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Dr. S. A. Qureshi Kh. Nadeem Aslam

U.E.T Pakistan KEL. Pakistan
Reduction in Energy losses (I*.R Losses ofconductors)
More efficient utilization of the power system, generators,
I’owcr Factor Improvement is one of the technique which helps in lines etc.
consenlation of electrical power alongwith number of other benefits. A Voltage improvement due to reduction in voltage drop.
number of different techniques can be used to improve the Power
Factor. Different techniques give good results for different types of
loads, but the techniques which is needed to improve Power Factor, for 3.0 ENERCON Project ReDort
the Power system such as Water and Power Development Authority
(WAPDA), Pakistan., with highly variable load condition is explained In one of the paper, Published in “The Electrical Engineering” joumal,
’ in this paper. The technique described in this paper is claimed as the however Factor improvement in industry (by Mr. Khalid Pervaiz), a
most efficient as the Power Factor Improvement Capacitor Banks are project launched by ENERCON is described in detail14]. According to
designed afler Computerized Energy Analysis on each load centre. the paper mentioned above, WERCON (National Energy
Conservation Centre) piloted the idea of energy conservation and
This presents practical studies, performed by KEL (Khawaja system capacity releases thorough power factor improvement of
Elecwonics P a . Ltd. Pakistan) who are the manufacturer of the FUJI industry in Pakistan.The estimate made by the ENERCON projected
Capacitor in Pakistan, WAPDA and ENERCON (Energy that power factor improvement at 2,400 industrial units had the
Conservation Department Govt. Of Pakistan), showing the benefits potential ofrelieving around 76 MW of system capacity.
achieved by power factor improvement of certain areas in power
system of WAPDA (Water and Power Development Authority of The idea being highly novel and given the fact that the average pay
Pakistan), are also demonstrated. back period of the amount invested is equipment and installation was
of the order of few months.
1.0 Introduction
Low power factor in a power system[’’ may be due to the following 4.0 WAPDA’s study on PFI Propram
Mercury Vapour Lamps or Lamps operated with chokes. According to WAPDA‘s study on the Lahore region, regarding the
Power and distribution Transformers. A complete unloaded improvement of power factor to 0.95, following are the findings.[*]
transformer is very inductive and has a very low power factor.
Induction motors, (Load and unload condition). Tariff KVA KVAR Investment Penalty Pa>able
Synchronous Motors (under-excited motors have low Power Saving Req. Charged Period
Factor) and etc.

‘llic adverse effects of low power factor are:

For given power to be supplied, the current is increased.

The current increased then in term causes increase in copper
losses (P,=12.R) and decrease the efficiency of both apparatus and
the supply system.
Generators, transformers, switches and transmission lines become
over loaded.
Voltage regulation of generators transformers and transmission
line increases. A similar tariff wise abstract for p o w r factor 0.95, for the region of
9 Cost of generation, transmission and distribution increase. Multan is as follows:[”

2.0 Merits of power factor improvement

Tariff KVA KVAR Investment Penalty Payable
The capacity of the generation transmission lines, transformer, cables Saving Req. Charged Period
feeders, distributors, breakers, relays, feeders etc. Is increased for the I I I I f (monrh)
high demand of power distribution at low power factor. The same can
B-2 I 161527 I 211752 I 63527100 I 8962835 I 7

be saved by improving the power factor.

B-3 I 45365 I 60779 18233700 I 1632199 I II

Power factor improvement provides economics as well as system

advantages and this can be divided into the following.

Power bill saving.

a) Reduction in MDI.
b) Elimination of L1’F Penalty.
c) Reduction K W H
Another study of tariff wise abstract for p.f. 0.95, for lhe region of This Energy Analyzer is capable of storing data such as, phase & linc
I.aisalabad is as follow.'21 cur~mt,phase and line voltage, phase and line loads, KVAR supply
and required to maintain certain fixed value of Power factor and ctc.
'Tariff K\'A KVAK Invrrt I'cnalty Payable
Saving Reqd. Charged Period ?lie conncctionr of the Analyzcr on thc transfomicr arc shown in fig. 1


