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The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency published the Hurricane Evacuation Shelter

Planning and Operations Guidelines (2017), provide guidance and instructions for effectively
planning and operating evacuation shelters during hurricanes. It covers various aspects such as
shelter selection, capacity estimation, staffing, supplies, security, and communication. The
guidelines aim to ensure the safety and well-being of evacuees by providing a comprehensive
framework for shelter management before, during, and after a hurricane event.

The document outlines criteria for selecting suitable shelter locations, considering
factors such as proximity to hazard zones, accessibility, structural integrity, and availability of
necessary utilities. It provides methods for estimating each shelter’s capacity, considering space
requirements per person and the availability of different types of shelters (e.g., general
population, special needs, pet-friendly). The guidelines emphasize the importance of having
trained and sufficient staff at shelters, including shelter managers, security personnel, medical
personnel, and volunteers. It covers their roles, responsibilities, and necessary training. It
provides recommendations for stockpiling essential shelter supplies and resources, including
food, water, bedding, hygiene items, medical equipment, and communication systems. It
emphasizes the need for regular inventory checks and restocking.

The document outlines measures to ensure the safety and security of shelter occupants,
including establishing access control procedures, implementing emergency response plans, and
conducting regular drills and exercises. The guidelines emphasize the importance of establishing
effective communication systems among shelter staff, local authorities, and the public. It covers
communication protocols, information dissemination, and coordination with emergency
management agencies. The document provides considerations for accommodating individuals
with special needs, including those with disabilities, medical conditions, and language barriers. It
addresses the provision of accessible facilities, specialized equipment, and necessary support
services. The guidelines cover the processes and procedures for evacuating individuals to
shelters, including transportation arrangements and registration procedures. It also provides
guidance on post-evacuation activities, such as recovery efforts, shelter closure, and
transitioning occupants back to their homes or alternative accommodations.

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