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Name : Maria Stephanie Olivia Jawa

Class : English Reading&Writing (A)

T.S : Diplomacy is one of the effective solutions for Russia-Ukranian war.

Q : 1.What is Russian-Ukranian war?

The Russo-Ukrainian War was a continuous war between Russia (along with pro-Russian
separatist forces) and Ukraine. The conflict began in February 2014 after the “Dignity of Ukraine”
revolution and was initially focused on Crimea and parts of Donbas, which were internationally
recognized as part of Ukraine. The first eight years of the conflict included Russia’s annexation of
Crimea in 2014 and the Donbas war between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists, as well as
incidents at sea, cyber warfare, and political tensions. After strengthening the Russian military on the
Russia-Ukraine border since late 2021, the conflict escalated significantly as Russia launched a
massive invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022.

2. What are the posible solutions to stop the war?

The posible solution to stop the war could be done with three medium-term diplomatic aspects,
which had to be agreed in resolving the conflict. First, lower the tension and ceasefire immediately.
Second, it gives President Putin the opportunity to describe any deal as a victory for him. Third, any
agreement produced must be credible, useful, and jointly guaranteed by Moscow and Washington. In
addition, the way in which war disputes are settled can be done through negotiations, fact-finding,
mediation, conciliation, arbitration, and settlement by law through a regional body or arrangement, or
any other peaceful means chosen by the parties.

3. What is the effective way to stop the war?

The effective ways to stop war are:
• Fully support the establishment of an international criminal court
This was done so that state leaders could be tried for grave war crimes after the end of
hostilities. All leaders who commit heinous crimes must be prosecuted under international law, as they
did in Nuremberg, and must admit it from the beginning.

• Approving elected officials who promote or support illegal preventive warfare

It is the duty of citizens in democracies to control their leaders who threaten to commit crimes
under international law, and impeachment is an important way to achieve this control.

• Weapons on fire
This action can be carried out in front of other countries or the United Nations, in which case after
signing the agreement, it is hoped that the parties to the conflict actually carry out the contents of the
agreement. A ceasefire could gradually restore relations between the fighting states, until peace
between the states was reached. Unfortunately, ceasefire agreements often do not include sanctions if
anyone violates them, so the war could potentially recur.

• Negotiation
Among the conflicting parties, negotiations may be needed, where representatives from each party
meet to discuss the middle ground to end the conflict. In the negotiations, it is hoped that the parties
will be able to think with a cool head and find the right solution and discuss the problem carefully so
that the problem can be resolved gently. A third party must also participate in this activity as a
mediator, for negotiations to proceed smoothly. Appreciate other countries' cultures

• Respecting other countries' cultures

We respect each other, we always try not to insult or marginalize certain cultures, because for us
foreign cultures it is actually local wisdom that must be preserved. Respect for each other prevents
war because both sides feel there is nothing to argue about and conflict can be avoided.

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