From thcsc studies it is observed that a large amount of KVA saving

can be obtained by improvement of power factor by installing capacitor
in the power system. It is also observe that payback period, by
installing IT1 (Power Factor Improvement) plants, is as small as:

5-month for the arza of Faisalabad

8 month for h4ultan and Lahore.
Energy Analyzer
5.0 Methods of Power Factor Correction
Following are different methods of power factor improvement which
can be implemented according to the type of loa& such as constant Fig I One line diagram of tnnsformer and Energy Analymr connfcfions.
variable, domestics, industrial or commercial!'l
The energy analyzer should be connected to each transformer for at
a. Individual power factor correction least 24 hours, 2days in summer and 2-days in winter (One working
h. Group Power factor correction. day and one holiday).
C. Central power factor corrections.
Although it is very much laborious and time consuming practice,
C,: Fixed power factor regulation however the results obtained are helpful in designing precise automatic
C2: Automatic power factor regulation Power Factor Improvement capacitor plant.
C,: Mixed power factor correction.
In order to save times and labour the transformer rating with similar
M'hen we are talking about the power factor improvement of type of load can be grouped and results obtained from one or two of
distribution system of power supplying company (e.g. WAPDA) the such transformers (with same rating in KVA) in the power system.
best solution is to connect capacitor with each and every inductive Hence different transformers will have different size of PFI plants.
load, whether it is domestic, industrial or commercial (e.g. Fan. Khawaja Elecironics (Pvt.) Ltd. (KEL) has performed this type of
\Vashing machines, water pumps, motors tube wells and etc.). But this study. They first of all performed Energy Analysis on couple of
solution is not feasible as it require lot of effort and lot of funds, to be transformers at different locations. The power factor improvement
implemented. plant was the designed and benefit of power factor improvement were
The only possible solution is to improve power factor by the C2
method, i.e. Automatic Power Factor axredodregulation In he The circuit diagrams, showing connections of the Energy. Analyzer &
power system such as WAPDA it is quite uneconomical to install PFI capacitor banks with the transformer, is shown in Fig 2.
Automatic Power Factor connection capacitor banks on each and every
client's mains supply point. Transformer

IIence the next possible location of the power Factor connection is the
secondary side (L.T.Side) of the transformer. Automatic Power Factor
regulation is the most suitable solution of power factor correction of
highly variable loads (such as WAPDA's consumer).It is based on
capacitor bank divided in many group or units and controlled by
dectronic equipment, known as PFI regulator or relay.

llie PFI relay continuously monitors the load variation and switches
capacitor units on or off in order to keep the Power Factor at the
desired level. 'llic number of groups, which are called steps is to be
chosen according to the type of load and its variation. With an accurate
choicc in the value of the reactive power for each step, a precise Cos0
can bc achicved. In order to design accurate steps or banks of
capacitors regular monitoring of the load variation on each transfomier
of the Power system is required. This variation can be observed from
thc stored data aflcr regular intends, with the help of computerized Energy Analyzer
Iciicrgy Analyxr.

Fig 2. One linr d i i y n n i rhoulng cannrrtlonr for energ-j anllyzrr and !'PI Clpacilor
Ihoh niih the transformer.
6.0 Salient Features of the Power Factor INTIAL ANALYSIS (BEFORE THE PANEL)

Improvement Capacitor Banks P=999

I. IT1 Capacitor bank should be designed at least aRer 24 hours 1%
computerized energy Analysis on each location of installation.
The automatic Power Factor improvement capacitor bank should
be capable of controlling the rcquiremcnt of KVAKs to achievc
KVA = 11964
K w =999
--,>;-., gz. 19
Power Factor as close as unity.
3. It should be compact and eflicicnt. P=999 Q-2226
4. It should be protected against, ovcr voltage, over-current over-
temperature, switching surges and harmonics.
5. It should be protected according to 1EC standard IP 5 5 . i.e. for KVA = 102 3
outdoor applications. w =990
7.0 Practical Demonstration Showine the
Benefits of Power Factor Improvement
Fig3 is demonstrating the benefits of power factors improvement
before and after installation of PFI capacitor bank on the L.T. side of
transformer. Energy Analysis with the help of Energy Analyzer are %AGE RELENE IN CAPACITY (Kw) = 16 88%
performed at three different location in WAPDA power system. Then
from the resultldata obtained, an accurate. Power Factor Improvement Fig 5 Power tlnngler for Sll-2 (Shallmar Sub-Dlvlrlon Tariq Shdhecd Road) on
Capacitor Banks were designed for these three locations. Tnnsfarwr of ZOOKVA, before and after the power factor improvement)



