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WHY is it
important to
learn Explaining
Career Goals?
It helps you build a professional image
It helps you create a good first impression
WHAT will you
learn today?
1 Patterns and Examples

2 Conversation

My career goals are to [verb 1] ... and to [verb 1] ...

I think I can achieve these goals if [subject] + [verb 1] ...

Verb 1 adalah bentuk kata kerja pertama atau present. Kata kerja ini adalah kata kerja bentuk asal
(infinitive) yang biasa digunakan dalam kalimat simple present tense. Contoh: sleep, work, go, study.
Subject adalah orang atau sesuatu yang menjadi topik pembicaraan dalam kalimat. Subject
biasanya berbentuk pronoun yaitu: I, You, We, They, He, She, It.
"My career goals are to become the CFO of a company and to be
known in the industry as a creative thinker. I think I can achieve
these goals if I work hard every day and continuously try to find
new and innovative ways of doing business."
"Tujuan karir saya adalah menjadi CFO sebuah perusahaan dan dikenal di industri sebagai pemikir
kreatif. Saya pikir saya dapat mencapai tujuan ini jika saya bekerja keras setiap hari dan terus-
menerus mencoba menemukan cara baru dan inovatif dalam berbisnis."

I have one main career goal. It is to [verb 1] ...

To [verb 1] ... is my number one career goal. I am
confident that I can achieve this goal by
I have one main career goal. It is to be the lead designer of a
clothing line for young women.
"Saya memiliki satu tujuan karir utama. Saya akan menjadi desainer utama dari lini pakaian untuk
wanita muda."

Being a Marketing Manager for a major company is my number one career goal. I
am confident that I can achieve this goal by learning as much as I can from
experienced people and trying my best to improve each day.

"Menjadi Manajer Pemasaran untuk sebuah perusahaan besar adalah tujuan karir nomor satu saya.
Saya yakin bahwa saya dapat mencapai tujuan ini dengan belajar sebanyak mungkin dari orang-
orang yang berpengalaman dan mencoba yang terbaik untuk meningkatkan diri setiap hari."

My career goal is to become a

What are your regional general manager in the
career goals? foodservice industry. I know that
this goal is ambitious, but I believe
that I have the skills and drive to
achieve this goal.

I do my best every day and I always

So, what are you try to get better. In order to achieve
doing to achieve my career goal, I set other short-
this goal?
term goals to help me improve and
keep me motivated.
I am currently the manager at a
family restaurant and I have two
What are your goals for this year. First, I want to
short-term goals? increase our customer’s
satisfaction by providing better
service. Second, I want to find ways
to cut costs without lowering the
quality of our food.
Learn More
If you want to learn more about this course, you may
check on the following sites:
Did you know other words
related to ‘goal’?
We often use the word ‘target’ as a synonym of
‘goal’ to avoid too much repetition in longer texts.
‘Aim’ is also a similar word to ‘goal’ however, it is
often less specific and used for more general things
we would like to achieve in business. People often
use the word ‘vision’ to talk about their ideal
situation in their career or for their business.

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