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SOC 203

Winter, 2022
Assigned Reading #1
January 7

A. Textbook Readings

No textbook readings this week

B. Article Readings
Retrieve the following report from the online library:

Briggs, A. & Lee, C.R. (2012). Poverty Costs, An Economic Case for a Preventative
Poverty Reduction Strategy in Alberta. Calgary: Vibrant Communities Calgary and
Action to End Poverty in Alberta.

Locating Article: Enter the article title (Poverty Costs, An Economic Case for a Preventative
Poverty Reduction Strategy in Alberta) in search bar of the online library.

Answer the following questions:

1. The authors of this report contend that poverty is a systemic issue. What does this
mean? (12-13)
Poverty persists regardless of individual behaviors, attitudes, and choices. We have created
systems that perpetuate poverty and hence allow poverty to persist. Addressing individual
circumstances is critical in terms of poverty alleviation but does little to address prevention. The
individual approach alone is neither sustainable nor effective in poverty reduction.
2. The authors differentiate between poverty alleviation and poverty prevention
strategies. Explain. (13-14)
Alleviation: Poverty alleviation strategies aim to enable individuals to meet their most basic
needs (such as food, shelter, clothing), Which may provide a safety net, but do not provide a
springboard to move individuals and families out of poverty. Alleviation efforts can
unintentionally trap people in poverty. Examples include measures such as food banks and

SOC 203- Assigned Reading #1 January 7, 2022

shelters, current manifestations of income supplementation programs (Administered as
emergency measures)

Prevention: Poverty prevention strategies aim to help individuals and families move out of
poverty, and in the long run, prevent them from falling into poverty in the first place. Examples
include enabling people to maintain assets while receiving social assistance (can avoid getting
trapped in a cycle of poverty if provided with opportunities to build and maintain assets). Is also
achieved through a full complement of comprehensive services and programs that address the
complex and interlocking causes and effects of poverty.

Both are an important part of a long-term poverty reduction strategy. Limited support
ultimately results in the perpetual need for costly programs.

3. Discuss the costs of poverty attributable to crime. Why is low literacy correlated with
poverty? (26-27)
Living in poverty can make people vulnerable as victims of crime as well as acceptable to
engaging in criminal activities. No evidence to correlate poverty as a causal factor of crime,
maybe indirect causes.
Inadequate schooling for children with learning disabilities, has been established that there is a
strong association between school failure and the likelihood of becoming a repeat offender.
also evidence of poverty causing crime through “criminalization” of poverty, where in laws and
bylaws discriminate against those living in poverty.
By laws that penalize people for sleeping on park benches, urinating in public, or free
riding on public transit can result in people being incarcerated for not having a home.
A vicious cycle can result, where in the criminal records of homeless individuals
can affect the right to stay in shelters, causing them to sleep “rough”, which can
lead to more fines.
Experience of incarceration as replicating the negative life experiences of the women in
jail due to poverty based crimes, failing to empower them with opportunities to improve
their lives once released, thereby reinforcing the relationship between poverty and
Poor literacy is a reasonable predictor of involvement in crime. Why?
May prevent individuals from securing higher pain, stable jobs
may prevent them from finding employment at all
it can lead to significant social exclusion

SOC 203- Assigned Reading #1 January 7, 2022

Link between lack of education and poverty is diminished if other services such as affordable
childcare and adequate income are more readily accessible thereby demonstrating the multi-
variate nature of property

SOC 203- Assigned Reading #1 January 7, 2022

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