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My hometown

This is my hometown of Aracataca, which has undergone many changes, among which we found
the change from five years ago, which was just the entrance from the highway, and now that we
have a mural that says I love Aracataca Macondo.

1. This is the central park of the town, which used to be deteriorated and only had benches and a
small square in the middle, and the current one is more organized, it has chairs, it is wider, and it
has the central Catholic church in the middle. that leaves you appreciate a great view.

2. Here we see the ditch in which five years ago it was deteriorated and with little visibility for
distraction and now it has murals around the ditch, slides and spaces to put up food or
refreshment sales.

3. Then we come across the house-museum where we can see that before it wasn't so organized
and a bit old, whereas now it is well painted, organized and above all it has different murals with
messages alluding to Gabo.

4. We also have the telegraph operator's house, which is in charge of the national postal
administration, as we can see before, it was a bit old and discolored, while currently we have a
well-organized one with all the implements that remained from antiquity and it is a tourist place .

5. Finally we find the train station where you can see five years ago they had little organization and
it was just a signal that this was the station, now it currently has a cafeteria for tourists and the
people of the town and its color was changed drawing everyone's attention.

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