy Water,
become frightened until the end of the cloaker’s
Jump, Thunderwave
next turn. If a creature’s saving throw is successful,
2nd (3) Gust of Wind, Moonbeam, Pass Without
the creature is immune to the cloaker’s moan for
the next 24 hours
3rd (3) Daylight, Water Walk, Wind Wall
4th (3) Confusion, Ice Storm, Stone Shape
Phantasms (Recharges after a Short or Long
5th (3) Commune with Nature, Geas, Greater
Rest). The cloaker magically creates three illusory
duplicates of itself if it isn’t in bright light. The
6th (2) Sunbeam, Wind Walk
duplicates move with it and mimic its actions,
7th (2) Regenerate, Reverse Gravity
shifting position so as to make it impossible to
8th (1) Tsunami
track which cloaker is the real one. If the cloaker is
9th (1) Storm of Vengeance
ever in an area of bright light, the duplicates

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Whenever any creature targets the cloaker with an After 1 minute, the diseased creatures skin
attack or a harmful spell while a duplicate remains, becomes translucent and slimy; the creature
that creature rolls randomly to determine whether it can’t regain hit points unless it is underwater,
targets the cloaker or one of the duplicates. A and the disease can only be removed by a Heal
creature is unaffected by this magical effect if it spell or another disease curing spell of 6th level
can’t see or if it relies on senses other than sight. or high. While out of water, the diseased takes
6(1d12) acid damage every 10 minutes unless
A duplicate has the cloaker’s AC and uses its moisture is applied to the skin
saving throws. If an attack hits a duplicate, or if a
duplicate fails a saving throw against an effect that Tail. Melee weapon attack +9 to hit, reach 10 ft.
deals damage, the duplicate disappears. one target. Hit 18(4d6+5) bludgeon damage)

Legendary Red Eel (Aboleth) Eight Eyed Bat

Gargantuan legendary monster of the deep. Its Fiendishly large bat with 8 blood red eyes. Its body
three eyes in a vertical row track you as its mouth covered in spiked barbs of hair
opens to reveal countless rows of teeth. Streaking
toward you, propelled by its strong tail and three
tentacles it reaches out a probing telepathic STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
tentacle 7 12 13 2 12 4


21 9 15 18 15 18 Armor Class: 10
Hit points: 15
Speed: 10ft, Fly 50ft
Gargantuan Equipment: none.
Armor Class: 14
Hit points: 135 Senses: darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Speed: 40 Swim Languages: -
Equipment: none.
Keen sight and sound. The eight-eyed bat has
Senses: darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20 advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
Languages: Deep Speech, Telepathy 120ft rely on sight and sound.

Attacks: Pack Tactics. The eight-eyed bat has advantage

Multiattack. The Red Eel makes 3 tentacle on attack rolls if at least one other of the eight-
attacks eyed bats is within 5 feet of the creature attacking.

Tentacle. Melee Weapon attack +9 to hit, reach

10ft. One target. Hit: 15 (3d6+5) bludgeon Attacks:
damage. If the target is a creature, it must Bite. Melee weapon attack +2 to hit, reach 5ft. Hit
succeed a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or 5(2d4+1) piercing damage
become diseased. The disease has no effect for
1 minute and can be removed by any magic that
cures disease.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. TITLE 23
Mafui'e – Gargantuan (hammerclaw)
Coconut Crab
Three towering legs under the hard carapace of Huge
the crab. Its shell littered with golden and shiny Armor Class: 14
objects that fall each movement. Two massive Hit points: 112
claws for crushing his desserts. Speed: 40ft, Fly 10 ft.
Equipment: Gem of Tuna-Roa

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses: Dark Vision 60ft.
25 9 20 8 10 12
Languages: -

