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Additional Vestiges of Divergance (2.

Your movement speed increases by another 5 feet, to a
Dawning Tome total of 15 feet added to your movement speed
Wondrous Item, legendary (Requires Attunement by a When you score a critical hit on a creature with this
wizard) weapon, you may cast Hunter's Mark as a non-
Inscribed with the emblem of the Archheart, this blue and concentration spell on that creature at first level. You may
grey tome has long been a symbol of power amongst the only have one creature marked at a time. Once this ability
arcane community. The pages the book are blank, but when a has been used, it cannot be used again until you finish a
wizard attunes to this item, any spells they know are short or long rest.
automatically copied into the Dawning Tome. From then on, Exalted
the user may use the tome as their spell book.
While attuned to the Dawning Tome, you gain a +1 bonus When the user of this item exalts the Fang of the Wildmother,
to spell attack rolls and have advantage on Constitution apply the following effects:
saving throws to concentrate on spells. When you cast spells The bonus to attack and damage rolls becomes +3.
from the Dawning Tome, you may use a spells gold value Your movement speed increases by another 5 feet, to a
instead of the regularly required material components. total of 20 feet added to your movement speed
Your Hunter's mark ability is now cast at 3rd level, and can
Awakened now be used twice per short or long rest.
When the user awakens the Dawning Tome, apply the When you take the Dash action on your turn, difficult
following affects: terrain does not affect your movement speed
The bonus to spell attack rolls becomes +2. Helm of the Divine King
You may store up to 5 levels of spells in the Dawning
Tome to be cast at a later time. (Example: You may store Wondrous Item, Legenary (Requires Attunement)
one 1st level spell and a fourth level spells, or one 3rd Gifted from the Allhammer to one of the first dwarven
level spell and one 2nd level spell). kings, this simple bronze helm seems to shine with divine
The user of the Dawning Tome is always under the effects brilliance. While wearing this helm, you gain resistance to
of Mage Armor. psychic damage and have advantage on saving throws against
being charmed or frightened. Any attempt to read your mind
Exalted is negated.
When the user exalts the Dawning Tome, apply the following
affects: Awakened
The bonus to spell attack rolls become +3. When the user awakens the Helm of the Divine King, apply
You gain a +1 to your spell save DC. the following effects:
The amount of spell levels the Dawning Tome can hold You are immune to the charmed and frightened condition.
increases to 9. You can see all invisible creatures and objects within 20
Once per short or long rest, you may choose to have a feet of you.
spell that requires an attack roll to have advantage to hit While attuned to the helm, you may cast the Spirit
when you cast it, or you may have the target of a spell that Guardians (DC 15) spell at third level as a non-
requires a saving throw to have diadvantage on the saving concentration spell. Once you have used this ability you
throw may not do so again until you have completed a long rest.
Fang of the Wildmother Exalted
Weapon (Scimitar), Legendary (Requires Attunement) When the user exalts the Helm of the Divine King, apply the
This scimitar is the fang of a long-forgotten beast that was following effects:
ripped from it's jaw and set onto a bone white wooden You become immune to psychic damage.
handle. The Wildmother blessed this sword with the wrath You gain truesight of 20 feet.
and power of the wilderness to hunt down any prey the user Your Spirit Guardians ability is now cast at sixth level (DC
sets their eyes on. 17) and can now be used twice per long rest.
While attuned to this item, your movement speed increases
by 10 feet, and you gain +1 to attack and damage rolls with
this item.
When the user of this item awakens the Fang of the
Wildmother, apply the following effects:
The bonus to attack and damage rolls become +2.
This items has 7 charges, and regains 1 charge every time
Moonweaver's Needle you reduce a creature to zero hit points. You may cast the
Weapon (Rapier), Legendary (Requires Attunement) following spells at their base levels (DC 15) from
This silverey rapier is formed of a single, seemless piece of Oblivion's Anchor: Darkness (1 charge), Armor of Agathys
steel. Imbued with the light of the Moonweaver, this sheds (1 charge), Inflict Wounds (1 charge), Silence (1 charge),
dim light in a 10 foot radius. Attack and damage rolls with Animate Dead (2 charges), Blight (3 charges).
this weapon have a +1 bonus, and any attack with this Exalted
weapon deals an additional 1d6 radiant damage.
When the user exalts Oblivion's Anchor, apply the following
Awakened benefits:
When the user awakens the Moonweaver's Needle, apply the The damage creatures take when they hit you with a
following effects: melee attack becomes 2d6.
You gain immunity to necrotic damage
The bonus to attack and damage rolls become +2. This item's maximum charges becomes 10, and you may
The additional radiant damage dealt becomes 2d6. now cast the following spells from it: Circle of Death (5
The Moonweaver's Needle has 5 charges and regains charges), Create Undead (5 charges), Finger of Death (6
1d4+1 charges at dawn. You may cast the following spells charges)
by expending charges from Moonweaver's Needle: Blur (1 The DC of spells cast from Oblivion's Anchor becomes 17
charge), Silence (1 charge), Invisibility (1 charge), When you are reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed
Moonbeam (1 Charge) outright, you may have all creatures within 10 feet of you
You are always under the effects of Protection from Evil take 1d4 necrotic damage. Any damage dealt you regain
and Good against celestials, fiends, and undead. as hit points. Once this ability has been used, it cannot be
Exalted used again until you complete a long rest.
When the user exalts the Moonweaver's Needle, apply the Stormkeeper
following effects:
Wondrous Item, Legendary (Requires Attunement)
The bonus to attack and damage rolls becomes +3. Blessed by the Stormlord with the resilience of a
The additional radiant damage dealt becomes 3d6. hurricane, this silverey belt embues those who would rely on
The number of charges becomes 7, and you instead regain their own hardiness with the power to survive even the
1d6+1 charges at dawn. You gain these additional spells: strongest blows. The strength of the storms flows through
Aura of Life (3 charges) Greater Invisibility (3 charges), you, raising your Constitution score to 22.
Cure Wounds at 5th level (3 charges)
Your Protection from Evil and Good ability now extends to Awakened
aberritions, elementals, and fey, as well as celestials fiends When the user of this item awakens Stormkeeper, apply the
and undead. following effects:
Oblivion's Anchor Your Constitution score becomes 24.
Wondrous Item, Legendary (Requires Attunement) When you are struck by a melee weapon attack, you may
One of the few things binding the Chained Oblivion to the use your reaction to rebuke your attack and have them roll
inner planes, Oblivion's Anchor exudes an aura of darkness a Constitution saving throw (DC 15). On a failed save, they
and shadow. This item, while unattuned, resembles an iron take 3d8 thunder damage and are pushed back 10 feet.
rail spike with arcane runes etched along it's sides. In order On a successful save, they take half as much damage and
to attune this item, you must stab yourself through the chest are not pushed back. Once this ability has been used, it
with it. Once attuned, the item disappears into the user's cannot be used again until you complete a short or long
chest and can only be seen through divination spells such as rest.
detect magic. Exalted
While attuned to this item, you can see through both
natural and magical darkness. When a creature strikes you When the user of this item exalts Stormkeeper, apply the
with a melee attack, they take 1d6 necrotic damage as the following effects:
power of the Chained Oblivion escapes your body. You gain Your Constitution score becomes 26.
resistance to necrotic damage The saving throw to resist being pushed by your reaction
ability is now DC 17 and may be used twice per short or
Awakened long rest.
When the user awakens Oblivion's Anchor, apply the
following benefits:
The damage creatures take when they hit you with a
melee attack becomes 1d8.
Your maximum hit points cannot be reduced

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