KVA = 43 34
Kw = 35.0

P=350 Q=70

KVA = 35.86
Kw =35.0
% AGE KVA SAVING =17 25%

P = 35.0 Pl

Flg 3. Showing supply of KVAR before and after the paver factor ImprovrmenP'

Fig.4, Flg.5 and Fig.6 are showing the results of the practical %AGE RELENE IN CAPACWf (KW) = 20 85%
demonstration of KEL performed at three different location in the
WAPDA power system, in the Shalimar Grid Station area. Flg 6 Pomr k g k s for S l t d (Sbllmrr Sub-Dlvlrlon Sohlwrdl Street, hllan TaJDln
Road) on Tnnsfonner d l W K V A . k f w e and after (he power factor Improvement)


8.0 Discussion
P = 12.05
This paper presents three different studies performed to determine the
investment and the resultant energy conservation because of the
improvement of the system power factor to 0.95. The earlier studies
Kw =I205 conducted by ENERCON and WAPDA are theoretical studies whereas
the one carried out by KEL is a practical study in which an Energy
P = 12.05 o=oss Analyzer has been used to take measurements on a representative
distribution transformer. The three studies, which complement each
other establish the fact that large amount of energy can be conserved by
KVA = 12.06 the P.F. improvement KEL however propose the installation of
KW =12.05 automatic switched capacitor on each dislribution transformer. This is
% AGEKVASAVHG=18.9% expensive indeed but has the following advantages.

1. Power factor improvement would release the capacity of the

P = 12.05 distribution transformer that can not be achieved by the
installation of capacitor on H.T. side.
2. Connection of the capacitor to the system can be ensured as it has
%GE RELEWE N CAPACTTy(Kw) = 23 3% been observed that the capacitor installed on the consumer
premises remain disconnected most of the time.
t 1E 4 P o w tlnngles fer Sital (Shallmar Sub-Divlrion Narccr Abad) on Tnnsformn
or IOOKVA. before and after the power factor Improvcmcnt)
3. As only the required amount of reactive powcr is provided by Therefore, it is concluded that efficient power factor improvement can
capacitors, the problem of over voltage under condition of low be achieved by proper designing of PFI capacitor bank with the hclp of
load is avoided. energy Analyzer and energy can be conscrved by power factor
improvement by this technique
9.0 Conclusion
Power Factor iniprovemcnt prograni can only be efficient if the power
factor improvement capacity banks are designed accurately and located 1. “Cosa”, Calculation of reactive power needed for the Pon-er
at an appropriate location. Factor of given system. A precise catalogue, publishcd by
Khawaja Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Manufacturers of FUJI Capacitors
The Power Factor improvement of a Power system from a power factor in Lahore, Pakistan, 1994.
of 0.8 to 0.99 relieved the capacity as much as 23.3% (in K\V) and 2. A Report prepared by AEB, WAPDA for different cities. ‘To
18.9% (In KVA) based on study performed on WAF’DA system. Improve Power Factor upto 0.9Y,1991.
3. “Power Factor Improvement in Industty”, by Khalid P e r m
I’oxver factor improvement hence results in the following benefits Associate Jafii and Associates, Published in “The Electrical
Engineer”, Vo1.1No.2-12 Sspt.92 - July 93.
1. Capacity Relieve. 4. “Energy Conservation by Power Factor improvement in
2. Reduction in Energy losses of transformer. Pakistan”, by Dr. Sohail A Qureshi. University of Engineering
3. Reduction in Energy loss of transmission line. and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. Published in “The Electrical
4. More efficient utilization of power system generators, cables, Engineer”, Vol. XXIV, April -.December 1993.
lines and other switch gear.

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