Beak. Melee weapon attack +6 to hit. Hit
Gargantuan 14(3d6+5) piercing damage, Constitution DC 14
Armor Class: 19 saving throw or the target is restrained and
Hit points: 217 slowly begins to turn to stone. Target is
Speed: 20ft, Swim 20 ft. restrained this turn. On the creatures next turn it
Equipment: none. must make another save or be petrified for 24
Senses: Blind Sight.
Languages: Deep Speech, Common Offspring Colocolo (small Cockatrice)
A sickly looking vulture the size of an adult dragon.
Leg Division. Each leg has 50Hp. If more than 2 Its fur patchy and gangrene looking. Its eyes
are killed or cut off from the same side, Mafui'e is rolling freely on the sides of its head. Its beak
immobile but can still fight. These legs count broken and cracked from chewing hard stones
towards the Crabs total HP for a diet.
I Wanna Be Shiny. At the start of Mafui'e’s
actions, players need to make a Wisdom save STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
DC15 or they are partially blinded (have 6 12 12 2 13 5
disadvantage on skills and attack rolls.) until the
start of Mafui'e’s next turn.
Attacks: Armor Class: 11
Multiattack. Mafui'e makes 2 claw attacks Hit points: 27
Speed: 20ft, Fly 40 ft.
Claw. Melee weapon attack +12 to hit, reach 15ft. Equipment: none
Hit 25(6d6+7) bludgeoning damage. If the target
is Large or smaller, the creature is grappled Senses: Dark Vision 60ft.
(Escape DC 22). Each Claw can only grab 1 Languages: -
creature each.

ColoColo (Huge Cockatrice) Bite. Melee weapon attack +3 to hit. Hit 3(1d4+1)
A sickly looking vulture the size of an adult dragon. piercing damage, Constitution DC 11 saving
Its fur patchy and gangrene looking. Its eyes throw or the target is restrained and slowly
rolling freely on the sides of its head. Its beak begins to turn to stone. Target is restrained this
broken and cracked from chewing hard stones turn. On the creatures next turn it must make
for a diet. another save or be petrified for 24 hours.


16 20 14 8 13 5

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Alu Fela (Water Fathomer) Languages: -
Alu Fela appears as a water elemental. Her form
see-through as she is made of water. There is Attacks:
an evil and aggressive nature about her. Her Poison Darts. Ranged attack + 6 to hit, 4(1d4+2)
form transitions from that of an elven woman to piercing damage. Automatically paralyzed for 1
that of a serpent made of water. minute.
Dagger. Melee attack+4 to hit 4(1d4+2) piercing
14 11 14 11 11 15 Demogorgon
The demon lord Is a meld of different forms, with a
Medium saurian lower body and clawed webbed feet, as
Armor Class: 10 (13 With mage armor) well as suckered tentacles sprouting from the
Hit points: 62 shoulders of a great apelike torso, surmounted
Speed: 30ft, Swim 310 ft. by two hideous simian heads One named
Equipment: Aameul and the other Hathradiah.


Damage Resistance. Fire, bludgeon, pierce and
slashing from non-magical. 29 14 26 20 17 25
Damage Immunities. poison, exhaust, grapple,
paralyzed, restrain, prone
Senses: Dark Vision 60ft. Large
Languages: - Armor Class: 22
Hit points: 496
Spell: Speed: 30ft,
Spellcasting – 5th level (Save DC 12, +4 to hit with Equipment:
Cantrip – chill touch, eldritch blast, mage hand Damage Resistance. Cold, fire and lightning.
1st – armor of agathys, expeditious retreat, hex Damage Immunities. Non-magical weapons,
2nd- invisibility charm, exhaustion and frightened
3rd – vampiric touch Special. Advantage on saving throws against
spells and spell attacks.
Attacks: Languages: Deep Speech, Abyssal,
Constrict – serpent form +4 to hit 9(2d6+2)
bludgeon damage. If medium or smaller, it is
grappled. (escape dc 12) Attacks:
Multiattack. The Demogorgon attacks twice with
Dagger – Elven Form - +4 to hit 4(1d4+2) piercing its tentacles.

Makira Tentacles. Melee attack +10 to hit, reach 10ft, hit

Small goblinoid creatures. Pirates and scavengers. 21(2d12+9) bludgeoning damage. Creature hit
Wearing armor of coconut shells must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or
HP maximum is lowered by the amount of damage
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA taken. A long rest restores this.
8 14 8 11 11 8 Automatically paralyzed for 1 minute.

Gaze. Target creature within 30 feet and within

eye sight must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving
Small throw. A failed save and the creature is stunned
Armor Class: 13 and suffers an insanity (See Dungeon Master
Hit points: 5 Guide Madness PG 258-260, using either Long-
Speed: 30ft, Term or Indefinite madness.)

Damage Vulnerability. Fire

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